A/N: So this first chapter is based on a dream I had.... Yeah, I woke up crying. and then when I went back to bed, I dreamnt another part of the story that will come in later.
Jason Gray walked into his house, whistling. He hung the keys up, and leaned down to scratch his dog, Bear. He froze when he heard a bullet ring out. He turned around.
Someone was standing behind him with a gun. The person pointed it right at him "You should have known that I was only in it for your cash. and now that I've got it- I can dispose of you"
The person pointed the gun right at Jason's stomach and shot it three times. Jason fell to the ground, groaning as the person ran out. He let out an anguished shout.
Erica Nuil looked up from her drawing as she heard the bullets and her best friend's anguish. She threw her pencil down, and ran next door.
She gasped. Jason was laying on the floor, his stomach a blood fountain. She let out a scream and reached for the phone and dialed 911 "Hello, yes, I've got a man here, he's been, uh- shot in the stomach from the looks of it. Help please. Help!" she said.
"Calm Down. What's the address?"
"22320 Morelock Way" Erica said, trying to comfort Jason "Please, hurry, It's Jason Gray" she said as Jason began thrashing around.
The dispatcher hung up and Erica began attempting to calm Jason "Shhhhhhhh. Jas, it's okay, I've got help on the way" she said as she dialed Jason's parents number
The phone in the Grey Household rang. A mad dash that involved Frankie bitting Nate, Nate yanking out a handful of Shane's hair and Shane grabbing the phone ensued.
"D.J Danga on the phone in the Grey Hizzle!" Shane said, having looked at the Caller I.D and knowing it was either Jason or Jason's wife Corrine.
Or he thought it was. Instead, Erica Nuil's voice came over the line "Shane, not the time. Jason's been shot in the stomach. Tell your parents, please."
The phone clattered as it hit the floor and Joe began crying. Frankie stared at his brother, who was on the floor. Nate picked up the phone "Hello? Oh my god, Erica, that's awful. Yes, I'll tell them." he said, and then hung up, tears coming to his own eyes.
Frankie looked at Nate expectantly "Well?"
"Jason- Jason died about two seconds ago" Nate had to force the words out. "He's gone."
A/N: Don't kill me! Please, I have 6 babies on the way! and that means you, Nobody.