Secretary of the Month
Aido bursted in through the Kuran mansion's front doors, almost breaking it off its hinges.
Cold air drifted past him and into the house. He panted, determined. The maids were startled by his entrance, but he didn't care. He only busted in to the grand hall again, fire-flying and smoke and skid marks trailing behind him, but then stopped dead when he saw the two Kurans eating breakfast quite languidly.
What a messed up meeting this was. Well, that was a waste of a kick-ass entrance.
Aido began quite awkwardly, felt quite awkwardly, but almost shouted at them in his hurry.
"My car's fuckin' hot!" He tried to explain his situation, and then stopped at his choice of words.
Wait, no.
"I am so sorry for being late. There was traffic, and the police pulled me over for speeding, so I had to like run away to lose it and stuff. And there was this brown-eyed-little-witch--"
He paused; his eyes narrowed just thinking about her. "--who damnhard just appears next to my bed and wakes me up. I swear to Peter that I even saw her carryin' a broom—"
Kaname ignored him and continued to sip his blood tablet like he had a straw. But that wouldn't be very cool of him, so let's also ignore that.
It was bad enough that this idiot showed up here early, and now he had to tolerate 2 hours of Aido-Hanabusa-all-day-can't-change-the-fucking-channel-so-what-the-hell-did-I-pay-my-TV-cable-for-then-?-. It was just a matter of time before the pureblood had heard enough of his voice.
"Shut up, Aido." Kaname tried to put in nicely. "It hasn't started yet."
"What?" the blonde looked confused, his brows pulling over his eyes. "But the time--"
"We're still eating breakfast, Aido-sempai," Yuuki deadpanned, chuckling a little. "In fact, Oniisan just woke up."
"Yuuki." Kaname set eyes at her.
She smiled, shrugged. "I'm just telling the truth."
"Waitwaitwait," Aido cut in quite rudely, then managed to say sorry afterwards. "So that means..." he trailed off, puzzling it over.
"You're early," they both said, and Yuuki even held up 2 fingers to explain that he was two, check it, two hours early.
Aido blinked. Early. God, that word sounded so honorable. He hadn't even been early since the sun had seemed to set higher. He could never forget the date: it was a Tuesday. And from that day on, he couldn't ever bring himself up to get out of bed.
Wow. There were so many people he had to thank.
His car, that little flash-bastard. His gardener, the traffic lights, his cell... but the thought of him practically kicking down the doors' of the Kuran mansion like it was a robbery killed the enormous happy feeling and left him a dent on his car, and a bruise on his pride.
Somehow all these faults directed back to the brown-eyed-little-girlwitch.
Aido scowled, excusing himself from the two purebloods eating breakfast. It was her fault that he bursted in on them like this. Even if she got him up 2 hours early and had miraculously sent him on his way fully dressed and aware, it was still her fault. He mulled the thought of calling her and raising hell.
His fingers slipped through his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, ready to dial the numbers.
You really ought to thank her, else you're ass would've been late.
The blond sighed, frustrated at his conscience, the words now circling in his head. Unable to escape, stuck. And the thought seemed pleasant: seemed right.
He hesitated at the numbers. Why the hell was he hesitating? Oh, what the fuck. He wasn't a total and utter asshole.
Aido grumbled after he dialed his house, then placed the phone next to his ear.
"Um. Hello, Sayori Wakaba speaking?" he heard the vaguely familiar feminine voice, and he was about to speak too when he almost dropped his phone instead.
Ichijou, his fellow blond, appeared at the doorway, beaming at him.
"Hello?" Sayori's voice came again, puzzled this time.
Aido suddenly snapped. "Err... yeah, I'm here."
"Oh. Is that you, sir?"
"Well, um. How's the meeting going?"
He restrained himself from shouting over at her. How's the meeting going? How's the meeting going? The fucking thing hasn't even started yet! You woke me up 2 hours early, dumbass!
"Its fine," he grumbled into his phone, grinding his teeth.
Say thank you. His conscience reminded him.
Aido snarled. No.
Say thank you. It persisted.
Say it.
NO! Can't you fuckin--
Say it RIGHT now, bitch.
"Thanks," he quickly muttered into the phone, like he just threw the words up.
"Omg. The world has ended."
Aido tore away his gaze from the floor, tense and awkward, and towards Ichijou. He snarled. "Shut up."
The other line was silent. The blue-eyed man just hoped that the girl got it, coz there was no way in hell he was saying it again.
The line cracked, and he felt her smiling small on the other end as she always did, suddenly grasping the picture. "It's no problem, sir."
Aido scowled. He was waiting for a "your welcome". What the hell kind of response was it's no problem? Drinking water was no problem. Breathing was no problem. That bitch didn't deserve a thank you.
You didn't say "thank you," either. You said "thanks".
Shut up, conscience. Aido gritted his teeth.
Ichijou beamed at him once again. "Awww, isn't that sweet. Is that your mom?"
"Girlfriend, then?"
"OMG, Aido. I didn't know you already had a daughter--"
"Ichijou-san, please shut up. It's my secretary."
"You say thank-you to your secretary?"
"Why does it matter?" the blue-eyed man's eyebrows furrowed, and he held his phone tightly, ready to snap.
Ichijou just pouted at his body language, then shrugged his shoulders carelessly. "Go-lly, I'm just saying. You don't even say hi to me when I walk past the friggin' door."
"Hi." Aido gritted out.
"That's much better."
"Yeah?" Aido voices aggressively. This was all her fault, all her fault. Then he remembered that she was still on the line, and suddenly smiles, frightening Ichijou.
Yori's eyebrow creased as she heard what her employer wanted her to do.
"But, sir, I can't drive."
"Oh, they won't find out."
"That's not what I mean-- I meant, I literally can't drive. I don't have a driver's license."
"It's just picking up a car. The parking service in those fancy restaurants, you know, the little boy that parks your car for you-- they probably don't have driver's licenses either."
"But I really don't think its right for me do that—"
"Relax, umm.... what's your name again?"
"Sayori Wakaba."
"— right. Sayori. Relaaaax. I mean, seriously. A person like you can't screw up that bad."
That's right. A person like her can't screw up that bad. She accidentally hangs up the phone before realizing that she shouldn't have, but then thought that it'd be more stupid of her to call him back, say sorry, and then have him hang up on her.
The words swarmed her head though, and she was actually rather amused than threatened. Because it was definitely a threat, rather than how he viewed her.
You can't screw up.
He must've been really angry when she woke him up.
Her eyes overlook the key hook and she waits for her brown iris to spot the one on the furthest right. Ferrari, Saleen, Ducati, MV Agusta, Mercedes Benz...
Oh shit, she was driving a Mercedes.
Yori hoped it was one of them SUV's.
Her fingers didn't shake as she grabbed the key and pocketed it in her jacket. Her boss was only waiting for her chance to screw up, and she wouldn't. She was better than that. It sounded a little prideful, but she'd take the challenge and prove it to him.
She called the taxi, being highly aware of the way he pulled the sticks and gears (Yori felt suddenly stupid, partly because the driver was giving her looks and she was being so conscious) and it pulled up over a tall, glistening building. She supposed that it was an office, and it was where he worked at. Or a client's office.
Her eyes suddenly fell at a sparkly black car, sitting so lonely and out of the crowd, prominent from all the Hondas and the Toyatas littering the parking lot. Yori suddenly felt bad for it, even more so because she'd be the one driving it.
The young woman quickly walked through the traffic crossing and to the parking space, having to stop and pay a man in a security outfit 5 bucks to fully get inside. Or outside.
She reached the car, stopping momentarily in front of it. She didn't have any comments as she puzzled over the little mechanic keychain and pressed the right button.
The car's doors lifted vertically, making her jump. Bystanders stared at her, stared at the car, and then stared at her again.
She didn't look like she knew how to work the thing, and she didn't. So why was she?
Yori sat inside the car awkwardly and was about to shut the door but it was way up. She pressed the button on the keychain again and it started whirring mechanically, closing, making her feel claustrophobic and like a style that was so 2 minutes ago.
She stared at the futuristic device.
What... was she supposed to do now?
"We're getting married," Yuuki announces with a simple smile. She doesn't shout it out over the balcony anymore, the world. Kaname also smiles. His eyes, not his lips. She's grown up.
Meanwhile, Aido chocked on his wine when the sentence came out of the younger pureblood's lips. It was like seeing a silent movie, watching their mouths move before suddenly, it dawned on you.
His own mouth was about to move as well, but his cousin shot him a look, shaking his head. The woman beside the fiery-haired young man sank into her chair, leaning on it with her lips pressing thin.
Purebloods marrying meant tension. Envy. The most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes were taken, and now this would mean the time to find the next privileged name that would ensure the family ties safely. Alliances. Power. Greed. The clocks had started circling, chiming. There was no more Vampire Council, but there still needed to be order. Discipline. Politics. Corruption.
Though Ichijou stood up and waved the heavy tension away like it was nothing. "Don't mind them, Kaname." he beamed. "When is it?"
"June 9th."
"Oh, the month of weddings, how perfect." Ichijou's smile widened, cracked, and then seemed to shine even brighter. Aido could tell that he didn't want to marry at the young age of a few centuries and a half.
(He didn't either. And he was only, like, what? Some decades old?)
Several of the younger vampires' faces were still uneasy. They dared glance at the 2 purebloods' expressions, before quickly looking down.
The Nobles were silent, couldn't say anything, had to hold their tongue. If their lord was happy, then that was the utmost important.
It was time to say goodbye to the Bachelor life, anyway. Soon enough, it would be their turn to take vows. The Vampire Council would be set up sooner or later at any rate, and those who already knew they'd be there exchanged secretive glances.
Aido swallowed. The clocks tolled inside his head. Tick, tock, tick, tock. It was their pleasure to make the purebloods' happy. He honestly didn't know why he felt a little restless.
Think daredevil, think daredevil.
It was Akatsuki who beat him to it, giving off a lazy grin while raising his glass slightly. "To the bride and groom,"
Aido gave his cousin an alarmed look, before grinning in relief. Oh, God, thank you. "How rude of Akatsuki. To Supreme-- err, Kaname-sama and Yuuki-sama."
And the rest followed, smiling classically. He downed the whole glass.
Hell, they would do this with style.
(It was all her fault, all her fault.)
She hesitantly pulled the gearshift to the letter "D", like how the taxi driver did it, only the stick here was way more complicated. It slipped through the little segments like glass, as if one turn would make it shift into park, or reverse.
And it was so annoying, how the stick seemed to be in a little maze of its own. She had to keep looking down to make sure it was on the right spot.
Yori huffed, and moved the stray hair that fell in front of her face. She pressed the gas pedal lightly, trying to ease it out of the parking space, but to no avail.
She pressed it again, harder this time. The car wouldn't go. What, was it stuck?
The brown-eyed woman gritted her teeth, about to stomp the living shit out of the pedal when she noticed a little doohickey sticking out beneath the steering wheel.
Her brows raised and she flexed her fingers around the knob carefully, experimenting. Now a little confident, she tightened her hold, twisted it, and pushed it in, pressing her foot to the pedal.
The engine revved to life with a frightening growl, telling her to "bring the fucking it". Yori's eyes widened, suddenly realizing her mistake.
Her head lurched backwards, and her body knocked against her seat, as if sinking in the leather. The air whooshed out of her lungs, and with a fast "vaa--rooom!" the Mercedes lunged forwards like a bitchy roller coaster.
People on the road swerved as the glittering car rampaged out of the parking lot, going fast as 85 miles an hour, then stopping, and then speeding again like it was nobody's business.
Yori felt sick, feeling as if her stomach's contents were swimming in her kidney. Please make it stop, please make it stop. Her mind goaded out.
Her foot tried to hit the brake frantically, but it just kept on getting to the gas pedal, jerking the car more, more, and more.
It was a mistake to do this. Why had he even asked her to drive when she told him that she didn't even know how to? Ridiculous.
The car prowled forwards as she accidentally pressed the gas with more force, the pedal going all the way down to the floor. Her teeth clenched against the speed, and her brown eyes widened as she saw a fast-approaching SUV.
Frightened hands immediately tightened around the wheel, wounding it round and round and making for the break just before she crashed into an oncoming street light. Her body jerked from the car seat at the repercussion, then allowed her to shrink back into the leather.
Yori panted ruggedly, her heart beating fast like a drummer. BANG! BANG! BOOM! CRASH!
It was hard to collect your thoughts when you've just realized that you could've almost died, she noticed morbidly. The young woman sighed, finally melting tiredly into the cold, leather seat. It felt like she just jumped out of her skin, an out of body experience that was absolutely horrible. She'll walk home today.
It started raining, and Yori would only close her eyes for a minute.
Someone tapped the Mercedes' window.
Yori opened her eyes, realizing that she'd probably been sleeping for some time. Her neck hurt.
"What time is it?" was what she first said when she pushed a switched and the window came whirring down.
The man had a stubble and an umbrella to keep him off the rain. He gave her a puzzled expression, before looking down at his watch.
"Oh," she muttered smarty. Her head ached. "AM or PM?"
"It's getting dark,"
"Is it?" Yori couldn't really tell by the tinted windshield.
"Yeah. Listen," he began, scratching his throat absentmindedly. "Yeah, you've been parked at a tow-away zone for some hours now. I'm afraid Ima have to... well, tow you away."
The woman sighed, not really caring anymore. "That's fine."
She opened the door to her boss' apartment home, finding it amusing that the door was never locked but it was never robbed.
She put her bag down, and hung her scarf and her coat at the coat rack before walking over to the computer table and flopping down, resuming her work diligently.
Her eyes were tired. Yori just realized that she'd been sighing a lot today.
Aido twisted the doorknob open, his eyebrows suddenly pulling over his eyes.
What the hell? Was it locked?
He wriggled the doorknob again, jerking it angrily.
Who locked their doors, anyway? Wait, stupid question.
Aido scowled, patting his pants and searching for his keys in his pockets, then plugged it inside the keyhole.
The door finally opened and he paused mid-entrance into the room, blinking at the sole light in the apartment.
He placed his keys at the table, removing his coat and tie and just throwing it at a nearby chair before walking over to the computer screen.
Aido found it annoying that the little paperclip winked at him and asked him if he needed help, so he shut the monitor off. The noble's eyes stared at Sayori, who'd fallen asleep in the middle of her work, her hand still at the mouse. Tsk, tsk.
He sighed, irritated, then bent down to pick her up. Her head bobbled over his arm ungracefully, and he grimaced, shifting her weight in his arms so it didn't look like he was carrying a dead girl.
He positioned her on the sofa and went to his closet to retrieve a blanket, since it got seriously cold in here at night, spreading it over her body as if it were swallowing her.
It didn't take a conscience to be raised as a gentleman.
You're phone's ringing, dolt.
You're just pissed.
What the fuck-ever man, just answer it.
"What do you want?"
"Uh, is this Aido-san's house?"
"Yes, what do you want?"
"Uhh... did you know that a woman named Sayori Wakaba-san was driving your car, Mister—?"
"I'm aware of that. I asked her to pick it up."
"Oh, so that's it."
"What? You thought she stole it?"
"No, but your car's engine is dead, and it has a flat tire. You need to pick it up on Monday."
"Monday? Who is this?"
"Um. Riley, from the towing company."
"Towed? It got towed!?" he almost shouted, before glancing back at Sayori and gritting his teeth. Relax, Aido. It's just a Mercedes. Almost every above average middleclass family owns one.
"Yeah. Is she there?"
"Can I speak to her?
"No, she's sleeping right now."
"... oh. Oh. OH. Well, uh, sorry to disturb you--"
"No, that's not what I meant--"
"This is awkward right now, runnin' into you guys like that--"
"Listen, dumbass. That's not what I meant--"
"Um. Sorry again." Click.
"I'm not even fucking tired yet—! Oh, the hell with it." Aido scowled, his eyes straying back at his secretary, glaring daggers at her.
Thanks for the recommendation, Akatsuki.
He breathed in a sarcastic tone.
Well, um. Sorry for the really really really really late update guys. C: Hope you can forgive me? I didn't really think that this story would have reviews, so I didn't really prepare... hehe.
Woah, Yori fell asleep! And Aido, the asshole that he is, took care of her! And Yuuki and Kaname are getting married! Just think, what has THAT got to do with the story line? You really think they'll get married!? WOW. And how is that connected with Aidori!? That has got to be something, right? And Riley thought that they were... well, you know.
I hope you'll alert and review for that. Coz that kicked ass. Oh, come on. The chapter's not half bad, right? Amirite? Okay, no? Well, here's something for the next chapter: sexual harassment! Why? Review to find out!
So, just click that little box in the bottom after you read this, 'kay? Because you're really really interested, and this story rocks. It'll be worth it. Probably. No, just kidding! Like, seriously.