Disclaimer: I do not own Sons of Anarchy at all! Kurt Sutter is the owner and is God in my eyes for creating such an amazing show. I only own Lizbeth and her mother. As well as the AU for this story.

I am not done with this story whatsoever!

I'm just currently going through it and editting each chapter because I didn't realize how jacked up my writing was at first,

when I first started out with it.

And I know that Unser is a good guy but, I'm just making him a little mean to start off and it will all change after a while. Or at least after I post the latest chapter. Just wait a little while longer please!

Life has been a little crazy because I'm doing some acting gigs and it's the end of my first year of College! Wahoo!

Cannot wait for the summer and for the latest season of SOA!

I swear that I shall post a few chapters before the season primere! And once again to remind everyone, I'm going to muttle through the second season on here because it didn't really appeal to me that much. But, the third season did!

Expect some more tension between Tara and Lizzie!

Do enjoy the new chapters as I update them! Though I've only done two so far but, I shall be doing two or three more after this!

Keep the look out, please my loyal readers!

Thank you for the reviews as well! I love you all so much!