(A/N: Okay I know it's been mouths since the last time I was on, but I have a good reason for that. MY FREAKIN COMPUTER CRASHED! Literally, nothing was working the screen wouldn't come on. So I've been without a computer since before Christmas. But there good news, we just got a new computer and now I can finish this story. This computer has so many things I've never even heard of and tons of new buttons and doodads. Oh yeah and I don't own Kung Fu Panda)

Chewy's Home Sweet Home

Po was pacing in the Training Hall despite his headache, he couldn't sit still. He was so excited he couldn't even make breakfast without almost burning down the entire building. Master Shifu said it was probably best to keep him away from things that could kill him, so they all got a day free from training. Tigress and Monkey were sitting on the stairs of the doors of the Training Hall. Tigress still had the bandage over her eyes; she was too worried to take it off even though Po said she was going to be fine. Viper and Crane were sitting at the edge of the pool under The Seven Swinging Clubs of Instant Oblivion, putting their feet (or in Viper's case tail) in the cool water, while Mantis was relaxing on the snakelike log above them. It was almost noon and Po was as excited as ever.

"Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, I can't wait. Chewy's going to be here any minute." Po said literally jumping for joy. "Oh I wonder if he'll remember me, I mean I'm his brother of course, but Slits took him away three months ago. Can he remember things for that long?" Po was talking so fast the only thing that could be made out were a few mumbles.

"I can't believe you like him so much, I hated my little brother." Mantis said half-sleep.

"You never told us you had a brother, Mantis." Viper said

"Yeah, he hatched 6 seconds after me." He said. "I haven't seen him in forever."

"So, What happened to you're brother?" Crane asked.

"My mom ate him." He said simply. Everyone just looked at him with a shocked expression of his or her face. "What? She had about 100 of us." Everyone looked away and didn't think of it again. Po was still pacing when Master Shifu walked up to them.

"Why is it that you do more exercise waiting for a child than you do actually training?" Master Shifu asked annoyed.

"Um…well…I don't know. Sorry Master Shifu, I'm just so excited Chewy is…"

"Two-ey? Where?" a squeaky voice echo throughout the Training Hall. Everyone except Tigress turned towards the door to see Chewy sitting on the floor looking for around. Po smiled at him.

"You're Chewy, silly." He said

"I am? Dat means I cute." Chewy said smiling.

"Um Chewy where's Slits?" Po asked. He knew that his older brother would never leave Chewy alone with him without giving some sort of threat first.

"He said…he said he's um hungry…dat's, dat's what he said." Chewy said pointing outside.

"But Slits doesn't eat anything except for…Oh Crap Zeng!" Po ran outside the door leaving his little brother behind him. The others were about to follow before they could leave Slits slithered into the room.

"Foolish little brother, that idiot will believe anything Chewy tells him." He hissed a satisfied laugh "This is fun."

"Did Two-ey do good?" the tiger cub asked looking sad. "Cuz dat guy he wooked sad. He wooked sad."

"Chewy you did it perfectly. Now here's a cookie." Slits said throwing a cookie in the air. It hit the ground and rolled to a stop in front of Chewy. The young cub happy grabbled it up.

"That was a horrible thing to do, using you're little brother to get back at Po." Viper said angrily. Slits hissed at her, making her jump as she moved closer to Crane's chest.

"Swiss what we doin' here?" Chewy asked the giant snake

"Swiss? What an adorable name for his big brother." Po said sarcastically behind them. Everyone saw Po with Zeng right behind him.

"You know he can't pronounce names or anything else for that matter. He used to call you Pow." Slits said throwing a small backpack at him. "Here's his crap."

"HEY! Dose are my toys. Gives them back wight now." Chewy yelled. Po took a deep breathe and walked over to his little brother, who looked very angry to see him.

"Hi Chewy."

"MY TOYS" the cub yelled.

"I know they're you're toys. You can have them back, but Chewy do you know who I am?" Po asked hoping he would say yes.

"Noooo." Chewy said playing with his own fingers. Po looked crushed his own little brother didn't remember you he was.

"Oh Po I'm so sorry." Viper said

"PO! I know dat guy. He's my broder." Chewy said jumping up and down happily. Po eyes filled with glee and tears.

"Chewy I'm Po." He said to the cub.

"No you's not Po's a panda, you's a… someding else." Chewy said not even looking at him.

"Is you're brother big?"


"Is you're brother fat?"


"Does he have a nose?"

"Yeah how's you know?" Chewy looked up to see someone so big he couldn't see all of him in one look. It took him a couple minutes, but then brain worked double-time.

"PO! PO I'S MISS YOU SO MUCH. DID YOU MISS ME, I MISS YOU. IT'S ME. TWO-EY, REMEMBERS?" Chewy said so fast no one could understand him, he gave Po the biggest hug he's little arms could give him. Po picked up his little brother to continue the hug.

"You know Chewy I was here yesterday when you were here." Po said

"No's you weren't. I dink I remember seeing my bid broder." Chewy said. Po opened his mouth to say something, but Slits interrupted them.

"Well, that was horrible and rather disgusting to watch but I'm going to go now. Don't ruin my project you waste of a test dummy." He hissed. Chewy giggled.

"He said 'dummy'." Slits rolled his blind eyes and headed for the door.

"Hey where you goin'? Po where he goin'?" Chewy asked

"He's going away for a while."

"His leaving me here?" Chewy asked tears in his eyes.

"Well um…hey wait a minute, Slits get back. We're not done." Po yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT NOW? I gave you Chewy, I saved the strippers, and I even saved the rat with ears. What could you possibly want now?" Slits yelled, Chewy hide his head in Po's arms.

"Tigress." Po said calmly. Slits hissed.

"I fixed her already. It's not my fault she's too stupid to remove the bandage."

"My students are not stupid!" Shifu said finally specking.

"You're right; being blind sometimes I forget that not everyone is equal to me." Slits said smiling.

"What makes you so great?" Mantis asked.

"I'm charming, I'm quick witted, I'm…"

"An ass." Po interrupted him. Chewy gasped.

"I knew it." He said looking angry at Slits. "But I's not wight? …cuz I's cute."

"So lack of humility runs in the family." Shifu said annoyed

"Yes!" Chewy said randomly giggling.

"As fun as it is to hear people bicker, I'd like to be able to see the fireworks at the next New Year's Festival." Tigress said getting a little annoyed.

"Well you can't see dem with dat ding on your eyes." Chewy said jumping away from Po and running over to Tigress and sat on her lap trying to pull of the bandage.

"Chewy I'd really like it if a doctor took care of her." Monkey said lightly pushing him away. Chewy looked sad.

"You might as well let him do it; he's just as smart as any other doctors in this stupid Village." Slits said referring to the doctors being idiots.

"Po, Swiss said a bad word." Chewy called while pulling on the bandage again.

"Chewy, don't be a tattletale." Po said as Chewy pulled the rest of the bandage off Tigress's eyes. She didn't say anything or even blink she was looking straight ahead. Everyone was afraid the medicine didn't work; Shifu was the first to break the silence.

"Tigress? … What do you see?" He asked silently praying for a good answer.

"I-I… see a round fur ball." She said still looking at Chewy blanking.

"Dat's me." Chewy said happily. Monkey happily hugged his girlfriend and she finally saw his face for the first time in four days.

"Monkey!" She said happily

"Yeah…It's me…I'm glad your okay. To celebrate I'm taking you to that festival." He said happily

"Ohhhh a festival, Po can we go to de festival? Swiss never takes me to dose." Chewy asked.

"Sure Chewy I'll take you to a festival." Po said happily.

"oh goody-goody." Chewy said dancing.

"Oh shut up. All this happy, goody-goody crap is making me sick. Enjoy your strippers and the little fur ball, but don't pretend like this is never going to happen again. The next time I need viper venom or Gene 14; this will be my first stop." Slits said hissing.

"Po what he talkin' about?" Chewy asked.

"Oh Slits didn't tell you." Po said sarcastically.

"Shut up you annoying waste of…"

"Swiss, what did you do? Weres you being mean again…cuz dat's not nice." Chewy yelled.

"Well Chewy, Slits kidnapped two very pretty girls and wouldn't give them back." Po said. "Tigress, the one you're sitting on, he hurt her and Viper, that pretty one right there." He pointed at Viper. Chewy little face got bright red with anger.


"You're sorry." Slits hissed. Chewy turned towards Tigress with a smile.

"He said 'you're sorry'. Dos ya feel bedder now?" Chewy asked.

"No." Tigress snapped. She was never going to forgive that monster for what he did to her family. Chewy on the other hand didn't like that answer. His ears titled downward and his sniffed a little.

"Oh…do you needs a hug…cuz when I's sad I's needs a hug?" Chewy said. Hearing that broke her heart, Tigress looked sad as she picked the little cub up and gave him the biggest hug she could without hurting him. Chewy smiled and purred a little.

"Po I ding she wikes me." Chewy said hiding his face in his hands.

"Oh I forgot to mention, he's a little ladies man. He's in love with every girl he sees." Po laughed. "It's actually kind of funny."

"Chewy you can let go now." Tigress said to the small cub who was still hugging her.

"I's sorry." Chewy said letting go and sitting on the floor.

"Hey Chewy, you want to met my friends?" Po asked picking him up.

"Frinds, you's ain't gots one of dose." Chewy said.

"I do now say hi to Monkey, Crane, Mantis, Tigress, Viper, and Master Shifu. Can you say all those words?"


"Sure you can give it a try." Po said putting down. Chewy looked around at the big creatures he just notice existed.

"Moa-he, Cane…um…um Green! He's green, see he's green…um Tigyness…Piper….and Masder FuFu…Did, did I do it wight?" Chewy asked

"Well you are close." Po said trying to sound convincing.

"No he wasn't, Green's not a name." Mantis said walking up to Chewy. In comparison Mantis went up to Chewy's waist.

"What's dat?" Chewy asked pointing at him.

"That's Mantis."

"Wook at his little feets." Chewy reached down to his toes. "I gots little feets too."

"Of course he has little feet, he's a bug."

"I'm gonna kill you." Mantis threaten, He hated benign called a bug.

"He's not a bug, Bugs are little, dis ding is huge." Chewy said getting a good look at Mantis. "Can I touch him?"

"I like this kid." Mantis said as Chewy pointed his head with his little finger. Chewy eventually lost interest in the little bug and moved on to the giant bird.

"Po wook it's a bird." Chewy said pointing his foot. Crane had never been called a bird before, even though technology he was one.

"Well actually-"

"How do you know he's a bird?" Po interrupted him.

"Um cuz…um cuz he's sniffer it's wong and pointy." Chewy answered scratching his head.

"He's nose is long and pointy huh? What else?"

"Um… his feets are big and…and," Chewy crawled towards Crane and pulled on one of he's feathers until it was pulled out of his skin.


"His fingers come off." Chewy finished happily showing everyone the giant feather.

"They're not suppose to." Crane said snatching the feather out of his hand. The little cub started to cry, he wanted to keep his new treasure.

"Aw, the poor little thing." Viper said picking up the cub and rocking him with her tail. Chewy immediately stopped crying and hugged her completely forgetting about the feather.

"Yuck, I'm gone. I hope you enjoy your pitiful self." Slits said heading out the door.

"Bye Swiss, I love you, bye-bye." Chewy kept calling until Slits was out of sight. Everyone was so busy with Chewy they didn't notice that Po had followed Slits out the door.

"Hey Slits." Po called to his older brother. The giant snake didn't answer he just turned towards his direction. "I'm never going to buy food from the farmers market again." He warned before heading back in with his friends and family.

"He's learning." The old snake hissed "But that won't stop me."


(A/N: I'M FINALLY DONE YAY! Please comment!)