Title: Pet Peeves, Hobbies And Secrets
Author: TheDisasterousChibi
Rating: T (for language)
Chapters: One-shot
Word Count: 1421
Pairing(s): Warren/Layla, Will/OC
Pet Peeve One: Snow
If there was one thing that Layla did not enjoy, worship or consider a precious gift from Mother Nature it was snow.
Cold, wet, snow that clung to every surface of her body. Invading the warm layers of her clothing, it passed through her bright yellow cotton jacket, her green hand knit sweater, and her dark wash jeans. As she stood at the bus stop waiting for the yellow flying contraption that would take her to school. Not even her green converse with the white out daisies, curtsey of Warren, could protect her from her white nemesis.
The red-head naturalist heaved a sigh, puffs of white surrounded her face, and adjusted the strap of her shoulder bag. Usually her best friend, and ex-boyfriend, Will Stronghold would be waiting beside her. He would tell a bad joke or two and Layla would temporarily forget the bane of her existence--the cold.
After realizing that they could not take their relationship farther than a kiss with out feeling like they were committing incest, both she and the boy wonder had decided to call their month old relationship quits. Their friends had not been surprised, Magenta had even commented that, "It had taken them long enough" , to realize their feeling where platonic.
Shortly after the break-up Will took an interest in a freshman by the name of Georgia Doe. A petite and fairly nice girl with the power to freeze time or speed it up within short intervals. He had flown early to school to meet up with her, claiming to be tutoring her in Mad Science. As if, he was barely passing that class.
So there Layla was, on January 5th, freezing and with nothing to distract her from the cold. Waiting for the bus that would take her back to school from her Christmas break.
Ironically enough the weather man had promised clear skies, sunlight and 40 degree weather for the day. This had brightened Layla's spirit drastically, the promise of warm sunshine always did. Instead she got a chilly and clingy snow storm, it wasn't even a little one. It promised to go on for a while.
Shows how much he knows.
Luckily, or not, the bus arrived at that moment coming to a skidding halt spraying Layla with the white icy snow on the ground, like she didn't have enough covering her from the blizzard she was standing in.
'Just what I needed more snow!'
Layla's dark mood was increasing noticeable due to her bitter and sarcastic thought. Climbing on to the bus, shivering and glowering, the usually happy and cheerful flower child couldn't help but let her mind drift to the warm, heated school, with its toasty interior and laughing friends.
So she dreamed of a toasty environment and shivered all the way too school.
"Welcome back to Sky High, I hope you all had a very happy and safe Holiday break. As I'm sure you've all noticed the school is a bit chilly." Principal Powers addressed the gym full of students from her podium.
"There was an unfortunate accident at the Mad Science Lab which, I regret to inform, left the school heating system incapacitated." The authoritative middle aged woman resumed speaking while sending a menacing glare in the direction of Mr. Medulla who shrank away from her withering look.
"The staff should have the heating system in tip-top form by the end of the week. I would ask that all of you bear with this until the repairs are made. With that I will leave you all to get on with your day."
With a burst of shining light Principle Powers exited the auditorium, leaving a bunch of grumbling students behind and one very unhappy Layla.
"So much for a warm and toasty school" Layla grumbled to herself. She followed her friends out of the gym. Each heading their own way.
'This just keeps getting better and better…'
The day continued to drag on. She didn't have classes with any of her hero support friends due to the fact that after her little display of plant control she had been moved into hero classes.
She didn't have classes with Will because their powers where completely different. So there wasn't much hope of seeing him unless it was in the hall or at lunch. Their schedules differed even on the classes they both took like Mad Science.
That left Warren Peace, her dark brooding antisocial friend. Seeing he was a year her senior, currently in junior year, it was weird that they had a few classes together. Then again they both were elementals. It was too bad she only had class with him after lunch.
Other then Warren, Layla only saw her other friends in school during their weekly meeting for "Save The Citizen" in the gym, that was a requirement for all the teens that attended Sky High.
So not only was Layla freezing and wet she was also alone in her misery with no one to complain to until fifth period. The day dragged on, even the teachers gave up on teaching when their students were half way frozen. The only one's who weren't feeling the change were the Crystallites and the Pyros. She needed Warren. Now.
By the time the lunch period came Layla was shivering and huddled as close to herself as she could. She entered the crowded lunch room with quick steps hoping the motion would warm her up. Running a marathon may not have helped at this point. But she was a girl on a mission, Operation Warmth was underway.
"Hey Layla how was…" Will waited with open arms to greet his best friend with a hug, she walk right past him and ignored all the other calls and greeting from people at the lunch table.
"Warren I need you!"
The lunch table suddenly went deadly still, a tense silence filled the room. Everyone knew that Warren was a sucker for the petite naturalist but even she may not get away with this. Will was slowly edging toward Layla. If worst came to worst he could withstand a fire ball or two for his friend.
"Excuse could you repeat that?" Warren looked up from his black bound book the pretty red head that was standing in front of him.
"I. Need. You! Your hot Warren" Layla continued, all common sense had left her as shivers ran down her spine.
"Uhm…Layla I'm not sure this is the right place for this…" Ethan supplied meekly from his seat, he melted at the green garbed girls glare.
Warren looked puzzled, then relieved and then a smirk came to his face. His white teeth flashed up at Layla he scooted to make room for her at his side. She gladly sat down and latched on to the Pyro. She sighed in relief at his warmth, he smelled of Chinese take out, after shave and smoke.
"Thanks Warren, I've been so cold without you." With a content sigh Layla closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth provided by her best friend.
"Your kidding me? That's what she meant!" Magenta exclaimed in disbelief, she was hopping that the two elementals would finally get together and stop all that irritating flirting they did. It was obvious they had the hot's for each other.
The group gave a collective sigh, of course that's what she had meant. Layla was too clueless sometimes. The looks Warren gave her alone should have showed her how much she meant to him and how much he liked her. Poor blind hippie.
Lunch went on as usual from there, with the exception of a still snuggling Layla but she continued to converse with the others as if nothing was out of the ordinary. In fact the two looked mighty cozy as if this had happened more then once.
Will and Magenta shared a look over the table when Warren wrapped an arm around Layla to help ward away the last of her chills. The enviormentalist shot him a grateful smile and continued to argue with Ethan the finer points of the three Robins.
Both the shape shifter and wonder boy shared a similar thought.
'May be there is hope for those two after all…'
A/N: Wow my first sky high story…hope you liked it. If you Read your suppose to Review people those are the rules :3