The Deck Demons

Running down the hallway, again. Where was he? Who was holding onto him? He turned to look, two young female chameleons ran behind him, their faces were frightened. "Espio why are they chasing us?" He shook his head, not knowing why, then he said, "I don't know, we have to escape!" "Mom and Dad are coming right?" Asked the one on the right. She was light blue, and the one on the left was pure white.

"Yes they are June." Espio felt the feeling he always got when he was lying. A metal star flashed down from them ahead and hit June, she cried out and fell, it left a diagonal scar, cutting from her left shoulder to her right hip. Espio stopped, picked her up, and was about to continue running when someone grabbed him from behind, the white chameleon screamed. "ESPIO!" "GET JUNE AND ESCAPE SERENA!" He yelled before something hit the side of his neck and his world went black.

Espio sat up with a gasp, eyes wide, sweating, it took him a moment to recognize his room in the Chaotix detective agency, then he rested his forehead in the palm of his left hand. That dream, why did he keep having it. He closed his eyes, it was so confusing, and for some reason, he felt frightened in it, and while he felt frightened during the dream, he also felt pity for the two young girls, June and Serena. His forehead creased slightly, who were they? He had never met them before.

"Espio?" "AAAAH!" Espio was shocked so badly he fell out of the bed. Charmy hovered over him as he groaned and stood, rubbing his back. "What do you want Charmy?" Growled Espio. "Vector wants you to come downstairs." Then Charmy buzzed out of his room grinning like an idiot. Espio sighed, reached for his gloves, then decided he wouldn't wear them that day. Part of the dream replayed itself in his minds eye, he wasn't wearing gloves when he picked up June, he was wearing cuffs, the cuffs that were now attached to his gloves. He frowned slightly, then pulled on a crimson robe and some sandals. He went downstairs.

Vector was nodding his head to music at the table, Espio made a noise of disapproval in his throat. Vector took no notice. Espio started to doubt Vector's hearing and wondered if his "boss" had gone deaf, then Vector opened his eyes and took his feet off the table. "Ah Espio!" Espio heard the volume go down, not too much though, he could still hear it. "Do you know what?" Asked Vector grinning toothily at him as he made himself tea and a bit of toast. Espio paused and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to become calm. Some wind came through the open kitchen window and seemingly twirled around him, and for some reason, that calmed him.

"No I don't know Vector." "We have a new assignment!" Crowed Vector. "Which is?" "VECTOR'S LYING! WE HAVE TWO ASSIGNMENTS!" Yelled Charmy, Vector glared at him, "No we don't!" "Yes we do! I just answered the phone!" "Well the one I received is probably more important so I'm talking first!" Charmy sulked as Vector continued, "We have to catch some robbers, I already collected a few clues. It's going to be relatively easy to catch them, and then we get paid, handsomely. They stole from some rich guy you see. He wants his stuff back."

Espio turned to Charmy now, "WE'VE GOTTA CATCH THE DECK DEMONS! And those guys are good, they had only a few seconds of security camera feed on them, and they didn't even get to see what they looked like! It just showed three chameleons, four hedgehogs, an echidna, and a komodo dragon." Vector whistled. "We've gotta catch 'em you say?" "Oh yeah, they've stolen from tons of rich guys!"

Vector started to get his "money grin", as Espio thought of it. He sighed, he'd have to give up his idea of having peace that day.


The deck demons were a much feared crew who stored away in the huge cargo hold of the famed ship Glory Hill. It was THE largest and THE most famous ship there was. There were only three hundred ports it didn't go to.


June's eyes opened quickly, she sat up. Seeing the crates around herself she groaned and buried her face in her hands. Dreaming of Espio again. It wasn't good. She heard a tap to her right, "Yes?" A black hedgehog with yellow highlights looked over the top of the crates, "You okay darling?" "Yes Slade, I'm perfectly fine." "No you aren't." June suddenly remembered. "Stop inspecting my dreams!"

Slade raised her hands in deffence, "Sorry honey, I can't stop other people's dreams filtering into my mind when I'm asleep, who's Espio?" "You don't need to know." Growled June standing. "Alright, sorry about that dear." June paused, exhaled and said, "Sorry Slade. It's a painful memory."

Slade placed her right hand on June's shoulder, "I understand." Then she smiled, "It's just about breakfast time!" "Are you ALWAYS thinking of food?" Slade adopted a mock surprised face, "Of course! It's one of the most important things on the planet!" Serena's voice sounded, "Is it morning already?" June looked at the clock then grinned over at her sister over the crates, "Yes it is my sleepy sister, 10:00 to be exact." "Oh dear Michael is waiting for me!" Said Serena jumping up, she drew her curtain around her crate room and quickly got dressed in a dark green sweater, black jeans, and her usual light grey shoes and gloves.

"I hope he isn't mad!" She said as she hurried away to the stairs leading to the deck. June and Slade chuckled, "Angry? Michael? That's a good one." "Yeah, he's always quiet.... he'll probably think Serena is mad at him!" They both laughed. A black hedgehog with a dark grey lock of hair came out of another of the crate rooms, "What's so funny?" "Serena and Michael." "I agree then." Said Dave, for that was the hedgehog's name. June rolled her eyes, "You're only agreeing because I'm saying that."

A red chameleon, a dark blue echidna, and a silvery coloured hedgehog came out of the other three crate rooms. "Good morning." Said the silvery hedgehog who's name was Alex. "Good morning Alex." Said the red chameleon, his name was Jack, he liked June, a lot. And Dave liked June too... but June only liked Jack. Dave just annoyed her. The echidna was Vivi, their combat expert. She yawned, "What's for breakfast?" "Giggles apparently." Said Jack making June laugh. Dave glared at him. "Let's go up onto the deck then!" Chameleons were the only breed of Mobian that didn't HAVE to wear tops. Their scales worked just as well. So June strolled out onto the deck wearing dark blue bootleg jeans, her sneakers, and some spiked wrist bands. The scar from her childhood was still there, it was a pale pink colour, going across her peach coloured chest and stomach area, shaped like some kind of stretched heart.

She shivered slightly as a bit of smoke went over it, the kind of smoke the ship expelled was un-pure, and as such, it hurt her. Serena and June were from the wind clan of chameleons, and as such, had control over wind. Jack was from the fire clan. Jack grinned and whipped off his jacket, he placed it around her shoulders, he blew on it, it heated the coat up, but not enough to catch flame. June smiled gratefully at him. At that moment Dave wished that he did not have power over ice.


Espio looked out the window of the restaurant Vector had taken them to as a celebration for capturing the thieves, Vector had been right, the pay had been handsome. He saw a huge ship coming towards the harbor. Before he could say anything, Charmy shrieked, "VECTOR! IT'S THE GLORY HILL!!" Vector immediately jumped up and ran out the door with Charmy, Espio sighed, payed for their meal, and had it packed to go, he followed them to the harbor, frowning as something deep inside tugged him towards the ship.


June was bouncing around like a happy kitten. They had stopped at a port only eight days ago, broken into a place on request of the owner, and stolen tons, got ambushed, and had a hawk named Vice finish the job for them and collect their money, then he requested to join the team!! And Vice was nice too....


"Tha looks vairy nasty." June opened her eyes and looked around, her team mates were on beds and a blue-black hawk was leaning over Michael. She sat up and he turned, "You've finally woken up lassie, you ken that that dairty fox would no have beaten ye if he'd played fair." June smiled then asked, "Is Michael okay?" "So that's the lad's name. Yes lassie, he'll be fine. My name is Vice, what's your name lass?" She giggled a bit then said, "I'm June, doesn't vice mean...?" "A lot of bad things? Yes it does, ma parents named me that for some strainge reason. Would you like something to eat lass?" "Yes please. Where are we?" "On the Glory Hill, and on our way to Station Square. In the Royal Suite too." "Why are we in the royal suite?" Asked June, astonished. "Because I have the right kind of money for this kind of thing, I could be classified as a rich type." Then June remembered, "Oh no! The mission.....!!!" "Dinnae worry lass, I delivered it for you and have your money here."

"Money? Where? Gimme!" David had woken up as if a thunderbolt had hit him the instant he heard the word "money". "Oh dear, shut up David!" June gave him a smack. "What's that for?!" He complained as he rubbed his cheek. "He finished the job for us and all you can say is "gimme money!" It's pathetic David!" June smacked him again for good measure. "Ow!" "What's wrong?" Asked Michael, sitting up groggily. "Hmph, she's smacking me like there's no tomorrow." Said David, sulking. Slade pushed herself up shakily and laughed, "You could use some!" "What's up with David?" Asked Jack sitting up, "Nothing, except bruised pride." "Hmmm... I hope it heals fast. What's your name? I'm Jack." Jack held out his hand. "You have vairy good manners lad, I'm Vice. I don't ken why I was named that." "Do you know why you sound like an idiot when you speak?" Asked David sulkily. "Oh that's just my accent my braw bonny lad. I can speak yours if you like. I'll sometimes slip because I dinnae learn it too well." Said Vice before June could tell David off. "It would be better." "I slip on the ken the most."" "Okay what does that mean anyway?" "Does it mean know?" Asked Serena. "So it does ma lassie. Are any of you wanting a drink?" "Yes please." "What would you all like?" They all requested their drinks and Vice ordered them.

Then he asked, "So where are you hitting next?" "What do you mean?" "You're the Deck Demons, I can tell, look, yon lassie even has the double d tattoo." "Then why didn't you give us to the authorities?" "Are ye kidding me? I admire your handiwork! You're geniuses! I'd love to work with your group you ken?" "I ken." Said June smiling. "STOP GETTING ALL CLOSE TO MY GIRL!" "WHAT did you say David?" "N...Nothing...." "Good." June smiled, "No one is the boss of me, NO ONE. Understand, DAVID???" He nodded sullenly. "Good." "Now you've settled your affairs would you like to get a wee bit to eat?" "Yes please."


Serena went over to June, "What is it?" "June, I.... I got another dream." "About Espio?" Asked June drawing Serena to the side and whispering. "Yeah." "Who's Espio?" Asked David, his face now looming in front of them. June didn't reply, she picked him up and threw him to the other side of teh room. "None of your business big nose." She called, "What happened in the dream?" "The same things, but this time there was also a bit more, Espio was sitting in a room with a crocodile and a bee." "A chameleon, a crocodile and a bee you say? All together?" Vice asked, having heard the last part. Serena nodded. "If Ah'm correct, they are called Team Chaotix." "Team Chaotix?" "Yes, the next stop of the good old Glory hill is Station Square, and that's where their headquarters are. We're almost at the port, should only take five more minutes. We can drop by you ken if that's your wish."

"Thanks Vice!" David sent dagger glares at the hawk who was receiving a hug from June and Serena.

Authoress note: Wow....... an incredibly long chapter no? I don't know why I have Vice talking the way he does, but he sounds funny doesn't he? Review please!

Disclaimer: Crazy doesn't own Team Chaotix, the Sonic gang, blah blah blah blah.... she only owns the Deck Demons, the Glory hill, and me.

Authoress: Thanks Disclaimer.