Disclaimer: Roses are red, Violets are blue. I don't own Shugo Chara, So please don't sue. Thank you!

Author's Note: This is my first Shugo Chara fan fiction, (as well as my first fan fiction in many, many years) and I really couldn't help but use this idea, I've had it for a while. To let everyone know, this story takes place about seven years after the series, meaning Amu is eighteen, and so fourth. Just putting that out there, incase of future content. So, enjoy!

P.S.- Aside from the obvious Amuto, this fan fiction will also feature the pairings of Kukai/Yaya, Nagihiko/Rima, and Yuu/Yukari. And of course, it wouldn't be a good story without a bit of Kairi/Amu and Tadase/Amu. I don't know about you, but I love some good love rivalry before the actual couple gets together. I also apologize if the first chapter seems short, rushed, or anything else that may be wrong, I sometimes have a hard time with openings.

Maid for You

an Amu x Ikuto fan fiction

by Sin Katt

"Miss Hinamori, do you have any Kings?"

"Go fish."

An endless card game.

"Is there a cafeteria here?"

"I think it's on the eighth floor."

"Yaya wants some pie!"

Noisy conversation.

"Damn! I got a game over on level twelve! Level twelve! It took me three days to get there!"

"Keep it down, we're in a hospital."

Loud complaints.

"But level twelve!"

Very loud complaints.

A man in his early thirties had stopped pacing just long enough to turn to the group of noisy young adults, his nerves shot, his temper flaring.

"Will you all please keep it down for five minutes? That's all I ask, just give me some peace and quiet, or so help me, so help me, my wife wont be the only one needing the attention of a doctor!"

The group froze, staring at him momentarily before falling into an uncomfortable silence.

The threat was enough to make their jaws drop as they stared up at their former teacher.

"I hope to God the damn kid doesn't turn out to be like you."

Chapter One: Full House of Bets

They settled back in their seats, nearly taking up every chair in the waiting room.

Yuu had resumed his pacing, trying not to focus on the others behind him.

"He acts like he's the only one who's nervous," a petite blonde stated, barely above a whisper. Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and despite her fame, she wore no hats or glasses to hide her identity.

"Miss Yukari is my manager. Sure, Yuu may be her husband, but she's like an older sister to me, so I'm allowed to worry as well."

"You're rambling," a man with deep blue hair sitting next to her replied, his voice quiet and dull.

"Hmph," was the girl's only response.

"Yaya still wants some pie," a younger girl with shorter light brown hair braided over her shoulders whined. She cast her eyes over to the man sitting next to her and pouted.

"Awww man, level twelve…" He was slumped over, his short brunette hair spiked up slightly, his green eyes down-cast.

"Oh will you just shut up, Kukai?" the girl replied, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Do you have any threes, Amu?" a very small girl with long flowing locks asked the girl on her left, her voice quiet just as it always was.

"Here you go Rima," Amu sighed, her pink hair falling over her shoulders as she leaned over to give up her cards.

"Don't look so down, Miss Hinamori. I'm sure you'll have better luck next game," a very handsome young man with short, neat blonde hair spoke quietly, a charming smile gracing his features.

"Thanks, Tadase," she smiled back, her cheeks flushing.

"Everyone knows Rima is cheating," stated the man on the other side of Amu, his long violet strands tied back in a ponytail at the nape of his neck, "she peeks when no one is looking."

The girl in question glared across the table at him, slamming down her hand with her final pair, "I win" she stated just as quietly as before, "and I didn't cheat."

"Now, now. We don't need any arguing today," Tadase smiled, though it quickly faded with Rima's glare.

"Kukai! Stop sulking over a stupid video game!"

"Me?! Then you stop bitching about how much you want some pie! If you want some pie, go and get it! I don't see why I have to go with you!"

"You're such an idiot! You have no clue what Yaya's trying to-"

"That's it! All of you, out!" Yuu finally snapped, looming over the group of youngsters, his eyes flaring, "if you cant keep quiet while we wait for news, then just leave!"

Before anyone could protest, a voice came from behind them and they stopped their bickering for a second time.

"Keeping quiet? You should know that these guys can't do that."

"No way," gasped Amu, turning around with a smile, "Class Pres!"

The newcomer, and youngest of the group, let out a chuckle as he looked at his friends, "Still calling me that? It's good to see everyone."

"Kairi!" Yaya cheered, getting up and scampering over, giving him a hug.

Amu blushed slightly and walked over to him as well, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as Yaya let go. "We haven't seen you in two years. You need to come visit more."

He hugged her in return, her pink hair tangling with his own deep green. Though he was two years her junior, he still towered above her, and had to bend slightly to accommodate her height.

"I'm sorry that visiting has been so rough. But my parents have asked me to stay and help with the baby, so I'm not leaving anytime soon."

At this remark, Yaya's eyes brightened even more so, and she threw herself into the hug, gaining a laugh from those surrounding them.

As he separated from the girls, he looked over at Tadase who had made his way to them. They smiled at each other for a moment before shaking hands, a mutual friendship still overcoming their inner rivalry.

"It's good to see you again, King."

"You too, Sanjo."

"Where's Musashi?" Tadase asked, looking around for the Chara in question.

"He saw the others playing outside, and decided to stay with them," Kairi replied with a laugh.

"If you girls are done kissing over there, I think pops here wanted us to leave," Ikuto interjected, still reclining in his chair.

Kairi laughed as he made his way over to his brother-in-law, patting the stressed man on the shoulder, "Is she still in labor? Why aren't you in there with her?"

Yuu sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "She said me being nervous was making her nervous, and she told me to leave."

This sentence earned several muffled giggles and chuckles from the others, covering their mouths in an attempt to stay quiet.

"You should go and be with her," Kairi laughed, turning the man around and pushing him towards the doorway, "she may have said that, but we both know she wants you there. Go, hurry up, before you miss the birth of your child."

Yuu looked at the boy for a moment longer before nodding and heading off, disappearing from view behind two large double doors in the distance.

"My sanity and I thank you," Utau breathed, massaging her temples in frustration.

Seating himself with his friends, Kairi grinned, reaching over to the table of cards and picking up a lone jack, "Still obsessed with card games, I see."

"Wanna play?" Amu offered, gathering up the cards into a pile. "I'm sick of Go Fish, so suggest something else."

"How about poker?" he offered, handing her the card he was holding and scooting his chair closer to the small table.

"Strip Poker?" Ikuto enquired, peeking one eye open and giving the others a sly grin.

"Sure Ikuto," Nagihiko replied, giving him a wink, "but only if you make it men only. I'd hate to see your body go to waste on a group of women."

The older man shifted uncomfortably and let his eye fall closed once again, "I'll never get your sense of humor."

Laughing, Amu tugged on Ikuto's sleeve to get his attention, "Aww, come on Ikuto, you need to lighten up. Play with us."

"You cant expect me to play poker and not gain anything from it. If there were bets involved, I might be a bit more interested," he yawned, crossing his legs and cracking his neck to the side.

"Just what we need. Gambling in a hospital, with minors present, while waiting for our teacher's' wife to give birth," Tadase sighed, a little annoyed, "you really are something else."

"Well, if you're going to beg me," Ikuto grinned, turning his chair to face the others, squeezing between Rima and Amu, "I guess one game wont hurt. So, what's the bet going to be? Winner get's a date with Amu?"

Both Amu and Tadase's cheeks (as well as Kairi's) reddened at this comment, but Tadase held his own better than the girl. "Sorry, but I'll be sitting this round out. I don't make bets over girl's affections."

"Fine, fine," the blue-haired man sighed, "how about something simple, like, winner gets treated to dinner?"

"With food involved, Yaya's in!" the cheery girl exclaimed with a wide smile, leaning forward in excitement.

"Me too," Nagihiko decided, looking over at Rima. "Are you going to join in? I'll have to warn you, I've got my eye on your little cheating butt."

"Not me," the tiny girl stated, frowning at the man across from her and folding her arms across her chest.

Angry grunts coming from behind her told them Kukai had resumed his game play, shutting himself off from the world around him once again.

Utau also seemed less than interested, picking up a magazine and beginning to flip through the pages.

Amu shuffled the deck, the color finally fading from her cheeks, "Alright, so just the five of us then? Is anything going to be wild, or are we playing straight-up?"

"Oh? You're playing too?" Ikuto asked, a sly smile creeping over his face.

"Of course, I want you to treat me to that dinner," she replied, excited about the prospect of getting the better of this man, (and a free meal to go along with her victory).

"I didn't realize you wanted to date me so badly," Ikuto teased as she began to deal, "you should have told me sooner, I know a great little place down tow-."

Before Amu could interject, and before Ikuto even finished his sentence, Tadase decided he wanted in this game after all, and promptly took his former seat, next to Nagihiko.

She smiled in welcome and dealt the cards, trying to ignore Ikuto's eyes, which were practically trying to bore into hers. "Alright, five cards, nothing is wild."

Everyone picked up their cards, faces straight, save for Ikuto, who always wore a sly smirk.

Nagihiko was the first to move, tossing two cards into the center of the table and receiving two more in return. He sighed, more than likely not getting what he had hoped.

Next was Tadase, needing three for his hand. His face never changed, seeming more serious than usual.

Kairi followed suit, also needing three cards. He blushed slightly as he hand brushed against Amu's, but no one noticed this.

Yaya stared at her cards for a moment, her tongue licking her upper lip as she tried to make the perfect decision. Finally reaching one, she deposited two cards into the growing pile and retrieved two new ones.

Ikuto wasted on time dropping a single card in the center, picking up one more and leaning back in his seat, that stupid smirk still plastered on his face.

Finally, Amu took two for herself, seeming pleased with the result.

Nagihiko sighed and set his cards face down. "I'm out. I guess I'll have to see Ikuto naked another time."

Tadase reluctantly followed Nagehiko's actions, as did Kairi.

Yaya was struggling with herself, having a hard time deciding if she should accept defeat. Finally, she let out a sigh and dropped her cards, along with her hopes of a free meal.

"I'm in," Ikuto stated without hesitation, glancing over at Amu with interest.

Amu nodded as her reply, "Me too. I'm in."

Before she could lay down her hand, she was stopped by Ikuto's soft voice.

"How about we raise the bet?"

To this, she laughed, "Raise it? What, now you want desert too?"

His smirk deepened. Why did he love teasing this girl so much? Because it was dreadfully fun, that's why.

"No, not quite. I was thinking along the lines of something like…the loser has to be the winner's personal servant. For a whole week."

Not only the other players at the table found this intriguing, but Kukai and Utau also looked up from what they were doing after hearing the proposition.

Amu glanced at her cards, fully confident in her three Jacks and two Queens. She looked back at her challenger with fire in her eyes. Making this jerk her own personal slave for a whole week sounded like sheer bliss to the girl, and she intended to make it happen. For as long as she could remember, he was always around her, luring her in with sweet words, a serious conversation, or just a look that told her he was going to say something important.

…Of course, nearly each encounter ended with an ear nip, a witty joke at her expense, or just a laugh that told her she'd been had. He was always the one who got the best of her.

She was dieing to change that.

"Make it two weeks, and it's a deal."

Gasps were heard around the table, everyone obviously a bit surprised at Amu's boldness.

Over the past seven years, it was evident that her character had gone through changes, but no one expected those words to come from her.

Was it her imagination, or did Tadase seem horrified?

Ikuto didn't leave her alone to figure it out.

"Fine then, if that's what you want, I accept."

She was proud as she laid down her full house, grinning up at her rival.

"Beat that you cat-eared pervert."

He looked at her cards for a minute before letting out a sigh.

"Well, if you insist," Ikuto replied, laying down his hand to reveal two Queens and three Kings, and earning a mortified look from Amu. He decided to fold his arms behind his head and lean back, giving the girl some time to realize what she had just gotten herself into.

Once again, the room was silent. Her friends knew she had dug her own grave, but still had expected her to hold the winning cards, especially after raising to bet to such an extent.

Ikuto held in a chuckle as he watched the girl, her jaw hanging open enough to nearly hit the floor.

Before she had the chance to get her bearings, Yuu burst through the large doors, nearly making the entire room jump from their seats.

"It's a girl! We have a girl!"

The tension in the room lifted with this news, and Yaya was the first out of her seat.

"Oh wow! A baby girl! Can Yaya see her? Please!?"

"Congratulations, Mr. Nikaidou!" Nagihiko exclaimed, joining Yaya near the excited, yet exhausted teacher.

The rest of the group was soon to follow, all except for Amu and Ikuto, of course.

He watched her expression, noticing how utterly defeated she appeared feel. And he couldn't help but love it.

"In case you were wondering, I've decided where I'd like to go for dinner tonight," he stated, turning his back in preparation to join the others across the room, "And before I forget, I like eggs with toast and fresh orange juice for breakfast. But of course, we can go over all that later."

He slowly walked away, grinning from ear at this new development.

It was going to be a very interesting two weeks.

Amu still sat alone in her chair.

She was so sure she was going to win the bet, and having it backfire so severely made her want to scream, or break something, or maybe just punch Ikuto.

'…How did it turn out like this?!'

Mustering up every bit of strength she had, she put on her outside character and stood, walking over to join the others in celebration.

(Chapter One - End)

Well, there's the intro my lovelies!

I really do apologize for it being so short, but as stated above, I have a bit of trouble making the openings to my stories extremely long.

I guess in some ways I'm a bit impatient. I want my stories to flow nicely, but at the same time, I want to scream, "Just make-out already!"

Anyway, I'm officially rambling now, so please review and tell me what you think. I really, really want to get through this story without taking any, like, month-long breaks, and I certainly want to finish it.

So please, show me your interest so I don't lose focus!

Chapter Completed: November 4, 2008

Sin Katt