-1Kataritsugu Koto. Once again, we continue on this journey to, well…I can't say. But I do know that we're finally progressing in the story! Now, since I've officially been on this site for more than one year, it's time to up my game! Ikito!
Chapter 13: Silent attack
The start of a brand new day. Also, the start of Inoichi's problems. As soon as he awoke, he sensed something was amiss, because usually Ino would be either taking a shower or cooking something for breakfast. Today, however, all was silent in the Yamanaka household. Inoichi walked into the hall way, looked at the newly taped window, and walked towards Ino's room. The door was slightly open so he peeked his head inside. He whispered her name in the darkness, but the only reply was the sound of wind whipping around outside. Without turning on the lights, he slipped into the room seeing that she wasn't on her bed.
"Dad…" He heard her voice. He turned to the opposite side of the bed and found Ino sitting with her knees to her chest in the corner of the room. Dread filled the pit of his stomach as many possibilities of something being wrong with his daughter flashed into his mind.
"Ino, what's wrong? Why are you sitting in the dark? Did somebody hurt you?" He asked getting on one knee in front of her.
She shook her head vigorously. Before he could ask another question, she put a finger to his lips and slowly shifted her position, so that she was sitting on her legs.
"I…I just…wanted to know something." She stammered. Inoichi's eyes clouded with confusion and concern. Ino wriggled a little, feeling slightly uncomfortable with her situation.
"Daddy…I…I have a feeling." She said, a blush slowly creeping on her face as she remembered what Naruto had told her the previous day.
"A feeling? Go on…"
"I…well, it's whenever I'm around a certain person. I always have a tingling feeling around…here." She indicated right below her belly button. Inoichi's face softened a little.
"Ino, if that's about Naruto, then that just means you're truly in love with him."
She shook her head again. "No, I already knew I was in love with him. The feeling I'm talking about…well…it's a little lower than that." Ino hid her face after her last statement. Inoichi stared at her, then his eyes grew wide. Then they grew even wider, and his mouth began to open and close like a fish out of water.
"Oh…OH…OH SH-…Um…" He stood and began pacing back and forth.
He knew this day would come and he had dreaded it for a long time. For some reason, he always thought that it wouldn't be such a shock but now that he was in the situation his mind was crumbling faster than London Bridge. He stopped pacing and turned to Ino.
"Go take your shower and I'll talk to you about this when you get out." He lied.
Ino nodded, curious with her fathers peculiar behavior. And although she had some knowledge about what she was feeling, she was completely confused on how to deal with it, and ironically, so was Inoichi. On his part, he was panicking. Who could he turn to when something like this was happening? He was pretty sure the guys would be useless, and even though he was a trained psychologist, he couldn't deal with this type of mental stress. Finally, it dawned on him who he could turn to.
"Bunshin no jutsu." He called hastily, creating a single clone. He ordered the clone to seek out the person he needed in this dire moment, and the clone left with a nod, just as worried about the predicament as the real Inoichi was. Moments later Ino came from the shower, dressed in her usual purple shirt and shorts. She stopped and glared at her father, who was leaning against the door in deep thought.
"Uh…dad?" She called, snapping him out of his trance. He didn't say a word, but turned around, opened the door, and told Ino to follow. The only thing running through Ino's mind was the previous day, and the harder she thought about it, the more her she blushed.
Previous day…
"Oh, and Ino. About that flashlight…"
Naruto gazed back and forth between Hinata and Ino. Ino had an extremely confused look on her face. Hinata did as well, but was slowly coming to a realization of her own. Naruto could tell, as a blush slowly began to build over her entire face and neck. Coincidentally, Hinata had been having dreams based around Naruto and flash lights for a long, long…long time.
"Uh…Naruto-kun…what about it?" Hinata asked with a gulp at the end.
"That flash light was…it was me…" He whispered. Hinata's face looked like it was about to explode and Ino still held a confused look on her face. Seeing as the girl still didn't have a clue, Naruto tried to reiterate.
"Ino…it was me…all of me." He said with emphasis, a blush crossing his face as well as he remembered her hands on him. A few seconds later, the confusion in Ino's eyes were replaced with shock. Her gaze shakingly drifted down to Naruto's pants, and right back up again. Before she could utter a word, Hinata fainted right next to Naruto.
"Hey! Hinata? Are you okay?" He called leaning up over the Hyuga princess and shaking her. Ino had sat up as well, and was staring down at her hands.
'I…I touched Naruto…there? But…I've only dreamed about that…' Her face found a new level of pink after the last thought. Naruto stood up and helped Ino up. Then he picked Hinata's unconscious body up and carried her like a baby as they slowly left Hokage Mountain.
"Naru-kun…I didn't mean too-"
"I know. You were just dreaming about it." He said with a fox like grin. Ino scowled at him and slapped the back of his head.
"Pervy baka." She growled.
"You grabbed me, and I'm the pervy one?" He started running when he said it. She fumed and ran after him.
Afterwards they had to take Hinata home, in which Naruto had to sneak in and put Hinata into her bed. He didn't want to have to explain to Hiashi why he was carrying his unconscious daughter. After after chasing Naruto to her house, because Naruto had made another snide remark, she found herself making out with him more than they ever had before, and she almost had another encounter with his first demon. If Inoichi hadn't have announced his arrival, they would've been in deep crap, but Naruto had left.
"Uh, dad, what are we doing at Shikamaru's house?" She asked bewildered before realization came over her. She gasped and turned away, ready to bolt but it was too late.
"INO! Front and center!" Yoshino called from the door, arms folded and a sinister smile on her face. The ki coming from the house made her skin crawl, and she glared at her father, pleading with her eyes for mercy. Her gaze never left her father as she walked in front of Yoshino.
"You're father tells me you've got a problem with your yourself that only women can take care of. Come inside, this isn't the place to discuss."
Ino slowly walked in, crying on the inside, fearing for her life on the out. No matter how many times she's been inside of Shikamaru's house, Yoshino always made the visit uncomfortable. Hell, even Shikamaru wasn't comfortable in his own home. Inside, Ino found Shikamaru and Chouji playing a game of pai-shou.
"Hey Ino, what's up?" Shikamaru called without looking up. Chouji frowned, having been foiled in his plan to switch two pieces while Shikamaru wasn't looking.
"Hey Ino…" He mumbled, more defeated than he was several moments ago.
"You two, out NOW!" Shikamaru finally looked up, but so did Chouji, and without hesitation, they both darted for the door.
"You too, baby!" Yoshino yelled again. A few seconds later, Shikaku bounded down the stairs and out the door after Shikamaru. Before he was all the way out, Ino could of sworn she heard him mumble nice knowing ya kid.
Once the door shut, Yoshino looked at Ino again with a disturbing smile. Ino's hurt felt like it was about to rip right out of her chest, just to be blown to bits by the Nara ballistic missile in front of her.
"Have a seat on the sofa king Ino." Yoshino said in the calmest tone she had used all day. Ino gulped.
'I am sofa king dead.' She thought as she sat down on the couch. Yoshino sat down next to her and positioned her self so that she was sitting slightly on her legs.
"Now Ino, just to let you know, everything we discuss today will remain between me and you. Not even your father will know about this okay?"
All Ino could do was nod.
"Alright, I'm guessing you know what's going on, so enlighten me."
"Well…I guess dad's already told you about me and Naruto. We've been with each other for a few weeks, but we don't really hang like I want to."
"Okay, so now what?"
Ino calmed a little more, seeing a different side of Yoshino for the first time. "Whenever I do get a chance to be with him, I can't keep myself from kissing him and letting him hold me close. I know, that is supposed to be typical and all, but then I start getting a feeling…"
Yoshino rose an eyebrow and a knowing smirk slowly found its way onto her lips. "Oh?"
Ino's blush rampage returned as she began to think about how she wanted Naruto. "I…get wet…and I think about Naruto's…package. I know what I want to do, but I don't know exactly what I want to do. Or even how…"
Yoshino chuckled. "Ino, you were taught about sex when you turned eleven right? Most female kunoichi tend to lose their virginity at ages as low as twelve, so it won't get in the way of missions and such. This is how all females act, and even I did at exactly your age."
She paused and looked at the blush on Ino's face.
'Too blunt…okay let's try this…'
"Alright Ino, you say that you think of Naruto like that because you don't spend enough time with him. If you spent more time with him, do you think that would help the problem or make it worse?"
Ino looked away slightly, a little confused. "As of now, it would make things worse. Yesturday, I…" She paused. "I kind of touched Naruto…down there."
Yoshino's eyes grew wide, and Ino began to cower again. Yoshino saw and smiled.
"Well, what did it feel like?" Yoshino asked, taking a page out of Kurenai's book. The question caught Ino off guard.
"You heard me."
The look on Ino's face was priceless, and Yoshino wouldn't enjoy a better sight. Ino looked as if she was told she was going to be given a sex change. She looked at the ground, embarrassed at what she was about to say.
"I was sleep…but I guess it felt like…a super durable industrial flashlight."
Now the look on Yoshino's face was priceless. Ino watched as she stood and went to a small dresser. She pulled out a long black flashlight and just showed it to Ino. Ino blushed and nodded. Yoshino's eyes grew even wider as she dropped the flash light back into the drawer and slid it shut as if it were alive and trying to attack her. She returned to her spot on the couch next to Ino.
"You do know industrials don't get smaller than eight inches right?"
"I…don't think I should know that."
"Yeah you should. You're the one who's gonna have to deal with that monster…forgive me, I mean dragon." She said, a personal pain came into her chest from calling Naruto a monster, even if it was just about a part of his body. Ino didn't catch on and shrugged.
"Okay, the best advice I can give you Ino, is just do it. Do it in secrecy too, don't tell Inoichi."
"Wait, aren't you supposed to talk me out of this?"
"Why, I'm not your father. Hell, go get laid, just make sure he uses a condom…or two." Ino face faulted.
"First, you should spend more time with him though. Try to be around him more than you are now." Yoshino said caringly.
"Seriously though, don't rush into it. Make sure this is the person you want to go all the way with. This is something that you will regret for a long time if it isn't perfect." Yoshino said looking down. Ino tilted her head and saw a tear in Yoshino's eye. Then Yoshino smiled and waved Ino's look off.
"Don't worry, it'll be fine. Now go, and make sure this is what you want."
Once Ino was gone Yoshino wiped her eyes. She stood and shakingly made her towards the kitchen. At the door frame she stopped and sobbed.
"Shikaku still hasn't forgiven me, even after all of these years…"
"Naruto, wake up."
"Ngh…five more minutes…"
"Fine, you asked for it. Hiro, play."
Before Naruto could open his eyes, a flurry of fur, paws, and licking attacked him. He laughed, rolling on the bed until he wrapped a hand around the puppy, who gave a happy bark.
"Iruka-sensei, what's going on?" He called petting the pup.
"Nothing. You can't stay in bed all day. Oh, and Hiro left you a present in the kitchen." He handed Nartuo the pooper-scooper.
Naruto glared at Hiro, who put his paws over his eyes and whimpered. Naruto just smiled.
"It's alright Hiro, we'll get Iruka-sensei back later." He called with a sly smile. After cleaning up the mess, he went outside, Hiro trailing along. It was another bright day, which was actually starting to worry Naruto. Things seemed to be going a little too smoothly. Even the villagers had stopped messing with him, and just completely ignored him all together. He heard that it had something to do with the hospital.
"There you are Naruto."
Kakashi strolled towards Naruto with his hands in his pockets. The way he spoke was down right cheerful, and creepy to Naruto, because he never heard him talk that way before. Hiro barked and began leaping towards Kakashi. Kakashi bent down and petted the puppy before looking at its owner with a smile shaped eye.
"I hope you're not busy."
"No, I'm not, why?"
"I wanted to ask if you'd except some extra training today. I've got nothing to do, and you need all the practice you can get."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto frowned at Kakashi, who relayed his same smiling eye.
"Oh nothing. So do you want to train or not? You know we won't be meeting again for another three days."
Naruto wasn't the type to turn down any extra training anyway. If there was a way for him to get stronger he would. All because he didn't forget the promise he and Sasuke made to each other. They would fight, and neither would hold back.
'I wonder what he's been doing…'
"Come on Naruto, we only have a short time today."
Naruto nodded and began to follow Kakashi.
"Oh wait! You don't mind if we have company while we're training do you Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked eagerly, trying to suppress a smile trying to form on his face. Kakashi shrugged and agreed. Naruto lead him away, half way through the town. The copy nin was curious as to whom would be joining the training session, and under Naruto's request non the less. That curiosity hit its peak once they reached their destination.
"I'll be right back Kakshi-sensei." Naruto said and ran through the gates, leaving Hiro and Kakashi watching.
'The Hyuga compound? And not only that, the main house of Hiashi Hyuga himself? What's going on here?' He looked down at Hiro, as if the puppy had an answer, but it was staring at the house just as confused as Kakashi.
At the door, two Hyuga gaurds stopped Naruto.
"What do you want kid? If you need to speak to Hiashi-sa-"
"Is Hinata-chan home?" Naruto interrupted, a little annoyed by the guard stopping him.
"Lady Hinata…why do you-" Once again Naruto cut the guard off.
"HINATA-CHAN!! ARE YOU IN THERE??" He yelled, making the Hyugas cover their ears.
Naruto prepared to scream again but the door opened. Hinata stood smiling in front of him, but behind her stood Hiashi himself. Hinata blushed and scratched the back of her head.
"Um…Naruto-kun, could you please be a little quiet. Daddy is…well-"
"I'm trying to read a roman say novel." He declared with both anger and pride.
"It's romance father…" Hinata said dropping her head.
"O…kay…Well, Hinata-chan-" Naruto started.
"Since when did my Daughter become chan boy?" Hiashi asked taking a step forward and putting his hands behind his back. Naruto gulped as he realized what type of situation he was in. This wasn't like him and Ino, Hiashi had no clue about the relationship he had with Hinata.
"I…I…" Naruto began to sweat all over.
"I'm Hinata's friend guy…" He said, hoping it went unnoticed by Hiashi.
"You're her boyfriend…" Hiashi said darkly. Naruto shrunk, his plan being crushed in front of him.
"Father, I think there is someone waiting for Naruto-kun, so you really shouldn't keep him." Hinata said quickly. Naruto gave her a slight nod, acknowledging the save. Hiashi froze for a second, only staring towards Kakashi. Then he sighed.
"Fine. However, when you return with Hinata, I want to speak to the both of you." He turned until Naruto called out.
"How did you know I wanted to take Hinata out?"
'Because this is exactly what I did when I met her mother.' Hiashi thought. However, it was silence with Naruto, and he just continued walking into the house, leaving them.
"You want to take me somewhere?" Hinata asked.
"Yeah. You remember you asked to come train with me. Well we can do it today if you want, and afterwards we can go get something to eat." Naruto began to blush slightly.
"I…I would like that." She stammered, feeling a tightening feeling in her stomach.
'Could this be…me and Naruto-kun's first real…date?'
Naruto thought the same thing, and everything seemed to hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in a real relationship, and with two girls. Ironically, neither one of them were what he was exactly aiming for a month ago. These two girls had changed him, and changed him a lot. He didn't think of Sakura anymore and Sasuke wasn't someone for him to cling on to like a helpless child. His mask was cracking, but this time he didn't care. He wanted it to fade, so he could show his true self to those who cared about him. Maybe, just maybe, he could finally have true happiness in his life. And maybe nothing would go wrong to tarnish it.
"So, what gives us the honor of having the first Hyuga princess join us for training?" Kakashi called giving a half bow. Hinata blushed and wrapped herself around Naruto's arm.
"Me…and Naruto-kun are dating, Kakashi-san." Hinata replied, making the masked nins one visible eye go wide. Almost as fast as he had become shocked, he turned stoic.
'From a pink haired, loud mouthed bruiser, to a blue haired, timid princess? Wow, Naruto's all over the map.'
Naruto saw Kakashi's blank stare and called, "Hey, what's up Kakashi-sensei?"
"Nothing. Just amazed at how a short stop like you could catch a fly ball like Hinata."
Naruto stuck his tongue out at Kakashi over the insult. Hinata smiled and leaned her head on Naruto's shoulder as they walked towards field six. Naruto caught several people glaring at him and Hinata, and even though he tried not to, he could still hear what some people were saying.
"What's with that? Why is that Hyuga princess with the demon."
"Are the Hyuga aiding him? Even after what happened to Hinamare?"
"Aww, that's so cute."
Naruto smiled at the last one. At least not everyone hated him still. Maybe that moment he had with Sasuke really did change some people. As for the rest of them, if he could hold on to his sanity for just a bit longer, maybe he could change them too. Or maybe they would drive him too far one day when Hinata or Ino aren't around and cause him to do something he'll regret for a long time. He stopped at the thought. It wasn't his. He had been smiling when he thought about hurting some of the villagers, and he knew it couldn't have been himself.
"I know kit, but it wasn't me."
Naruto stopped walking for a second, but the fox ordered him to keep going. Since Naruto was with other people, he couldn't go inside his head, or his body would enter its unconscious state.
'Alright what is it?' Naruto called with his hands in his pockets and his head down.
"It is about the third entity that now inhabits your core existence."
'What? Core existence? Okay, explain this in details please.'
"Your core existence is where all of your emotions come from Naruto. Every single emotion you have is the core of your existence and so is chakra. It is the central focal point of your chakra. The last time we spoke, you saw two flames, one black and one white. Those flames are feeding off of your emotions Naruto. The black off of anger, hatred, and confusion. The white off of love, and anything that makes you happy."
'What does this have to do with a third entity. And how are flames inside of me in the first place.'
"It seems the third entity wasn't sealed inside of you, it was created by you. When you were young and tortured by the villagers, you always wanted a way for revenge. The flames of youth that Rock Lee so often mentions are actually real. Where they originated is beyond me, and maybe only someone you know can tell you the truth. However, I do know that since you've felt hatred and despise most of your life, your flames of youth should have been extinguished. However, it didn't, it just split in two. The black flame has been growing stronger and stronger. It began to form into a chakra. That chakra took a solid form when you henged, therefore becoming Kyu. The stronger the black flame got, the weaker the white, but since you've been with the quiet Hyuga and the crazy Yamanaka, the black flame has been suppressed. The white flame is growing stronger, but not enough. This momentary happiness you've been feeling has not been enough to stop the black flames growth."
"Slow down!" Naruto accidentally called out loud. Hinata jumped and looked at Naruto worriedly.
"Is everything fine Naruto-kun? Am I walking too fast?" She asked innocently, almost looking as if she was about to cry. Naruto quickly tried to comfort her.
"No, not at all! Sorry Hinata-chan, I was just thinking of something."
Kakashi had begun reading again, but glared at Naruto over his book. It was strange, because he could have sworn that Naruto's chakra had risen for a split second, much higher than he had ever felt it before.
'Flames of youth? And not only that, chakra flames? Then they form their own life form, come on. This doesn't make sense.'
"I know Naruto. I will be able to tell you more as I learn more. For now, you should stay calm as to not make that flame grow. Though, flames of youth aren't actually what I would call them, you should ask your hokage about their true Nature. I felt them inside of your Uchiha friend as well."
Naruto almost completely stopped walking when he heard this. Then he remembered what had happened to Sasuke as a child as well. He didn't know the full details, but he knew enough. Sasuke's entire clan had been wiped out, and he was supposed to be the last one left, the sole survivor. That's all he knew. It was enough for anyone to go insane, and Sasuke had found Naruto to cling onto for alleviation.
"Okay, Naruto. I want to know what you think you need improvement in." Kakashi said, making Naruto just realize that they were already at the training grounds.
'How about how to create an in body fire extinguisher.' He wanted to say.
"I…I don't know. I guess chakra control really. All of my jutsu take way too much chakra to pull off."
Kakashi nodded, analyzing everything he had learned about Naruto over the time that he'd known him. All of his jutsu were supreme, high ranked jutsu. But his chakra output was still academy, unless he was actually putting his full attention into one thing. If Kakashi could train Naruto to have at least genin chakra control, though he knew Naruto could easily attain Jonin level control, then Naruto would be able to pull off several jutsu with out batting an eye.
"Alright Naruto. Since I'm not really one to teach chakra control besides the basics, how about Hinata be your senpai for right now too?"
Naruto looked at Kakashi confused, and Hinata had frozen.
'I can't be Naruto-kun's senpai…I'm not strong enough. I bet he feels the same way-'
"Fine by me." Hinata face planted.
"Naru-kun, I don't th-think I can be your…senpai."
"Why not?" Naruto asked with both sadness and irritation.
"I-I'm not strong enough."
Naruto stared at the stuttering girl for a second, before falling to the ground and rolling in a fit of laughter. Hinata's head dropped in shame as she thought Naruto was laughing at her.
"Weak?" Naruto said from the ground. "If you're weak, then the rest of us must be pathetic."
Hinata cocked her head in confusion. "What do you mean…"
Naruto calmed down, sat up, and wiped a tear from his eye. "You really shouldn't down yourself so much. I've never even seen you fight and know that you've got enough chakra control to take me down in a fight."
Hinata knew that was pushing it, but maybe she did know enough to actually be considered a decent kunoichi. She smiled at Naruto, but more at herself. He believed in her, and that was enough to convince her. She bowed.
"Arigatou Naruto-kun. I would be honored to become your senpai."
Naruto grinned from ear to ear, and let out a semi roar. Hiro began barking, thinking something had gone mentally ill with its owner.
"This is gonna be great Hinata-chan…I mean Hinata-senpai." He knelt before her.
"Well, this is more interesting than I thought. You're actually showing respect to someone." Kakashi called from a log, his book still glued to his face. He put the book away and stood up.
"I'll be back in twenty." He said, flashing a peace sign.
"Hey, wait! You're just gonna leave?" Naruto yelled.
"I said I would help you train, not stay the entire time."
"It's okay Naruto-kun, I think it will better if it's just us two."
Kakashi glared at her for a second. Seeing a hidden smirk form on her lips, he sighed.
"Fine I'll stay. I don't want the hokage killing me because two of his genin did the dirty and pulled a couple of sprouts while I was supposed to be watching them."
This pulled a blush from both said genin, and an angry insult from the blonde jinchuriki.
"Dad, I'll be back, I'm going to get more spices!" Ayame yelled to Teuchi before leaving the store.
"Fine, fine, just be back before closing time." The old man's voice called from the back of the stand.
Ayame took off the apron and bonnet she usually wears and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Working everyday was a price she had to pay for spending time with her father. It was all worth it though. At least, she kept telling herself that over and over. She dusted her dark green blouse and put a belt on her tan capris. She didn't really want to go get spices, but it was a good enough of an excuse for her to get a little break.
"Hey, stop that man!" A woman shouted. Ayame saw a man with a ski mask on running quite slow towards her with a purse flying about in his massive hand.
'At least something eventful happened today.' She thought as she jumped in the way of the less than successful purse snatcher.
"Move it little girl!" The man called still hobbling towards her.
"Right." She said sarcastically and began to form hand signs.
"Suiton: 100 degrees." She called out. Two near by barrels of water exploded, and water soared into the air. The man skidded to stop, seeing water racing towards him from both sides.
"Oh crud." He mumbled as scalding hot water slammed into him, and twirled him like a whirlpool. He collapsed to the ground soaking wet.
"Thank you so much!" The lady called running even slower than the bandit had. "I owe you a lot."
"No problem, just happy to help."
The woman stared for a moment and then beamed. "Oh hey! You're the Ramen Girl! I'll be sure to let Teuchi know about what you've done!"
She looked up towards the sky, feeling a little annoyed. Even though she wanted a break, what was she supposed to do. This was a lucky random event. She didn't really have any friends beyond Naruto and a couple of kids from the academy. Most of them just knew her as the Ramen Girl anyway. With another exhausted sigh, she walked towards a small market to pick up the spices. After an imposing search for the right spices, and an infuriatingly long wait in line, she was finally on her way back to the stand. Dragging her feet, her head slightly down, she wondered why she even bothered. As if things couldn't get any worse, she accidentally walked into someone.
"Darn it! I'm sorry, are you okay?" She asked. Neither her nor the person had fallen.
"Yeah, no problem." The dog by the boy's foot gave a happy yelp.
"Aww, cute puppy. I love dogs. What's his name?" Ayame asked bending down to pet the dog.
"Akamaru." The boy said proudly, removing his hood. Ayame noticed two red marks under his eyes.
"Hey, you're an Inuzuka right?" She asked with enthusiasm.
"Yep. Kiba Inuzuka's the name. You're that Ramen Girl."
Ayame turned away sulking making Kiba sweat drop. "Ah…are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's alright. I'm used to being called Ramen Girl."
Kiba heard the hint of sadness in her voice, though he didn't know what for. "So what's your real name Ramen Girl?" He asked, completely oblivious to her feelings towards the name. She took it as him being considerate however, just in a sarcastic way.
"I'm Ayame Ichiraku."
"Nice to meet a fellow dog lover." Kiba said pulling the girl into a one armed hug. Ayame blushed confused at his behavior.
"Uh…nice to meet you too?"
Kiba frowned and released her. "Sorry about that, it's how we Inuzuka usually greet each other. Well, that or sniff each others butt, but they stopped that tradition two years ago. I don't know why, I actually liked it."
Ayame rose an eyebrow, but chose not to think about it too much.
"Well anyway, I should be on my way. It's getting pretty dark, and I have to be back at the stand before closing time."
"Alright. I'll walk you there." Kiba said, but then Akamaru started growling.
"Hey buddy, what's wro-" Kiba was saying until he felt a strong blow to the back of his head. He fell to the ground, stunned, but not unconscious. Ayame screamed. Kiba turned over to see someone in a black cloak snatch her and flee. It ticked him off that he didn't smell the silent attacker, but even more that he couldn't do anything to stop him.
"Ayame!" He yelled, but the person was gone. His next instinct was to go after her, but Akamaru barked at a small white object on the ground. It was a note.
If you ever wish to see this child, and other hostages again, bring the bridge builder to wave country by sunset in three days.
Kiba balled the note up in his fist. "Damn it…Whoever did this will pay!" He growled, and against his conscious will, darted to the hokage's office.