Celebrity Lifestyle

By: Inuyasha4ev

Chapter 16: Proposal after Death

Six days. Six whole days without speaking to Kagome. Naraku had not known it would physically hurt him to be away from her. It felt as though his heart were being ripped from his chest. Maybe he should call her. He reached into his pocket for his cell phone, then snatched his hand back as though it burned. "No. I will not call her. She still has to decide." 'But it's only one more day. That should not matter. I will call her.'

Again he reached into his pocket, then snatched back. "No. It's merely a day. I can wait a day to see my Kagome." Pacing a bit, he leaned against the brick wall and closed his eyes. 'I will call her.' Quickly, so that he would not have a chance to stop himself, Naraku dialed Kagome's number.


His heart drummed at the sound of her soft, angelic voice. He breathed a sigh. "Kagome."

Kagome blinked, staring at the phone for a moment. "Um, hello, Naraku. I still have a day, you know?"

"Yes. I well know. I simply...I am longing to hear your voice, to see you. Just in case you decide upon Sesshomaru, I would like this one last walk in the park, Kagome."

"I, uh, I don't know, Naraku."

"Kagome, I am no begging man. So I will not. But I will say that my chest aches painfully because I am not with you. This meeting will hold me over until tomorrow. I will only take fifteen minutes of your time."

Kagome sighed and glanced at her watch, reading the time. "I can spare about fifteen minutes until I have to pick up Rin from Inutaisho's. She had a play date with Shippo. What park?"

Naraku smiled to himself, his usually devious lips turning up in an oddly innocent and childlike manner. "The park where Sesshomaru and I issued this decision you must make. I will see you soon."

"Okay." Though she hesitated, she gave in, having to admit that she had missed him as well. After snagging a jacket, she was on her way. Her stomach filled with butterflies when she saw Naraku leaning against a pole, his back to her. Taking a moment to check her hair and make up, she strolled to him, muttering a small, "Hi."

"Kagome." Immediately, he surrounded her with his arms and crushed her to him. She felt so warm and smelled so nice. Now just to see if her lips still felt soft. His eyes widened when all he got was cheek. "Kagome."

"No persuasion. We're talking and walking. Holding hands too, I guess." It had been hard to turn him down and turn away, but she needed to. It was only fair. Wrapping her small hand around his, she smiled apologetically at him before urging him on. "So." She began as they walked.

Naraku stared down at her. Was it just him, or had she became more beautiful and 'glowy'? Her face shone with more than just her natural sheen. "Your skin is radiant, Kagome." Chuckling at her blush, he brushed his nose against it, pulling her against him by the waist. "I simply wish to bathe in your beauty and voice. Speak to me. Or better, sing to me."

"S-sing to you?"

"It is what you do. And I love the way you do it."

Kagome blinked at him for a moment, then began to sing what was on her mind.

Sometimes I really don't wanna have to speak my mind.

Cause I really don't wanna tell you how I am digging you so.

I can't let go.

But it hurts me to my soul.

To tell you every little thing that is on my mind.

I can't let you know so I hide it inside.

All my feelings for you.

Don't want you to let it go to your head.

I am mean to you sometimes.

But I can't get you off my mind.

So I hit you with the game.

Always tryna act like your loving doesn't faze me when the truth is that it amaze me.

I know it's a big lie.

Cause you can see right through my eyes how much I wanna hold you.

Give you all my loving.

Baby boy, let me show you.

And I really wanna get to know you.

But I've been there.

And I've done that.

And I promised never to get hurt again. (Never, no, no)

Never again.

Never hurt again.

You drive me crazy but I promised myself never to get hurt again. (Never to get hurt again)

Never again. (Never again)

Never hurt again.

I can't never ever let you see me this way.

So I take all my feelings and I tuck them away.

Frontin like I don't want you to hold me tight.

So I act like I'm putting up a fight to get your attention.

And make you stay around longer.

So I tell you I don't like it cause I know that that would make you wanna hold me tighter.


Naraku stopped walking, peering down at his love. Her eyes twinkled with tears, battling for freedom. And though she fought, they won, spilling out of her eyes and down her cheeks. "My Kagome." He whispered, rounding in front of her and wiping away her tears. "Kagome, is that why you are afraid? I am not Hojo. The pain you felt with him, I will not put you through. If you become mine to love, that is what I will do. Love you until there is no time for us to love anymore. And even in heaven or hell, I will keep those feelings. Do not think that everyone will hurt you the way you've been hurt in the past. Promise me you will not think that."

"I want to. But I just can't trust everyone."

"I am not telling you to. I am telling you to trust me. If you have no one else to talk to, no one else you can rely on, Kagome, I will be there in some way or form. I love you, a very strange thing to come from a mouth such as mine which has led to the deaths of many."

"I love you too, Naraku."

He searched her eyes, brushing her hair from her face and pecking her forehead. "And you are worthy of someone who can love you. Though I would not like to say it, Sesshomaru is as good an option as I am in that department."

Kagome giggled at him. "You're acting so out of character. And yet," She kissed his lips softly, "I like that."

Naraku smirked at her, crushing his lips into hers. Parting with a hiss when Kagome's phone rang, he contemplated how to wring the neck of the person of interruption.



Sesshomaru drummed his nails on his desk, tapping irritatedly. Inuyasha growled, a warning for his brother to cut it out, but he got nothing. "Why don't you just call the woman? I'm sure Kagome misses you."

Sesshomaru glanced up, then away. "I am teaching her a lesson."

"No. You're killing yourself. You're leaving her open for Naraku. And worst, you're killing me with that annoying ass tapping!"

"Hn." Sesshomaru stopped tapping and reached to grab the phone, dialing Kagome's number.


'The voice of my sweet tenshi.' "Kagome."

"Sesshomaru? Hi, um, what's up?"

He sat there for a moment. He hadn't thought of what to say. He had just wanted to here her. What was he supposed to say? Do you miss me? "Where are you?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. 'Like he even needs to know.' "The park with Naraku." She spoke without thinking. Or perhaps she had been thinking and her subconsious wanted Sesshomaru to know and be hurt."

"Kumo." He growled under his breath. "Why?"

"We are talking. What does it have to do with you?" She didn't pause long enough for an answer. "Nothing. So get off my line so I can go pick up Rin."

Sesshomaru stared at the dialtone sounding phone emptily, allowing his anger to build up in him until he was seeing partly red. He stormed out of the office, out of the building, sniffing the air for any scent of Naraku.


"I should not have let her go." Naraku scolded himself. 'I should have held onto her against her will. Eventually, she would be fine with it.' He felt so empty, like the largest part of him was missing. "Hello?" He asked into his phone indifferently.

"Nice to speak to you too, Naraku." Miroku answered sarcastically. "Anyway, you will not believe what Sango has told me about Kagome. She said that Kikyo told her."

"And what is so important about my Kagome?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just the fact that she's pregnant and there's a 50% chance it's yours."

Naraku halted immediately. "You lie, monk."

Miroku laughed. "No. Isn't it funny? Even Sesshomaru didn't smell the kid and I haven't seen an aura. But according to Kikyo, Kagome took at least six tests and all were positive."

Naraku grinned. A kid. Kagome was having a kid. And it could be his! Oh, this was too good to be true! He wanted to yell, cheer, jump up and down. But before he could utter a word, a sharp pain flew through his chest and he flew back into a wall, his skull cracking against the brick.


Sesshomaru rounded a corner. Yeah. He could smell the kumo's scent. And he was close. Perfect. Just perfect. He'd show him to mess with his Kago...me. He stopped in his tracks when he felt something wizz past his face and turned to see it his Naraku in the chest. 'A bullet.' His eyes were wide as he watched his bestfriend hit the wall then fall to the ground. 'Naraku!' His mind screamed. The anger he had once felt toward Naraku turned up and directed at whoever had dare shoot at him. But that didn't matter now. Naraku wasn't getting up, and his blood surrounded him. Sesshomaru leapt over cars and people to get to the other side of the street to him.

Lifting him up, Sesshomaru gazed blankly at the three bullet wounds in his chest. He felt him move, then saw that he was straining not to cry out. "Be still, Naraku. I am calling an ambulance."


"Silence. You will worsen your injuries." He growled.

"Do not tell Kagome."

Sesshomaru paused for a second. 'She will be devastated.' "I will not. Rest."


Ring Ring Ring

"Wha?" Kagome asked, disoriented.

Ring RIng RIng

"Stupid phone! Shut up!"


"Damnit, I'm coming!" She stared at her clock, reading 12:00 am over and over again. Midnight. Who the hell is calling me at midnight. She snatched up the phone. "What?! This better be good!"

"Not good. But important." Inuyasha answered softly. He had somehow been conned into telling Kagome the news.

"What? It can't wait?"

"Maybe. But not long. L-look, Naraku was shot earlier today. He begged us not to call you. But the doc says he ain't looking good."

"Inuyasha, don't play games like that with a sleepy woman."

Inuyasha sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "It ain't a game, Kag. I-I am so sorry I'm the one to tell you."

Wide awake, Kagome sat up. "You're telling the truth. What hospital? what room?"

"Naraku told me not to tell you."

Kagome growled loudly. "Damn what he said! Do what I'm telling you! I swear to God, Inuyasha if you don't tell me."

He cringed. "The one on Ishibashi rd. Room C3."

"Thanks." The phone was tossed away. The covers were thrown back and ignored as Kagome slid on some shoes and a jacket before rushin gto Rin's room. "Rin, get up for momma."

"Hm?" Rin opene one sleepy eye. "Huh, momma?"

Kagome slid the small shoes and jacket onto her little body before picking her up. "We're going to see Naraku, K?"

Rin giggled sleepily. "We're going to Naraku-san's house?"

"No. We're going to the hospital." Kagome replied sadly.


Kagome trudged into the hospital without a word, setting Rin in a chair near Inuyasha. Her face was hard as she walked back out and up to the male at the information desk. "I need to see Onigumo Naraku."

The male glanced at a paper on his desk, then answered without looking up, "He's not open for visitors yet."

"I don't think you heard me. I said that I 'need' to see him. And you are going to let me." Her eyes flashed briefly when his met them.

Shivering with fear, he jumped up and ran off in an attempt to be free of her terrifying glare.

After a few long, but slow strides, Kagome had caught up to him, turning her to him and pushing him against the wall. "When will I be able to see him?"

The man looked around the waiting room for help, exhaling slowly when he noticed that they were only staring at Kagome in surprise. "I-I don't know. C-could you let go? I can't breath."

"Answer me. I need an assumption, an estimation!"

"A few hours tops, Higurashi-sama! Just don't hurt me!"

Kagome jumped away from him instantly, blinking back her tears. "I am so sorry. I'm just tired, scared, sick. Look, uh, let me do something to help you."

The man grinned uneasily at her, directing her to a chair. "Just get some rest so that you don't kill me next time."

Though reluctant, Kagome nods and obeys, pulling her daughter to her and cuddling her tiredly. Hours later, she was awakened by a shaking to her shoulders. "Hm?"

"Momma. I'm hungry." Rin said softly.

"Oh. You are? What time is it?"

"Six in the morning. And we're in Naraku-san's room now. Sesshomaru-sama carried you."

Kagome sat up and blinked, rubbing her eyes. "Oh." She glanced around the room, heart crumbling at the sight of Naraku laying on the bed with his eyes closed. "Uh." Her head snapped to the door when Inuyasha entered with a few bags of McDonalds.

Inuyasha smiled at Kagome. "How ya doin', Kag? You talk to him, yet?"

"No." She whispered. "I just woke up."

"Oh." He gave her and Rin two sausage biscuits, orange juice, and hashbrowns. "Well, he's awake now, just restin'. Go say something."

"I don't know what to say." But never the less, she went to Naraku's side, squating and grabbing his hands. "Hi."

Naraku smiled underneath his mask. "Hello, Kagome. I've been waiting hours for you to awaken."

Kagome sighed softly, rubbing his cool hand against her cheek. "Yeah. Sorry about that."

"Nothing to apologize for, my dear. You need your rest." He waited for her to say something, and when she didn't, decided to speak on something else. "I learned something interesting before I was shot."

"Oh really?" Kagome asked, eyes wide and curious. "What?"

"My friend, Miroku, learned from Sango, who learned from Kikyo that you are, as I thought, pregnant."

Kagome's mouth opened, closed, unsealed, then sealed. She glared at her sister. "Kikyo, how could you, of all people?"

Kikyo smiled a bit at her little sister. "Somehow, it slipped. Obviously, it was fate if I could not hold it."

"And you, Sango, what right did you have to tell anyone, let alone, Miroku? This had nothing to do with either of you."

"Hey, it's not me you're mad at." Sango retorted, rolling her eyes.

"And who is it?"

"You're mad at yourself for not knowing which one of them is the father because you slept with them both for what, a month?!"

Everyone's eyes cut to Kagome, knowing her reply would be an explosion of emotion. They were more than surprised when she calmly stated, "I couldn't help myself. Love knows no bounds. Either way, it's my life and your opinion is useless."

Sango frowned, unsure of how to reply. "What's with you? No fight. No tears. No yelling. Why are you being so calm Kagome?"

"Why would I waste my time fighting a trivial, pointless fight because you are truthful as always and I don't want to hear the truth about my foolish actions when I don't know how much time I have left with Naraku? Besides, you and I fight every other week. Then we make up, we cry, we hug, we laugh, we go shopping. You'll be here later, but he might not."

No one spoke for a while, knowing what Kagome had said was true. The silence wasn't broken until Kagome spoke again.

"And I do know now who the father is."

"And he is not me, is he?" Naraku asked slowly, not really wanting the answer. "You do not have to answer. I know that it is not my child from the look on your face. Tell me how you know."

Kagome rubbed her arms as though she were cold when all eyes turned to her. "Well, I noticed that after I was with you, I always felt more sick than usual, a part of me hating myself for being with you. But when I was with Sesshomaru, my stomach was fine and I could feel the child's heart beating happily. And I've never really had an inner inu unless it was my day to kill. But whenever Sesshomaru and I...something inside my head was yelling for me to let him mate me." Briefly, because she was still mad with him, Kagome smiled at Sesshomaru. "But hey, Maru, you're going to be a father."

Those words sounded sweet, but would've been much sweeter if his best friend wasn't on his deathbed.

"Forgive me, Naraku, if you are hurt."

Naraku chuckled deeply. "My Kagome, a child would not be very helpful in a moment like this. He or she would constantly be there to remind you of me. And besides that, I still have some of your love, correct?"

Kagome smiled at him. "Yes. I'll always love you." She brushed his bangs from his face. "Naraku...are you afraid to die...because I'm afraid for you to leave me." Face planted against his neck, she let her tears marinate the flesh there.

Naraku wrapped his arm around her back, combing his fingers through her long hair. "Would everyone leave us for a moment?"

The occupants of the room did as they were told to, their hearts going out to Kagome. Sesshomaru felt jealousy threaten to rise in him. To prevent himself from interfering, he took Rin's hand, gave her a small smile, and led her out.

"Kagome, I want you to look me in the eyes."

"I can't."

"Kagome, look at me." he told her sternly and forced her chin up. "Tell me what you see."

Kagome closed her eyes and shook her head. "I see death. I don't want to see death, Naraku! You're mine! You love me. I love you. You're a demon. Heal yourself!"

Naraku smiled and nuzzled her. "Kagome, even Sesshomaru could not take three bullets to the heart and survive. A demon's heart is his weakness in some cases. But not when it comes to love. It makes us stronger, Kagome. I love you, Kagome. Tell me that you love me."

"I love you, Naraku. Please, don't let me go!" Her throat throbbed as she tried to swallow her tears. Her stomach pooled, churning within her. "You can't just leave me! Not after telling me you love me!"

"I am not sorry about this, Kagome. It will make things easier on you. You can be with Sesshomaru. You love him as well, and he is the father of your pup. I want you to marry him. He will ask you, and I want you to mate and marry him. Will you do that for me, Kagome?"

"No! You're asking too much of me! I can't be with him knowing that I love you too! I can't cheat you that way!"

He sighed softly. "You could before."

Kagome sobbed. "I know. And I was wrong. But things are different because-"

"I'm dying now? Kagome, in death, you will still be in my heart. We are married in my eyes. We are one. It doesn't have to be official. And I'll find my way back to you when I am reincarnated. You will not know it is me, but I will know it is you. I'll never forget you. But you have to marry Sesshomaru. It is only right."

"Naraku, don't make me do this. I'm scared."

"I know you are, but Sesshomaru will help you through this. I promise you. He is the best person to be near when you are grieving. He will help you be strong when you can't. Promise me, Kagome. If you love me, you'll promise me."

Kagome rubbed her eyes viciously to get the tears out of them. "Okay, koi. I will. I swear."

Naraku patted her head. "Good girl."

"I'm not a dog." She glared playfully.

"Almost a dog." Energy flooded from is body. "My life is coming to an end. Kiss me, Kagome."

Peeling back his mask, Kagome kissed him, allowing his tongue to slide slowly into her mouth. The sensual kiss was followed by a calm sigh. "I'll never stop loving you."

Naraku closed his eyes. "And I'll always love you." He squeezed her hand and kissed the soft digits one by one. "Good bye, Kagome." Drawing in his last breath, he clutched her hand to his mouth in death.

Kagome stayed there for a while, kissing him over and over again, just praying he;d return at least one. When he didn't, she gave up and sulked from the room, stopping at the front desk to tell them he had passed. Arms crossed, she stalked out into the cool air, spotting Sesshomaru leaning on the wall. "Where's Rin?"

"Inuyasha took her to the park with Shippo after she began to cry for Naraku." He looked down at her. "My friend. He is gone, is he not?"


"And you are fine?"

"No." Leaning into his open arms, she pressed her face to his chest. "Sesshomaru, promise you won't leave me too. Promise you'll always be here." 'Please, promise me you won't leave like Naraku.'

Sesshomaru stroked her head gently, his claws tapping her delicate scalp. "I will do my best." He smiled a little. "You wish for me to be here for you forever?"

Kagome nodded and smiled back in the same dimunitive way. "Forever."

"Kagome, his funeral will be in a week. Afterwards, he wished for a party. Before we go to the party, I would like to show you something. Would you meet me at my father's home?"

"Uh, k?" She replied uncertainly. "What are you showing me?"

"Something important. Have you had a doctor look at the pup?"

Kagome shook her head. "No. Why? Wanna know if it's a hanyou or not?" A bitter question, but she was curious.

Sesshomaru stared down at her, placing her hand to his chest. "It does not matter to me. I simply wish to know what it is and if it is healthy. It seems that your scent and aura are too over powering for me to ever know. I will make an appointment for tomorrow."


"Kagome, try not to be too upset."

"Thanks." She was unprepared for the kiss he layed on her lips, but couldn't help but melt into him and kiss back. "Tell Inuyasha to bring Rin by the house, K?"

"As you wish."

Kagome bit her thumb nail, then looked at him. "Um, you think you could come with me and maybe hold me for a bit."

Sesshomaru nodded indifferently, walking beside her. Slowly, he eased his arms around her, rubbing his fingers over her cold arms. 'My friend, Naraku, sleep peacefully. And I will do as you asked. I will propose to Kagome soon. I will take her as my mate if she complies.' He thought of the many ways he could romantically propose to her as he held the sobbing, nude woman in his arms in bed. (No. They didn't have sex.) Pressing his nose to her stomach, he drew in a long breath, trying to catch a whiff of his child. He caught the slight scent of dog. 'My pup.' He growled softly. 'Yes. My pup.'