Now that we've made it this far I'll be going back through my old chapters and fixing all the little typos and maybe adding some things. As promised this is the final chapter. Thank you all so much for staying with me through all of this and for all of your wonderful support. I hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I have.

Chapter 12

A Feral Farewell

Amy has never run so quickly in her entire life. This is different from all those times she had played tag with her father. This is no game. This is far from it. Her little heart races within her chest as she clears past the bramble. Fear has gripped her in its cold clutches and drives her onward. She has no reason to run anymore. The ones who attacked Geoffrey never saw her but she keeps the pace. It's all she can think to do. Her heart aches not only from the rush of adrenaline but mostly for poor Geoffrey. Geoffrey, her rescuer, is gone. What hope is there for her? Geoffrey did not like to speak of it but she knows there is a new darkness in the world. She saw the frozen people littering the streets. Even her loving father… taken in an instant. Can the whole world be in the same state as Crimea? No. She must not think such things. If both she and Geoffrey survived then there could be others. There must be. There has to be.

The monsters who attacked Geoffrey had escaped being turned to stone. Perhaps even her adoring mother had managed it somehow. Yes. She would search for her mother. Mother's magic is beyond compare. Mother always says so. She can save the frozen people. She could even save Geoffrey. These thoughts warm her heart and help her relax. Coming out of her thoughts she remembers the weariness from the run and the pain in her legs. She slows her pace gradually to a slow walk. She can't bring herself to stop moving but she can at least catch her breath.

Voices! Men's voices are coming from nearby. In her frantic excitement she cannot tell where they originate but she does know they are getting closer. She quickly dives for the nearest cover and tucks herself under a large bush just in time. She peeks out from her hiding place but all she can see are two sets of booted feet. The two men have stopped to rest only ten feet from here. She tries to contain her fear and prays that they will soon leave. The one man talks so much she almost doesn't feel the need to be so quiet. The man's companion says very little even when courtesy would demand that he at least nod his head. The quiet man frightens her the most. Something about the way he puffs on his pipe sets her even more on edge. Every movement he makes is so meticulous and precise he simply can't be normal. Whatever doubts she has of the men being decent folk are quickly dissolving. Those thoughts vanish completely when the silent man draws a dagger from his belt and begins to maneuver it through his fingers in small twirling motions. There is no doubt this man is a killer. She nearly lets out a cry when he suddenly takes the knife and throws in into the trunk of the tree right beside her hiding spot. She bites her lip to hold in any sounds she may make. The man seems satisfied with his aim and stands to retrieve the knife. Amy's heart beats faster with every step he claims. He comes so close she could reach out and untie his boot laces. He's just too close. She tries to shy away but a root beneath her knee snaps. It seems like the loudest noise she's ever heard. The knife wielding man shoves the branches aside and stares down at her with those calculating brown eyes. The other man comes to stand at his side and together they exchange an unreadable look. Amy swallows thickly. She's never been more certain of anything and she knows this is the end.


Ike flies at Sothe, his eyes catching the moonlight bouncing off the daggers blade. As if the world has suddenly turned upside down, Ike freezes in place. Of all things, this makes Sothe's heart beat faster. He can fight Ike. He has convinced himself of that. But this? This is something all together different. Ike bows his head and holds his hands at his sides shaking slightly. Slowly he crouches down on his toes and tips onto his hands. He won't look at Sothe. He just stares at the ground. Sothe wants to back up and regain his space but he can't show weakness. Not now. Ike moves again dropping completely to his knees and letting his arms hang uselessly with palms face up. He lifts his dark eyes to Sothe and just stares. Sothe can't stand it.

"What do you think you're doing!" Sothe demands and points his blade at his former friend. He thought he was prepared for any scathing comeback but he finds himself at a loss for words when Ike speaks.

"I-I'm s-sorry. S-so sorry." Ike whispers. He cradles his battered head in his hands and peeks out at Sothe through his callused fingers. "Pathetic…so pathetic." Sothe watches this display in shock. He doesn't know what to make of his ex-hero. "Everything I've done…so wrong."

"Ike?" Sothe asks skeptically. "Is that you?" Ike's eyes snap up to him as if he has somehow forgotten the boy was even here. He rubs at his eyes and tries to calm his breathing. Sothe can sense he's crying but he can't see tears in this lighting. "Ike, where is Micaiah?" His desperation shows through more than ever. Ike twiddles his fingers and looks away. "Tell me where she is, you bastard!" Sothe kicks a haze of dirt at him and feels somewhat justified when Ike draws back. What little gratification he received from the act quickly vanishes from the shameful look he sees on the other's face. If it was anything else he would stop but it isn't. It's about Micaiah and she is everything. "Tell me!"

"She…She…"Ike holds his head as if simply trying to think causes him pain. "With the others."

"What others?"

"With our friends… Tibarn and everyone else." Ike sniffles and wipes at his eyes. "They took her away and left me… they said I was, 'No good'. And I'm not. I can't even control myself." He gives an agitated grumble and goes back to his self pity. All the same, Sothe is relieved to hear this answer although he isn't certain if it's true.

"They're not our friends they're my friends. Ike's friends aren't yours." He shakes his head angrily. "You don't have any friends, you backstabbing monster." Sothe somehow expects him to retaliate either with a few coarse words or a fist to his gut but he doesn't receive either.

"You're right…you're right." Ike sobs. "I ruined it all. My fault…all of it." If possible, he crumbles even closer to the ground. He scratches at the dirt with one hand and covers his disgraceful face with the other.

"Stop that." Sothe glares down at him and seethes. "You don't have any right to cry."

"Yes…yes. I'm worthless. B-better off dead." He gets back on his knees and grovels. "Please…please." He prays with clasped hands. "End it…please." He bows low with his hands touching the ground. "Your promise. You need to keep it. Please… just please." Somehow he's managed to get a hold of Sothe's pant leg and cry into it. Sothe shakes him loose.

"You're right. I did promise." He looks at the blade in his hand and frowns before turning back to Ike. "But…I promised Ike not you." He sheathes the blade and the creature at his feet stares up at him in shock.

"B-but you have to!" Ike grovels before him like a pathetic animal. "Please." His helpless begging is enough to grate on Sothe's nerves. He can't tolerate all of this blubbering. He looks down at Ike who is currently at eye level with his sheathed dagger.

"Just stop. I know Ike is gone. You're the one who killed him. So live with it." Ike shrieks in despair like a screaming infant. Sothe can't take it anymore. A grown man acting so pathetic over something he did to himself. He looks away from the monster clutching at him and waits for the horrid sounds to cease. Sothe can only feel justified in knowing that this man never denied not being Ike. Even after all he had said to him just now he was never truly certain it wasn't Ike pleading with him.

"Sothe…" Ike says suddenly. His voice is oddly calm as if he hasn't just been crying. "You really are an idiot." In that moment Ike snatches the blade from its casing and rams it into Sothe's thigh. A cry of pure pain escapes Sothe as he falls to the ground clutching at the dagger's hilt. Through pain filled tears he looks up at Ike with the utmost hatred. And just there over Ike's shoulder he can make out the image of Izuka smiling away. He can't help but notice how pleased Ike looks with his handiwork. Humiliation settles in atop the pain when he hears the sound of Izuka clapping his hands at their performance. Ike just has to rub it int. "As if anyone would ever need your help."

"Well played, Omega." Izuka praises his creation with a twisted smile. "A performance worthy of my praise." Ike takes Sothe by the arm and forces him to stand despite the pain. Izuka acknowledges him at last. "Still alive?" He asks snidely. "I had believed those fools had finished you off until I heard rumors you had joined those miserable sub-humans. Truly a dishonor. Oh to think…if judgment had not been passed upon this world, you'd have been hung as a traitor the moment you showed your face. I'd have seen to it. I almost did." Sothe's blood boils at those words. The wicked old man has just confessed to attempting to murder him as if it were nothing. After all that he's been through and all that he's suffered, Izuka was the reason he couldn't be there to protect Micaiah. And this man thinks nothing of it. This is all too much to take in while in his current state. His wound throbs horrendously as he begins to waver. His limbs feel heavy and disconnected. With a shrug, Ike simply steps aside and lets him fall. The heavy smack of his body hitting the hard ground goes right through him. Rolling onto his side he cranes his neck to look up at his would-be killer.

"What do you want, Izuka." Sothe snarls as his blood seeps freely and forms a puddle beneath him. Izuka merely breathes his answer.



The sound of a door slamming shut echoes up the staircase and brings a sense of finality to everything. Micaiah slowly retreats to the cool stone wall of the cell and slips the floor. What else is there for her to do? She's trapped in this horrid dark place with no way if contacting her friends. How can she help them when she's holed up here? The gloom brings her to a depressing state of mind. What does it matter if I'm here or with them? I've failed. All my efforts only make everything worse. I'm better off here. This way I can't ruin anything.

"He may come back soon. We haven't much time." Micaiah jerks upward and gawks at the man in the cell across from hers.

"You…you're not one of them?" She holds a hand to her chest in shock and takes a deep breath. "I thought you were one of his…puppets." She says the word with distaste. She can view him better now. It would seem Izuka had a bit more trouble bringing this man in than he did with her. She notes the dried blood running from his nose and marring his handsome face. He appears to be a beorc or possible a hawk who had their wings clipped. She wouldn't put it past Izuka.

"Sorry to disappoint you." He answers. She's surprised by his speech. There's something in his tone that hints at a noble background. Perhaps he worked in a palace or shares a connection to a royal family. For all her lack of knowledge he could even be a prince. She watches as he strains against his bonds. The chains quiver with the force but hold firm. She can see the damage he's done to his wrists. It's obvious he's been at this for awhile. After a few more tries he settles back against the wall. He looks as if he's about to lose consciences. Micaiah can't bear to be in this place alone. She needs to keep him talking.

"Tell me, how did you come here?" She asks with honest interest.

"I don't exactly know. I was ambushed and I woke up here. It seems every time I regain consciousness things change. First I end up in chains, then you appear, and then Izuka leaves. Maybe the doors will open next time." He smiles sadly at the notion and blinks his eyes wearily. Micaiah can see he's beginning to fade just from the way his clear blue eyes slowly open and close. He hangs his head and lets cerulean locks of hair droop over his face. "I don't even know why I'm here." Micaiah can only assume this man had been asleep during Izuka's tirade only moments ago

"From what I've gathered from his ravings, it seems he wants more feral ones. He claimed he needed strong bodies." She shivers at the thought.

"Forgive my saying so but I don't think that description suits a woman of your stature… There is another quality you posses that intrigues him. What use is a branded compared to any other?"

"I…" She thinks of her mark and feels her face flush. Izuka has known she was branded all this time. She's been a fool "It's because he hates me." She says with an air of finality. It isn't even a lie. She knows that it is at least partially true. She's certain there must be some mad scheme cooked up in Izuka's sick mind. She doesn't even want to think on it.

"If you've any plans on escaping please inform me."

"I'm sorry."

"He may seem insane but his threats are very real. Laguz made from Beorc. I wouldn't believe a word he said but the man who brought you here was once like us."

"You know Ike?" She asks suddenly. He seems surprised by her reaction.

"We met during the last war. I owe him a debt of gratitude for rescuing our queen. But tell me, how is it you know him?" Micaiah scrunches her face not really wanting to share but she begins to speak anyway.

"We met in a place just like this in Daein. It's my fault he's here." He watches her with a sympathetic expression and seems to understand even though he can't possibly know all that's happened. "I had the chance to help him and I lost it every time."

"You have my sympathies." He changes the subject and bows his head in an attempt to be formal. "I never introduced myself. I'm Geoffrey. A knight of Crimea. Might I have your name?"

"I'm Micaiah."

"The Daein general?" He raises an eyebrow but doesn't seem truly surprised. Her appearance has become well known. How many other silver haired maidens are there in his world anyway?

"No. It's just Micaiah. I'm done with war." She rests her head against the bars of the cell and heaves a heavy sigh. At least she isn't alone in this place. She won't suffer the same way Ike did. Loneliness can be a terrible burden.

"I see." He speaks softly as if he too has questioned his position in this entire affair. Hours pass as they linger in this hell. They speak very little to one another. It's hard to think of the world outside when the reality around you is threatening to consume every last inch of you. So they choose not to think and simply to exist. Izuka has not returned. The only sign that time has even passed is the moving ray of sunlight squeezing in through the crack in the small window. Micaiah has no choice but to accept this new development and resign herself to her fate. She takes a calming breath and nearly yelps when a face appears above her. Just on the other side of her door stands a man cloaked in shadow. He stands alert with the majority of his face covered in a shroud. The only things she can see are his eyes, cunning and calculating. He's the perfect image of an enemy. If she had a tome with her she would already have thrown out a spell.

"Who-" She starts but is cut off by Geoffrey's relieved cry.

"You've found us!" The mysterious man seems to ignore the knight entirely. He turns away from Micaiah as he produces a set of lock picks from his belt and sets to work on the lock of Geoffrey's cell.

"Don't forget, the young lady's lock as well." The voice of a silver tongued poet drifts into the room and a learned looking man steps out of the shadows by the stairs. He is every bit the opposite of the man who came before him. He is dressed in the garb of nobility and is quick to bow before her like a gentleman. "Fireman?" He asks demanding a response.

The man called fireman finishes with the lock and thrusts the cell door open. "Fifty." He says bluntly and begins the work at Geoffrey's bindings.

"Haven't you robbed me of enough coin?" The poet sighs sounding about ready to simply give in.

"Twenty five." The fireman replies almost lazily.

"You're dropping your price?" The poet sounds shocked.

"No. Twenty five for the answer."

"Oh there is no use reasoning with the likes of you…very well. Fifty gold it is."

"Deal." With a sudden click the cuffs release and Geoffrey falls free of his bonds. The fireman grabs him by the shoulder and helps him down as he slumps to the floor. Geoffrey sighs inwardly and rubs at his wrists. They've worn at his skin so much he's begun to bleed.

"I can scarcely feel my legs." He groans, sinks to the floor, and rubs at his sore wrists. "Thank you, Volke." The fireman simply shrugs and approaches Micaiah's cell.

"Oh, I had nearly forgotten the little bird who told us of your plight." Bastion leans toward the stairs. "Amy, young lady, it's safe for you to come up now." There's the hurried sound of a child's footsteps and Amy flies into the room. She speeds past Bastion and directly to Geoffrey. The knight sweeps her up into his arms as she cries and tells him of her rescue mission through choked sobs. She hugs him tightly and he pets her head despite the pain it sends running through his aching limbs. Micaiah watches the scene playing out before her with a soft heart. Even in all this chaos a child's innocence remains. "We found the poor girl hiding in the forest. She told us of your plight and the fireman tracked you here." He seems to notice the gravity of their situation as last. "Geoffrey, what in the name of the goddess happened to you?"

"Bastian," Geoffrey breathes his friend's name with a sigh of relief. "You've no idea how happy I am to see you."

"It's good to see you alive as well my friend, but I must ask, how did this happen?"

"I'll explain later. Just please help me up." Amy offers him a hand as Geoffrey's old friend tugs him up by grabbing him under the shoulder. Bastian wanders out of the cell and begins to explore the musty surroundings. After much trouble Micaiah's cell door opens at last and she is free. She gives Volke her thanks and he nods in acknowledgement. Her eyes trail down to where his hand rests near a knife attached to his belt. It becomes incredibly easy for her to avoid him at this moment.

"The fellow who lives here is certainly in need of a decent maid." Bastian flips the covers of a few books on the desk, makes a disgusted face and moves on. He pokes curiously at a vile on the nearby table.

"Bastian, that's my blood." Geoffrey whispers in his ear. Bastian winces and spins around in shock he didn't even realize Geoffrey had been standing right beside him. "You should know my poor heart can't tolerate such frights." Geoffrey shakes his head at the over exaggeration. A terrible scream comes from behind them as a set of chains thrash against the stone walls. Bastion jumps and slowly creeps toward the end of the room with a look of fright etched on his face. Craning his head around the corner he gasps in shock. He sees what he can only describe as a ghost.

"It can't be." He whispers. "Lord Renning?"

"I'm afraid so." Geoffrey comes to stand beside him and Micaiah dares to do the same. She wishes she hadn't. The crippled mess of man inside the cell looks far from human and even further from sane. "But we have no time for questions" On the other side of the room Volke holds up a hand for silence. Everyone freezes.

"He's coming back." Micaiah whispers. From somewhere down below she can he the slow deliberate pace of an old man.

"You." Bastion points to the shady looking Volke. "Capture him for us and I'll add an additional thousand gold."

"Done." The man says with a smirk. He ducks into a nearby cell and waits. Bastian scurries to hide beside the desk as Geoffrey grabs the girls and ushers them inside the nearest cell. The clicking of a cane thumping up the steps is heard rather distinctly followed shorty by Izuka's appearance. A guttural growl comes from his throat as he spits at the floor.

"Late. Late. Late." He grouses and faces the far wall. "My favorite…it's taking far too long. Perhaps-" He stops short when a cold blade presses against his neck from behind. He can only barely feel the presence of the man holding him at bay "I should have known my new pet wouldn't be alone. Such a shame." He smiles wickedly when Micaiah emerges from her hiding place with Amy. "None of you will have the pleasure of joining me. We're going to rule this world without you." Amy shivers when the man's cruel eyes land on her. She lets a small "eep" escape her and hides behind Geoffrey's leg.

"What nonsense." Bastian sniffs. "Dreams of grandeur abound."

"We don't have time." Geoffrey reminds them. "Tie him up and help me free lord Renning. We have to hurry away from this place before Ike returns"

"Oh! You say, Sir Ike has joined you?" Bastion sounds pleased.

"Not quite." Geoffrey's eyes go distant even as he binds Izuka's wrists with a bit of rope.

"Why do we not wait for him? He'd be a wonderful help in keeping track of this one." He gives a quick nod in Izuka's direction.

"Bastian, believe me when I tell you that would not be the best course of action."

Izuka cackles and watches Geoffrey with gluttonous eyes."You think so much like my favorite. Yes. Yes… You should have joined us."

Micaiah looks repulsed and withdraws to stand closer to Geoffrey. She can't stand to be near the monster. "Let's hurry." She says as if to no one. She just wants to forget what happened here. "We may still find the others in time." She catches Volke watching her and fidgets uneasily. She continues to do so long after he has gone to busy himself with the locks on Renning's prison. Curiosity gets the better of her and she moves in to better see the man in the cell. Lord Renning gives a terrible shout when she approaches and causes her to jump. Volke remains unfazed and focused on his task. He is brave. She has to give him that. When Renning's arms fall free he practically lungs at Volke who sidesteps easily. The once proud lord falls to the floor, hissing and spewing broken sounds. Micaiah looks away when Volke promptly knocks the man unconscious. Together the assassin and Geoffrey haul Renning to his feet and they carefully begin the descent down the stairs. Micaiah remains where she is and watches as Bastion forces Izuka to follow. It doesn't feel real. Micaiah should be more joyful after her rescue but she cannot be. Not while the world is still in danger. A small tug at her clothing and she looks down to see Amy. The child still looks frightened even as she looks shyly up at Micaiah.

"Miss Lady?" She asks innocently. "Will you hold my hand?" Micaiah manages a smile, feels the tiny fingers wrap around her own, and they take the first step together. She can't rest yet. She still has people to protect.

As they travel, the land changes from forest to marshland. Finding decent footing becomes difficult. It is as if nature itself is trying to keep them from ever reaching the tower. And through it all there is nothing but deafening silence. The deadness of the world eats away at all of them. They move on never speaking simply staying the course. It isn't until they enter a more wooded area they even become aware that they're being watched. Two figures drop from the trees and take cover in the bushes, causing their little group to jump and quickly reach for their weapons.

"You look a little lost." One of the figures says emerging from her hiding spot. She places her hands on her hips and smiles at them ever so slightly.

"Lethe." Geoffrey says sounding relieved.

"That would be me." She answers. The other figure leaves her place of cover and stands next to her sister. "And Lyre." Lethe adds with a nod. "But let's get to it. What are you doing out here?"

"We ran into some complications." Geoffrey steps aside making Izuka more visible. Lethe quirks a delicate eyebrow and examines the man with suspicion. She's so intrigued with his appearance that she completely ignores the sight of a bound lord Renning struggling.

"And who is he?" There's a hint of distaste in her voice as if she already knows.

"Izuka, he worked for-" Lethe tosses up a hand to silence Geoffrey.

"You don't have to tell me. Just…" She lowers her hand to her side. It's trembling like a leaf in the wind. "Just don't let him anywhere near me." Her face is flushed with anger but she reins it in and gestures to her sister. "Lead the way, Lyre." Lethe's younger sister eyes her with a great deal of worry but does as she's told. "We're five minutes from camp." Lethe states as they walk. "I'm sure the Queen will be very interested in seeing you. I've heard she was very fond of her uncle." Her words sting with the truth. Seeing her uncle like this will break Elincia's heart. Guilt pangs in Geoffrey's stomach but he knows that Elincia deserves to know the truth.

When they arrive at camp numerous faces turn to see them. Many of them are curious and trying to see past them to their prisoner. Among them Micaiah can just catch a glimpse of prince Pelleas. Normally she would feel obligated to speak with him but not today. She's more in the mood to slink off on her own but she can't do that either. Their group begins to dissipate as Lethe and Lyre return to their posts. Micaiah runs after them dragging Amy with her. Lethe looks back over her shoulder at them.

"Is there something you want?" She asks sounding disinterested. She begins to climb a tree but stops when she sees that Micaiah is just staring at her. "Well?"

"I need to speak with Ranulf." She says softly. "Do you know where he might be?" Lethe frowns and points to a tent in the middle of the camp.

"You should try over there. He's been looking after Mist nonstop since we left Daein."

Micaiah thanks her and departs. Amy allows herself to be dragged across the camp like a ragdoll without a complaint. She's just happy to be with people again. When Micaiah finds Ranulf he is speaking with Tibarn and Mist. Amy slips from her hand and runs to hug Ranulf who is taken by surprise.

"Kitty-cat man!" Amy squeals and jumps up and down before catching him in a squishing hug. He smiles and pats her head somewhat awkwardly but he doesn't pull away. He catches Micaiah's bewildered expression and crouches down next to Amy.

"Good to see you, Amy. Why don't you go with Mist and she'll show you the camp?" They watch as the two girls walk off with Amy giggling and tugging happily on Mist's poor arm.

"Should I make myself scarce as well?"Tibarn asks crossing his arms across his chest. He's miffed. That's for sure. He must be wondering why she's here and not with Sothe and the others. Micaiah shakes her head in response to his question and the two continue to eye her suspiciously. "Start talking."

"I saw Ike."

"And?" Tibarn isn't in the mood. Micaiah doesn't waste time telling them everything from finding Ike to arriving here at camp. As she tells her story she can see their faces hardening with a mixture of sadness and anger. She doesn't know the entire history behind their friendship with Ike, but her news seems to cut deep.

"Izuka's here?" Ranulf asks with a cold look in his eye. "Where?" no sooner has Micaiah answered his question that he stalks off without a word. She doesn't have time to question it because she is distracted by a sudden gathering of people near Elincia's tent. Tibarn reflects Micaiah's feelings of interest as they walk over together and a beautiful voice meets their ears. Micaiah looks to Tibarn for answers. He nods to the center of the crowd and Micaiah forces her way through the throng. She's surprised to see an angelic heron standing over lord Renning. The heron isn't Rafiel but he's strikingly similar and also the source of the beautiful song. As he sings, a light envelopes them and lord Renning's face calms considerably while the heron struggles to stay standing. The song comes to a sweet end and Elincia runs to her uncle. To Micaiah's amazement the man in Elincia's arms is speaking. She can't hear what they are saying but the joyful tears in Elincia's eyes are enough for her to understand. It gives her hope. If a man can come back from such a state, perhaps all is not lost for Ike.


Volke sits guarding their prisoner with a blank expression on his face. His eyes slide slowly to Ranulf as he approaches. Ranulf's words are quick. He wants a moment alone with Izuka. Volke knows of Ranulf's history with this man. It's the same history Izuka has with any laguz. Volke isn't a very forgiving man and he doesn't have a care for filth like Izuka. He allows Ranulf his few moments alone, not really concerned if Izuka receives a few broken bones because of it. Izuka sits tied to an old oak tree. Despite his exhaustion he manages a grotesque smile when he is neared. He raises his head to see Ranulf standing over him and laughs. "Come to get revenge for all your brothers?" He snorts and shakes his head as if someone has told a very funny jest. "Or are you here to join me?"

"I'm not here for you. I just want to know where Ike is." Ranulf is to the point. His words hold no pity for this man.

"I don't know anyone by that name." Ranulf grabs him by his oily hair and forces him to look him in the eye. Izuka seems to find this funny.

"The man whose life you ruined!" Ranulf spits as he tries to quell his rage.

"You'll have to be more specific." He cackles. "There have been quite a few." Ranulf smacks him hard across the face. His bicolor eyes are glossy with tears of hate and desperation.

"He's my friend. You sick-" A burning hot pain races across Ranulf's throat. His hands fly up as blood pours out from between his fingers. Pure fear grips him. The world spins and he falls to the ground. Ike, the man he once called friend is standing over him holding a dagger he had once seen Sothe carry. Ranulf opens his mouth but no words come out. All he can do is watch as Ike frees Izuka and runs off into the darkness. Volke appears seconds too late and begins to race after them but stops when he sees Ranulf. He hesitates for a split second debating whether to follow or stay. Years ago he had made a deal with Ike; a deal to put Ike down if he ever fell to madness. He'll have his chance later. With his choice made, he doubles back to Ranulf with an elixir in his hand and pours it over blood drenched skin. Ranulf's torn flesh mends as if watching the cut disappear in reverse. Between choking gasps Ranulf is finally able to breathe but a vivid scar remains. It will for a long time. He's helped to sit up as he shakily stares into the spot where Izuka and Ike vanished. Anger courses through him like a brush fire. Izuka has wronged him again. A rush of air moves past him as Volke runs to warn the camp. Ranulf does his best to lock onto the scent of the old man and his friend. It's all he can do.


None of them had been expecting to find themselves running through this swampy forest after a deranged old man and their former ally. Yet here they are doing just that. There is a telltale rumbling coming from the western sky and a fine mist is beginning to touch down upon the earth. Their soldiers are aching, fatigued, and low on supplies. The lingering threat of the goddess's fury is growing ever closer and they don't have much time to be getting sidetracked from their goal. Ranulf knows, just as they all do, if they don't find Ike soon, they'll have to leave him behind. Even with the memory of Ike's attack on him, it is something Ranulf deeply wants to avoid.

They reach the deeper part of the swamps, where the mud runs thick and footing is scarce. Hungry mosquitoes are happy to swarm the soldiers and eat their fill. It only adds to the army's weariness. In the center of the swamp, standing on a small island is the rigid form of Izuka. He's leaning heavily on his staff and clutching tightly to it with his withered old hands. Ike is nowhere to be seen. Tibarn strides foreword and Micaiah stands at his side. In his sturdy grip he holds Izuka's worn journal. He hands it off to Micaiah and in a commanding voice he addresses Izuka.

"You've nowhere to run old man. Surrender yourself and release your control over our friend. We may be so obligated to let you live." Micaiah can't help but envy the bravery in his voice.

Izuka merely tips his head and sneers as if he's just heard the most ridiculous thing in all his years. "You're persistence is admirable but I'd sooner die than surrender to a half-breed." Tibarn glares heatedly but Izuka pays it no mind. "I believe you have something of mine." Micaiah holds the book out in front of her for all to see. She holds it tightly to her chest as if it might suddenly try to escape.

"We're offering a trade." She announces boldly. "The book for Ike." Izuka seems intrigued.

"Have you not considered that I too have a bargaining chip?" He gestures to the trees behind him and Ike emerges carrying a body over his shoulder. They recognize the hostage instantly as Sothe. Micaiah feels fear grip in her chest. Tibarn swears under his breath and draws his hands into white knuckled fists. The game has changed. "Now." Izuka folds his hands together visibly relaxing. "You will return my book. And I will return the boy. Destroy it, and I destroy him as well." With that he waves his staff and all around the marsh feral ones emerge. They didn't expect a battle. They aren't prepared for this. Numerous ideas pass through Micaiah's straining mind but none of them will get her out of this. She looks to Tibarn who nods gravely. She has no choice but to concede.

Tibarn takes the book from her and agrees to the trade. He wades out into the middle of the swamp where he is met by Ike. They stand just a few feet apart both waiting for the other to make their move. Tibarn is on edge and so alert he's even aware of the way Ike's fingers twitch. A strange sound travels about the marsh. From the depths of the trees a dozen more ferals come out to enter the equation. Tibarn is briefly distracted by their sudden appearance and Ike makes his move. He tosses Sothe's semiconscious body into the hawk king's chest and takes advantage of Tibarn's sudden surprise. He bolts foreword snatching the book smoothly from Tibarn's loosened fingers. Tibarn recovers more quickly than Ike anticipated. He manages to toss Sothe over his shoulder before hooking an arm around Ike's stomach and pinning him against his chest. Ike hisses savagely twisting his body wildly about while still clutching the book. He wriggles around and snatches the blade he stole from Sothe from the heel of his boot. Without even a moment of hesitation or an ounce of sympathy he plunges the blade down to the hilt into the base of Tibarn's wing. Fighting through the pain Tibarn maintains his hold on Ike as best he can. Ike bites hard at Tibarn's exposed flesh managing to put a sizeable mark into Tibarn's shoulder. Tibarn lets out a hiss of pain and begins lugging them back to the shore. Sothe mumbles as he begins to become coherent. Ike's struggles are gradually weakening but he isn't ready to just take it. Tibarn reaches the lush grass at the edge of the swamp. Ike cries out before smashing his head into Tibarn's nose and slipping free. He punches Tibarn's face and splits his lip. In a smooth movement he snatches his knife from Tibarn's shoulder and runs. The hawk king staggers back dropping Sothe into the arms of an unprepared Geoffrey and clutches at his nose. The group runs to him just in time to hear him whisper,

"I know it isn't Ike's fault but I'm sorely tempted to break his damn neck." A pleading cry pulls them back to the situation at hand. Ike has attempted to escape along the eastern side of the swamp. To everyone's great shock Mist has thrown herself into Ike's path and has begun pleading with him to stop. He doesn't slow down in his charge and holds the blade tightly in his bloodied hand. Numerous voices cry out for her to move but she doesn't. Ike takes a sprinting dash at her and strikes. A harsh whiney of a horse sounds and his blow is intercepted by a beautiful and delicate sword. Elincia's Pegasus snorts angrily from its position between Ike and his sister. Elincia sits astride it holding her sword with every bit of grace and dignity she can muster. She stares down into Ike's cold eyes and tries with all her might not to show the pity that she feels.

"Ike, enough of this!" She demands. Without a shred of emotion he backs down. He darts past them just as more ferals arrive to join what will soon be a terrible battle. Elincia pulls Mist onto her Pegasus and whisks them back to the others to regroup.

As the others prepare a line of defense, Mist and Micaiah do their best to heal Tibarn's injuries but it doesn't seem he'll be able to fly for a while. He joins the battle on foot but Mist lingers seemingly lost in her thoughts. Micaiah places a motherly hand on her shoulder and tries to give her a small comfort.

"Your brother loves you very much."

"Thank you." Mist sighs. "I really thought I could stop him."

"We still can." Mist smiles softly, thanks her for her words, and goes to join the fray. Micaiah stays behind to try and get Sothe back on his feet. He's conscious now but far from wide awake She patches up his injured thigh with practiced ease as he tries to gather himself. She kneels down beside him in the mud and gives him a tight hug. "You really need to stop scaring me." She tries to smile but simply can't hold it. "Sothe, what happened?"

"I came to find you. Ike came after me. You came after Ike…and you got me." He blinks and rubs at his head. "I think." Micaiah smiles slightly at his words.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're alive." Sothe stands and studies the battlefield. "Now let's find Ike and finish this before I change my mind."

They join the battle and fight with everything at their disposal. The muddy waters of the swamp darken with each addition of blood. For each feral they kill two more seem to take its place. Where these beasts come from, none of them can tell. But the strength of their army is diminishing and Izuka has yet to be touched. They fall back to regroup and plan their next move. A new line of defense is quickly set up as they mend their wounds and reequip themselves with more durable weapons. This strategy works for some time but the ferals just keep coming. Soon their wall is breached and they're forced to rethink their strategy.

"Micaiah, we have to end this." Sothe shouts over the sounds of battle. "If we drag this out any more we're going to lose lives."

"I- I don't know what to do." Micaiah wipes at a trail of blood in her arm as she tries to think. "Ike won't stop fighting no matter how much we exhaust him."

"I understand how you feel but there might not be another way. We may have to-" Sothe tries to break it to her gently.

"Don't say it." She says with a visible wince "If we just…"

"We just what?" Sothe doesn't mean to sound impatient but it comes out that way.

"Maybe if we can stop Izuka" She takes an unsteady swallow. "Maybe then Ike won't have anyone to take orders from…maybe he'll stop."

"Or fly into a berserker rage." He says bluntly.

"We have to try." Despite her words Micaiah looks nearly ready to give in. The rain clouds overhead are rumbling and sounding more ominous with each passing minute.

"What about his 'living shield'." The shield Sothe refers to is the constant supply of feral ones Izuka has been transporting to his location. The sheer number of feral ones is both frightening and sickening. The very thought of how many others have suffered at the hands of this monster leaves a scar upon Micaiah's mind. Her eyes roam the field desperately searching for a plan. To the untrained eye there is nothing more here except countless bodies fighting amongst one another. Micaiah sees it differently. Strategy, skill, and movement all come into play. She has an idea.

"We need to draw them away from Izuka. The hawks can travel quickly over the swamp as can queen Elincia. We'll have them lure them away."

"What about Ike? He's smarter than the others." Micaiah takes a moment to think.

"I'll handle it." A voice says from behind them. She whirls around to see a very grim looking Ranulf standing not too far from them.

"Ranulf," Sothe asks with evident concern. "You do realize he could…kill you?" Ranulf nods with resignation and looks out across the battlefield. He locates Ike standing obediently at Izuka's side. The sight alone makes Ranulf's blood boil.

"I've managed to survive this long. What's a few more moments?" Ranulf tries to sound lighthearted.

"Get him to move to the west. We'll lure the others to the south." Micaiah tries to hide her worry with her words. "Good Luck."

"I'll do what I can. Just keep a healing staff ready for me." He offers them a smile as he goes more to relieve their fears than his own. He travels through the swamp on his own and stretches his arms as he prepares himself. He catches Ike's eye and calms himself. "I'm coming for you, Ike." He waits for the others to begin.

Izuka's feral ones leave him to chase after the winged members of their army. It's time for Ranulf to act, but before he can make his move a feral raven swoops down on him like a bat out of hell. He hardly manages to avoid the brunt of the attack. The birds talons catch his cheek and leave him with a sizable gash. He hits the ground on all fours and springs into a crouch as he turns. Readying himself for the raven's return attack he tenses and prepares to leap out of its path. A terrible crack sounds and a bolt of lightning arches down and strikes the feral one. The dark, lifeless body drops to the ground like a ragdoll. He looks over his shoulder to see Micaiah holding a bolting spellbook. He gives her a salute and she waves him on ahead.

He takes his first few steps into the bog and finds unsurprisingly that his movement is greatly hindered. He stands still for the briefest moment and can feel the mud shifting beneath the water as it consumes his boots. He hears the scream of a hawk as Micaiah takes out yet another lost soul. He's fortunate enough to have her. Now he can focus on Ike and Ike alone. He looks over to where Ike had been only moments ago but he's nowhere to be seen. Ranulf blinks in surprise and stiffens. He can feel it coming long before Micaiah shouts his name in warning. He turns just in time to catch the first blow of his arm. The second punch just scarcely grazes his already injured cheek. Ranulf manages to get in a shot to Ike's jaw before returning to his defensive stance. They trade blows blocking each and every hit until Ranulf delivers a kick into his friend's stomach. Ike is sent staggering back but is otherwise unfazed.

"Ike, I know you're not yourself." Ranulf tries for whatever it may be worth. " I just want you to know that I'm sorry." Ike smirks wickedly as he scoffs at Ranulf's remark.

"Well, I'm not." He charges at Ranulf, the muck of the bog slowing him down just enough for Ranulf to prepare a proper resistance. Ike dives at him and Ranulf catches his wrists and hangs on tight. The force of the dive sends them toppling backwards into the shallow waters. Ranulf lands heavily on his back. The filthy water comes lapping up at his ears as he puts all his strength into trying to propel Ike off of him. Ike doesn't even seem to be putting any effort into his movements as he bears down on Ranulf's trembling arms. Somewhere in the back of Ranulf's mind he's expecting to hear a bone pop. His bicolor eyes lock with Ike's as his feral friend speaks.

"Fighting you is fun." He actually laughs. "Tell me half-bread, how do you want to die?" He sneers as he waits for an answer.

"I'll die when I feel like it." Ranulf grits through his teeth and gives another fruitless shove. Ike catches sight of the healing scar on Ranulf's throat and a sickeningly pleased look crosses his features. Ranulf follows his line of sight and glares. It's getting harder by the minute to think of this thing as his friend.

"The scar suits you." Ike says it just to get a rise out of Ranulf. It works. Ranulf gets his legs up between their bodies and launches Ike off of him. He scrambles to his feet as fast as he can and follows Ike deeper into the bog. The water clings to his waist and he can feel all matter of creatures moving past his legs as they swim away from the scene of the battle. This time it's Ranulf who takes the initiative as he grabs at Ike's waist taking them both under the murky water. They tumble over one anther until Ranulf manages to wriggle away to get air. He only just breaches the water when Ike bursts up from behind him and grabs him in a bind. Ranulf lets out a cry as his shoulder pops. In a rapid movement he jerks his head back and connects with Ike's face. His opponent is stunned long enough for Ranulf to get a hit in but not to back up. Ike gets an arm around Ranulf's neck and bears down on him. Ranulf's slick hands try futilely to pry Ike's arm away but he can't find the strength. He gives a weak kick, made only less effective by the surrounding water. His foot barely taps Ike's leg.

"Ike, please." He whispers in a choking voice. His plea does nothing to lessen Ike's assault. Ranulf's hands go slack as he loses the last of his strength. His world begins to turn black as he gives one last useless struggle. He can't win. A blinding light races across his vision and he feels his body drop. A numbing tingle races along his spine as he staggers. He takes as many gasping breaths as he can as he searches for Ike. He see's Micaiah standing on the bank of the swamp with her hand still outstretched from an attack. She has saved his life.

"Ranulf," She calls, "Fall back. We'll try something else." He looks from her to the battle raging on the far side of the swamp. With each passing minute their soldiers become weaker and the will to fight is leaving them. He turns to Micaiah and shakes his head. No. He can't stop fighting. If he doesn't end this now he may never end it. It's life and death. Ike has stood beside him through so many trials. He's proud to give his life even if Ike can't be saved. At least then he can say he did everything he could. Micaiah's jaw drops at his answer and she calls him back to her again. Her voice is desperate. She knows he isn't going to change his mind. Dark shadows fill the sky overhead and she shrinks back. Three ravens are circling her preparing for a new wave of attacks. She can't worry about Ranulf now. He's on his own from this point on. Two of the birds swoop down on her as she leaps away. She hugs her tome to her chest and lets out a slight yelp as talons shred her cape.

Ranulf blocks out the sound of her distress as he turns back to his own nightmare. Ike has recovered already and is motioning for Ranulf to rejoin him in the fight. Ranulf isn't falling for it. He takes a few sluggish steps back toward shore trying to mind his footing and predict Ike's next move. Ike takes a few slow steps toward him acting almost as if this were something casual. He breaks into a sprint, sending water dancing up around his legs. Ranulf meets Ike halfway. He fakes to the right and dodges left but Ike's elbow comes down and catches the back of his head. Ranulf stumbles in his daze. His hand flies to protect his left side as Ike sends a punch into his throat. A wheeze leaves him as he drops back into the water. His head connects with a large rock and blood begins to seep into the water. The pain in his throat is so much worse. He resurfaces and crawls backwards away from his attacker as he tries to collect his strength. Ike follows him almost lazily. He towers over Ranulf as if to only taught him further.

"Is that all there is?" Ike asks. Ranulf grips at his throat with both his hands and tries to breathe. "Well?" Ike chuckles and softly flicks Ranulf's head with the back of his hand as he circles him. "Is it?" Ranulf pulls his leg closer to his chest and feels a pain shoot all the way from his ankle and into the pit of his stomach. His ankle is sprained. When did that happen? He wonders briefly. "It's your last chance, Ranulf." Ike rolls the name off his tongue as if savoring the taste. "Aren't you going to appeal to my inner soul? Maybe beg me to come back so we can all live happily ever after?" Ranulf swallows trying not to let the words get to him. He can't let this psycho get the better of him. Not even now. Ike simply shrugs and kneels down to see Ranulf's expression. He lifts Ranulf's bloodied chin to see his broken expression and smirks when Ranulf jerks his face away. "No?" Ike asks pretending to sound shocked. He stands up and kicks water at the fallen man. "Don't you want to be the hero?" Ranulf tries to focus on him but his vision is blurring and his resolve is quickly dissipating. "Don't you?" Ike smacks his face trying find any kind of reaction and gets none. "Then just die!"

Ike transforms in only two seconds. Ranulf tosses up his hands as Ike lunges on him. He flops onto his back as thick claws dig into his chest and shoulder. He grips at Ike's thick neck as shining white jaws snap at his face. Sweat beads down Ranulf's forehead as he feels the inevitable end drawing closer. Ike rears back for a second lunge. Ranulf isn't fast enough. Fangs dig deep into his left shoulder. Blood seeps freely from his broken flesh and darkens his clothing and the water around them. Pain filled tears well up in his eyes and flow down his face. Ike only bites harder. Ranulf reaches out gripping at the blue fur of Ike's chest. He can't save Ike. He's failed.

"F-forgive me." He whispers on a breath of air. He clings to Ike as long as he is able, until his hand falls away leaving the fur blood stained. With a small splash, Ranulf's hand hits the water's surface. It lies there limp and rigid as death.


When Micaiah and Ranulf execute their part of the plan Sothe makes his move. As the main army strikes the seemingly endless attacks of the feral ones Sothe slips unseen through the trees. His wound hinders his movements and causes him to be less silent than he would prefer. Only once does he come across a feral cat. It tracks his movements as he darts between the trees not at all aware that Sothe has already spotted it. It slinks up behind him and when it strikes he simply sidesteps and stabs it in the back as it hits the ground. He can't help but notice it has an injured foot. He might not have been so lucky if the beast were at its peak. Nothing else gets in his way as he weaves in between the sparse trees. He takes a spot directly behind Izuka and waits. Soon Izuka's feral ones will have to leave him to join the fight. He'll have the old monster alone and right where he wants him. He waits. The enemy's numbers begin to thin and Izuka's guardians disperse to deal with Geoffrey and Elincia. Sothe starts to make his move. He slinks foreword with knife at the ready when Izuka raises a staff above his head. A blinding light flashes and out of nowhere four more ferals have appeared at Izuka side. Sothe nearly drops his blade in surprise. His heart sinks when he realizes the old coot may have an entire army stashed away. If he did manage a hit on Izuka the ferals would tear him apart. He can't die here. He has to take care of Micaiah. He knows he can't be of any use here. He can only back off, watch the battle, and try to think of another way.

He hears a scream on the other side of the swamp and his heart skips a beat. Micaiah is in danger. Ravens are bombarding her with attacks and she can't find a moment to strike back. She screams as talons cut her pale cheeks and covers her face with her arms. Rage builds inside of him and he searches for the closest ally he could alert to help her. The only thing he finds makes him want to scream. Ranulf is lying limp with Ike's teeth embedded deep in his shoulder. He isn't moving. Sothe looks back to Micaiah. She's been knocked to the ground and is trying ineffectively to get back to her tome that's been knocked out of reach. Rage builds within Sothe. He can't sit idly by and watch. He can't save his friends but damn it he can get justice.

He barrels out of the trees, hurtling over fallen bodies and rotten logs. The shallow water leads right up to Izuka's little island in the middle of the bog. It's his personal throne. The ferals have become aware of him. Some of them turn to fight while other's stand to protect their "master". Sothe slices the throat of the first beast that tries to take him. As it falls its claws catch his arm and shred flesh but he continues his attack. He flips over the next beast and vaults over another. A tiger lunges for his legs but he leaps and uses its back to launch into the air. As he drops he sees the old eyes of Izuka turn up to him in surprise. Sothe brings the knife down with all his might. The force of the blow brings Izuka to the ground with a knife embedded in his chest. His gnarled hands grasp at the air gripping at the knife's hilt to no avail. All around him Sothe can feel the eyes of the feral ones as they start to swarm him. Sothe tries to stand but Izuka grips his wrist and yanks him close.

"Everything…all of it." He laughs as if gripped by madness. "It was mine. They were…everything."

"They were never yours." Sothe hisses and pulls his hand away with disgust. He doesn't have time for this monster. The ferals are moving in on him.

"No. They were always meant…meant to be mine. They always were. They…" Blood trickles out from the old man's lips. "Always will be. Connected f-forever" He smiled. "You…y –you fool. You're t-too late."

"Just let it go." Sothe snarls. "Just die." Izuka gives a rasping breath and with the last ounce of strength in his body he repeats,

"Always mine." And he is gone. Sothe tries not to let the old man's words get to him, but he knows they'll be in his mind for a long time. He grabs the knife from Izuka's chest and prepares to fight. The sight of the battlefield comes as a surprise.


Micaiah dives for her tome and grips it for all she's worth. Her hands and knees are skinned and dirty. Blood is dripping from her cheeks and staining her sleeves. The words of the spell fly from her lips as she thrusts her hand forward and out toward her enemy. The words die in her mouth as a raven falls dead at her feet followed by the others that had been dive bombing her only moments ago. Their bodies are lifeless and without any sign of a wound. But they are dead just the same. It's as if their hearts simply stopped without reason. She crawls to her feet unsteadily. All around her there is nothing but silence. The fighting has stopped. Dead laguz litter the ground the nearest one lays in the shallows of the swamp its shoulder still releasing blood. Realization hits her so suddenly. It's Ranulf she sees lying there. Ike is standing over him now in his beorc form with blood oozing from his lips. He stares down at Ranulf his eyes distant and empty.

"Ike." Micaiah gasps and covers her mouth as tears prick at her eyes. He jerks his head up and gazes blankly at her. "Ike!" She screams unable to find any other words. His mouth moves with the ghost of an unspoken word. His eyes roll back and he drops into the water. He slips into the deeper part of the swamp and sinks beyond view. Micaiah shrieks and charges into the water.

Sothe stares at the blade in his hand and then to all the dead laguz at his feet. He never touched them. He looks to Izuka. The old man had said something about the ferals being connected. Now Izuka was dead and so were they. Connected in life and death. Sothe drops his knife and lets it sink into the water never to be seen again. How could anyone do this? He wouldn't allow them to live without him. He was their god even in death. And then he remembers Ike. He looks to where he last saw him and sees Micaiah sink under the water. His body leaps into action as he runs to her. She isn't that far but she always seems just out of reach. Finally he reaches the point and dives under. He gropes around and finds nothing. He resurfaces for a breath and goes back. He finds what he assumes is an arm but even with his eyes open he can't see in this water. He Kicks to the surface dragging the body with him. He gasps for air and turns to see the body in his arms. It's a dead hawk. A young female feral to be exact. He gently lets he go and she sinks back into the darkness.

"Sothe!" Micaiah cries from behind him. She's treading water with an arm wrapped tightly around Ike's chest. "Help me!" She's struggling to stay afloat. Sothe paddles over to her and grabs Ike by the arm and together they drag him closer to the bank. With each stroke they can hear Mist's sorrow filled voice. Sothe looks toward the shore to see her kneeling over Ranulf. Beside her Lethe presses her hands to Ranulf's wound and screams at him to open his eyes. Mist's healing staff glows brightly and it's light covers Ranulf's pale form. They shake him urgently and his eyes open for only a moment before closing again. The two girls cry in relief and pull him out of the shallow water just as Sothe and Micaiah reach them. Tibarn is there to relieve them and takes Ike to the bank. Sothe stumbles from exhaustion but Micaiah refuses to let go and clings to Ike's lifeless hand. Tibarn lays him out across the ground and hovers over him. A few seconds past but it feels like a lifetime. Everyone has gathered around. They are incapable of helping but they are there just the same.

"He isn't breathing." Tibarn says finally. He presses an ear to Ike's chest listening for a heartbeat and Micaiah holds her breath. Ranulf's eyes open and gaze blurrily at Ike's form he's struggling to stay conscious just for this moment. Tibarn swallows and shakes his head. Mist lets out a choking sob and cries pitifully into Lethe's shoulder. "He's gone."

"No." Micaiah gasps desperately while earning a look of pity from everyone. "No!" She throws herself on the ground beside Ike pressing herself into his chest and crushing her eyes shut. Blood and mud mingle together sinking into her leggings and staining her sleeves. She doesn't care. All that matters is Ike. They need him. A soft glowing light passes from her body and into Ike's. She pushes her power of sacrifice to its full extent. Her body goes slack and she lies heavily across Ike's chest. With every ounce of her will she begs sacrifice to grant her this one last life.

"Micaiah stop!" Sothe pleads. "You could kill yourself!" But she ignores him and pushes on until she has nothing left to spare. Her strength is spent completely. As she lies there she lets tears fall from her face. Please Ike. Don't be dead. This can't all be for nothing. Please…She begs silently.The conscious world begins to leave her and just before she losses her hold she hears the faintest sound of a heartbeat. Whether it was imagined or not she does not know. The rainclouds at long last give up their rain as nature washes blood from the earth.


Micaiah awakens in her tent feeling drained and not at all herself. She lays there for some time debating whether or not she truly wants to wake up. Her eyelids are heavy and feel almost as if they are weighted down. She opens them with effort and discovers Sothe sitting at her side. Without a second thought she reaches over and hugs him tightly. When she pulls back to see into his eyes she can sense his distress. He looks as exhausted as she feels and also so very sad. "What happened to Ike?" She asks worriedly. Judging from his expression she is already certain of the answer to her question. Sothe looks away and shakes his head. "He's dead?" She chokes out. She feels like she's just been punched in the gut.

"No." He searches for the words. "He's alive." He doesn't sound all that happy about it.

"Sothe, what is it?" she takes his hands in hers and silently begs him to tell her.

"I think you should go see him." Giving him a curious look, she lets go of him and nods. She follows him outside and through the camp. It's the middle of the night and the camp is void of life. The full moon is casting long and skinny shadows as it lights the camp for them. Even in this limited darkness she realizes the camp has changed. They're no longer in the same camp site. They've been on the move while she slept.

"How long have I been asleep?" She asks as she rubs at her eyes and tries not to slow him down.

"Two days." He answers sounding distracted. "We're nearly to the tower of guidance." Their goal is so close. Even though they are approaching their target they don't feel as if they've accomplished anything. Even if they manage to get to the tower before the goddess passes her judgment, there is not guarantee they will succeed. There is a high probability they won't be returning home. They all know this.

"Well that's good news at least." She tries to sound cheerful. Sothe nods but doesn't really seem to be listening. He comes to a stop. They're standing outside a tent that has been placed on the edge of the camp far away from the others. Sothe is eyeing it warily and Micaiah is almost afraid to go inside. She startled when the tent flap shifts aside and Reyson, the heron she had seen heal lord Renning, exits. His beautiful face is solemn and drawn. He looks as if he should have gone to bed hours ago. He acknowledges them with a small nod and departs without a word. Sothe sighs, straightens his shoulders, and enters. Micaiah lingers for a moment as she watches Reyson leave. She can't help but wonder what could make a heron so sad. For now, she casts these thoughts aside and follows Sothe.

Inside the tent there are others waiting. Ranulf is sitting just inside the door looking grim and exhausted. He hardly even moves when they come in. He doesn't really seem to care. Micaiah remembers what happened back in the marsh. She eyes his shoulder. His shirt is still stained but the material has been stitched. She can only wonder what the flesh looks like underneath. If Mist had gotten to him a moment later he wouldn't have survived. Micaiah feels guilt gnaw at her thoughts. Ranulf had been lying there in the swamp bleeding to death and she had run past him to get to Ike.

Micaiah feels her stomach tighten when she turns to the center of the tent. Ike is sitting on the ground. He is still covered in the grime and dirt of their battle. Beside him, two posts have been hammered into the earth. Both of his hands are tied to them preventing any movement. His ankles are bound together making them useless His face wears a blank expression. He doesn't react to her arrival. He just gazes straight ahead seeming to see everything and nothing. On the opposite side of the tent, Volke is standing with a knife in hand. He doesn't take his eyes off Ike. He will never voice his thoughts but he's thinking deeply about his contract with Ike. He's going to keep his end of the deal if he has to. He had failed to intervene back in the swamp. He won't fail again. For now Ike is not a threat, but any sign of danger and Volke will have to fulfill his end of the bargain. He may be a thief but he always keeps his word.

None of them say a word to Micaiah. She steps further inside the tent and stands in front of Ike. He doesn't move a muscle. The sight of him breaks her heart. She's afraid to get too close but she draws nearer until his sight lines up with hers. She sees nothing in his eyes. They look nothing like Ike's but she's seen them before. It's the same look she's seen countless times on the battlefield on the faces of dead soldiers. She suddenly can't help but feel that she's staring at a corpse.

"Ike?" She asks in a whisper. She is not truly expecting an answer. He doesn't budge and it only depresses her more. She crouches and leans in closer to observe Ike's hollow eyes. There's nothing in them not even a flicker of recognition or life. She looks to the others for answers. "What's wrong with him?" Sothe shakes his head and shrugs. He's at a complete loss.

"He's been like this ever since the swamps." Ranulf answers. "He hasn't said a word. He won't even move." He folds his hands together and glares and the ropes anchoring Ike to the ground. Micaiah sees this and asks,

"Is tying him up really necessary?"

"Tibarn insisted." Ranulf mutters and runs a hand along his throat subconsciously. She can see the welt left behind from Ike's attack. The mark has faded from its angry red to a more subdued pink. She tries not to stare. For Ranulf it is more painful to think about than it is to feel.

"Sothe," Micaiah turns to him. "Why don't you get some sleep? I'm going to stay here for a while." He's too tired to say no. He leaves with a soft wave goodbye and Micaiah is left with the eerily silent Volke and a depressed Ranulf. She takes a seat beside Ranulf and does the only thing she can think of and waits.

Sometime later, Mist enters holding a bucket of water with steam rising from the top. She forces a sad smile for them and seats herself in front of her brother. From the bucket she draws a soaking rag and begins to clean the dirt from her brother's marred face. The water streams across his flesh leaving little veins of clean skin in their wake. Despite her age she looks every bit like a mother in this moment. She comes to a place where blood has crusted on his neck. She tenderly wipes it away but the cut reopens.

On reflex, Micaiah draws a vulnerary from her bag and comes to help. She dabs the salve on the wound but the cut is longer than she thought. It continues out of sight beneath the neckline of Ike's shirt. Together the girls peel up the fabric covering the wound. The blood stained material is rolled up Ike's shoulder blades and Micaiah stops and stares. Mist is doing the same. Her small hands are wavering with a mixture of rage and hurt. Ranulf stands to get a better view of what the girls are so bothered by. He leans in and swears sharply. Across the top of Ike's back running from one shoulder to the other are deep scars. They look as if they're been healing for quite some time. The scars are jagged and have been cut with something dull. Even more troubling is the design the marks create. They stare with a mixture of hate and disgust as the name 'Izuka' glares back at them. Izuka had carved his name across Ike's back just as a child would their favorite toy. It's all Ike ever was to Izuka. Just a toy.

Mist looks about ready to shatter and shakily brushes her hair from her face. Micaiah traces her fingers over the letters. She shouldn't do this with her limited energy but she can't ignore it. She uses her power of sacrifice to heal the scars as best she can. When she finishes, Mist thanks her repeatedly. Mist will have to be happy for the both of them because no matter how certain she is that the scars are gone, Micaiah can still see them glaring up at her.

"I'll come back."Mist says sounding shaky. She leaves and Ranulf starts to mutter a string of curses under his breath.

"I wish Izuka were alive so I could kill him again." Ranulf hisses with fury. He grinds his teeth restraining himself from punching the ground.

"I'm just thankful he's dead." Micaiah reminds him bitterly. She too wouldn't mind a second shot at that monster.

"After all he's done…his death was a mercy. He deserved so much worse." Mist ducks back inside the tent and both Micaiah and Ranulf jump at the sight of what she's holding. Izuka's book has returned to them once again.

"I took it from the swamp." Mist explains. "I thought the rain might not be enough to destroy it. I'd feel terrible if anyone were to use it again." Her words are sincere.

"Good work, Mist." Ranulf gives her genuine praise. He would have done the same if not for the fact he had been losing consciousness at the time. Mist holds the book out to them. She doesn't want anything to do with the horrid thing.

"What do we do with it?" She asks. She grips the book loosely as if it's tainting her fingers.

"It needs to be destroyed. I don't care how." Ranulf says what they're all thinking. Micaiah reaches out and takes the book from Mist. The cover feels familiar under her fingers and the fact sickens her.

"You're right." It's all she can say.


Two days pass. They don't have time to waste and are forced to continue traveling. During this time, Ike's condition does not improve. Their spirits are down. They've done everything they can think of to get Ike to respond. None of it had worked. Now, they are out of time and down to their last resort. Reyson has tried numerous times to work the same miracle he performed for lord Renning. He simply isn't strong enough on his own. Today, they have reached the goddess's tower. Soon they will reunite with their other two troops. It is a reunion everyone both longs for and dreads. If all goes according to plan, Reyson along with Rafiel and Leanne will try to perform one last miracle for Ike. If the galdr of rebirth fails they will have no other options. They must enter the tower even if Ike isn't with them.

Aside from their fears none of them can deny the beauty of the tower of guidance. The structure is truly worthy of a god. It is massive and reaches into the sky challenging the heavens and all of existence. To even look upon it they must shield their eyes from the light radiating from its every stone. It is here they wait, but they do not do so idly. The day is spent sharpening weapons and outfitting the soldiers to peak condition. It is past midday when their allies appear from the north. The reunion is one of fond hellos and friendly smiles. They've all made it this far. Not much further to go.

The heron siblings reunite and they fall into discussion. Micaiah watches them from a ways off. She should be preparing her things but she can't help but let her eyes wander over to them every few moments. She is taken aback when a gentle voice greets her. She looks away from the herons to find Queen Elincia smiling sweetly at her. Micaiah bows her head slightly not really sure how to greet the young queen. Elincia doesn't seem to notice and simply joins her. Even with the queen's presence Micaiah can't keep herself from glancing at the herons. Elincia is quick to notice it.

"It's good of you to be so concerned for him." The queen says without looking up from polishing her sword.

"Huh?" Micaiah says half mindedly. She hadn't been paying attention. "I-I'm sorry?"

"Ike is lucky to have you." Elincia says and looks distant. "He's so far from home." She shakes her head and smiles fondly at nothing. "He never was one to stay put."

"You were close?" Micaiah asks trying not to sound too nosey.

"We met during the mad king's war. Ike saved my life," She trails off looking nostalgic, "So many times." Micaiah isn't sure what to say and decides it's best to just listen. "I keep losing him it seems."

"Losing him?"

"After the war, I gave him a title. He didn't want it. But I felt he deserved it and…"She bites her lip looking upset. "I guess it wasn't entirely unselfish on my part. I wanted him to always be near me." Her eyes go misty for just a moment and Micaiah fears the queen is about to cry. "But it didn't work. He renounced his title and I didn't see him for a very long time. These past months he's been avoiding me. I should have tried harder to see him. I was just so busy being queen but I was so terribly lonely. Now I've lost him again."

"Please don't speak that way queen Elincia. I'm sure he isn't gone." Micaiah's words are more hopeful than she feels. Elincia nods slowly and turns her head away to dab at her eyes. Ranulf is coming this way and she doesn't want him to see. He looks tired and edgy when he speaks to them.

"Reyson is ready to try again." He announces sounding apprehensive. "Will you go with me?"

It is Tibarn who carries Ike from his tent. Onlookers follow him at a distance to a clearing in camp but it's more than curiosity that draws them. To many of them Ike is more than a man. He is a friend, a leader, and an ideal to aspire to. Tibarn lays Ike down on the ground as gently as he can manage with his injuries. He secures Ike wrists behind his back and checks to make sure the bindings are tight. The rope is old and frayed but it does the job and it's all they have. It seems pointless to tie up a living doll but given Tibarn's wounds one couldn't really blame him for being cautious. He backs away to join the crowd and the herons gather around Ike in a tight circle. They exchange worried filled looks among themselves before raising their arms to their sides. They begin to sing in the sweetest melody Micaiah has ever heard or ever will. The sound is enough to draw the entire camp to them. A vivid light emerges from the ground creating small symbols in the grass as it dances in time to the song. The soft light envelopes Ike's prone form just as it did with Elincia's dear uncle. The song continues as Ike begins to thrash and writhe. He strains against his bonds and the rope snaps. He curls in on himself and starts to twitch. Many of the watchers look away. The spectacle seems to go for far too long and the song seems to last forever. And then it's suddenly over. Ike has stopped moving and returned to his previous state. He lies limply. The only indication that he is breathing is the soft sway of the grass near his mouth.

Everyone watches in anticipation as Ike continues to lie motionless. A murmur of doubt runs through the crowd. The herons seem to have failed. Micaiah looks to see the crumbling faces of Ike's loved ones as they begin to lose hope. It is Leanne who makes the first move. She breaks away from her brothers and crouches on the ground beside Ike. Reaching out with delicate hands she brushes his hair from his face and rubs at his shoulder. She couldn't possibly be gentler.

"Wake…up, Ike." She says softly. Without warning Ike bolts upward. He draws his arm back to strike. Leanne retreats back only slightly but stays in harm's way. Ike is staring at her with his fist hovering in midair. His face is a mix of emotions as he lowers his hand to the ground where it lays limply. "Ike?" Leanne asks trying to bring him back. He scrunches his face at her words like he's been slapped. A whimper escapes his lips as he clutches tightly at his head and crumbles to the ground. He looks around at all of them and cries out in pain.

"You're not real!" He shouts wildly and covers his ears. "You can't be real!" Tears drip from his eyes as he turns away from them.

"Ike." Micaiah takes a step forward and he flinches violently at the sight of her.

"I don't want to listen to you anymore, Izuka."His voice is hoarse as he points his fingers at her accusingly. "I won't!"

"Ike…" His words had stung. Did he actually confuse her for that monster? "Please."

"Go ahead and kill me. I'm through!" Micaiah is taken aback. She looks to Mist for help but the young girl is crying heavily in Titania's arms. She's caught by surprise when Elincia steps from the crowd and approaches Ike. She shows no sign of fear but only tenderness. He watches her guardedly with each step until she's kneeling beside him.

"It's going to be fine, Ike. You don't have to fight anymore." She reaches out bravely and draws him close to her and into a hug. He sits limply in her embrace and leans his head on her shoulder. A shudder runs through him and it stings at her very soul. She can feel the warm tears running down his face as they fall onto her arm.

"I wish you were real." He whispers and hugs her tight.

"I am real." She assures him softly.

"No. No more lies." He shakes his head and looks over to see Ranulf standing near them. "Ranulf is dead." Ike whispers. "I killed him." He winces at his own words. "I-I killed him."

"No, Ike. No." Elincia tries but he shrinks away from her touch.

"Why are you torturing me like this?" He slips out from Elincia's arms. "I don't want to hurt people anymore."

"Ike, the herons brought you back." Ranulf comes closer and tries to explain. "And I'm not dead." Ike looks doubtful.

"I…I don't…" Ike tries to make sense of it but his head is screaming. He prays they will all just go away and leave him to suffer in peace. There's no need for them to be here. Izuka has won. Please just go. He wishes silently.

Elincia's uncle comes to join them and helps the queen to stand. He looks down upon Ike with a deep interest and smiles. Ike flinches when Renning talks to him.

"Young man, I really don't believe your place is on the ground." Renning speaks directly to Ike as if none of the others are present. "I've lived that life. You're body… even your mind was not your own. You existed only as a prison for your own spirit. Every time he gave you an order you did as you were told but it made you want to die." Ike is watching him with stunned eyes. "I begged for death over and over but it never came. But I'm thankful for that now. I've found my dear niece." With those words he places a loving hand on Elincia's shoulder. You've come back to a world that is still your own. So many souls have prayed for this day. These people are your friends. They want nothing more than you're happiness. Why do you distrust them? Or is it yourself you don't trust? You are not that monster's puppet. So stand up and take back what's yours. Reclaim your life." Ike stares at the man looking awestruck and disbelieving. His ears give a twitch and he picks up his head.

"It's so quiet." He says. "I can't hear the voices." He looks relieved and also like he's ready to fall unconscious.

"Ike, you're safe." Ranulf reminds him and the words seem to penetrate whatever fog was clouding Ike's mind.

"Safe?" Ike repeats as if he's forgotten the meaning of the word. "Safe?" He rakes his fingers through his hair and tries to right himself.

"Ike, you're back and that's all that matters." Ike hears his words and seems to turn them over in his head. All the while he watches Ranulf with uncertain eyes.

"Ranulf?" Ike asks gently. His eyes possess a clarity they didn't have before. They focus on the scar running across Ranulf's throat and flicker with regret. "Do you hate me for what I've done?"

"You didn't do anything." Ranulf says sounding entirely honest in his words. He offers Ike a hand to help him stand and pulls the man into a brotherly hug.

Micaiah watches all of this from afar. None of them will say it but the galdr wasn't entirely successful. They had hoped Ike would be healed completely. The signs are all there. He still has his laguz characteristics; fangs and all. It's disappointing. She bows her head and sighs deeply. This had been their only hope. She cries out in shock as a golden light fills the sky. She throws up a hand to shield her eyes and when she lowers it she finds herself looking at another of the goddess's armies. They've materialized out of thin air. A second look reveals the horrid truth. These men have all fallen at their hands once before. They are dead and yet they are all standing before them as if somehow resurrected. Micaiah's heart pounds in her chest. The sight is grotesque.

"They're trying to keep us from the tower." Ranulf says suddenly. "We have to hurry." He grabs for Ike's arm and starts to lead him. Orders are already being shouted among them. Even in this sudden chaos they work as a true team. The army is dividing itself in half. A select few will head inside while the others defend the entrance. They find themselves whisked inside by the rush of other soldiers. Their small force moves swiftly as a unit. They manage to get in between the giant doors before the goddess's abomination of an army can stop them. The last soldier squeezes in with all the speed they can muster and quickly gets out of the way. They slam the heavy doors so abruptly and they can feel the sound pass through their chests. The sound from outside is dampened and the battle sounds far away.

The only sound is that of their boots tapping along the stone floor. None of them can form the words to describe the inside of the tower. The hall is empty and filled with darkness. The air is stale and damp. It's chillingly similar to a tomb. The floor is built with pits descending deep into the earth. They'll have to watch their step at every moment. The darkness of the tower doesn't seem so bad once their eyes adjust. It looks almost as if it is being lit by moonlight. It's a small mercy. Every movement they make echoes loudly off the chasm like walls. For many of them it is hard to focus on the mission without being captivated by this ancient place.

They rushed inside so quickly none of them have had a chance to properly prepare. Many of them are wearing only half of their armor and others were forced to grab weapons that weren't even theirs. Sothe pats at his waist and bites his lip. His knives are missing. They still with the convoy. He could slap himself. There's a disturbing sensation prickling down his neck. Someone is watching him. He turns quickly to see Ike watching him from the other side of the group. Ike looks tired and not at all ready to fight. Sothe can't help but feel skeptic. He's going to slow us down. Ike gestures to him, signaling for him to come near. Sothe does so but with extreme skepticism. He doesn't feel comfortable around Ike anymore. Ike had gotten the better of him twice when he was under Izuka's control. He had been so convincing in his little act. He had seemed genuinely sorry. Sothe can't help but think that Ike may still be corrupt. The galdr had not restored Ike's appearance. Who's to say it even worked on his mind? These thoughts buzz about Sothe's head with each step. He stands before Ike and watches every movement he makes. Ike holds up a belt with three knives attached. Sothe stiffens.

"Micaiah said you forgot these." Sothe just stares at Ike's outstretched hand. He isn't exactly feeling all that trusting. He reaches out his hand cautiously and takes the belt. Without looking at Ike he starts to put it on. Ike shuffles awkwardly and waits for Sothe to finish. "Sothe," He begins and stops when Sothe doesn't acknowledge him. "Sothe?" Sothe picks up his head just slightly. "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry."

"Okay." Sothe answers blankly and starts to walk off.

"Sothe?" Ike says sounding confused. "What's going on?" He reaches out a hand but Sothe brushes him off.

"It's nothing."

"Sothe, c'mon." Ike presses and Sothe gives him a warning look.

"Ike, I'd rather not be around you." Sothe says bluntly. Ike steps back looking hurt. "Sorry. But I just don't trust you." The instant he says it he wishes he hadn't. Ike is crushed. At least he seems to be. Sothe tells himself and doesn't apologize. Ike lets him leave without another word. Sothe rejoins Micaiah and looks back over his shoulder at Ike. Well that was well played. He thinks sarcastically.

Ike tries to shake off the uncomfortable feeling in his chest. Sothe's words had cut deep. He doesn't have time to linger on those thoughts. Tibarn is looming over him. Guilt swells in the pit of Ike's stomach at the memory of what he had done to Tibarn's wing. I've wronged so many of my friends. He berates himself and begins to apologize to Tibarn.

"Tibarn," Ike's face is pale and filled with nothing but the deepest image of regret. "I'm so-"

"Stop." Tibarn holds up a hand to silence him and for the briefest moment Ike wonders if he is going to be smacked. "I don't want you're apologies."

"I" Ike doesn't know what to say. "I just..." He wishes he had been better prepared.

"No. Whatever happened happened." Tibarn crosses his arms over his strong chest. "There is no changing it." Ike bows his head low fearing their friendship is no longer repairable. "But you have a very impressive right hook." Ike blinks in surprise. He isn't sure if he heard him right. "Nearly ruined my nose." Tibarn chuckles heartily to himself and Ike manages a slight smile. "You worried me. When you turned, I believed we had lost you. I was worried you would cause us to lose others. You almost did, too." Ike winces at that last statement. "But if I were in your position, I would want forgiveness for my actions. So you have it."

"Thank you, Tibarn" A cool wave of relief washes over him. At least one person doesn't hate me.

"That much said," He points across the hall to another door atop a set of wide stairs. "There's nowhere to go but up." As if on cue, a male voice calls to them from across the room. A man dressed in a white robe emerges from a dark corner and sneers at them. He holds himself in high regard judging from the way he postures. He bears a thick mustache and carries a staff in his hand.

"I must admit I'm impressed. A pack of rabble like yours actually managed to survive this long."

"Lekain!" Micaiah shouts angrily. "Step aside. We don't have time for you!" The anger in her voice is unlike any they've ever heard from her. She glares daggers at the senator and trembles with rage. He doesn't seem at all threatened by her. If anything he's amused.

"I know you. You're one of Pelleas's little lackeys. 'The maiden of dawn'." He laughs at the title. "Indeed. This is the best this miserable world can offer. But tell me. Do you not worry for Daein?" He produces a scroll from his robes and everyone holds their breath. "The blood pact still stands." The smug look on his face is enough to make them want to gag.

"Not if we kill you." Pelleas yells bravely. "You won't abuse my people any longer." Lekain merely chuckles at this.

"Then fight me, little Pelleas. I'll put you down like the dogs you are." For all the pain this man has caused the people of Daein they have no problem with accepting his challenge. He is joined by more of the goddess's soldiers along with the senator Hetzel. They exchange no further words. They'll let their actions speak for them. During this fight, Ike is ordered to sit out rest. He does so with reservation. He wishes to help but he must admit his exhaustion.

The soldiers are met with steel and fangs as our heroes strike. They move skillfully as a team. They began their journey from Daein as strangers but now they fight alongside comrades. Hetzel remains quiet during the fight. They pity this man. He knows what he does is wrong but his ties to the goddess are too twisted. His apologies fall on deaf ears. He is unappreciative of his fate when Tibarn strikes him down. Lekain is left alone. His soldiers are dead. Even now, he does not step aside. He still believes the goddess will save his rotten soul. Micaiah allows Pelleas to deliver the final blow. Lekain's body is shrouded in dark magic as he drops to the ground. His last words are so fitting for him. "Glory is mine. I shall not be defeated by such filth." Micaiah takes the blood pact from his dead hands and gives it to Pelleas. The memory of the battle flies through her thoughts. She can't believe they've done it

"This is it." The young royal assures her. "I'm sure of it." He hands her the pact. "Please, Micaiah. Do the honors." She pinches the scroll tightly in her fingers and shreds the paper. It shrivels and vanishes in a small cloud of dust. All feelings of denial leave her and a wave relief rushes over her. For the first time in ages she can breathe. Daein is safe. No. Daein is still being threatened. She still has to stop a deranged goddess from destroying her world. She can celebrate once it's done.

The group is at last able to march through the doors and begin their climb. Looking up into the darkness it's hard to tell how far the steps extend. They climb for an hour. It's almost as if their eyes are playing tricks on them. The steps never seem to get them anywhere. They press on anyway. Tibarn has ordered Ike to stay to the back. Ike is well rested now but Tibarn is still being cautious. Micaiah is at Ike's side feeling compelled to guard him closely. It makes it all the more easy for Sanaki to find him. The two of them have not spoken in some time.

"Apostale Sanaki." Ike greets her with a nod.

"General Ike." She looks thoughtful. "Or is it 'Lord Ike' these days?"


"I see…did you by any chance lose your ability to fight along with your titles?" She smiles knowingly. He doesn't have to give an answer. She glances over her shoulder. "Tanith, if you please." Sanaki's trusted knight steps forward holding a golden sword before her. She holds it out to Ike as if it were the most treasured item in the world. Ike's eyes move back to Sanaki with uncertainty. She couldn't possibly look more pleased with herself. "I think we can all agree that it belongs with you." Ike takes it in his hands and feels the familiar weight. He had expected it to be hard to lift after all this time but it just feels right. For the first time in a long while Micaiah speaks.

"Ike, what is that?" She places a hand on the cool golden surface as she admires it.

"Ragnell." He answers as if the swords name would tell her everything.

"This sword is sacred." Sanaki explains. "It's blessed by the goddess herself. Only one other sword can match it."

"Where is it?" Micaiah asks still in awe of the simple beauty of the weapon before her. She catches a glimpse of Ike's face as it goes grim.

"With the black knight." There's hatred there in Ike's voice. That much is clear. But there's something else. Something under all that rage that she just can't name. He catches her concerned look and tries to reassure her. Maybe one day, he'll tell her the story. The real one. Not the one that Sothe told her time and time again but the real unbiased truth. The mysterious knight has been missing for so long it doesn't seem possible for him to be alive. It will be hard for Micaiah to except that the man who had saved her time and again could possibly be such a villain.


Maybe it is the endless darkness or maybe it is one of the goddess's illusions but the twisting staircase still seems to stretch on for miles. Those who are forced to make the journey on foot can't help but be envious of those with wings.

"If I had a house this big, I would actually include floors." Ranulf says pointedly. He's doing his best to linger behind to keep an eye on Ike.

"As opposed to nothing but stairs?" Ike asks with a slight smile.

"Waste of space." Ranulf jokes lightly. "But I do see a door. Is it a good thing? I don't know." The change in scenery is welcome all the same. The large stone doors are massive and will take more than one person to open. The entire group stops outside to catch their breath. Ike checks on Elincia and then Micaiah. He knows better than to linger at Micaiah's side. Not with Sothe ready to attack him if he gets too close. They wait until the last soldier is standing upright and decide to move on. It takes three men on either side of the double doors to shove them inward. They spill into a massive room. Near the northern end the black knight stands alone. He doesn't seem at all surprised by their arrival. He must be waiting for them. Ike rushes in, draws ragnell, and strikes with ferocity. His blade clangs heavily against the knight's. He lets his anger be known and glares icily into the mask.

"Welcome. I knew you would come." The knight seems pleased. He's been looking forward to this. He raises his hand and the disciples of order flood in through the only exit. With a rush of wind Tibarn is standing between Ike and the knight.

"You've got a lot to answer for," Tibarn growls. The knight smugly replies,

"If you wish to settle things, I will gladly fight you after I've taken care of Ike."

"Tibarn, Please." Ike asks. "I need to do this." Tibarn begrudgingly complies and backs off.

"Then we fight until the end." The knight thrusts his sword into the floor and a wall of light cuts them off from the others. Ike's allies cry out in protest. Many of them including his sister run up to the barrier and press against it futilely. He holds up a hand to assure them it is all right.

"Micaiah," Ike calls. "Take command." He turns back to the black knight with every bit of his warrior's spirit shining through. "Just us," Ike confirms. "No interruptions."

"Agreed." The knight removes his helmet and reveals his true face. Ike is less than surprised to see Zelgius standing before him. It only confirms everything he already knew. They commence their duel. After all these years it finally ends.

Micaiah orders the troops with practiced skill. After all these battles she's learned so much about their abilities. In some ways battle has become a simple game of chess. She directs them to stand in a row and surge forward in a wave. Many of the disciples are mown down in this attack. Those who are not scramble to penetrate the wall with no concern whether they live or die. Micaiah instructs them to regroup and repeat the process. They gather at the wall and hold their weapons at the ready. She gives the signal and they charge again. The plan works smoothly except for one little small flaw. A mage has attacked Mist. She narrowly dodges the attack but her horse is startled by the bright flash of magic and rears up on its hind legs. Mist gropes for the reins but falls to the ground. The impact dazes her and leaves her at the mercy of the surrounding enemy soldiers.

"Mist!" Micaiah cries out and tries to aid her but she's too far. Ike hears her cry and is distracted for just an instant. It's all the knight needs to get a hit. Ike moves back just in time for the blade to just graze his arm and chest. It draws blood but it isn't deep. It still hurts terribly all the same. Ike smacks away the second blow with his blade and backs away. He glances out of the corner of his eye to Mist. Ranulf has come to her rescue. Ike will have to thank him, but for now he has to deal with his father's murderer.

"Any other distractions?" Zelgius asks sounding a bit annoyed.

"Just you." Ike assures him and charges. He leaps into the air and vaults over Zelgius using the knight's shoulder for leverage. He lands gracefully, spinning around quickly to strike the knight from behind. Zelgius staggers forward. His armor has shattered. He smiles at Ike.

"This fight is everything I had hoped for." He thrusts and Ike sidesteps. "I've been waiting so long for this moment." Ike ducks another attack.

"Then stop talking and fight!" He back flips and dodges one last swipe. Their swords collide three times in succession. They stand pressing with all their might to force the other to their knees. It's getting them nowhere. Ike ducks low to the ground, weaves in between the onslaught of attacks, and backs them into a corner. In one fluid movement Ike leaps at the wall and bounds off and into the air. Zelgius is caught off guard and has nowhere to go. Ike raises his sword above his head coming down hard directly on top of his rival. His sword pierces the armor at Zelgius's chest and buries itself deep. Ike watches as the light leaves the generals eyes as death takes him. Zelgius's body slumps to the ground. Ike has seen this countless times in battle but this feels different. It's never been more personal for him. After all these years he has finally avenged his father. Ike removes his sword and cleans the blade. The wall separating him from his allies vanishes. He doesn't join them just yet. Being as respectful as possible he takes his enemies body and props him up against the wall. He stares for a full minute before walking away and rejoining the almost completed fight.

By the time he manages to slay an enemy the battle is already over. He's thankful for that. He feels exhausted and overworked. He's so tired he'd be happy to take a nap right here. Mist heals his wounds with practiced ease. His chest still burns somewhat even with the skin reformed but it's nothing he can't deal with. They start for the door with little desire to head through it. They know that they'll only find more stairs on the other side.


Ike takes the stairs at a sluggish pace. With each droning step he lets a weak breath of air from his lungs and lazily takes a new one. His right shoulder drags heavily along the wall as he goes. It's a pitiful attempt at taking the weight of his aching legs. He's fallen behind the group, and this time it isn't be choice. They've slowed their pace down considerably simply to cater to him and still he lingers at the tail end. Micaiah has been pausing on occasion to come to a complete halt and wait for him. The act causes Sothe to stop with her. He's still sore at Ike but whatever contempt he held is nearly gone… Nearly. After all, the slight lingering pain in his leg keeps reminding him of the little stunt Ike pulled with his knife. He approaches Micaiah trying his best not to regret each painful step. She turns to meet his eyes, dragging her gaze away from Ike.

"Do you think he'll last?" She whispers secretly. Sothe bows his head and peeks up at Ike to see him shambling along. Sothe shakes his head in response to her question and she lets out a heavy sigh. She takes a step further downward. "Ike." She calls. He lifts his head slightly but shows no other acknowledgment. "Ike, if you won't let us help you, would you please just rest and wait for us to return?" He slumps against the wall and blinks a few times as he collects himself.

"Gotta finish." He says simply. "If there's no way out of this for me," He looks at her with the utmost seriousness, "Then I want to see it through."

"Oh, Ike." She tsks. Ike shrugs and marches on before vanishing around the corner. Now that Micaiah has stopped it will be hard to get going again. She counts to ten and turns back to Sothe. She smiles sadly at him and he returns it. In the briefest of moments her expression turns to one of fear. The staircase above their heads has begun to crumble. Bits of rock and debris fall freely all around them. Sothe grabs Micaiah's hand and tries to pull her away. She takes a second to glance back just as a large chunk of ruble falls. It hits the ancient staircase with such force it too begins to fall apart. Together they lose their footing and stumble on the stairs as everything begins to crumble. The steps beneath them drop and they plunge. It leaves them both grappling for the edge of the remaining stair as it breaks away. They cling three feet below the ledge. It's too high to reach. Micaiah shrieks when her handhold finally gives out. Sothe, despite his own distress sacrifices a firm grip and grabs a hold of her before she can fall. Her weight causes them to swing back and forth in the darkness. Illusion or not the drop looks more than capable of ending them both. Sweat slicked hands grab at Sothe's battered ones. Micaiah flails her legs trying to find purchase against the smooth stone of the passage. Her boots merely scuff the surface, only managing to relieve her arms for a meager second. She briefly senses Yune screaming for her to fight. She wishes she knew how. Sothe has found better luck. His left hand is gripping the crumbling rock with as much steadiness as he can muster. Old powdery mortar is digging in under his nails but he grips even tighter. His boots are planted firmly against the wall while his right arm hangs awkwardly down to clutch at Micaiah's white fingers. She gives a soft cry of fear but reins it in. She can't be weak. Not now. She can feel the muscles stressing in his fingers and feel the slight quiver in his arm. Fine particles of rock drift toward her and get in her eyes. She turns her heard to avoid it and finds herself staring down at her feet and the darkness below. Her heart drops into the pit of her stomach.

"Sothe." She breathes giving away the amount of fear she feels racing through her.

"Tibarn!" Sothe calls not knowing why it was the first name to come to mind. "Somebody help!" His hands are starting to feel slick. "Micaiah, can you climb?" She tries but she simply doesn't possess the strength.

"I-I don't. I can't. I just can't." Her lips quiver. "I'm so sorry."

"We'll be okay." He cranes his neck upward. "Someone!" He hollers and tries to better find his footing. "Please!" Fear whispers in his mind. No one is coming. No one knows they're here. A few pieces of rock tumble past him and he can't help but watch them plummet. It's a long way down.

"Sothe!" He jumps at the sound of his name and snaps his head up. He can just manage to make out the dark outline of a laguz' catlike ears as he looks up at the silhouette of their rescuer. Their fingers just brush past Sothe's as they lean down over the jagged edge. Sothe can't form the words but expression is enough. He cranes his neck to see into their face. He shouldn't be surprised but he is. Of all people to come to his aid, fate would send Ike. Fate was cruel that way. After what Sothe had said to him he's surprised Ike is even looking into his eyes as he reaches for him. It's only now he realizes that Ike can't reach him. The thought shocks him to the core. He meets Ike's eyes and sees his fear reflected in them. "Hang on," Ike pants as he struggles to breathe with the rock pushing into his chest. He pulls back and disappears.

It's the most petrifying sight in the world to see your only hope of rescue suddenly shrinking out of sight. Ike vanishes for a few seconds and the sound of steel hitting stone resounds overhead. Ike reappears quickly and slides back down the face of the wall. This time he's able to clasp Sothe's wrist with both hands. He pulls, gripping Sothe tightly as they worm their way back up. Sothe's arm muscles are screaming with each movement but finally the top of the pit comes into view. His feet clamber to give him some momentum and it works. He reaches the top and sees the very workings of their rescue. Ragnell has been driven into the stone floor. Ike's legs are wrapped tightly around the blade with his skin only touches the blunt edge. Ranulf is gripping at his waist pulling him back from the pit. As soon as Ike is up Ranulf grabs Sothe's legs with one hand and Micaiah's wrist with the other. Together he and Ike drag them to safety. They all collapse from the effort and stare at one another sharing a silent moment of relief. Sothe's hand is still entangled with Micaiah's own trembling fingers. She is quaking with shock as she leans on Sothe's arm. She clings tightly to him and he holds her tight. She works up the courage and casts a glance back over the edge and sighs.

"We can't get out of this awful place soon enough." She looks away quickly. Sothe nods and finally catches his breath.

"Thanks, you two." He pants. Ranulf waves it off.

"I'm glad neither of you are dead." He laughs halfheartedly. Sothe can see Ike watching him with a soft expression He looks just as relieved as Sothe feels. He says nothing to them and stands and helps them up. "Let's catch up with the others and get away from the dangerous pit." Ranulf dusts himself off and starts to run ahead. Micaiah follows slowly after him leaving Sothe behind with Ike. Sothe shifts uneasily as he watches Ike draw ragnell from its place in the floor. Ike hefts the blade back over his shoulder without seeming to notice Sothe's gaze. Sothe is embarrassed but mostly angry with himself. One minute he's telling Ike he doesn't trust him and the next he's thanking him for saving his life. What a wonderful bond of trust. Sothe thinks as he directs more negative thoughts toward himself. At least he can try to repair the damage.

"Ike," He says as he straitens up and tries to look as sincere as possible. "I'm sorry. What I said before it was uncalled for." Ike looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Sothe, I tried to kill you...quite a few times. I think it was more than called for."

"I..." Sothe doesn't know what to say. He'd been expecting something a bit different. Something more along the lines of: 'Don't talk to me.' or better yet. 'Apology accepted.' But this? Sothe shakes it off. "I'm still sorry."

"So am I." Ike admires him for a moment. "I guess that's something I'm going to be saying a lot." He runs a hand through his hair. "I've wronged so many of you."

"Last time I checked you were a victim too, Ike." Ike watches him thoughtfully as he looks for sincerity and he finds it. "Let's go."


Their short adventure has separated them from the group. They find their allies already doing battle with a massive horde of dragons. By the time they are reunited with the army, many of their enemies have been slain. Despite the danger, they join in freely. These ancient beasts are hell-bent on killing them but they boldly fight their way through the sea of dragons. These beasts have always been feared for their might, but today victory favors the alliance of beorc and laguz.

At this point the previous trials of the tower seem of little difficulty. Sephiran has betrayed their trust and joined in this madness as well. They have all grown to respect the man and are reluctant to fight. This isn't the first time a friend has turned on them. They ask him to stand down and as expected he does not. They have each made a promise to see this war through and he is in the way of that. Regardless of their fading energy they give him a worthy fight. They end his life as respectfully as they can. The battles of the tower have acted as a proving ground and have better prepared them for the fury of the goddess. They will need this newfound strength to face her. They will need even more if they intend to survive.

Micaiah has been thinking about this moment for some time. She has tried not to but such a nagging question can't be ignored. What are we going to do now? To be standing here face to face with the goddess, the creator of life, should be the greatest honor and yet it feels far from it. Ashera is as beautiful as they have always been told but she looks bitter and empty. She is elegant and graceful; simply the true image of godliness. Every movement she makes seems so perfect and planned. Even the blinking of her eyes seems not without intention. But those eyes are vacant and seem to peer right through them as if they were made of nothing but glass.

The alliance stares back unable to do much else. They have no idea what comes next. Do they entreat her? Beg her forgiveness? Will she even listen? How can one reason with a goddess? She is perfection and chaos all at one. They can see that now.

With no indication of a threat she holds her hand out to them. An indigo flame ignites in her palm and they can't help but be entranced. She makes the first move and decides the turn of event for all of them. They are blinded by the bright light of her power as she unleashes her silent fury. They scatter from the blast, tumbling over themselves like untrained foot soldiers. They are both shocked and humbled by this display. They had expected power but her mere presence can be felt from all around. The attack made the air itself rise considerably in temperature. Her attack has missed many of them but those that had been too close paid the price. Burns cover the exposed flesh of some of their best soldiers. They know what they must do. They fall into battle formation and take to the fray. The goddess seems to have forgotten they exist as she bows her head and stares blankly at the stone floor. Her lips move so fluidly and without words but they've all had enough battle experience to know when a spell is being cast.

"Micaiah!" Yune's voice rings loud in her head. "We must stop her before she can strike again." It is now that Micaiah realizes everyone's eyes are watching her; waiting for her divine knowledge of the goddess's other half to lead them to victory.

But what do I do? She asks mentally. How can I stop someone so powerful? She tries not to think of how badly her hands are trembling. She grips her arms to hide it from the others.

"I will be with you." The voice of Yune promises. "Lead your people, Micaiah." The voice lingers in her thoughts for a moment and she rallies the men. She has to say something to get them motivated and let them believe they can win but she doesn't know what to say. How can one encourage a group of people to face what will most likely be their doom? A warm hand rests on her shoulder and her thoughts die away. Ike smiles warmly at her and gives her the will to stay strong. He calls out to their waiting soldiers in a commanding voice.

"We've come a long way. Let's finish this quickly and don't any of you go dying on me." Micaiah can't help but smile at this. Ike can say so little and yet so much at the same time. It's an admirable quality. She catches him watching her. "What do you say, Micaiah?" He asks in such a way that she actually believes he isn't afraid. She makes his determination into her own.

"Let's end it." She declares boldly.

The time for words has long passed so they toss them aside. The dance begins as it always does. Every movement becomes so much more than it would seem. The troops move closer to strike only to prance away as a blow rains down. Each dodge becomes an elegant pirouette. Not all steps are taken in a forward direction. Sometimes one must step back in order to move ahead. They've managed to make it this far without stepping on each other's toes. They hope they can keep it up. They continue to take each movement in stride and simply endure each moment as it comes.

Ashera has stopped her chanting and seems to suddenly take notice of them as she raises her face to stare outward. She holds her hands at her sides and lifts them delicately upward. A surge of energy gushes past their forces. Many of them are sent sprawling. Micaiah twirls aside as the power rushes past. Even though it misses her she can still feel the sheer energy cause her skin to tingle. Those that managed to evade the strike continue to weave their way towards their hunter. The unfortunate ones who took the brunt of the hit struggle to rise and rejoin the battle while those that can go no further drag themselves to safety.

Micaiah is close now but Ashera is already chanting away and it's looking like she may manage another hit before they can reach her. They have to work together. Some of these people have known each other for so long they don't need words to fight as a unit. It's a great advantage. Ranulf is the first to land a hit. He rushes forward, flips in midair, and manages a powerful kick. Whatever aura that was surrounding the rouge goddess seems to weaken. She strikes out at him sending him tumbling back. She goes for a second hit but he has already dashed away. The others follow suit, fighting with quick attacks and even quicker escapes. They repeat the pattern over and over as she bombards them with her ancient magic. They have exhausted themselves. Micaiah's light magic delivers a powerful hit. The magical barrier surrounding Ashera shatters and spider webs like broken glass. It breaks apart drifting through the air like new snow. Yune's voice cries out to her,

"Now, Micaiah! Do it now!" Micaiah rushes forward not knowing what she can really do to end all of this. But it doesn't seem to matter. Her body becomes not her own as Yune takes over and calls out to Ike. He joins her with his sword at the ready. Words are not necessary. They nod in understanding to one another. Micaiah's body goes limp as she feels Yune's power leave her body to join Ike. She drops to her knees and stares at the beautiful cobalt light as she starts to feel faint. Strong hands grab her shoulders as she begins to tip over. She doesn't have to see to know it is Sothe at her side.

Ike cries out as he delivers the devastating final blow. A single slash runs across the goddess's chest. She falls backwards; seemingly floating. She looks neither surprised nor hopeful. Defeat is meaningless to her. She just vanishes and remains ever as hollow as before. A sudden hush falls over everyone as they watch in awe. The blinding light fades as Yune's power dissipates and Ike is left mortal and weak. Micaiah's body is spent. She struggles to stay conscious as she watches Ike slump to his knees. Her hearing has gone and all words seem muffled even those coming from a worried Sothe. She smiles to let him know she'll be fine and just lets her body rest.

The light of Yune returns and with it a small girl is standing there before them. She's ghostlike yet she's able to put them at ease with her cheerless smile. Micaiah can see the little girl's lips moving but she can't make out any of the words.

"Sothe," Micaiah whispers. "It's Yune." He rubs her arm and holds her closer while resting her head in his lap.

"Yes." He says not certain if she can hear him or if she's even listening. "It's her."

From where she lays, Micaiah sees Ike's lips move and watches the look on Yune's face turn from sadness to joy. She'll have to remember to ask him what he said to her. Yune's small feet shuffle forward and the takes Ike's face in her hands and stares into his eyes with a soft smile. Micaiah can read her lips as she says the words "Thank you". The child places a gentle kiss on Ike's forehead. She examines him a moment more before letting her hands fall from his face. She steps away from him and giggles innocently. A soft breeze ripples past as she does so and her small form dissolves into glittering dust. It whirls past them and drifts upward until it too is but a memory.

"I guess she wasn't a stupid bird after all." Sothe says with a voice full of wonder. He still gazes up at the ceiling as if expecting Yune to suddenly reappear. Micaiah hears his voice clearly now and she finds she is able to sit. "Look what she's done," he nudges her arm. Micaiah frees the fog from her eyes and gasps.

"Ike!" Micaiah says urgently. Everyone in the massive room snaps to attention and all eyes fall on him. Ike has already noticed the change. He runs a hand through his hair as he tests cautiously. He looks shocked and a bit confused but above all relieved. "Ike." Micaiah says again. She smiles and shakes her head disbelievingly. "Ike you're-" The words die in her throat and her eyes begin to water. She lets out a joyful laugh as all of her cares seem to leave her. Sothe is doing the same but he can't stop shaking his head. Ike smiles for the first time in what has been an eternity.

"How bad is it?" He asks with a slight chuckle. Mist runs up to him from behind and throws her arms around his neck. Her clothes are dirtied and she looks about ready to fall over but the smile on her face shines through. She grips him tightly as he holds her small hands in his. He doesn't have any words but Mist does.

"Ike, you're normal!" She exclaims and hugs him tighter. "You're you!" The others gather around them in silent admiration. Micaiah stays where she is and simply admires them from afar. She's never known the love of a sibling but to simply see the love between a brother and sister is enough for her. She can't believe it. It's over. She can go home. She can forget about this terrible war. She can have her life back. But looking around at all she's done makes her realize how hard it's going to be to go back. She'll have to say goodbye to so many.

"It's time to go home." Sothe sighs. "At last."

"At last…" She echoes back not even trying to hide her sadness. She can't help but look back to Ike. A lonely tear runs down her cheek as her eyes travel from him to the place where Yune had vanished. "Thank you, Yune." She whispers. "Thank you for giving Ike back." She draws Sothe into a loving embrace and he holds her tight. She is content in knowing that she will always have him.

The descent from the tower is far different from the climb. The goddess's magic has no hold over this place anymore. Her illusions are gone. Spirits are high and fear has been banished from the lives of the soldiers. To simply walk through the door and into the world, feels like waking up from a dream. Life has been restored. And to think the goddess had wanted to end all of this majesty. How terrible she must have felt to create such a world and then wish to take it all away because of what she considered to be a mistake. Micaiah stops her admiring when she sees the tell-tale signs of the end. They've merged with the rest of the army. All around them the soldiers have divided into groups and are exchanging gestures of farewell. She sighs and thinks of home. Daein had never truly felt like home but now she finds herself missing it.

"Micaiah." Sothe nudges her shoulder. "I don't think we have much time. You'd better go say goodbye."

"You're right." She agrees. She waits on the sidelines as Ike says farewell to his many friends. Once he's alone she approaches him and gets his attention with a tap on the shoulder. He turns to see her and beams.

"There you are." He opens his arms to her.

"Here I am." She answers sadly and gives him a friendly hug. She catches herself staring where his catlike ears had once been.

"Is something wrong?" He asks.

"No. I'm just not used to seeing you like this." She impulsively reaches out to brush his hair aside. She runs her hand over the spot his ear had been and her frown deepens. Retracting her hand she says, "I haven't know the real you for very long but I like him." Ike looks touched. "It's good to meet you again." She reaches for her bag and digs out an all too familiar book. She brushes her hair behind her ear as she nervously holds the manuscript out to him. He probably wants nothing to do with it. She thinks. He takes it cautiously as though it might shatter in his hands. He examines the cover wondering how a bunch of paper managed to so badly damage his life.

"Thank you, Micaiah." She smiles with relief in knowing she's done the right thing. "This means a lot."

"So…" She isn't sure how to walk away. "I guess this is goodbye." She holds out her hand to shake his but he doesn't return the gesture.

"Not quite." She lowers her hand and watches him questioningly.

"What do you mean?"

"I have one last thing to do." He looks at the book in his hands and she nods in understanding. "And I have to ask for your help."


The Daein night is filled with the sound of crickets chirping animatedly away. Their soft calls are silenced as a small group of people walk by. Once they pass the crickets start right back up again to discuss the oddness of seeing such individuals in the forest at this hour.

Their group consists of Ike, Ranulf, Sothe and Micaiah. This moment has been weighing on their minds ever since they left the tower. They move quickly and follow Micaiah along a small trail as they weave around the overgrown path. Each of them holds a torch in their hand. Their firelight dances around them in a warm circle keeping them together and focused on what they must do. They arrive at last. They come to a halt outside of Izuka's long abandoned domain. There was a time when they each believed they would never have to return to this dreadful place but circumstances change.

"Ike, are you sure you want to go in there?" Ranulf asks from beside him as he looks up at the ominous structure. He can't help but glare at it. Ike nods with certainty.

"I need to do this."

"We're with you." Ranulf says encouragingly. Ike nods in thanks and approaches the door. The rotten wood sticks and he's forced to use his shoulder to jar it open. It gives a hideous shriek as the hinges whine. They ignore it and gather themselves at the entrance and file in. Ike leads the way down the moaning stairs and into the abyss. Micaiah tries to ignore the memories of this place. If Ike can come back here she can, too. They reach the basement and the temperature drops drastically. Their torches light the discolored and molding walls as they venture forth. They aren't here to sightsee. This is about closure. They allow Ike the freedom to explore but stay close just in case. They arrive outside a cell door and Ike pauses and stares in at the nothing inside. His eyes are distant as if he's trying to both remember and forget everything that happened here all at once.

"Ike?" Micaiah asks when a full five minutes pass in silence.

"I'm fine." He casts one last lingering look inside and walks away. They wander the room for a while longer and end up in a cramped space. It's the same place Micaiah originally found the book and also where Ike received his scars. The smell of stale blood is strong in the room and Ranulf is unable to enter and instead lingers in the doorway. Ike holds up the book and places it on the examination table. He flips it to a random page in the middle and readies his torch. The firelight dances and illuminates the paper displaying crude drawings of the beorc anatomy. "No one can ever be allowed to use this again." Ike glares at the page as he speaks. He hovers the torch over the tome as the book is set aflame. They watch as the pages twist and curl as the fire consumes the poison written on them. They step back and watch until it's nothing but ash. Ike leaves the room as the others stare at the smoldering remains.

"It's your call." Ranulf reminds him. Ike nods.

"Burn everything." He says without finality. They raise their torches and set all manner of items aflame. Ike leads the way to the exit dragging his torch along the bookshelves as he goes. The others do the same. They take the rotten steps at a run to escape the choking smoke. They reach the top of the steps and toss all but one of their torches back inside. They plant the remaining torch in the ground. They gather together and sit in the cool dewy grass as they watch the tower go up in a fiery blaze. Nothing is said between them but they share a deep feeling of relief and conclusiveness with each drifting ash. Sothe is sitting directly beside Micaiah with her hand resting comfortably in his. They admire their handiwork for some time until Micaiah turns to see Ike. He's watching the blaze with focused eyes. She can only see a fraction of his face as night's darkness claims one half and the light of the fire shines on the other. He looks content and she feels the same. He looks to her. He holds out his hand and she takes it in hers and holds onto him for as long as she can. This handshake is more than a gesture. It's an understanding. She takes this brief moment to remember everything she can about him, from the curve of his cheekbones to the spike of his hair. She knows she may never see him again. But as long as she remembers him it won't be so bad.

Ike doesn't need to thank her for all she's done. It's an unspoken knowledge between the two of them. She saved his life and he's changed hers. He finds peace in her presence and her smile. She is someone he can never allow himself to forget nor would he ever want to. He has walked through hell and returned not only alive but whole. In some ways, he's found a part of himself he never had before and he has her to thank.

He watches intently as their fingers remain intertwined in a promise of eternal friendship and respect. At long last, they've finally said their goodbyes. Through it all, countries may crumble. War may ravage the lands. Sorrow may consume us. And hope may burn away but the spirit is undying.

Thanks for reading.