1. Chocolate
Mello loved chocolate, but not as much as he loved Matt.
2. Pain
Matt thought that the pain of bullets was nothing compared to the fact that he would never see Mello again.
3. Stop
Mello wondered when his heart stopped if his love would stop too..
4. Fall
As Near watched the dominoes fall down, he knew that so had his only rival..
5. Cigarettes
Mello wished Matt would stop smoking.
6. Knows
Matt knows that they don't have much time left but still he'd stick with Mello to the end.
7. Forgotten
Near decides, after he sees Matt and Mello dead, that he'll make sure their sacrifices are not forgotten.
8. Hate
Contrary to popular belief, Near never hated Mello, infact he thought of Mello as a friend.
9. Religion
With Mello's religion, no one would have thought that he could fall in love with a man… He proved them wrong.
10. Cry
Mello never thought he would cry.. until he saw Matt's body on the news.
11. Wonder
Near always thought his toys were very good friends, but he couldn't help but wonder what it was like for Matt and Mello.
12. Hate
Mello never knew he could hate someone he never met.. but seeing what those Kira followers did to Matt, he decided he could.
13. Leather
Matt loved when Mello wore leather.
14. Ideas
Mello never knew where he got his ideas, but he was glad he had at least one person that would help him with them.
15. Goggles
Matt never liked goggles till Mello bought him some for his birthday.
16. Guns
At the moment of his death, Matt decided that if the guns weren't in Mello's hands, he hated them.
17. Bang
When Matt was young, he always said he would go out with a bang.
18. Kiss
Their first kiss was sweet and simple. It was under the willow tree at Wammy's.
19. The Beginning
In the beginning they were acquaintances, then friends, then lovers, and Mello wanted to keep it that way forever..
20. The End
Mello knew that in the end, Near had won and that he would forever be second place. But somehow, as he floated into the white light with Matt by his side, he couldn't seem to care.