Many thanks to all who have left a review on this fic. Your feedback has been most welcome. This is the last chapter of Equnity and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Thank you all for reading and giving this a chance. Shen ^_^
October. 2004 ShenLong
Chapter 40
Zero passed between the start flags and the electronic timer began to count off the seconds. Heero started off at a reasonable pace, not too fast. He could put the speed on a little later, for now it was important to keep Zero well balanced and full of impulsion. It wasn't always speed that won these events, it was being able to have your horse between hand and leg, collected together enough to be able to change stride and direction at a moment's notice. Heero knew where he could cut corners, had enough trust in his horse and the animal's capabilities to know he could pull this off. All he needed to do was keep his cool and remain focused.
The first fence was taken easily and Zero picked up speed but retained impulsion as he approached the second fence. Zero shortened stride, drove his hocks underneath him and cleared the second fence with inches to spare. Landing safely he gathered himself together and headed for the third fence in the jump off course.
The thrill of the competition had begun to flow through Heero's veins; his blood was pounding, the adrenaline coursing through him as he made split second decisions. The double was fast approaching and Heero knew if he was to have any chance of winning he would need to get this right. He sat down harder in his saddle, used his seat and legs to drive Zero together, holding the contact until the horse was like a coiled spring beneath him.
Four strides away and Heero began to come forwards, legs still pushing and containing the energy.
Three strides and his hands inched a little up the neck allowing a fraction of that energy to come forth.
Two strides and Heero applied the leg as strong as he dared.
One stride and Heero unleashed the power he currently held in check. Hands went forwards up the neck, Heero's body following as Zero pushed off from the ground and shot into the air.
The first element was cleared, Zero landed, Heero's legs immediately on him and pushing him together for the second element. One stride and Zero was again airborne. As his forelegs touched the ground so his master urged him together. One stride and Zero was balanced, second stride and he was turning, two more strides and he was approaching fence five. Zero gathered himself together and leapt forwards, muscles straining as he cleared the fence.
Duo tried to shove his hands into his pockets; he'd chewed his fingernails so badly that anymore and they would surely bleed. He held his breath as Heero rode the gray beautifully, positioning the horse perfectly for each fence, his timing and accuracy a pleasure to behold. This was the Heero that Duo was used to seeing ride, confident and yet sensitive to his horse. Zero was responding to each touch from his master's hand, leg or seat, his ears flicking back and forth showing just how much Zero was listening to his rider.
Once more Duo was in awe of Heero's skills. The pair were one complete unit, appearing to blend together and seemingly read each other's minds. To anyone who was watching, whether they knew anything about horses and competition or not, it was clear that these two were in complete harmony with each other. Besides the small knot of fear that Duo always carried in his stomach when Heero competed, there was also a feeling of pride. That was his boyfriend out there and despite the fact that their relationship couldn't be made public, Duo was safe and happy in the knowledge that it was him that Heero would be going home with, his arms that Heero would seek his comfort and congratulations within and his bed that Heero would be sharing.
Watching Zero clear the double and then complete the turn to sail over fence five had Duo almost cheering. Zero was going so well, full of forward impulsion and looking for all the world like a champion; which in Duo's eyes, he was. Win or lose, Zero would be getting a bucketful of carrots tonight. Duo's eyes narrowed and he began to hold his breath as Heero approached the remaining four jumps. 'It isn't over until the fat lady sings'. Heero's words came back to Duo and he gave a wry smile. He looked around, wondering if he could find a portly lady willing to sing and then shook his head, snorting at himself for his mind's silly wanderings. He brought his attention back to Heero and the gray who were approaching the brush fence.
"Easy, Zero," muttered Heero and the horse cocked back an ear.
Zero was feeling good, really good and he was loving every minute of the competition. His ears swiveled as he listened to his master's tone of voice, his body was finely tuned to each slight shift of his master's weight on his back or pressure of leg against his side and his mouth was receptive to the light touch that guided him. He trusted his master and willingly gave everything he had to please him.
The next fence was coming up fast, a little faster than Heero would have liked but Zero collected himself together and flew over it, ears cocked and looking for the next jump. Turning to the left, Heero lined them up for the gate, after that he would need to have Zero exactly where he wanted him if he was to angle the wall and come into the final fence - the triple - correctly. Heero refused to let himself dwell on the triple, concentrating on clearing the gate and getting the line and track to the wall correct.
The gate disappeared beneath them and Heero had to sit in hard to get Zero to come back to him. The stallion was fresh and eager to jump, he didn't want to slow down. "Steady, boy. We have to get this one right or we're fucked. No second chances," murmured Heero as he gave the sweating neck a quick touch.
Zero sensed the importance in his master's tone, snorting lightly as he fought to bound ahead, only to be held in check by Heero's hands. The wall was coming up in front and Zero hesitated. He really didn't like walls all that much.
The hesitation allowed Heero to get his horse back between hand and leg. He used his seat and legs, pushing Zero together beneath him whilst holding the reins tightly to prevent the stallion from shooting forwards. The gait came to a collected canter with Zero almost cantering on the spot as his master lined up the wall.
Still keeping the canter as slow as he dared, Heero turned the gray to the angle he wanted and then let go. He gave Zero his head, applied the leg and went up and forwards in his stirrups. Zero drove his hindquarters under his body and leapt into the air, taking the wall at the right angle and landing well out on the other side.
As soon as Zero's hooves touched the ground Heero was there, contact established with the stallion's mouth whilst his seat and legs brought the body together and spun the horse around, all within two strides of landing. The crowd gave a cheer, urging the gray and his rider on as they headed for the final fence; the triple.
"Easy, Heero. Steady, Zero. Don't push it too much, keep the concentration. That's it, don't lose it now. One fence and you're home," Duo muttered to himself under his breath and grabbed the end of his braid to occupy his hands and save the last of his nails. He was aware of the crowd and their cheering, his heart was hammering in his chest, breathing shallow and Duo began to wonder why the hell he hadn't thought to bring some sedatives with him. Even though Duo didn't drink as a rule the thought of a shot of scotch right now was more than welcome. The pressure was so intense he thought he might get an aneurysm and wondered how Heero managed to look so cool and calm out there. Duo was feeling like he'd run a marathon, in forty degrees Celsius heat and he wasn't even competing!
Christ! If he was this bad at a simple Agricultural show, what the hell would he be like if Heero succeeded in gaining selection to represent his country?! Maybe he would make medical history by being the first man to give birth... to kittens. Duo didn't want to watch, so much hinged on this final fence and it took all his will power to keep his eyes on the horse and rider. He found his mouth moving, muttering a quiet prayer for Heero's safety, which surprised him as he'd never been a religious person. He guessed it couldn't hurt though and let his mouth continue.
Concentrating hard, Heero's world narrowed to the triple bar. Standing now at five foot it was an impressive jump. A brief flash of flying poles, falling horse and the sudden, hard, unforgiving bite of the ground passed through his mind but Heero refused to acknowledge it. He could do this; Zero could do this. Duo's smiling face found its way into his head and he heard the soft words of his lover echo in his head. 'I have faith in you'.
"This one's for you, Duo," Heero said softly and rode the stallion with all the skill he possessed.
Zero responded gamely, sizing up the jump and picking his take off point. The angle from the wall had brought him in perfectly and Zero never hesitated.
"Now, boy!" encouraged Heero as he went forwards in his saddle and gave the gray his head.
Zero gave a grunt and gathered himself together. Forelegs left the ground, tucking underneath the chest as the hindquarters pushed off, launching the horse and his rider into the air. Heero looked down to see the blue and white poles underneath as Zero seemed to grow wings and fly over them. The forelegs stretched out, hind ones followed suit as the back pole was cleared and gravity began to pull the animal back to earth. Zero's front hooves bit deep into the turf, taking the shock of impact and then lifted as the hind legs came down to take their place. Heero followed the movement of the horse, sitting back down into the saddle and gathering the contact as the muscles of Zero's hind legs pushed them safely away from the jump and towards the finish flags.
Keeping a light contact with Zero's mouth, just enough to guide him, Heero gave the gray all the rein he could and urged him on with his legs. Zero responded with enthusiasm, flattening his body as he sprang into a gallop and shot through the finish, breaking the electronic timer beam and stopping the clock. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause but Heero didn't get a chance to see what his time was, Zero was enjoying the gallop way too much and Heero had his hands full trying to bring the stallion back to a canter to exit the arena and let the next competitor enter. Finally he managed to bring the reluctant horse back to a slower pace and looked for the exit.
He spotted Duo bouncing up and down in excitement in the collecting ring and turned Zero in that direction. As he made his way to the exit he saw Treize preparing his horse for his jump off round. The loud speaker crackled into life.
"Clear round in a time of 47.21. We have a new leader, ladies and gentlemen with two riders remaining. Can Susan Walker or Treize Kushrenada beat the time of 47.21? "
The rest of the announcer's words faded into the background. // 47.21. Well, shit! // thought Heero as he exited the ring.
"That was some pretty classy jumping there."
Heero quickly dragged himself from his thoughts as he heard the words spoken to him and turned to see Treize waiting for his turn to enter the ring. "Thanks."
"You've certainly set a cracker of a time to beat but I'm going to give it a good shot," said Treize with a friendly grin.
Heero grinned back. "Best of luck," he replied.
Treize urged his horse forwards away from the arena entry to walk him around and keep him warm, Heero slipped into the collecting ring, accepting the congratulations from the other competitors with a modest grace as he fought his way through to where Duo was standing a little to the side awaiting him. As soon as he pulled up beside Duo, the vet was stuffing Zero with carrots. Heero kicked his feet free of the stirrups and dismounted.
"That was fantastic, Zero," Duo said as he petted the horse and fed him more carrots. "You were really something out there, boy."
Zero wuffled happily and wolfed down the carrots. He knew he'd been good.
"What about me?" asked Heero. "I was a part of the team too, Zero didn't do it all by himself," he said trying to look hurt at his boyfriend's lack of acknowledgment.
"I suppose you did okay," teased Duo.
"Just okay?"
"Heero, if I was to show you exactly how relieved, excited, happy and proud of you I am, I fear we would be arrested. I do promise, however, to show you precisely how much when we get home." Duo gave his lover a warm smile and a squeeze to his shoulder. "Heero, you were simply wonderful to watch. The rapport you have with Zero is a pleasure to behold. It's as if the two of you can read each other's minds. I'm sure you have won."
Heero felt the warmth flood his body with his lover's words. Right now he was on cloud nine and didn't give a shit what happened. He'd cleared the course, not just once but twice; he'd conquered that demon once and for all and he'd set them all a fast time to beat. He couldn't do any more. Win, lose or draw, Heero was happy.
The sound of falling poles greeted their ears and Heero was quick to turn back to the ring where Susan had sent the triple flying.
"Four faults and a time of 51.92. Heero Yuy still leads the competition with a time of 47.21 and we have one rider left to go. Can he beat Heero Yuy's time?"
"I don't know whether I want to watch or not," said Duo with a shudder. "I think you're going to be hard to beat, Heero, but I suppose anything is possible."
"Hai, Duo. Showjumping is a funny game. You never know what's going to happen and Treize is an exceptional rider. I don't know too much about this horse he's on but if anyone is going to better Zero's time it will be him."
"Then I suppose asking that woman over there if she would sing is out of the question?"
Heero looked where Duo indicated to see a very large woman watching the jumping. He snorted and laughed. "Duo!? You're a cheeky bastard sometimes."
"Ahh, but you love me anyway."
"Hai, that I do," Heero returned softly. "Come on, let's see how Treize does."
The pair moved a little closer to the ring ropes where they could see Treize and his round a little better. Duo could see what Heero meant when he said that Treize was a skilled rider. Now he saw first hand why the man had been an Olympic silver medalist. Treize also appeared to be one with his horse, his judgment of striding and placing his horse in the best possible position to clear each fence was phenomenal. Duo could see that the liver chestnut lacked experience, but it made up for it with sheer courage and trust in its rider.
Heero's eyes switched from the competitor to the electronic clock. Treize was clear so far and going at a good pace. 30... 31... 32... The seconds ticked away as Treize approached the gate and cleared it with inches to spare. 35...36... 37... Treize was angling his horse for the wall, attempting the same maneuver as Zero had done. Heero's heart began to race and he found himself fidgeting.
"Don't bite your fingernails," Duo snickered beside him.
Heero harrumphed but lowered his hand from his mouth where he'd been nibbling without knowing it. He took a peek at Duo from the corner of his eye to find that the vet was chewing on the end of his braid. "Duo, stop biting your hair," he replied with a smirk.
"Can't help it. I haven't got any fingernails left," grinned Duo.
"You'll get a hair ball."
"Then lend me your fingernails to chew instead."
"Baka," said Heero affectionately as he slapped Duo's hand away from the braid of hair and then turned back to the ring.
Epyon was about to jump the wall, Treize having brought the animal in beautifully. The clock was still ticking away. Epyon cleared the wall and landed safely, Treize gathering the horse together quickly and setting his sights on the triple. Epyon didn't handle the turn as well as Zero had, taking three strides to turn as opposed to Zero's two. It meant that the liver chestnut would have to put in an extra couple of strides to meet the triple correctly and extra strides meant extra time.
Heero's eyes flicked from the horse to the clock and back to the horse. Epyon was taking off over the triple, back arching beautifully as he cleared the fence and landed to be spurred on to the finish by his determined rider.
44... 45... 46...
Heero couldn't bear to watch any longer and closed his eyes. He heard a cheer go up from the crowd and felt his heart plummet. Seconds later he had a rather excited Duo grab him in a bear hug.
"You won! Heero, you won! You hear me? Heero... YOU WON!!!" Duo yelled as he embraced the accountant. Duo didn't give a shit who saw him hugging his boyfriend. He could pass it off as simply being the excitement of the moment and congratulating his partner.
Heero blinked and drew in a breath to starved lungs. Just when had he held his breath anyway? His arms automatically went around Duo and he hugged the vet back. His eyes strayed to the electronic clock to confirm Duo's words, not that he didn't trust Duo, he just needed to see the evidence for himself.
48.01 glared back at him and only then did the reality sink in.
He'd won.
Zero had done it.
Against all the odds they had managed to come back and not only compete again; but win.
Seconds later the loud speaker confirmed it. "Ladies and gentlemen. Clear round in a time of 48.01. The winner of the Open Table A Showjumping competition is Heero Yuy on Zero."
Heero was close to tears, the euphoria he was feeling had no comparison; well maybe one, when Duo had made love to him last night, but right now Heero was simply floating. In a daze he felt Duo's arms leave him and turned to see Duo's ecstatic face beaming back at him. "I won," he managed to breathe out, his tone one of disbelief.
"Yes, Heero! You won!" laughed Duo. The vet was close to tears himself. All the trials of the past months had been worth it and Duo couldn't have been happier than if he'd ridden the course himself. "Come on, you have to get mounted and go get your rosette and cup." Duo moved to Zero's head to hold the horse for Heero to mount. "You hear that, Zero? You won. Clever boy, you were great!"
Zero wasn't completely sure what was going on but he could tell from the excitement in the air that he'd done something good. Politely he asked for another carrot, sniffing Duo's pockets with hopeful eyes.
Duo gave him another carrot while Heero, still in a daze, managed to mount the horse.
"Number fourteen?" called the gate marshal. "If you're ready, please go in. Number eighteen, follow on then sixteen..."
Heero collected his reins and with a wide grin at Duo, he turned Zero and entered the ring for the presentation of the rosettes and cup. Behind him Treize and the other place getters followed. Heero halted the stallion by the judge's box where the judge and Lady Une were waiting with the rosettes and the large, silver cup. Once all the competitors were lined up, the judge approached and placed the blue, first place rosette on Zero's bridle and shook hands with Heero.
"That was a magnificent piece of riding and tactical maneuvering," said the judge. "Congratulations."
"Thank you," replied Heero. "I'm just lucky enough to have a good horse underneath me."
"It took more than a good horse to pull that off, it took skilled riding as well and you showed a lot of people today just what a good rider can do."
Heero felt himself go red with the praise from the judge and managed to mutter another thank you through his embarrassment. A large, silver cup was handed to him and he managed to regain enough of his composure to thank Lady Une, the sponsor of the cup. The officials moved further down the line to congratulate the other riders and Heero was left alone with his thoughts for a few moments. Idly he patted the strong, gray neck before him, vowing to give Zero not only extra carrots in his feed tonight but he'd also throw in a few apples too and to hell with the slobber. The sound of a voice drew him from his thoughts and he turned slightly in his saddle to see the amused eyes of Treize looking at him. "Sorry, did you say something?" asked Heero feeling a little more than embarrassed.
"I said, congratulations. You rode extremely well."
"Thank you. I thought you were going to beat me though."
"Maybe next time," smiled Treize. "Epyon here needs a little more experience yet but he did try really hard for me so I'm pleased with him." Treize patted the shoulder of his horse.
"He's got a lot of potential," replied Heero as he eyed the liver chestnut.
"Yes, he does and so do you and your gray."
Yet again Heero found his cheeks coloring with the praise.
They didn't have a chance to continue their talk as the judge had finished placing the rosettes on the horses and was signaling for them to do their lap of honor. Heero collected his reins and with the cup tucked under his arm he led the rest of the competitors in a canter around the arena to the applause of the crowd. As they reached the exit so Treize pulled his horse alongside Heero.
"Heero, I like your style of riding, I like the way you handle your horse and I think you have the ability and talent to make it to the top given the right assistance." Treize fished in his pocket for a moment and handed Heero a business card. "I'd like to offer you a place in my stable if you're interested."
Heero stopped Zero in his tracks and turned to fully face the other man, his mouth opening and closing like a stranded fish. "Ah... Errr... Ummm..." Treize laughed. "Go home and think about it. Give me a call on the number on the card and I will explain things in more detail to you. Don't make a decision now, you're still too high on adrenaline from the competition. I do expect to hear from you in a few days though. Congratulations once again." With that, Treize turned his horse and rode away, leaving Heero wondering what had happened to his life all of a sudden.
"Heero? Hey, buddy. Earth to Heero, come in, Heero."
"Huh? What?" Heero shook himself and stared down to see Duo grinning like the Cheshire cat at him.
"Geeze, I've heard about success going to your head and all that shit but in your case I think your brain got hijacked."
"Aa." Heero handed Duo the large, silver cup so he could dismount. The card Treize had given him he put into his pocket for now. He'd think about that a bit more later.
"What did Treize want?" asked Duo as he assisted Heero to run the stirrups up and loosen Zero's girth.
"He was congratulating me," replied Heero. It wasn't a complete lie. Treize had been congratulating him, Heero simply omitted to tell his lover the rest of the conversation and offer Treize had made. Heero wanted to mull it over a little first before talking to Duo about it. Fortunately Heero was saved at that point as Hilde appeared to shower Heero with more praise, much to the accountant's embarrassment.
Eventually they managed to leave the collecting ring and head back to the horse float, Duo carrying the cup whilst Heero led his horse. Heero was looking forward to getting home, putting Zero away and having a nice, hot shower followed by some quality snuggle time with Duo. Zero was looking forward to a comfortable stable and dinner, preferably with a truckload of carrots. Duo was busy planning out where in the lounge room to put Heero's cup for maximum display.
Reaching the float, it didn't take them long to unsaddle, brush down Zero and put his rug on. Duo did his usual wrestling act with the gear and the trunk, somehow squashing it all back in for the trip home. Within half an hour they were leaving the grounds and heading back to the vet practice.
* * *
When they arrived back at the surgery, Heero unloaded Zero from the float and put him away in his stable, Duo began to unpack the trunk, putting all the gear back into the shed. Once the float was cleaned out and the trunk empty, Heero backed up the float and they unhitched it. Duo headed out to the paddock with Scythe's dinner whilst Heero saw to Zero.
Duo gave the mare a run down on the day's events, not that she seemed to be listening much. She had her nose buried in the feed bin, the foal peeking out from behind her at Duo but not game to come too close. Duo ran his eye over both animals and was satisfied that they were okay then picked up the empty feed bucket and headed back to the stables where his partner was mixing up the morning feeds. With the work out of the way they walked hand in hand to the house.
Once inside the kitchen, Duo put the kettle on and rummaged around in the 'fridge to find something for dinner. Heero took his jacket through to the bedroom and went to take a shower. The 'phone began to ring and Duo answered it. It was Hilde just checking that they had made it home okay and wanting to congratulate Heero once more. Duo chatted for a while, until Heero got out of the shower and then he put the accountant on the line so he could finish cooking dinner.
The 'phone rang again, several times and each time it was someone ringing to congratulate Heero on his win. Heero politely answered the calls and graciously accepted the congratulations. Quatre was the last one to call and it took Heero ages to get off the 'phone to him. Wearily, Heero walked through to the kitchen where something smelt delicious.
Duo dropped the two plates to the kitchen table. "It's only a salad and quiche," he said apologetically.
"Duo, it's fine," smiled Heero. "Thanks."
Duo returned the smile and sat down to eat.
During the drive home from the show and the course of his shower, Heero had thought more on the proposal from Treize. He had to admit that the prospect was tempting. He wanted to find out more about it though before committing to it and also wanted to see what Duo's reaction and input would be. Tentatively he approached the subject with his long haired lover. "Duo?"
"Yes, Heero?"
"When Treize was congratulating me on my win he also offered me a position riding in and for his stable." // Well, nothing like coming straight out with it, // Heero's brain said.
"Oh." Duo paused in his eating as Heero's words sunk home. A million things went through Duo's mind, the main one being, 'Did this mean that Heero would be leaving?' He felt his heart drop and his breathing hitch. "That's what you wanted, wasn't it?" Duo couldn't stop the pain from filling his voice.
"Duo?" Heero picked up on the vet's unease and was confused for a moment. "Duo, what's wrong?"
Duo placed his knife and fork on his plate, his appetite gone. "This is the chance you've been waiting for, the chance to break into the big time. Right?"
"It is an opportunity of a life time, yes."
"Then I think you should take it. I won't hold you back; I've told you that before, Heero. It's your dream to ride for your country and I want you to succeed in that dream. Although..." Duo swallowed hard and tried to keep the tears from flooding his eyes. "I'll miss you, Heero."
"Duo? I don't get it. What do you mean, you'll miss me? I'm not going anywhere, am I?" Heero was really confused now.
Duo raised his eyes and met Heero's troubled gaze. "If you are going to ride for the Kushrenada stable then you will have to channel all your energies into that. You won't have time for the practice, you'll be too busy over there. Besides, you don't need a backwoods vet practice tying you down, or the vet for that matter..." Duo's words trailed off, his voice clearly struggling with the misery he was feeling. "I'm sorry, I should be happy for you, Heero, but... I guess I thought I had finally found someone with whom I could spend the rest of my life... someone who loved me for - for who I am. I guess now that you've gotten into my pants..." Duo couldn't finish, he was too choked up. Abruptly he stood, scraping his chair back and fled from the room; he didn't want Heero to see him cry.
With Duo's sudden departure and words, the pieces all fell into place for Heero and his heart ached. Duo thought he was going to leave him because of the job offer. Nothing could be further from the truth though and Heero knew he had to fix this, had to let Duo know that he wasn't about to give up the vet so easily. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Heero stood up and headed in the direction of Duo's bedroom where he'd heard the door slam. He knocked softly on the door. "Duo? Duo, can I come in? We need to talk."
There was no answer forthcoming and Heero strained his ears. He could swear he could hear something, something that sounded like muffled sobbing. Without waiting any longer for an answer, Heero opened the door and walked inside the bedroom. Duo lay on the bed, his face buried in the pillow whilst his shoulders shook. Instantly Heero was across the room and sitting beside his lover. Tentatively he reached out and rubbed Duo's back; the sobbing increased. "Duo? Please, talk to me," Heero begged.
"Go away," was the muffled reply.
"No, Duo. I'm not going to leave, not until you hear exactly what I have to say. Then, if you still want me to leave, I will." Heero lowered his head and began to talk. "Duo, Treize offered me a place in his stable because he thinks that Zero and I have the potential to go on to better things. I haven't agreed to anything yet and I don't know if I will. He told me to think about it for a few days and then call him and he would explain the entire offer to me. I will admit that it is tempting and I would dearly love the chance to do this, but..." Heero noted that the sobbing had slowed a little and he pressed on. "But before I commit I want to know everything that is involved. Yes, it will take up more of my time but I also have responsibilities here, to you and the practice. As much as I would love the chance to improve and possibly be selected for international competition I won't do it at the risk of neglecting the business or the possibility of losing you. Duo, when I said I loved you, I meant it. You mean more to me than life itself and if it comes down to a choice between you or the possibility of international competition then I will be choosing you. Duo, without you there beside me I don't want to compete, I don't want to ride. You're my reason for competing, to see the look on your face when Zero and I manage to be successful means everything to me. You have done so much for Zero and myself that I can never repay you for; all I can offer you is my love, my body, my heart and my soul."
As Duo listened to Heero's words could tell the accountant was serious, the tone of his voice said it all. Duo analyzed Heero's words and his pain began to ease a little. He realized then just how much Heero did love him and Duo felt ashamed at his actions, ashamed of his behavior and annoyed that he'd jumped to conclusions without giving Heero the chance to explain properly. He sniffed and then raised himself up, wrapping his arms around Heero and burying his face in the other man's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Heero. I jumped to conclusions, I had no right to say what I did. I should have known better. All this time you have never given me reason to doubt you or your motives; you have always been open and honest with me, a perfect gentleman. Not once have you tried to push me into something I'm not ready for. You've stood by me when I needed you, helped me out countless times with the practice and never questioned anything. Heero?" Duo raised his head from the crook of Heero's shoulder and gazed deep into his boyfriend's eyes. "Heero, I love you too, so much that it hurts. I apologize for my reactions, my behavior, I should have known better. I don't want you to pass up this opportunity, I'd never forgive myself for being selfish enough to prevent you from going on and being something great. I want you to talk to Treize, get all the information you can and then, when you're ready make your decision. Whatever the outcome, I'll back you one hundred percent."
With tears of his own about to spill over, Heero leaned in and took a kiss. His mouth met with the vet's brushing lightly at first and then deepening. It was sweet, soft and sensual, something they both needed very much at that point. "Arigato, Duo. That means more to me than you will ever know. I promise to ring Treize in a couple of days and see if I can make an appointment with him to meet and discuss everything that would be involved, but only on one condition."
"I want you to be there with me. You have as much right to know what is going to be involved as I do and I refuse to commit either way without seeking your thoughts on the matter. Whatever my decision it will affect you too, Duo; not only you but the practice as well and Treize needs to know that I have other commitments to meet." Seeing how his lover was about to protest, Heero shut him up in the only way he knew possible; he kissed him. When the kiss broke they were both a little short of breath. "Make love to me, Duo?" Heero softly pleaded as he kissed away the tears along Duo's cheek. "Take me to bed and make slow, gentle love to me. I need to feel you close to me, please?"
"Oh, Heero," murmured Duo and hugged the accountant tighter. "Of course I will. Anything, I'll give you anything you want."
Clothes rapidly became history, naked skin met with naked skin whilst soft moans invaded the air. Fingers stroked over familiar territory, arousing and stimulating as they went. A finger slid inside a welcoming passage, soon to be followed by a second and then third. Duo's fingers moved in and out of Heero with ease, the muscles relaxing and admitting his intrusion. As the muscles relaxed so the body came alive with desire.
"Need you, need you so much," moaned Heero as his hips thrust in countenance to Duo's fingers.
As Duo's fingers continued to prepare the heated channel, Duo's mouth worked over the remaining skin of Heero's body, kissing, licking and nibbling his way over the broad expanse of golden flesh. He teased Heero's nipples until they were rigid with arousal, feathered touches over the soft abdomen, snickering as the muscles shivered under his touch. He found the heavy sac between Heero's legs and nuzzled at it before licking along the underside of Heero's cock and pressing a kiss to the weeping tip.
Heero was slowly but surely being driven insane with need as Duo continued to torment his body. His balls were heavy and aching, his cock swollen and desperate for attention, his passage clenched around the fingers thrusting inside, seeking more stimulation that would lead to release. When Duo brushed against his prostate, Heero screamed. "Oh gods, Duo. Now, take me now. I can't wait any longer. Please."
Heero's begging was sweet music to Duo's ears and he smiled at his wanton lover, legs spread wide, offering himself to Duo. Gently he slipped his fingers from inside the tight heat and sat back to coat his cock thoroughly in lube, aware of Heero's eyes following his movements. Satisfied that he was slick enough, Duo tossed the tube to the side and settled once more between his partner's legs. He guided the tip of his arousal to rest against Heero's pink entrance and paused. "I love you Heero," he said softly and began to press forwards.
Cobalt eyes drifted shut as the burn of penetration made itself known. Heero bit his lip and willed himself to relax. It didn't hurt, just felt uncomfortable as the initial stretching by Duo's fingers had been thorough. Heero knew that once Duo was inside fully that the discomfort would ease and pleasure would soon take over. The slide of Duo's cock felt deliciously wicked, pushing and probing along his inner walls, teasing the nerve endings and stimulating his body. It didn't take Duo long to completely penetrate him and as Duo's forward pushing came to a stop, Heero let out a satisfied sigh. It felt good to be filled.
"You okay?" asked Duo as he brushed the bangs away from Heero's face.
"Couldn't be better, Duo."
Duo groaned as Heero flexed his anal muscles around his cock. "Bastard," he hissed as he rolled his hips and managed to push against Heero's prostate at the same time.
"Ahhh..." moaned Heero as his body jolted with liquid pleasure.
Gently, Duo began to withdraw and then push back in. "So tight, so hot," he murmured as he began to find a rhythm.
Very soon they were both thrusting against each other, Heero's hips pushing up to meet Duo's inward thrust, the sensations similar and yet different for both of them. Nerves were reawakened, stimulated and teased as pleasure coursed through their respective bodies. For Duo it was even better the second time around. He now had a little more experience and remembering what had felt good last time he tried to repeat and expand upon it. Both began to sweat heavily, skin slapping against skin as Duo repeatedly thrust in and out of Heero.
Feeling his excitement beginning to build, Duo sought out Heero's cock that was trapped between them. He curled his fingers around the length and began to pump; beneath him Heero moaned and writhed. Duo ran a thumb over the head and spread the leaking precum before pumping with determination.
"Ah, yes..." moaned Heero as his body was flooded with sensation. He could feel his balls drawing close as his desire mounted. Duo's cock hit his prostate from time to time, fueling his need for release and he found himself drawing closer to the ultimate end. "Oh, Duo. More, faster, I need to come," he panted out and then groaned loudly as his vision was assaulted by pretty colored lights.
Duo was close to his own end and wanted to see Heero come first. He redoubled his efforts, stroking Hero's cock a little faster and squeezing it as he pumped. He felt the passage begin to flex around his shaft and thrust harder. Then Heero's body was beginning to stiffen, his back arching as warm seed erupted from his cock and his sheath clamped down around Duo's cock. The exquisite tightness of Heero's passage combined with the erotic moans from the accountant's mouth were the final trigger for Duo and the vet welcomed his orgasm. It tore through him, rising up from deep inside his gut to sear along his nerves, bathing him in ultimate bliss as his essence spurted out from the tiny slit to be swallowed by Heero's hungry channel.
They both floated in their respective euphoria for a while, simply enjoying the waves of pleasure that rolled through their bodies before slowly returning to the current plane. Duo carefully withdrew and rolled to the side, Heero immediately following him and snuggling close.
"Thank you," murmured Heero. "I needed that." Heero burrowed deeper into his lover's arms.
"I needed it too, Heero," replied Duo softly as he cuddled his lover. He felt a little sticky and very sweaty but the cleaning up could wait. Right now Duo was content to simply lie in his lover's embrace and enjoy some snuggling.
They remained cuddled together for a while, each lost in their own thoughts but comfortable with the silence. Duo was thinking about the practice and Heero's chance to ride for Treize. His mind was busy trying to think of ways that they could manage the secretarial side of the business and give Heero the maximum amount of time away from the practice to be able to fulfill his dream. He was certain that something could be worked out; they just had to find the solution. Tired of chasing his thoughts in circles, Duo opted to leave them for now, once they had spoken with Treize and had all the details on the offer it would be easier to work out a viable plan.
Heero's mind was on Duo and the practice, also thinking of ways he could possibly combine his life's dream with the love of his life.
"Stop thinking," came Duo's voice through the darkness.
"Sorry. I was just trying to..."
"Shhh... Put it all out of your head, Heero. Once you have spoken with Treize we will know what we're working with, then we can organize the practice and your involvement from there. Until then, relax, sleep and dream of success."
"I love you, Duo Maxwell," said Heero softly as he sought the vet's lips and kissed them. "I thank my lucky stars that the day I had my fall you were there to help. You surely were heaven sent."
"Awww... Don't go getting all sappy on me, Heero," said Duo with a crack in his voice.
"Not sappy, just love you so much."
Content to lie and enjoy the moment, the pair slowly drifted off into sleep.
In the stables, Zero shifted his weight from one hind leg to the other, dozing lightly. He was tired but happy. His belly was full and he'd had an extra treat - apples.
Out in the paddock Scythe lay on the grass, Shinigami curled up beside her. She nuzzled the foal gently and gave a warm, deep throated wuffle.
Life was good.
Sadly all things must come to a close and this is the ending for this particular fic. Before I conclude though, I'd like to say a couple of things. Firstly there will be a sequel to this. Many people have asked about a continuation and in fact there will be 2 more fics to follow on giving a mini arc of sorts. I hope you will return to read them and enjoy them as much as you have this one.
Secondly I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to my two betas; Yami_tai and Ryouga. Both have done a marvelous job in correcting my spelling and terrible grammar, they are worth their weight in gold to me. Arigato girls!
Big hugs go to Leslie who gave me the plot bunny for this and allowed me to combine it with another idea I'd had floating in my head for a while. Without the subtle push this would never have made it to the written word.
Lastly, to you the readers. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading the fic. To those of you who have e-mailed me privately or left a review on one of the sites this is archived at, I thank you. Your encouragement, kind words and support have gotten me through some tough times and given me the inspiration to keep going.
For those that have asked and those that are simply curious; Zero is based on my own showjumper 'Teddy Bear' who is in reality a black/brown part Freisian part Australian Riding Pony gelding and stands only 14.1 1/2 hh. 'Bear' is now coming up for 30yrs of age and has been retired from competition for the last 4 years. He is a small horse with a huge heart and taught me so much about partnerships, trust and the thrill of jumping.
He also has a love of carrots...