Two part story.
Warnings: Adult Intentions.
Disclaimer: Characters are merely borrowed from Masashi Kishimoto.
Somehow, going back to college wasn't something I would assume would ever happen, especially at the age of forty, and slouching so lazily in my seat, I probably could be sleeping... Then again I also hadn't expected my professor to be so.. young and womanly and so very distracting.
If you happen to look around the room, you would notice that the mass majority of the class is comprised of men. There are twenty-four sets of eyes, meaning forty-eight.. Scratch that, forty-seven eyeballs glued to her. And there are three women in the class, can't say which they happen to be interested in: her or the subject to be taught. I'll never know, except that the lot of them happen to be only taking this class because of her, and failing to repeat it again just to see her.
Not that I blame them, she is gorgeous beyond belief. It's hard to concentrate when this goddess is before you, talking as her voice bounces off the concrete walls, filling our ears with the sweet sound of her ecstasy.. Personally though, I'd rather hear her while I..
"Kakashi.. This isn't high school. I'd expect you to do better than venture into your head, you are paying for this after all."
'Shit.' Doesn't even begin to explain it. I could hear some of the other students in the back attempt to stifle their laugher in as she reprimands me, quite loudly at that, while even giving a rude glance to them in the process. Then her eyes settle on me again.
"I expect to see you after class."
And then they groan in disappointment, their scowls affixed on the back of my head, probably wishing they could take me out. I simply nod, my eye focused on her face, as I trail down every sensual curve before me. It's the perks to sitting at the very front.
Her eyebrow quirks momentarily, knowing full well what I had been doing but continues with the lecture. I watch as she pulls her arm up, glancing at the watch strapped onto her petite, pale wrist, noting the time as she doesn't falter one moment while speaking. Although, I'm not really paying attention, I read the book that's required for this class, and I know what she happens to be talking about. I'm just here because she requires it, and I'd like to pass the class, because after all, I am paying for this.
Besides, it's all right that I'm not paying attention, because she happens to be wearing the outfit that has become my favorite on her: light blue dress shirt, with three buttons at the top not buttoned, and a high-waist black, pencil skirt, stopping at her knees. Yes, I know what kind of skirt it is, because those are my absolute favorite. The kind that sit on her natural waist, wrapping itself on her curvy hips and thighs, enamoring me for the hour and a half the class period lasted.
"Well that is it for today's session. I will see you guys Friday."
I figured I might as well stay in my seat, watching as all the other students glare as they leave the room. Some even mumbling 'lucky bastard' as they walk past, as I pushed at the scarf covering my nose and lower half of my face.
I don't know, just a habit I picked up of hiding my face beneath the scarf, along with the eye patch across my left eye. It kind of doesn't work, in the sense that I get more attention for doing so (while I don't want it,) but that's fine by me at least. As long as people don't look at my face, and don't get me wrong, I'm not horribly disfigured, I mean, my left eye was injured, and is a light blue compared to the hazel on my right… But I'd just rather hide it from the crowds. Although for having my eye previously injured, I have a scar that runs down it, but apparently that's appealing to all the women I've bedded in my life. And my hair, it's silver, always been silver, and adds to the effect: 1. Hiding the lower half of my face, 2. The unusual colored eye and scar that runs down my left eye, starting an inch above the eyebrow, and stopping midway on my cheek, and 3. The silver mop of hair my head that simply defies the force of gravity, sticking up and to the left slightly.
"Now, now Kakashi, is there a reason why you didn't pay attention at all to my lecture today?" The professor asks, as she steps toward my desk, her hands on the desk I occupied, leaning forward, giving me a wonderful view full of cleavage. Lazily, my eye rises from that point to her face.
Oh yes, pink bubble-gum colored hair tied up, a few stray hairs complimenting her pale skin, and those stunning green eyes behind a pair of dark blue framed glasses. I take a mental picture, storing it in the back of my mind for later use.
"Well?" She asked, seeming a bit impatient for my answer. I'd like to give her something else.
"Not really." I replied lazily, my voice slightly muffled by the scarf. I gauged her reaction, realizing that she seemed rather amused by the comment than annoyed. That's always good, so I hope at the least. Can't let this young professor best me at the age of forty.
"Is there a reason why you always wear this scarf?" Her hand reaches out, grasping a bit of the material, running it between her fingers. Those green eyes are focused on mine, quite curious.
"No reason really."
"What's under the scarf?" Her curiosity seems to be getting the best of her now, since we've obviously switched to the topic of 'What's under Kakashi's scarf?'
"My face." I replied nonchalantly. I see her eyebrow quirk up again, she's cute whenever she does that.
"What, a lecherous old man's face? Isn't there a much more logical explanation than just that?" She says, her voice growing softer, as she bites her lip.
"Not really." I say again, wondering where this is going to go. Really, just say, 'Oh, take me right here, right now Kakashi Hatake, you lecherous old man!' would do just fine. I'm a man with needs, that's all, and the way she bites her lip, you know, I can see it.
"Can I see your face?"
Oh? She wants to see my face? I never show my face outside my bedroom, and even then, most of the women don't happen to see it because their faces are often buried into my sheets trying to muffle their screams while I pound into them from behind.
"I'm sorry, that's for privileged women only." I replied, her eyes narrowing almost instantly. Her face scrunches up as she processes the words I've just said, and stands up straight immediately. Her arms cross beneath her chest, pushing them up higher, (which is a fantastic view, might I add,) and she glares.
"Privileged women?" She repeats my words, "You are not married, Mr. Hatake?"
When did we get to asking if I were married or not?
"No, of course not." My eyebrow in-turn, quirked, as my curiosity began irking. Does she really care about a trivial thing such as marriage?
"Should I be?"
"Well of course, Mr. Hatake. Most people settle by their mid-twenties these days."
A bit hypocritical, isn't it?
"Aren't you twenty-six yourself, Miss Haruno? Why aren't you married yourself then?"
I must of hit a soft spot, as her hand hit the table top of the desk I occupied quite hard. A few tresses of hair fell, clinging softly to the curves of her face.
"That's none of your business." She replied, her voice hiding the bits of anger.
"Well, if that is all that needs to be discussed, I must be going now." I said smiling, (not that she can see, but my eyes crinkle) standing up from the desk, slinging my bag strap over my shoulder.
"That is all. I will see you Friday night then, Kakashi." She says bitterly, clicking her tongue in disgust, while heading towards her desk to gather her things. I glance a moment, watching that delicious derrière sticking out, but then quickly make an exit before she notices.
I arrived in my dark, quiet home, realizing my housemate Genma wasn't home either. Ah, yes, I have a housemate, at the age of forty, but, he is even older than I, forty-four to be exact. We're both bachelors, but wouldn't have it any other way. We don't look to be in our forties anyways, so we've both have been told numerous times. Besides, we've had more than a couple handfuls of college women in bed, and they didn't mind one bit.
Heading upstairs, I threw my bag onto the desk situated near the doorway, kicking my shoes off, closing the door, and undressing to get into bed. Genma and I own this company that continues to prosper each day, gaining more customers, and hardly losing any. Anyways, we do that during the day, then Monday/Wednesday/Friday nights I go to class… As for what he does, I can't confirm.
However, I'm just trying to learn a few more things that will help us even better as the company progresses… And just have that added plus of staring a wonderfully gorgeous woman for an hour and a half as she lectures.
Apparently I dozed off quickly, waking up to the sunlight shining through my open blinds. A few poundings at my door, and I realize, it must be Genma.
"Ka-Kakashi." Genma's voice sounds a bit strained from behind the door, continuing to pound his fist against the door. Lazily, I do get up, and slowly, make my way to the door opening it slightly, my eyes still adjusting to the brightness in my room.
"What?" I said groggily, noting how he was only in his boxers. That man must have brought another one home tonight, good thing I slept past the sounds this time. It was really unpleasant a few nights ago. The girl sounded like a donkey, swear to it.
"I'll be in late.." He smirked, as he made his way across the hall back into his room.
That bastard, he would be of course, as I closed my door back. I headed for my shower, jumping in to get the day started all ready.
I stepped out of my room finally, half dressed, my feet stopping though, staring into Genma's room because he left his door slightly ajar, on purpose. It was just so I could get a view of his latest sexcapade.
A blonde beauty laid on her side, her hair splayed and pale skin contrasting with his dark covers, all of which was barely covering her feminine curves. She was in a deep sleep, apparently sated from the previous nights' events. Genma had passed back out, the lucky bastard. One of us has to be there at opening at least, and it's me today. So then I continued on my way downstairs, decided on getting the usual cup of coffee to wake myself up.
My thoughts wander back to the blonde as I take the first sip of coffee for the day. Wonderful how its hot contents run over my tongue, down the back of my throat, just to wake me up inside and out. Anyways, the girl seems rather familiar, I can't place where or how right now, I'll have to ask Genma later at work today.
I'm tired, sitting here at this desk, doing absolutely nothing. I've already rolled up the sleeves of my dress shirt, and even loosen the constricting tie from around my neck, and adjusted the eye patch and mask cover on my face.
Genma's not doing any freakin' better, sitting across from me some feet away, trying not to doze off. Today has been quite a boring day, filled with meeting and deals. Every single one was successful, and I'm glad it's over with.
"Who's the blonde?" My voice lazily drawled out, as I focused my eyes on him.
"She's a beauty, isn't she?" A haughtily Genma says, the smirk ever so plastered on his face. Let's just say, we only take beautiful, breath-taking women to bed. And those standards are set in stone, so if any less occurs, we often berate the other.
"Well?" The curiosity seems to be getting the best of me, because I really can't remember why she's so familiar. I know I haven't bedded her, and we don't bring one home if she's already been with the other. So then I have seen her elsewhere, but where is the question.
"Ino Yamanaka."
The name runs through my mind, sifting through the memories, attempting to make a connection. I find none however, and I realize it'll bother me for a bit until I figure it out.
"She's twenty-six. Met her at the bar, and man, is she stunning."
"Nothing less than what's set." We both nod at this.
"I'm going to head out. Work out tonight I stood up, pushing in my chair underneath the desk, "I'll see you later." I made my exit, out of our office, heading toward the elevator.
Finally, I'm home from my rigorous training, it's nearly eleven-thirty.. Takenouchi Ryū, is what I practice regularly to keep myself in shape. You can't think that men like Genma and myself would just get women based on looks alone, now would you? We also do jujutsu, it's helped quite a lot in the fights we often get into. Younger guys always feel the need to fight us just because we're older, it's ridiculous, but they get what they ask for. It's not our fault their women are often snaking to us, they should hold onto them then. Simple as that, yeah.
I quickly got into the shower, turning the water to lukewarm. Oh the rigorous tasks of washing ones body to cleanliness. Where's a woman to help me clean up when I need her?
My mind wanders onto my professor, how I would love it if she were here to help wash my back, and then some. Wonder how Friday's class will go, considering I must have made her quite the angry beauty with my remark. I don't believe she has a boyfriend, or if she does, it's not serious enough. Or, it could even be that she just got out of a relationship. She obviously doesn't mention anything that concerns her personal life, so it leaves the rest of the world to wonder.
I finished the shower, dressing in a pair of shorts, slipped on the partial mask, forgo the eye patch, and headed downstairs for a quick meal.
"Oh, Genma!" A female's voice giggled as I made my way downstairs. Another one already, eh, Genma?
I step into the kitchen, my eyebrow rising in surprise and all seriousness, staring at the same blonde beauty that only laid in his bed earlier this morning, her hands wrapped around Genma's neck.
"Kitchen is meant for food, and I don't mean it in the other sense of women." The laziness ever apparent in my voice, as my eyes focused on the two. Normally, Genma only brings a woman home once, so this being a second means she must be something.
I see her blue eyes focus on my face, confused by the mask, and two color eyes I own. Her eyebrow quirked in the same matter as the professor's had.
"That's Kakashi, remember?" Genma says, as he turns to look at me as well. The girl simply nodded, waving slightly, as if not wanting to really release her grip on Genma.
"Are you sure you guys are in your forties?" Her voice drawls out softly, as her eyes travel from Genma, to myself, and then back to Genma again.
"Forty-four, and he's forty. Would you like to look at our IDs or something?" Genma grinned. We've never been able to prove our age without them, and it's hilarious how women find it so much more appealing to be with an older man. Especially ones as incredibly handsome and in shape as we are. Yeah, you heard me right!
"You guys hardly look past thirty, although, his hair might throw it off." The woman says, glancing at my direction again.
"It's what is under the mask that really matters, I assure you." I say, nonchalant… Even though, still most women haven't seen what's under it because they were too busy trying to muffle their screams in my sheets.
"It's natural." I say, still noticing her stare at my gravity defying hair.
"Oh." Is all she says, as Genma leads her away from the kitchen finally.
"I'll try not to keep you up." Genma chuckles, as he led her upstairs, obviously for another sexcapade.
Finally, I thought, as I went to raid the fridge, gathering what was still considered edible.
"Another night with Ino?" I asked, as he closes the front door behind us. Genma's grin just seems to be getting wider, I guess the saying 'grinning ear-to-ear' would be appropriate for him.
"And it was quite the wonderful night. Didn't keep you up, did I?" Genma smirked, sitting himself onto the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table.
"No, I passed out quickly, since I exhausted myself from the workout." Thank god I passed out, that's for sure. Don't need to hear the muffle screams of a girl from across the hall, again.
"Shouldn't you be getting heading to your class soon, with the naughty professor?" He grinned still, as he asked so, his face twisting in a perverted sense.
He knows, about her, green eyes, and how she has pink hair. We both wonder if it's natural or not, and how someone such the likes of her happens to be a professor and a seductress in one.
"I suppose." As I glance at the clock. It read nearly seven, six fifty-nine to be exact. The class didn't start till seven-thirty, so I had some time to spare still. "After I get a quick bite preferably." I get into the kitchen, grabbing an apple, eating it slowly, savoring the snap of each bite I take.
"You gonna go in just that today?" Genma's eyes question me, I'm still in work attire. Dress pants, dress shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up my forearms, the constricting black tie loosened, and the usual mask/eye patch on. I simply shrug and nod, I'm awfully too lazy to change today.
"I didn't tell you, but she berated me, wondering why I had begun to lose my concentration about the lecture." I said, taking another bite of the apple.
Genma chuckles before asking, "Oh really?"
"Yeap. She even made me stay after class."
"Oh, naughty teacher indeed, did you get anything?"
"Other than a berate as to why, and among other things, a lovely eyeful of cleavage. That woman is built to every man's teacher fantasy." I laughed, throwing the apple core into the garbage bin nearby. After wiping my mouth, I pulled the mask back up, glancing at the clock once more. Seven-ten, it's my cue to leave so I arrive just five minutes late as always.
Genma laughed, as he waved me off, and I made my way toward the door, grabbing my suit jacket with me, and headed toward the college.
She sat her desk patiently, as I strolled in the usual five minutes after class started. Normally it's not that big of a deal to be five minutes late, but she's more of the punctual type, so even a minute late is too late for her. However, I've noticed that she waits for the five minutes I'm late, and then starts the lectures… No idea why she does though.
I glance in her direction, her eyes noting my appearance. Yeah, I never normally come to class in my work clothes, but I'm pretty lazy today. I might just head to the bar afterward, see if I can pick up a girl to share my night with. My normal seat at the front seems to be occupied with one of the male students I can't stand. I stop in front of it, my eye narrowing upon him, as his eyes grew wide, with a slight fear.
"Th-there a-are other de-desks available." The guy mumbles, a bit hesitant.
"Get out of my seat." I say lazily, my eye directing a potent look at him. The guy quickly compiles, gathering his things and going up the stairs to sit elsewhere. Dropping the book bag to the floor, I settle in my seat, lazily slouching as usual, my eye slowly turning to focus on the professor's clothes tonight.
Casual Friday, of course, so she's wearing a simple black dress. It stopped mid-thigh, exposing more of the pale, luscious thighs that are normally hidden under pants or long skirts. She wore a vest over the top of her dress, obviously to hide more than what the dress didn't cover underneath. And especially the heels she wore, the kind that wrapped a few times around her ankles and tied into a bow up top on the back of her leg. Overall it was sexually provocative for a classroom. And oh, what a lovely distraction would she be until the class ended.
My eyes move from left to right, noticing the focused eyes on the back of her luscious rump while she's writing something on the board. She's got a lovely ass, and no one can deny her of that. Incredibly well toned, I wonder what she does in her spare time. Getting fucked pretty hard or working out at the gym or something, because she looks like she's in magnificent shape.
"Well, Kakashi? Can you answer that question?" She says, breaking my train of thought. My eyes focus on the question on the board, reading it slowly, and down her right arm she used to point at.
Really, picking on me tonight? I answer of course, really lazily though. Ah, well, she seems satisfied with my answer so that'll do.
Her eyebrow quirked up again, "I suppose your answer is slightly satisfactory, and will do. Can anyone else comment on it?" I watch as she rests her hand on her jutting hipbone. It's the exact spot where I'd like to place mine.
The class went by quickly, and the other students shuffled out of the classroom slowly. I sat in my seat still, waiting for them to get out first. I hate having to try to fight to get out the door, it's simply not worth the effort, especially when they lag to say 'Bye' to the professor.
Finally though, all the other students are gone, leaving the room only to the 'naughty' professor and myself, (as Genma would put it.) I got up, grabbing my book bag off the ground, just as a blonde woman ran into the classroom toward the professor.
"OMG, Sakura I have to tell you about the-" The woman immediately stops as I get towards them, and recognizes me as I do her.
"Ka-Kakashi.." Ino says softly, surprised by my presence.
"Ino." I nodded, glancing at her and, Sakura's surprised look. Ah, yes, it makes sense now. Ino happens to be Sakura's friends and I saw her once before when she stopped in the classroom after the class had ended, obviously excited just as she were now.
"You know Kakashi?" I hear the professor ask, quite surprised. Yes, Sakura, a beautiful woman with the name of cherry blossoms.
"Uh," Ino paused, "..He's the guy's roommate. You know, Genma, the man I told you about at the bar."
"The forty-four year old?" Her eyebrow quirked up again, oh, how amazing that our worlds have collided.
"Yes, that man." Ino says, as her eyes focus on my face, with Sakura's.
Suddenly, the cell phone in my front pocket starts vibrating, and I reached for it. I flipped it open, realizing it could only be Genma. "Excuse me." I say, as I flip it open, "Yo."
'Hey, want to hit the bar tonight? Ino says she's going to meet up with me and bring a friend.' Genma says, sounding rather sleazy.
I glance over at the two women in front of me, my eyebrow raising in question. "Oh really? I happen to be staring at Ino at this very moment. I was thinking of getting a few drinks myself."
'Well perfect, I'll see you at the usual place.'
I close my phone, sliding it back into my pocket. My eyes are focused on the two women, their faces clearly surprised. "See you ladies at the bar then." I say, as I make my exit out of the classroom.
If the story turns out to peoples liking, I will surely post the other half. As for now, ta ta.