Yugioh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi and I wouldn't have it any other way!

An alarm clock rings and a hand reaches over and slams down on it, turning it off. The tri-colored hair teen groans and shields his eyes from the sun. He rolls over to his stomach and closes his eyes, wanting more rest. But there is one person that isn't going to let that happen. The short tri-colored haired kid creeps inside his brother's room, holding a bucket in his hands.

The taller one that is in bed opens his eyes, sensing someone there before kicking the small one, causing him to fall and the bucket of water to fall on his head.

"ATEM!" the short teen yells and Atem sits up, rubbing his eyes before glancing at his younger twin brother.

"Yugi, you know that never works," Atem says, standing up and stretching his arms and legs. Yugi throws the bucket off of him and looks at Atem with a pout as he stands to his feet.

"Yeah and I forgot that you get very cranky in the morning," Yugi mutters, folding his arms. Atem goes into his closet and frowns at the clothing he is going to wear. It is his school uniform which is a blue jacket, blue pants and a white dress shirt.

"Good thing I'll only have to wear this for one more year," he says and Yugi smiles.

"Aw come on man! School won't be that bad."

"You're only happy because you'll be able to see Tea a lot more."

"Hey! I keep telling you she's not my girlfriend!"

"Eh…? Why are you getting so defensive?"
"I'm not getting defensive!" Atem chuckles before turning to his brother who is red as a cherry right now. "Now if you would excuse me, I need to change."

"She's not my girlfriend," Yugi mutters on his way out.


"What's up you guys!" Tea greets with a wave, standing outside on the school lawn. She is a tall girl with shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin. She is always in an upbeat mood but her personality changes quickly sometimes. She also grew up with Yugi and Atem.

"Tea!" Yugi greets back, his eye lighting up but quickly changes his look when he sees his brother grinning at him. "Ahem…How was your summer break?"

"Great," she replies. "I got to spend some quality time with my parents. And yours?"

"We helped grandpa clean the game shop. What fun," he replies with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Tea smiles before looking around at the other students that are hanging outside too.

"I have a feeling that this is going to be a great school year."

"But of course. We are seniors," Atem says.

"True, except the fact that we'll probably have a lot of homework," Tea says, dropping her head and Yugi does the same. Atem frowns before looking at the students who are talking excitedly about their summer and how they are looking forward to the new year. One student catches his eye though.

She has spiky brown hair in a down position, aquamarine eyes and not to mention that she is short for her age. She seems so familiar to him and he wonders if he has seen her before. Yugi and Tea stand beside Atem and his younger brother smirks.

"Already checking out the ladies aren't we?" Yugi asks, nudging him.

"She looks familiar," Atem says, continuing to look at her.

"Oh, that's Mana Lee."

"You know her?"

"Well…yeah. She has been going here since freshman year," Yugi replies. "Besides, she used to live on our block when we were kids and we used to play together."

"Oh and she works with me at Kaiba Corp."

"Why didn't you ever tell me that she goes to our school!?"

"Hm…I don't know…" Yugi replies, staring blankly into space while Tea waves a hand in front of his face.

"Maybe I should greet her," Atem says about to walk over until the bell rings, signaling that they have to get inside for class. Yugi puts an arm over his shoulder.

"Guess you'll have to wait."

"Don't worry Atem. You'll see her eventually," Tea says, trying to cheer him up. "Heck! You might even have her in your homeroom!"


Atem sits at his desk. Thankfully, Tea and Yugi have the same homeroom as he does. Yugi sits behind him while Tea sits next to him in the middle of the class. There is one more empty seat in front of him though. He looks around to see that every seat is filled by a student except the one in front of him. The student is probably running late.

The bell rings again and the teacher enters the classroom. The teacher is a man with grey hair and a bald spot in the middle of his head. Even though he is old, he still has a nice posture. He wears a navy blue suit with a red tie and a white dress shirt and black dress shoes.

"Alright class, I shall take attendance then we shall begin." He clears his throat, looking at his clipboard that has the name of his students. "Kairi Anderson."


"Brogan Brooks."


"Tea Gardner?"

"Present," she replies with her hands folded at her desk and a polite smile on her face. He continues on again until he gets to a certain name.

"Mana Lee?" Atem eyes widen. So she is in this class. She's probably supposed to sit in front of him but she's not here. But he finds that strange. He just saw her outside and surely she heard the bell ring. So why wasn't she here?

There is no reply. "Mana Lee?" he asks again, looking around. "Mana L-"

"PRESENT!" Mana yells, busting through the door, giving the teacher quite a scare.

"Mana Lee, why are you tardy?"

"I was sick so I needed to go to the bathroom for awhile," she replies with a smile.

"Do you need to see the nurse?"

"No, no, no! I'll be just fine! In fact, I'm already better!"

"Er…okay. Sit down please so that I may continue to take attendance."

"Ay aye sir!" she exclaims and she trots over to her see, earning some laughs from her classmates. Atem is hoping that she notices him on her way to her seat but unfortunately she doesn't and she sits in the seat in front of him. He decides to wait until class is over to talk to her.

Almost an hour later, the bell rings and almost everyone gets up to go their next class. Atem stands up and looks down at Mana who has fallen asleep. She raises her head when he taps her on the shoulder and she gazes sleepily at him.

"Class has ended," he tells her and she looks around to see that just about everyone has left, including the teacher who has stepped out for the moment.

"Wow, time flies when you're sleeping," she says with a smile and she gets up, smoothing out her skirt. She looks at him and folds her arms. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"As a matter of fact, yes you do. My name is Atem…Atem Motou." Mana looks him in the eye closely before looking up to his spiky hair. Then she smiles.

"Oh right. You're Yugi's twin! And I used to live near you when we were kids," she recalls and he smiles, happy that she remembers. "Hey, what's your next class?"


"Me too! We can walk there together!" She grabs his arm and uses her free hand to grab her books and they go into the hallway, walking with other students who are trying to get to their class.

"So…ten years eh? It's been so long," Mana says.

"Yes it has. And to think you've been going here since freshman year. I wish I had known."

"Well this school is pretty big. Besides I didn't have you in any of my classes."

"True," he agrees as they reach their next class. He opens the door and steps to the side to let her go first. "After you."

Mana smiles and walks in, thanking him. Atem is about to walk in until someone grabs him by the shoulder, shutting the door and dragging him away from the class. It is a teen with brown hair, green eyes and tan skin. He wears jogging pants and sweatpants with a blue hat on his head.

"Can I help you?" Atem asks calmly.

"You stay away from Mana, do you hear me?" he says, holding him by the collar.

"And if I refuse?" The teen raises his fist to strike.

Mana sits down in her seat and looks at the door. Atem hasn't come inside the class and it's already started which means he's late. But he was just with her a couple of seconds ago.

'What happened to him?' Mana thinks and she begins to worry that something bad has happened.

The start of my new AtemxMana fic! Please send in reviews. It motivates me to keep updating.