
"Nooooo!" A glint of a sword and then silence before a splatter then thud resounded in the dark, damp room.

"Dear, dear father, you knew this day would come," cooed a voice from the darkness as the sword was sheathed next to its' brother.

"Paybacks a bitch, huh?" Another voice joined the other as a sharp thud echoed throughout the room as something was kicked across the room.

"What are you doing here brother? Get out!" The first voice got sharper as they moved closer to the second somebody who just entered. A wail of police sirens in the distance steadily started to get louder until, in only a matter of seconds, they were right outside the house.

"You're not going in the slammer by yourself little sister. I promised mother and I intend to protect you." The masculine voice reverberated as the room lit up from the spotlight from the police helicopter. Two figures stood alone in the middle of the room with a motionless body to the left of the smaller, feminine looking figure.

"Come out with your hands up!" a megaphones voice called from just outside the house.

"You can still leave brother," the smaller figure pleaded as she lightly touched as she lightly touched the others' arm as if to beg.

"I'm not going anywhere," and he did just as he said. When the police came rushing in, he stood there with his sister with both of their hands raised in front of them ready for the handcuffs that would soon adorn them. The sight that met the policemen's sight was not a pleasant one; a blood splattered beautiful young girl and a taller boy with similar beauty stood side by side awaiting their punishment with emotionless facial expressions.

An innocent girl entered the room with death on her mind and a condemned woman left with a clean conscience.