Coming Back

By: Bluerain2blue

Roy Mustang stared down at the grave in front of him. The newly placed headstone displaying the dearly departed's name. A name that should have never had to be there before his own.

His voice was soft as he began to speak. "I want you to know that Ria is okay. Sad, like the rest of us, but still okay." He looked down at his hand with a single red rose in it. "I got this for you."

He sat down in front of it, placing the rose in front of the headstone. He moved his head to rest in his hands. He didn't want to read the words on the headstone, he knew what they said and he didn't like it one bit.

He sighed and looked up slightly at the headstone. "I'm sorry… It's going to rain again." His onyx eye filled with tears while he ran one of his hands through his jet black hair as he finally read the headstone.

'Lieutenant General Riza Mustang

Best Sharpshooter of Central, Loyal Subordinate, Friend, Lover, and Mother. Died protecting her family and commanding officer.'

"Why Riza?" He asked to no one as he moved his hand to his eye patch. "I was the one who should have been protecting you and Ria, not the other way around… That bullet should have never touched you. I should be the one dead… I miss…."

"General!" A voice yelled from behind him, interrupting him.

Roy turned on his knees to see a 4 ½ year old little girl with blond shoulder lingth hair and brown red eyes running to him. He then looked up past the girl to see Havoc walking behind her without a ciggerate. Toy smiled and thought. 'He still listens to what Riza told him.'

The little girl ran up to him and threw her arms around him. "Daddy! Uncle Havoc said you wouldn't be home 'till later but I want to show you something!"

Havoc walked over to them. "I think you'll like it sir. I think Riza will too."

Roy nodded and looked down at his daughter wit a smile. "Ria, what is it?"

She smiled and pulled away, reaching into her pants pocket, and pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper. She unfolded it carefully, to make sure it didn't rip, and pushed it toward Roy. "Lookie! Do you like it?"

Roy examined the paper which had a crayon drawing on it. The picture was of himself, Ria, Black Hayate, and Riza. They were all smiling, himself and Riza both holding Ria's hand with Hayate next to himself. The only thing different about them was that Riza had angel wings. A tear ran do his face as he smiled at it.

Ria noticed and asked in a sad tone. "What's wrong? You don't like it?"

Roy pulled her into his arms and replied. "No, I love it. It's beautiful." He pulled away to see her face that looked a lot like her mother's. "I've got an idea. How about we leave this here with the flower I brought for mommy?"

She smiled and nodded. "Do you think mommy will like it?"

"Yes, I think she'll love it." He replied, placing the unfolded under his rose and stood up. "How 'bout we go home no? Would you like me to carry you, Ria?" Ria nodded and picked her up, then turned to Havoc. "Alright Havoc, would you mind driving us home?"

"No problem, chief." Havoc replied as they all began walking to the car, Havoc leading the way.

All of a sudden a bug gust of wind blew and Roy's eye widened. He quickly turned around, being careful not to hurt Ria, and looked at the gravestone. He whispered in a soft that no one could here with a smile. "You came didn't you, Riza? I heard you giggle at the picture… I'll be back join you and we can both watch over Ria again together."


This purely fan made. I do not own FullMetal Alchemist. The owner is Hiromu Arakawa.

Author's Note: Okay, I had this idea a long time ago. I wrote it in my notebook and never typed it 'till now. Well, that's all I got for now. Thanks for reading!