Chapter 7. Together at last

The sunset high behind the amber-haired boy as he entered the cemetery and walked down the stone path. Millions of graves big and small filled the area. But the one Tad had came to was the one containing his best friend Parker Ogilvie. Two weeks had passed since the death of the prep and it now had been the talk of the town. Students and faculty in Bullworth never looked at Tad the same again. They gave him quick glances or looks of sadness, but he didn't need them.

Tad stood silently staring at the boy's grave. The wind blew softly through his hair. He closed his eyes and slowly opened them.

"How you been, dear boy? I came just like I promised." the amber-haired boy said with a smile.

He let out a sigh before kneeling down beside the grave and placing a group of yellow flowers on it. Then he rose to his feet and shoved his hands into his pocket, staring in silence again. His silence was interrupted when he heard footsteps behind him.

"So, you came to pay your respects too?"

Tad looked over his shoulder. A woman with dark brown hair approached him holding a boquet of violet flowers. She placed them on the prep's grave and lowered her head. The amber-haired boy raised an eyebrow as she extended a hand to him.

"I'm Rachel Patterson's mother. Your friend was a friend of hers." she said.

Tad took her hand and shook it, looking into her light brown eyes. Rachel Patterson. That was the girl Parker was talking about on the night he died.

"Really now? How close were they?" Tad asked curiously.

The woman chuckled. "No idea, but they had some sort of connection."

"How do you figure?"

"Well, he wouldn't have killed that Johnny Vincent boy he didn't."

Tad understood. He loved that girl. He didn't know why or how. But he deeply truly loved her. The girl probably loved him just as much too. If only Parker had told him about their relationship sooner. He clutched his heart and swallowed hard.

"How did she die?" Tad's voice quivered.

"Car accident." the woman replied.

Everything was making sense now. Everything Parker did was all coming together. He did those things at school because the death of his love kept eating him alive until he lost control. Why didn't he tell him about this? They were best friends after all.

For a moment, the two just stood in silence, but then Tad finally spoke up.

"Well, I'd best be on my way."

The amber-haired boy started walking off, but stopped dead in his tracks and ran over to Parker's grave. He took off his Aquaberry coat, revealing a boquet of red roses. With a smile, he placed them on the grave beside the prep's that said 'Rachel L. Patterson'. The woman patted his shoulder gently before making her exit, placing some flowers on Johnny Vincent's grave as she left.

Tad looked over at her for a brief moment then turned his attention back to the two graves. He knew they must have been happy now. Whether they were in heaven or hell or in between, he knew that they were happy no matter where they were. Just as long as they had each other.

Their souls could finally rest together in peace.

The End

Author's note: Hope you liked my story! R&R! Keep a look out for a new story I'm writing! Evilchick out!