Hey, here I am. This may be the final chapter! First story I've ever finished, how about that? But don't worry, keep reading, I may even make a sequel if you want!
I am Satan: Sorry about bombing the fight scene, by the way. Not very good at those…
They sat in the café, sipping coffee and nursing injuries at dawn. It had taken several hours to get the city cleaned up and to help all those in need, and now finally they had returned to the café to hear Eira's plan.
"Are you going to tell us yet, or leave us in suspense?" Angelique asked Eira, who sat across from her, now in her human form and leaning back in her chair, head on her chest.
"Gimme a minute. God, I'm tired." She took another sip of her coffee before leaning forward towards her audience. "From what I hear, you guys," she motioned towards the aliens, "need Mew Aquas every few years to keep your planet inhabitable, and Earth has an abundance of them. You also have technology we don't have. So, my idea is this: We start a trade. Earth gives you Mew Aquas and you give us your eco-friendly technology. In time we can probably learn to live together, sharing cultures and possibly even sharing planets." She leaned back again and downed the rest of her coffee. "What do you say? Shall we put the war behind us and move forward into an age of peace and friendship?"
"How do we know you won't use our technology against us?" the little alien, Tart, spoke up.
"How do we know you won't attack us again? We don't, you don't. We just have to trust each other," Eira explained as though she knew this would come up. "Face it, we need each other, because both our planets are dying, and we each have what the other needs to save them."
The purple-haired one, Pai, rolled his eyes. "Fine. We have an accord."
Eira smiled again, as though she knew that this, too, would happen. "Great. Now all we have to do is convince our governments."
They went home eventually, to get their much-needed sleep, and in the morning plans were made to contact their governments and put Eira's idea into action.
It took several months, during which the Mews became certifiable celebrities, but eventually everything was running smoothly. Mew Aquas and other Earth products were being traded with the Cyniclons, and they were in exchange giving their eco-friendly technology to the people of Earth. Many families of both races had moved to the other planet, and there was a steady stream of contact between each.
"So, are you the Republic of Earth yet, or still your separate countries?" Pai asked Eira, bringing up a topic of much conflict that had been tossed around for at least two months at that point.
"Eh, we're working on it. I think the biggest problem is that we all have different languages, and we've been split for so long it's hard to see how the Republic could work," she responded as she sat down on the park bench with him.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out."
"Yeah, I hope we do soon. But anyway, how are things on your planet?"
"They're fine. The Mew Aquas you've given us have worked wonders, as has the exposure to such different cultures."
"Yeah, it's amazing, isn't it?" Eira asked, looking across the park at a Cyniclon child walking with a human child on the sidewalk. "It seems like things are working out wonderfully." A group of older human children came up to the pair and knocked the small Cyniclon to the ground. "There'll always be prejudice and racism, of course," the Cyniclon's human companion picked up a branch from the ground and chased the older children away, "but I think we can work past it."
Pai, looking at the scene she had been watching, smiled as the human child's mother rushed over and swept both children into a hug. "Yes, I'm sure we can."
"Hey, did you hear?" Eira said, changing the subject. "There's been talk that the Mew Project and Mew Gem Project are going global. They're making it free choice to become a Mew of either type, though Ryou still has to work out the bugs in the original Mew Project."
" 'Bugs'?"
"You know, like the randomly transforming into an animal and the fact that the genes fade out over time, making it fatal for new genes to be implanted. Apparently Mew Gem doesn't have those issues because it's the chemical makeup, not DNA, that is implanted into the subject's cells. But still, they're thinking about making it a free choice thing, so that there isn't just the five of us."
"I see."
"Yup. They're even going to open an academy to teach new Mews how to use their powers."
"It sounds as though they've put a lot of thought into this."
"Yeah. If I didn't know better I'd think Ryou had been planning this from Day One." Eira picked apart a dandelion in distraction. "But I guess they know what they're doing."
She spotted her friends across the park and stood. "Sorry, but I've got to go. We're supposed to be holding a press conference in half an hour. See you."
He nodded and teleported as she rushed across the grass to the other Mews.
"So how goes it with the worlds?" Silvana asked as she approached.
"Everything's fine. Both planets are on the way to recovery."
"Great! No more holes in the ozone layer!" Kenna cheered.
"Let's hope."
And so the five walked off to their press conference, reveling in the glory of saving two planets and bringing together two races.
There is hope for the future, if only you put some work into it.
OKAY!!! Before you click your way out of here I have one more thing to say! I am planning on making a sequel to this, called The New Revolution. It's set at least two decades after the end of this, and follows the story of a young girl who wants to be the best Mew ever, and a young alien who must deal with the racism against her kind.
Tell me if that plotline sounds good to you, or if I should just kill it dead and stop trying!