Author's Note #1, PLEASE READ:

(( I'm sure most of you know me from writing, reading, and reviewing Anime stuff, but I've decided as part of celebrating HALLOWEEN, which was yesterday. I feel that I should write a FanFic for one of my favorite cancelled shows, Mummies Alive!, which was one of my favorite shows from when I was younger. I would always watch this before school with my brother, who was the one that got me interested in this show in the first place. I also wanted to thank (Ner'ual Say'lar) and (Golumfryingeggs) for inspiring me to write this when I read their fics of this show. In addition, this story is going to be written like an easy read since this was a show for younger viewers. [WARNING: Since this was a child's show on television, it will still contain the same humor and childish jokes, but I'm going to mature-it-up a bit in the later chapters (just like how the original writers, Gary Stuart Kaplan and Steven Melching, intended (including the fight scenes, which I'll try my best at it).)]

[Also, "Djet" means "snake(s)" or "serpent(s)" in the Ancient Egyptian language, which I found out during my research on Ancient Egypt], and this story is going to be like an episode (or two) of the show as if this was going to be part of the series [just for the fun]; I'm going to divide it into chapters or ACTS (like a play) to describe the scenes more thoroughly as I can, instead of writing the whole episode at once (like my other story). Sound cool? Well, I think that's enough babbling….so, let's begin.

ENJOY, AS ALWAYS…And Let Me Know What You Think!!!


~ Hopefully, you all had fun Trick-Or-Treating...And, were Respectful To The Dead! ^^ ~ ))

Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure everyone knows that I, Yokai Summoner, do not own these characters or the show, except the OC ones, which are my Own Characters that I added, but those characters would most likely be based on the Ancient Egyptian culture and its deities. Also, I may have changed each character's purpose from the show to fit into this story, by accident and purposely, but its close enough; plus, that's why they call it FanFiction.

ACT I (# 01) – Prologue: A New "Foolproof" Plan

Written By: Yokai Summoner

As the full moon shown brightly in the night sky over San Francisco Bay, there was one figure by the Golden Gate Bridge on a boat floating near the so-called 'Western Gate,' a parallel gateway to the ancient spirits of Egypt. It was none-other-than the villainous sorcerer, Scarab with his usual magical-talking-snake staff, Heka accompanying him for another one of his schemes, to get Prince Rapses' soul inorder to gain the power of immortally.

They stood there waiting until Heka, who looked dead tired of waiting around, asked Scarab, "How do you know that this plan of yours will work?" She continued to explain her reasons for asking, "I mean, all of your other plans, as you say, are brilliant and yet, it always fails miserably everytime. What makes this one any different?"

Scarab replied in return, "Because, it's my plan…so, shut up already. They're finally coming through." Just then two figures from the 'Western Gate' came walking out; it was the Egyptian Gods, Set (The God Of All That Is Dark And Evil) and Anubis (The Gob Of The Underworld), who both had an annoyed expressions on their face.

While growling like a mad dog, Set spoke, "So, why did you summon us, again?"

Heka attempted to lighten the situation as she tried to tell Scarab, "Hmm…talk about "being summoned on the wrong side of the…" but was suddenly interrupted by Set with his fowl attitude.

"ENOUGH!...If you won't tell us, then we will have no choice but to destroy you both for summoning us, you insolent fools," replied Set.

"Well….talk about rude," Heka continued to joke around as she told the sorcerer, "…Scarab, I thought these two were trapped in the Mirror of Darkness (NOTE: from episode 16, "The Face In The Mirror"), how could you have known that they've escaped, not to mention the simple fact that no one ever escapes from there."

"What can I say......I'm good," replied Scarab jokingly as he told Heka, but still with his calm composure.

"Oh, Shut Up! Of-course we've escaped, we're Gods not simple mortals, you insolent snake!" Set replied to Heka's comment as he seem a bit offended that she would imply that they were too weak to escape from the spirit of Darkness.

"…Yeah," agreed Anubis, who was not the kind of God that had intelligent responses.

" quiet, you're no help," replied Set quietly and discouragingly to his friend, and Anubis' only response to that was "…Sorry."

Heka said in return as she knew how humiliating it was for Anubis to be disheartened, "Well, talk about a let-down."

Scarab, who grew weary of the conversation, finally broke the silence, "Enough chit-chat. I summoned you both to ask a favor."

"Why should we help you?" replied Set.

Scarab began to explain, "Because, I know that you hate the Mummies as much as I do…"

Set intriguingly wanted to know more about what Scarab wanted since the topic of the Mummies, the four guardians that protected Prince Rapses' spirit, came up, "Go on…"

"…Well, I think that it's about time that you finally got back at them for trapping you in the Mirror of Darkness and humiliating you, Gods. So, I'll help you destroy the Mummies if you help me," said Scarab with his intentions, and his new plan still a mystery.

"Ha…" Set began to laugh at the humorous gesture as he stated, "I don't need your help to destroy them, you pathetic mortal. Besides, I already have my hands full with one incompetent fool." Anubis knew that the 'incompetent fool' meant him since he knew that he got on Set's nerves from time-to-time as he exclaimed, "Hey!"

Set, who was surprised by his friend's outburst, asked him, "What?" Unknowingly that he had offended Anubis for the implication that he thought he was an 'incompetent fool.'

"Humph!" said Anubis as a response to Set's question.

Set trying to ask nicely, "What makes you think that I was talking about you?"

"Instinct…plus, you looked at me," said Anubis as he crossed his arms and continued to pout.

"…uh…" as Set finally realized that Anubis knew what he meant by his words, but Scarab was still impatient with the conversation as he replied, "May I continue?"

"Yeah-Yeah, go on," said Set with a new attitude that was opposite from earlier.

"I know that with me you have a better chance to destroy the Mummies since I know most of their weakness," said Scarab, and he continued his last statement to the Egyptian deities, "Plus, you…alone…" and while looking at Anubis he finally stated, "…or with your current kind of help, could not get the job done right."

Anubis growled at Scarab from the insult that he was receiving from the sorcerer. Set looked at Anubis, who looked like he was going to attack at any minute, turn to Scarab and answered, "But, if you know their weakness then why haven't you destroyed them already?"

"Ha…If I could do it, would I be asking you two dog-brains for help. My plan involves us teaming up against them, and together we would be a stronger force against them," replied Scarab.

"I like the sound of this. What-do-think, Set?" asked Anubis while looking at Set for his reaction.

Set looked back at Anubis then back at Scarab, and after thinking a bit about the offer, he concurred, "Fine…but only on one condition."

"What is it?" asked Scarab.

Set replied with a smile, "We get to destroy all of the Mummies,…including the boy."

Scarab frowned as he was not happy when heard this, he answered, "Only when I'm through with that child will you get to destroy him — I need his powers to gain immortality or there's no point at all asking for your help."

Set paused again and at last replied, "Fine...Agreed. Now, what is this favor you ask?"

Scarab smiled at the fact of their new truce, he spoke, "I want you to summon Mehen, Wadjet, and Kebehwet…only you and Anubis can do this, especially since they'll listen only to other Gods."

Set and Anubis then looked at each other; then, back to Scarab while Heka had a surprised look on her face at the new revelation of his master's request from the two Gods.


(End of ACT I (# 01))

Author's Note #2:

(( Wondering who the trio that Scarab asked for? Well, you'll find out soon enough, but here's a hint…they're all deities that are worshipped in Ancient Egypt, like I've said before in the Disclaimer that most of my 'OC' characters are based off of the Egyptian culture and their deities—still can't get it…well, you'll just have to wait then for the next ACT.))

[If there was a problem with this chapter, then I'll revise it with a better one; so, if any reader wants this story to continue, please review. Lastly, if any reader has suggestions or questions, you know how to contact me.]

Thanks for Reading!

And, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, once again!!!!!! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner!!!!!!
