Ok everyone, this is it. Go wherever you have to go to find the song, Love Remains the Same by Gavin Rossdale , and put it on repeat throughout this chapter. Do it because you love me.

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Miley's POV

Miley, My love, My everything…

Today, I proposed to you. It's surely the third best day of my life. The second, the day I met you. And the first, the day you and I become one. The day you become Miley Truscott. My lover… my best friend… my wife.

I know this seems a bit odd because we talk everyday but… this is something I needed to write just in case.

Anyway, today I proposed to you. Without hesitation, you said yes. It got me thinking, Miley, we have two years till that happens. A lot can change. Like if one day you don't want me anymore, or what if one of us dies? Doubt it would happen though. Anyway, Miley, if anything and I mean anything happens in the next two years like that, I know you would want me to be happy. And more than anything, I would want you to be happy.

If we don't work out or something happens, don't blame yourself… because I NEVER would. It's not your fault and it's not mine. I will love you no matter what. I don't hold it against you and I'm not mad. You could murder my mother and I would love you… well after you got out of jail I would.

I know this is gonna sound crazy… I know I always tell you to steer clear of Mikayla, but if and only if, something happens to me or us, trust her. She cares for you like I do. And I would want someone like her taking care of you. I know she'd do a good job.

Nothing will probably happen so this is stupid, but just in case. My mom has been instructed to give this to you if I can't. Well, that's all I have to say. You'll probably never get this though, and we're gonna laugh about it.

But just in case.

I love you baby, always and forever.



By now you know that tears are pouring out of my eyes. All this time… why couldn't I have gotten this sooner?

Mikayla was reading over my shoulder and is now sitting back with an expression I can't read.

Lilly isn't mad at me… she said it wasn't my fault… and… she wants me to be with Mikayla. All… this… time…

Mikayla's POV

All this time. I was doing everything right… she wanted me to care for Miley. I can understand Mrs. Truscott's reasoning for delaying the letter but… imagine what life would've been like if we had known all this.

Replay the last two years and just imagine…

Miley's crying. It's ok, I'm crying too. "I'm sorry it wasn't sooner. I'm not sure what it says, but I thought it was time." Mrs. Truscott says. No shit Sherlock.

Miley and I can be together now, without anything holding us back. Holding her back. There's nothing stopping us.

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"Miley… I love you." I say.

We're sitting in our living room. That's the first thing I've said since we left the Truscott's a half an hour ago. "I love you too" she says. "No I mean I really, really love you." I say getting on my knees in front of her.

She smashes her lips against mine, tears streaming down both our faces. When we break apart she presses her forehead against mine. "Mickey I don't know how to feel… I don't know what to feel." She sobs. "Baby, I would tell you that you don't have to feel, but I need you too." I say trying to not break down as much as she is.

"Why?" She asks leaning back to look at me. "Because I need you to feel this. I love you so much Miley." I say smiling through my tears. "I don't understand. Feel what?" her voice cracks. "That I love you and I swear to you that I'll be everything you need. I'm gonna be here forever Miley. I'm not going anywhere unless you come with me. I don't want anything else Miley… I'm set for life. I just want you. … … Marry me." I say.

Her face goes blank. Expressionless. She doesn't say yes or no.

"I know it's sudden and I don't have a ring but-" I start but she cuts me off. "Yes" She says rushed. "What…?" I say. For the love of all things good and holy, now is not the time for my ears to deceive me. "Yes" She says again. Oh… my…go-

I don't finish that thought as her lips plaster themselves to mine. S

She said yes. We're getting married. I'm marrying Miley Stewart. She said yes. Mikayla and Miley Marshall. M&M. My fiancée. She… said… yes!

We rip each other's clothes off while running into things, trying to get to the bedroom.

We make love like never before constantly whispering "I love you".

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Miley's POV

"Three months ago my life changed forever. I became Mrs. Miley Marshall.

Our wedding night? Well, you know how it goes. Let's just say that there was a lot of sexy lingerie involved.

Mikayla is working at the Las Angelus Police Department as of two months ago and me, well, I think I'm just enjoying being a Marshall. My dad and I talk. He's nothing like what he was… but I don't think he'll ever be what he should be. No matter though, my mom, can't believe I can finally say that, is great. I work as a shifts manager at a local hospital while taking some college courses and am pursuing a degree in counseling.

Your parents and I talk. We're actually having dinner over there tomorrow night. Mikayla is a bit nervous but I'll find a way to relax her… if you know what I mean.

I know you haven't heard this but, a long time ago, Mikayla promised me that she'd chase all the nightmares away. She did. She chased the bad life away. She's my everything.

I thought you hated me. I thought I wasn't supposed to be happy. But I was wrong.

Now I'm the happiest person alive. I really love her Lilly." I say looking at the marble tablet. I'm Miley Marshall officially nine months after Mikayla proposed.

I stand here looking at her grave. I'm not alone anymore. Yes, I did love her. I was going to marry her. She was my everything. And though life took a different turn, now I have all I could need and desire.

I needed this. This closure. I needed to let go. It was time.

Lillian Ann Truscott, 1992 – 2008. It was exactly four years ago today. No tears, just a smile. The Truscott's talk to me. I'm no stranger there anymore.

I'm happy with myself. I moved on. I let go. Mikayla is all I see. She's all I think about. She's in my dreams… she's all I want to see.

I place a white rose on her tablet. It was her favorite flower you know.

"Mrs. Marshall" she says. I don't have to turn around to know who that is, but I do anyway. Mikayla. I stand up and walk to her. "I'm proud of you." She says wrapping her arms around me. "Thanks." I say laying my head on her chest.

"When did you know that I was the one?" I ask looking up at her. "When my pants hit my ankles." She says with a cocky smile. "Mickeeey" I whine rolling my eyes. "I knew you were the one when I found that I would do anything, anything, no matter how ridicules it was, just to make sure you were ok. To make sure you were safe. Just to see you smile." She says looking deep into my eyes. "When everything tells you to quit, but you don't. I could wake up every day for the rest of my life happy, just knowing that you were next to me." She continues.

My eyes are wet. I kiss her passionately then place my head back on her chest. There it is… her heartbeat. "As long as that's beating, I'll love you… I'll be right here." She says. She makes it so hard not to just break down. "I love you" I say looking back up at her. "I love you too" She says leaning down to kiss me again.

When we break apart we just gaze into each other's eyes. Look at how far we've come.

The air is so sweet. "We made it baby" She whispers. She's right. We made it. Yeah we're young, two twenty year olds, and we have a lot ahead of us. But we made it this far and there's no way we're giving up.

"I wish this could last forever" I say leaning in to her more. "It will" She says kissing my forehead. "Let's go" She says taking my hand. With one last look back at Lilly's tablet, I smile and walk with Mikayla, my future.

You can't plan life. No matter how much you want to. So why has mine worked out? Because sometimes love shatters reason. And if it's anything I've learned throughout this journey…

Through all that we've lost and the mistakes that we've made, everything will change… but Love Remains the Same.

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Hello my Lotus Blossoms. Well, I did it. Is it ok to be emotional? Because I am.

Two years, and I completed it. I feel… amazing. As I was writing I listened to Love Remains the Same the whole time and when I wrote the last line, in perfect sync, I wrote "Love Remains the Same" as the last line of the song played. Perfect yes?

The last part of this chapter had a lot to do with chapter one. It made me happy.

I love you guys.

To some it's just a story, entertainment if you will, but a lot of it was purely my heart. And I want to thank you all for giving me the time to share it.

Thanks to each and every one of you who read this and I'm sorry if couldn't get to you all:

2lazy2login, Hula Hoop Queen, -7RyPtoPh4n-, Angela-Miriah, Damon. DemSel. DavidSel. Spashley, DraculinaMomoko, Cheetahkazikage, Hhj, Bladed Darkness, HyperLauren,AndxSoxItxBegins,YourxAddictionx, Liley. Lover., Music and Reading Lover, Truscott, HinataLoveNaruto, Ottar, Qwe, Tasharrrr-ox, Fawnleaf, Animeaics, AC, Mattsurf, othlvr16, californiagirlie, ShadySkills5, -little clip-, duckfanatick, everythingurno, ufp, BloodyDawnAngel, xBeautifulxxxDisasterx, Tiffany, girlystuffer, abi, DreamBigToFallHard, experimentalgirl17, Demena-x, and Crazier (You specifically are awesome.)

And to the few that really stuck out:

Lita Rocks LBC: The master of swear words, and I wouldn't change a thing. I would put more but I'd need a few pages for that. Just know, you rock.

Farmerg1214: Best fangirl EVER. The soul of encouragement.

Tomatoes: Because you're just awesome and inspired me to continue this story.

Croaker: Best feedback in the world. It helped me direct and dictate where I was going in this.

Wow. I can't believe it's really done…

Review like never before. Because you love me and because this is the last chance you'll get for this story.

To anyone who finds this story post completion, go ahead and review if you want, they always make me smile.

Not the end my loves, just the beginning.
