(A/N) *Clears throat* So it has been forever since I have posted any fan-fiction. I have NEVER posted Twilight fan-fiction. I got into Twilight in seventh grade, and when they suddenly blew up into some big thing I lost some respect for it. However, in a state of boredom I went around and read some of the fan-fiction here. It wasn't... fitting. At least not the few I've read. I've never heard Bella use strings of profanity. *Rolls eyes* Not that I believe I can capture them in any realm better then Stephanie. Anyway if you have a well written in character story you want me to check out, just review and tell me. I will read and tell you what I honestly think. Before I yack your eyes off, ONTO THE STORY!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the clothes on my back, and even those belong to Charlie my imaginary judo master.

Chapter One: Beginning

"Why thank you my dear." Jacob grinned as he balanced the apple Bella had handed him on his nose. "This whole wolf thing is pretty nifty when you get the hang of the whole pre-pubescent mood swings. Never thought I would have to deal with those again." Jacob, definitely Bella's best friend had recently discovered that he had a secret. A long line of descendants that were by chance, werewolves. Only recently had he gotten a handle on his quickly growing abilities and even quicker changing mood.

"Oh you're not a pre-teen girl anymore? Didn't notice." One of Jacob's friends added snidely as he walked through the living room. Bella had to giggle softly to herself at the look Jacob threw. Jacob looked playfully back at her with a look that said, 'Oh I'm a man, a big strong wolf man!' This kind of banter was what made every single heart strand left in her body soar with happiness. Ever since Edward had left it was like the pieces were there, but scattered out in a convoluted puzzle. Slowly, ever so slowly, Jacob was picking each one up with care, healing it, and sticking it in the puzzle. It was hard strenuous work, but Jacob honestly loved Bella enough to do it.

Something became strangled in Bella's throat. Love. How could she describe how that word made her innards curl and her heart will itself to stop beating. As if along with Edward, the word love had jumped the ship that was Bella's life and not even waved goodbye. There was something there in the place of it, but it was indescribable, and she absolutely loathed whatever it was. "Bells are you okay?" Jacob said, bringing her out of her mind filled with self pity."

His smile was genuine as he looked into her eyes, and his eyes... his eyes did seem to love. "I'm fine Jacob." She pushed out. Lord she hoped that did not sound as strangled or as broken as it came out to be. How many times had she said she was fine these last few months. More then 300. It was more along the lines of perhaps 3,000? And had she meant any of them? Most likely not...

"Oh Bells." He sighed. It was a wounded sigh. One that cried out searching her ears with his love and attention. He pulled her into his strong, tan, warm arms and said to her softly, "It's all going to be okay, Bells. I promise." Oh, Jacob may actually care and be there for her when she needed it most, but why did he have to lie? There was absolutely no way this would all be alright.

From a few miles away someone else sighed too. This sigh was equally wounded, and equally crying, but no one heard. From miles away a pale face and golden eyes sighed for the jealousy he was feeling, for the need to hold a beautiful human girl, and the difficulty of choosing this for her greater good. "I hope that someday you may find happiness, like I never can Bella Swan."

(A/N) Very short, but I honestly just want to know if I captured any characters. If it went well at all, or if it blew totally and I should just give it up. So... read and review?