A/N: This is my first published story, although I have written many. I rated it as M because although it starts out rather fluffy, I have some pretty dark ideas in the back of my head for this piece. We will just have to see what path I decide to lead you down. I love to mix fluff and angst.

************************ Enjoy ***************************

Angela Montenegro sauntered over to the ledge where her long time friend, Temperance Brennan was focused on her conversation with the handsome man beside her. They were looking out over the crowded dance floor, obviously trying to escape the crowd. Angela couldn't help but notice that the two of them were standing very close, sharing meaningful looks, and exchanging familiar gestures.

"Hey sweetie. This place is fabulous. I can't believe you knew about it before I did."

"Angela, you know Blake. He is back in town this week to oversee the grand opening events. We are taking this opportunity to get reaquainted."

Angela smiled at him coyly. "Is that what they are calling it these days? Good to see you again, Blake. This is my fiancée Jack Hodgins." Jack stood awkwardly beside her, embarrased to witness her bluntness with regard to his bosses personal life. "Jack, why don't you and Blake go get us some drinks?" She gave him a look of warning before he could mention that their drinks were just refilled.

"Sure, because I love having to carry you up three flights of stairs to your apartment after you've had a few of those..."

When the men had left, Angela took a step towards Brennan, trying to look as formidable as she could while still holding a huge pink drink with umbrellas and fruit in it. Brennan knew where this was going. She took a sip of wine, and waited for the inquisition.

"Bren? What are you doing?"

"I'm having a drink with an old friend, at his new nightclub. You told me I should get out more."

Angela simply narrowed her eyes at her long time friend. "Don't be coy with me. You know what I mean."

"I don't know what you mean. I am out. I am having a good time."

"You are hiding."

"I am not hiding." Brennan smirked at her like she was speaking a foreign language. "I am actually doing quite the opposite. I bought a new outfit. I had my hair and makeup done. Anthropologically..."

"Sweetie, what happened between you and Booth when I interrupted you guys the other day? I definitely never got that whole story. You've been acting strange ever since."

Brennan subconsciously took a step back from Angela. "You need to mind your own business, Angela. Stop creating scenarios that are not there. We talked. That's it."

"He kissed you. Don't deny it. I may not have seen it, but its aura was definitely lingering in that room. How was it?"

"'It' was a mistake. 'It' is not going to happen again."

"Why the hell not?"

"Ange... I'm not going to chance destroying our professional relationship, or our friendship for something that is almost certain to fail eventually. It's not worth it."

"Are you sure about that? Remember, I was there. I saw the look on your face. That must have been one mind blowing, toe curling kiss." Brennan didn't say anything, but Angela could see that she was thinking about it. "You can lie to me, but don't lie to yourself. That kiss, that conversation, got to you. So much that you are hiding out with Blake..."

"Why do you keep saying that? What am I hiding from Ange? Who am I hiding from?" Brennan was challenging her. She was daring her to bring up the topic that Ange had been dancing around all evening, the topic that Angela and Brennan had sworn to secrecy over three years ago when Brennan made the move to DC and to the Jeffersonian.

"I've kept my promise all these years. I've lied to your friends, to our friends. I'm not going to break that promise, but I'm not going to pretend nothing happened, and that it is not still affecting the decisions you are making. You are scared of getting to close to Booth. You are scared that you are going to have to explain everything to him, and that freaks you out. So you are here...with a great guy who is going to think you are falling in love with him again. We both know you are not. We both know you are falling for Booth. That is not fair to Blake, or to Booth."

"Ange!" She turned and faced her friend. "Nobody said anything about falling in love with anybody. You have got to stop this."

"Why didn't you invite Booth here tonight?" She opened her mouth, and stopped when she didn't have a plausible reply. "You knew he would be uncomfortable. You knew he would be hurt. I never thought you were the type to sneak around behind your friends' backs." Angela turned to leave Brennan alone. She knew that if she pushed too hard, Brennan would just become more determined to not take her advice. "How much are you going to let him take away from you? You've ran away from one life. What is it going to be next? Booth? Your job? Your friends?"

Angela did not notice that the men had returned. Jack put a hand on her elbow, telling her it was time to back off. He gave Brennan a smile of apology, and led Angela back downstairs.

Blake slid back beside her, laying a hand on her back. "Everything ok? Angela seemed a little...worked up."

"Yes. She get's very emotional when she is butting into my personal life." She kept her eyes down, looking over the railing to the mass of people below.

"She's a good friend. Everyone needs those. I couldn't help hearing the end of your conversation. She thinks this is a mistake." He tucked her hair behind her ear so he could see her face. "Do you?"

"Honestly? I don't know. She thinks I am seeing you to avoid other things. She says I am only with you because you are comfortable, safe, familiar..."

"And that is bad? Listen, I don't know what to expect any more than you do. I know that neither of us will be happy if we can't get back 100% of what we had before. That is a pretty impossible task, considering what we have been through, and the new lives we have started. If right now, what you need is comfortable and safe, that is fine with me. If there is somebody else who can promise you more, maybe that's what we should be talking about."

"Angela is talking about Booth. It has been her endless crusade to get us together."

"And how do you feel about it?"

"We all work together. It is innappropriate."