Milli Tora
Twilight Dark Angel

Thanks for all of your lovely reviews! Kya! And OMG much thanks and gratitude to YenGirl for helping me edit my previous chapters! She like found loads of errors and I'm like whoa there were that many? O.O LMAO Thanks again Yen! ^-^

DISCLAIMER: I own Vampire Knight!...Yeah seriously I do...In my dreams that is... XD

WARNING: Chockful of utmost cuteness XD Also...maybe a bit of OOCness...

NOTE: Final and ending chapter for the short story labelled 'Possessive Boy'! In this chapter you'll mostly see the friendship of little Zero and Yuuki begin to blossom! Ahh it's so adorably kawaii...Our little Zero has fallen under innocent Yuuki's spell teehee...bwahahaahaha!! You'll also be seeing why little Zero is the 'Possessive Boy' hehe -grins devishly- Hmmm unfortunately I haven't gotten up to that part yet but I'm very close...Yeah the ending right now is not the actual ending. I can't really work on it much at the moment coz teachers and parents are clawing my eyes out about assignments T.T So yeah I figured I might as well upload what I've got so far instead making you guys like wait forever and ever (when was the last time updated this?....hmmm I think it's been a month :S) Anyway yes read and enjoy! And if you spot mistakes please point them out to me! Thankyou :)

PS Watch out for the next short story labelled 'Where Do Babies Come From?'


GENRE: Humor/Friendship/Romance

PAIRING: ZeroxYuuki

CHARACTER FOCUSES: Zero and Yuuki mainly.

Possessive Boy (Part 3)

"Erm…so this is your little sister?" Ichiru asked Kaname, as the little girl finally wriggled away, releasing her brother from her firm grasp.

"Yes. Everybody, this is Yuuki." The mahogany eyed vampire told his friends as he placed his small hands on the little brunette girl's shoulders, pushing her forward a tad.

Little Yuuki had, until recently, been reasonably oblivious and unaware of all the other children that were now around her. Eyes round like an alert mouse, the little auburn haired girl emitted a small squeak of surprise and then hurriedly rushed to the safe inviting spot behind Kaname. Quite hastily, Yuuki held onto her Onii-san with an iron like death grip and then shyly peeked out at the crowd of little vampire boys. The tiny vampire felt rather uncomfortable and a tad bashful at the sight of new faces that she didn't recognize. She didn't know anyone there…well, except for cheerful Ichijo who had been to her house on several occasions to play with Kaname.

"Hey, Yuuki-chan!" A joyful Ichijo exclaimed as he sat up from the soft comfort of the bean bag. "You remembers me don't you? You're goods friend Takuma?"

Rather coyly the shy brunette stepped away from her brother and stood, staring at the grinning blonde vampire who was wriggling his wee fingers, anticipating a hug from the girl. Gradually gaining her confidence back, the tiny tot smiled at Ichijo's friendly familiar face and then pounced into his open arms. It was rather relieving to say the least, to be acquainted with at least someone within this new faction of children. Somehow it made Yuuki feel much braver than she had previously been.

"Takuma-kun!" The little girl cried as she flung her small body at the green-eyed toddler. "Toshe me up!"

Toshe me up? Whats the hell did that mean? A curious little Zero wondered as he watched the entire scene from a distance. Well, whatever it meant, little Ichijo seemed to understand the hyperactive brown-eyed girl, and instantly picked her up.

"Umm Kaname-kun…what does 'toshe me up' mean?" A slightly perplexed Shiki asked.

"It means that she wants you to pick her up." Kaname answered as he flopped back onto the bean bag.


After a brief moment of cuddling and exchanging words of greeting with Ichijo, the little girl then turned toward everyone and flashed them a sweet toothless smile, unintentionally crashing waves of awe over them. The small girl covered her mouth with her elfin hands as she tried, but failed to suppress giggles that were erupting from her as she stared at the slightly dumbstruck faces of the small vampires around her.

"Hihi everyones!"

Curious, the stationary vampires edged toward the small tot that seemed to have them under a spell of inquisitiveness. Well that is, everyone excluding a rather left out Zero who hadn't uttered a single word since the little girls' arrival. Turning his back on everyone, little Zero grumbled and buried his angered plump face into his tiny hands. They're all stupid…He sourly thought as he sustained his observation of the fuzzy blue fibres that stuck out from the ground. Who cares abouts Yuuki anyway...What's so special about her? Good heavens, it was happening…again. The little silver haired twin was suffering yet another horrid phase of perpetual sour grapes.

Young Zero was lividly green-eyed with fury envy now. And no, he wasn't jealous of Yuuki…He was jealous of the other little children. He was jealous of those with whom he now had competition with in the case of gaining Yuuki as a friend. Zero wanted Yuuki to be his friend and his only. No one else's. Period. So therefore when the other children attempted to get to know little Yuuki, Zero couldn't help but feel a tad jealous. He knew he shouldn't be angry at his peers; they were after all just as curious about the youngest tot within the kindergarten as he was. But still, he couldn't smother that scary green-eyed monster that lurked within the depth of his small heart.

"So how olds is Yuuki-chan?" Zero heard an inquiring Kain ask.

The little amethyst eyed vampire couldn't tame the curious little feline within him any further and so very slightly peered over his shoulder. Little Yuuki, was now sitting on her brother's lap and was contently swinging her small legs which were much too tiny to reach the floor. The little brown haired girl seemed to have been amusing herself by blowing small raspberries, clapping and cheering each time one blew. The others had all plopped down on the floor around Kaname and his restless sister and were staring up at the brown haired girl with trivial interest.

"Yuuki is nearly fwee, that's this many fingers!" Yuuki chirped cheerfully, holding up not three, but four small slender fingers.

"Dummy," Her brother chuckled heartedly "Your holding up four fingers! Not three!"


Hmm…So it was now fairly obvious that the little brown haired tot wasn't admitted into Cross Academy due to the mental strength of her brain…. So perhaps she had some sort of special power? Little Zero looked down at the ground and nipped his bottom lip as his brows drew together into a small frown. Then what power could she possibly have? She didn't look that special…. Actually besides her compelling beauty, there wasn't anything at all about Yuuki that screamed out that she was already gifted with vampire powers. Although Zero was now quite infatuated with the vampire girl he couldn't help but think that she was stupid, klutzy, an attention seeker and well, just one big idiot. The perplexed toddler sighed, shrugged off his thoughts on Yuuki and then gazed back at the crowd of children behind him.

"Heehee, ok wells I'm Kain." Kain said as he smiled graciously at the little tot.

"Shiki!" The reddish-brunette boy informed her gladly as he held up a hand.


"…...Who's he?" A questioning little Yuuki whispered rather loudly to the group. Unexpected heat creeping up his face, Zero quickly altered his steady gaze away from the small brown-haired beauty, having suddenly realized that she was talking about him.

"Oh, that's Zero-kun." Ichijo told her as Zero's little ears began too burn up at the audible mention of his name. "He's really nice sometimes, but you gottas watch what you do arounds him. He's got a bit of a temper, you see. And - "

In a rather haste irritated driven movement, the silver haired toddler whipped his head around and callously glared at Ichijo, his amethyst irises resembling sharp pointy daggers. Automatically, a slightly frightened Ichijo, swallowed the rest of his words down, and retreated. He was angry with a fiery rage prior to the careless words that had accidently slipped out of the blonde child's mouth. Ichijo had unintentionally added fuel to little Zero's temper, causing the ferocious flames above his silver head to blaze higher than before.

That stupid Ichijo! It may be true thats I have issues from time to times, but he didn't have to tell her that! Grrrrr...All of the little kindergarteners shivered under Zero's defiant stare, except for three people: Ichiru, who was used to his brothers occasional mood swings, Kaname, who was mature enough not to cower from such childish behavior, and tiny Yuuki who was too oblivious to understand what it meant if Zero was glaring like that….

Little Yuuki merely smiled and giggled at the grimacing grouchy toddler. The little ill-tempered boy instantaneously allowed the angry expression on his small round face to soften and just stared at the bubbly brunette. The adorable girl then merrily pranced over to Zero, ignoring the many rushed alarmed whispers of, "No, don't Yuuki-chan! Not whens he's angry!" and then parked herself next to him. Everybody within the 'reading/nap' corner held the puffs of breaths they had just inhaled and anticipated what Zero-kun was going to do to the unfortunate little girl. It was almost as if they were awaiting the sudden execution of tiny Yuuki. The frightened little vampires couldn't bare to watch and so squeezed their eyes shut, hoping that the worst wouldn't occur.

"…..Hihi Zero-kun." The little girl softly spoke….Huh? She was speaking? Yuuki-chan hadn't been murdered yet? The questions that reeled through Zero's classmates minds came to an abrupt halt the moment they heard the little brunettes small voice echo into their ears. Calmed, the toddler vampires opened their eyes and breathed unanimous sighs of relief. Little Yuuki was just staring at Zero, her bright chocolate eyes shining with a calming glee. The little silver haired vampire was transfixed by those soft brown eyes and so managed with extreme difficulty to turn away from her. When he did, he stared down at the blue colored carpet, a light shade of rosy pink blossoming up his chubby little cheeks. Gah! What's gotten intos me?...

"Errmm…Hello…" The blushing little boy mumbled.

"Do y–"

"Alrighty children! I'd like for you to all gather around now!"

The loud call caused all of the young vampires within the 'reading/nap' corner to jerk their heads towards their Sensei. Little Zero then looked down at Yuuki again and was about to open his mouth to say something but then stopped when he realized those big chocolate eyes were now focused elsewhere. The toddler sighed silently and then directed his gaze at what everyone else was staring at. The vampire children looked around the room and had realized that the new children had started to shyly mingle with each other. From what the faction of well acquainted vampires could see, there were only four new children, all of whom were girls. There was Yuuki of course and Shiki's neighbor Rima, but there was two other girls that Zero hadn't known were in the room until now.

Sitting with Rima at one of the desk groups was a very petite girl with short golden brown hair neatly styled into a wavy bob. The little girl seemed to have been having a conversation with Rima and was curiously studying her with light brown eyes. It looked as though Rima had already familiarized herself with at least one other new member of the class. Zero's eyes then shifted toward the other unnoticed girl. Timidly standing next to Seiren and Ruka was a small lavender-haired girl who was watching the two other little girls with large amethyst eyes very similar to Zero's. The little girl had her head tilted a tad, causing strands of her long hair to fall over her left shoulder, and was mutely observing the other female students with interest. The girl looked as though she wanted to join them but looked much too shy to even approach them.

Along with the rest of the small gang, little Zero abandoned the corner of the room in which he had been in, and obediently wandered over to his new kindergarten teacher. All the while the small boy paid close attention to everything around him. As his peers followed closely behind him, he saw the other little girls abandon what they were doing and saw that they too were making their way over to their teacher. All the way on the other side of the room, little Zero could see a rather irritated Aidou, who was now fully clothed in his uniform. Obviously his mother had put his clothes back on and the blonde vampire didn't like it one bit. Grumbling and pouting in stubbornness, little Aidou also made his way over to their Sensei.

All of the tiny tots silently perched themselves in front of the young woman and listened to her intently. Staring under her gaze, young Zero decided that his new teacher must be a really nice lady. Well she seemed like she was nice…she just had this motherly air surrounding her. The youthful woman was standing near the children's parents and was beaming kindly down at the children. When his Sensei smiled warmly like that, she unintentionally reminded little Zero of his mommy. The smiling teacher wore a long windswept floral sundress which was shaded with many earthy sunset hues. All the students, especially the little girls, thought that the dress was beautiful and had perfectly suited her tousled strawberry blonde hair that had been elegantly pinned into a loose bun.

Once the children were settled around her, the woman stepped away from the parents and strolled over to the centre of the room, her straw sandals whispering as they made contact with the soft carpet. Clearing her throat the kind lady's hazel eyes glanced down at the toddlers and then up to some of their rather nervous parents who were presently standing near the 'bag port' corner. The parents of the newest students seemed to be the most anxious of the bunch…Well, you couldn't blame them really…. All parents were like that when it came to leaving their child behind in an unfamiliar place…

"Hello everyone," She began blissfully. "I'd like to welcome you all to Cross Academy's kindergarten induction day! Parents, please don't worry! Geez you have such stressful faces…Really! Your precious bundles of joys are in good hands!" At that reassurance, the nervous parents within the room chuckled in unison and started to feel a bit calmer and at ease. The blonde haired female continued to smile pleasantly as she looked at each face around her in turn.

"Well since I've got that covered I'd like to now move on and introduce myself. For those of you don't know me already, my name is Nana Hibiya. Well first things first! I'd rather you not call me by my last name, it's much too formal and impersonal…don't you think? Please feel free to call me Nana-san! Heh! Some of you may have seen me last year wandering around the school with Headmaster Cross. Yes, well my uncle kindly offered me to become a trainee teacher here! Umm…so yeah! I've been learning teaching at this school for a rather long period of time. And well…this year would have to be my first year of teaching!"

I sincerely hope that I can help give your children the proper education and support that they need for their learning and growing! Well! Err…First, the children and I will be playing 'getting to know each other' games and then we'll have a brief break before continuing with actual lessons. So parents, if you'd prefer to stay until the break then please don't hesitate to do so! Otherwise if you wish you can leave in a few minutes. Sooo, to finish off I hope that you're children will gain the best out of their moments here this year! Yup! Sure look forward to helping the kids create many fun memories at Cross Academy! Thankyou!" And with that closing sentence, she happily beamed at them once more and then took a seat at her desk.

Yes, she seemed as if she was nice…and there was no doubt at all raised in the minds of the young tots that she was related to the Headmaster. After all, from the way she acted and behaved she emitted a kind of nuttiness similar to her eccentric uncle. Zero couldn't help but giggle slightly at this. It was a little amusing and funny to know that there indeed was a female version of Headmaster Cross out there. The little vampire then went silent and started to think…Is the Headmaster's family all like this? He wondered….

The quiet and still atmosphere then burst into life as people began shuffling around the classroom once more. Most of the little vampire tots had deserted each other and had gone over to their own parents to bid them farewell. Little Zero then turned to where his younger sibling had been and swiftly realized small Ichiru was no longer in his presence. Uncertainty and a little fright of being left alone doused over the young vampire. Frowning slightly, the toddler darted his vision back and forth, frantically trying to find where his twin had suddenly disappeared to. Where's did Ichiru go? He thought indecisively as he vaguely fastened a grip onto his small tie. Reeling in all the sounds and movements around him, little Zero abruptly heard a shrill voice squealing loud protests from behind him.

"No…No! Mr Wuvey's mine so he's stayings with Yuuki!"

The small silver-haired boy glanced over his shoulder and saw a rather annoyed Yuuki, jumping up and down restlessly as she tugged onto a dangling leg of a …. Wow! What a cools teddy bear! Cool… The toddler thought as he held an awed gaze for the toy similar to the one he recently found himself holding for its owner…. Little Zero was captivated…well it wouldn't be the first time today…. No, really…that toy looked extremely cool. The stuffed animal was clad in a fluffy light brown material which gleamed slightly whenever it was caught in the light. Obviously the teddy bear was brand new and hadn't really been played with yet. Tied securely around it's thick neck was a light blue ribbon that had been tied into a cute bow. But none of these factors were the ones that were appealing to little Zero. It was moving…. Yep, the teddy bear that tiny Yuuki was attempting to hold onto was moving. It was a robot teddy bear. Zero hadn't seen anything like it and simply thought it was moving due to means of magic.

"I want to stay with Yuuki!" Yelped the petite teddy bear.

"Yay! C'meres Mr Wuvey!"

The toy which was firmly being held by a pretty brown haired woman, whom Zero had guessed to be Yuuki and Kaname's mommy, dropped to the soft floor along with Zero's agape jaw. The moving and talking bear then ran over to a gleefully satisfied Yuuki and jumped into her embrace. So it could move at its own will…and it could talk?! Honestly, the mere fact that it could move on its own accord was shocking enough, but the fact that it could talk as well just stunned little Zero beyond words. MagicJust like magic…The awed vampire thought. Hmm perhaps it wasn't a robot toy and that he, Zero, was correct about his assumption on the teddy bear being wielded through magic. The little tot didn't know what to think and so curiously he continued to stare at the enchanted toy.

He'd forgotten all about his search for Ichiru, until Yuuki unexpectedly looked up, her sparkling brown eyes catching wide amethyst ones staring intensely at her teddy. In a rather haste movement, Zero looked up and locked his eyes with little Yuuki, then turned away in embarrassment, hoping she hadn't seen the sudden pink blush that was unabashed to pool onto his cheeks. Zero then remembered what he was doing before he had become transfixed. He still needed to find Ichiru…Luckily, before Yuuki could call out to him, the silver haired toddler spotted his little brother in the far end of the 'bag port' corner along with their mommy. He then quickly rushed over to them, being mindful not to bump into anyone.

"Why Zero! There you are! We couldn't find you…" His mother cried jubilantly as she bent down on knee level and flung her arms around her small son.

"Ugghh…Okasan, let go…" Zero mumbled in discomfit, his small voice muffling as the his mommy pressed him closer to her. "Mommy…retgoome!"

The little lad tried his hardest to squirm away from the older woman but failed to no ado. He simply scowled his usual scowl of irritancy and childishly poked out his tongue at tiny Ichiru who was rocking uncontrollably from the blissful laughter that was escaping his lips. Squeezing his eyes shut in amusement the other little silver-haired boy shut up immediately when his mother grabbed a hold of him as well. Their uneasy mother continued to hug her children, unintentionally suffocating them as she did so, and dropped faint kisses onto their now ruffled hair. After what felt like a minute or two their mommy finally let go of the twins, and smiled warmly at them, her glossy eyes filled with love and affection.

"You rascals behave yourselves today alright?" The blonde woman requested gently as she stood up, swinging her handbag over her shoulder.


"I'll be back here when school's finished, so I'll see you then. Goodbye Zero! Goodbye Ichiru! Be good my darlings!"

The blonde haired woman then waved goodbye to them and then squeezed herself through the bustling crowd and then out the open door. And with one last wave, little Zero and Ichiru's mommy was gone. The eldest twin exhaled a sigh of relief laced with trivial sadness. He was relieved that his mother was no longer smothering him and Ichiru with her motherly affection. But he was also a little sad and lonely for her to leave…he supposed he was going to miss his mommy if only for a little while…. Little Ichiru glimpsed at his brother and observed the emotions reeling behind his Onii-san's stony face. The youngest of the two simply smiled and grasped Zero's hand.

"C'mon Zero, let's go!"

Allowing his little brother to pull him along to the other children, young Zero noticed that most of the parents who had been swarming the vicinity moments before were all gone and that only a few were remaining. Zero looked up at the five parents that were still present in the room. A familiar lady with long blonde hair and bright green eyes was standing near the bathroom and was cradling in her arms a small snoozing infant. Zero then looked at the small figure positioned next to her who was standing on their tippy toes trying to link their hands with their sleeping sibling. AhhI remembers her…That's Ichijo's mommy... Zero then looked at the other parents and realized he didn't recognize any of them. He decided that they must be the parents of the new students.

Finally reaching the other children, Zero reluctantly plopped himself down with Ichiru, joining the egg-shaped circle that the other students and Nana-san had formed in the large vacant area of the 'reading/nap' corner. After a brief moment of moving around, most of the adorable students were finally settled and were staring at their Sensei expectantly, waiting for her to speak again. Sitting on the blue carpet cross-legged, little Zero relaxed somewhat, leaned back on his tiny hands, and looked at Nana-san along with the rest of the vampire peers.

"Ok children! First things first…Since we all don't know one another we will be starting off this day by playing really exciting 'getting to know each other' games! Yay! Sounds like fun doesn't it?"

Next to her a fairly grouchy Aidou rolled his eyes and snorted rather boorishly, causing small heads to swivel in his direction. Nana-san closed her eyes and grimaced for a brief second, pressing her lips into a thin line. The young teacher, however, ignored the rude toddler sitting next to her and proceeded to talk to the little tots.

"Anyway, so we'll be doing that by playing this game first!" Nana-san then reached behind her and produced a metallic shiny red ball out of thin air. Zero and the others eyed the plaything curiously, wondering how that was going to assist in acquainting people with one another.

"Alrighty, using this magical ball, we'll get to know each other simply by rolling the ball to one another. When you receive the ball you have to tell everyone what your name is and then share with everyone something that you enjoy doing, or you can tell us what your favourite colour is or…well something like that. And remember to raise your voice a little or we won't be able to hear you. Well, once you've had your turn you then roll it to someone else in the circle and then they do the same thing. Got it?"

Nana-san roamed her large hazel eyes over her students waiting for their response. Shyly, the vampire children slowly and silently nodded their heads in harmony, and mutely stared at their enthusiastic Sensei. Although they were nodding their heads the young teacher could tell that the children were still somewhat uncertain and unsure.

"Hmm…Well I'll show you guys how to play this game! Ok…Since I'm the one holding the ball at the moment I'll say what my name is and then say something about myself. My name is Nana and I love the colour orange. Now once you've had your turn you pick anyone in the circle and roll the ball to them and then they do the same thing. So now since I've had my turn I'll roll it to…."

The youthful lady momentarily looked at her students and randomly picked the little girl Zero had seen talking with Rima a short while ago. Reaching out for the polished ball that was rolling toward her, the small golden-brown haired girl clasped it in her hands and then looked up at Nana-san rather indecisively, waiting for her instructions.

"Yep good girl, now hold onto the ball and do exactly what I just did and remember to speak loudly ok? "

The little girl nodded her head in comprehension and then looked at her classmates who were staring at her with probing interest. Realizing that she was now the centre of attention the little girl bashfully dropped her gaze to the ground, and unwillingly permitted a small blush to creep up her heart-shaped face. The small tot then spoke as she absentmindedly began toying with the ball.

"Uhh…I-I'm Yori…and umm…I like dolphins."

"Very good! Now pass it back to me and then we'll begin the game!"

Yori did as she was told and automatically rolled the red ball to her Sensei before it stopped causing the little blonde to reach out to push it a tad further. The ball once again in her possession, the keen and vivacious woman, held onto it and then rolled it out again to another random student. This time it was Ichijo. The diminutive five year old seized the ball and then grinned a little at everyone.

"Hihi! I'm Takuma Ichijo but you can calls me Ichijo! And wells umm I loves to read comic books!" The little blonde vampire then released the ball and pushed it to a slightly surprised Ruka. The honey-haired vampire seized the ball just as the others did and held onto it as she spoke to the ground more so than to her peers.

"Umm heys…I'm Ruka and I…I like the colour pink." Stammered the female vampire. She then freed the round globe from her grasp and rolled it to little Yuuki who hadn't seemed to be paying attention much. Rather than observing what was going on around her like she was supposed to be doing, the silly toddler seemed to have indulged herself in a conversation with her enchanted teddy bear, giggling and whispering things to it. It wasn't until her Onii-san, who happened to be sitting next to her, tapped her on the shoulder and handed her the ball, that she realized it was now her turn.

"Oh! Umm…Hellos, wells I'm Yuuki and I…ehh…I like to draw! Yup and this is Mr Wuvey! And he likes –"

"Yuuki…you don't need to introduce Mr Wuvey to everyone…" Her brother murmured quietly, interrupting his sibling mid sentence.

"Yes, I do Onii-san! He's important too!" Huffed the auburn haired girl stubbornly.

Little Kaname didn't say anything but merely smiled at his childish little sister, earning a tiny frown from the girl. Although little Zero thought that Yuuki was extremely pretty he again couldn't help but think that she was an idiot. Unable to control himself, the silver-haired boy snorted loud sniggers, but then stifled them immediately when young Yuuki spun around and glared daggers at him. Zero gulped, now suddenly frightened of the exquisite little creature he'd unintentionally upset. Yuuki glared at him for a few more seconds and then looked back down at the ball within her hold, a small sassy smile suddenly gracing her lips.

"Umm yeah anyways…This is Mr Wuvey and he likes to err…eat honey!"

The youthful vampires stared at her...Eat honey? Geez well wasn't that lames! Hehehe...She sures is stupid! BWAHAHAHAHA!! All the thoughts that were pushing Zero towards the verge of cracking up instantly stopped dead in its tracks when the little boy felt a round object lightly knock against his legs. Zero glanced down at the ball and then at Yuuki who was wearing a triumphed smirk on her innocent face. He then glanced down at the ball again and pouted. She's doings this on purpose cos I laughed at her...Hmmph

Sighing the little toddler threw a brief scowl at Yuuki, reluctantly picked up the ball and then began twirling it with his elfin fingers, a reddening blush filling his pale face. Grrrr...That Yuuki...

"Errmmm…I-I'm Zero… and err I…umm I like to read…I suppose…" He ended dully as he then squeezed his eyes shut in mortification.

Gah! Nows who's the lame one?! That Yuuki...That Yuuki! Hmmph she sures is gonna ge

"Ah, very good Zero! Now if you may, please pass it onto the next person."

Zero opened his eyes and blinked once then twice. Huh? What's she…Oh, that's right he was still holding the ball. The small boy looked up and was about to pass the ball onto someone else when he noticed the brown-eyed girl across from him was giggling. This time Yuuki was the one who was trying to suppress giggles of mirth. The little boy glowered at her, completely unaware of the entire class studying the exchange that the two little tots seemed to be sharing. Well that is until little Ruka pointed at Zero and Yuuki and whispered something into Seiren's ear causing both girls to dissolve into quiet giggles.

Flustered and blushing more madly than before, Zero erratically tossed the ball to Shiki, handling it a tad too roughly as it was now bouncing across the floor rather than rolling. The little silver-haired rascal uttered a small 'hmmph' and buried his red face in his palms. As much as he was annoyed with her right now, little Zero couldn't help but look up at Yuuki. And well he was a tad shocked to find that small Yuuki was already looking at him, studying him with those wide brown eyes, looking curious, interested, yet mildly irritated. But he was even more shocked when he saw her flush a little…. Was Yuuki-chan blushing? Rather quickly the vampire tot looked away when she noticed the silver-haired boy staring at her but then looked back again to cheekily poke her tongue out at him. Zero suddenly forgot about being mesmerized by her and returned to being aggravated with the auburn haired girl. Whys that little...

Yep I's not finished, but I will complete it...soon. ^-^


1. Okasan means mother in Japanese, Otasan means father and Oneesan means brother.
Kun is an informal honorific primarily used towards males. It is used by persons of roughly the same age and status and by anyone in addressing male children.
3. Chan is an informal version of san used to address children and female family members. It may also be used towards animals, lovers, intimate friends, and people whom one has known since childhood. Chan continues to be used as a term of endearment, especially for girls, into adulthood.
4. The phrase 'Toshe me up' that Yuuki uses in the beginning was a phrase that was used by a toddler in the famous BSC book series.
5. Nana Hibiya is related to Headmaster Cross through her mother. Her mother is the Chairman's sister and simply altered her last name from Cross to Hibiya when she married Nana's father.
6. The name of Yuuki's 'magical' teddy bear is from the world proclaimed show Charmed. Mr Wuvey is the name that Wyatt uses for his teddy bear. (Those who watch the show will know what I'm talking about)
7. Ichijo's sibling is a girl and her name is Seri.
8. Yuuki's teddy bear actually is magical and is not a robot teddy bear. Juuri had put a spell on it using her vampiric powers.

