Stranded Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Yugioh 5D's. Naruto is own by Masashi Kishimoto and Yugioh 5D's is own by Kazuki Takahashi. I don't make money off this story.

Five Years Later

Inside the manor Yusei was busy getting presents under the Christmas tree and getting ready for Jack and Hinata to come over with their children and he was thinking about everything that happen over the last five years.

"Man I can't believe it been five years since Rex Godwin's plan to summon the Crimson Dragon was stop and I became the duel king and that I married Sakura and Tsunade and they gave birth to my eight beautiful daughters. I mean it felt only like it was yesterday that they were born and now they are all five years old." thought Yusei smiling

At that moment Yusei was tackle to the ground by two little girls to the ground and he saw that it was his daughters Kagura and Amber.

"Kagura Amber what do you two think your doing in here?" ask Yusei to his two daughters

"We came to see what you were up to daddy." replied Kagura smiling

"Yeah daddy we wanted to see what you were up to and wanted to see if Santa Claus had brought us our presents." replied Amber

"Well I was getting ready for your Uncle Jack and Aunt Hinata to come over with Yugi and Hanabi. And besides you two know that Santa Claus will not come here until you two are asleep with your sisters. So where are your mothers?" said Yusei

"There in the dining room with the others getting ready for the party daddy." said Kagura

"Well we better go to them at once to see how everything is coming along for the party. And I want you two to stay out of this room until tomorrow morning with your sisters because that is when you can get your presents from Santa. Is that understood?" said Yusei

"Yes daddy." said Amber

With that they headed into the dinning room and Yusei saw Sakura and Tsunade with the other getting ready for the party.

"So how is everything coming along you guys?" ask Yusei

"Well everything is almost ready for the party Yusei." replied Tsunade

"And Jack and Hinata should be here very soon with Yugi and Hanbi." added Sakura

"Well that is good to know." said Yusei

"Mommy what time will Santa come here?" ask Serenity to Sakura

"He will get here when you and your sisters are in bed." replied Sakura

"But why do we have to be in bed when he comes?" ask Kurohime

"Because he will not come if you and the others are awake." replied Tsunade to her daughter

"But we want to stay up and see him come." said Eve

"Well you can't and you should listen to your mothers and dad." said Alexis

"Yes Grandma Alexis we will listen." said little Akiza

"That good to hear from you and now I think all of you should just go play until it's time for the party." said Kushina

"Yes Grandma Kushina." said little Alexis

"Well then go along and play nice." said Kushina

"We will Grandma Kushina." said Kyuubi

With that all the girls went into the next room to play until it was time for the party.

"So Yusei what do you plan on doing tomorrow?" ask Yukina

"Well I plan on staying all day here with everyone and enjoy Christmas day and then tomorrow I have a duel at the Kaiba dome against Hunter Pace." replied Yusei

"Well knowing you Yusei you have no problem winning that duel." said Alexis

"Thanks a lot mom." said Yusei

At that moment Yusei felt a body of a child jump on his back.

"Mana what do you think you are doing on my back?" ask Yusei to a five year old girl with gold blond hair with jade green eyes on his back

"I just wanted to say hi to you Uncle Yusei." replied Mana smiling

"Well it nice to see you to Mana." said Yusei to his niece

"Mana what do you think your doing to your poor Uncle Yusei." said Akiza to her daughter

"I just wanted to see what Uncle Yusei was doing Mommy Akiza." replied Mana

"Well you found out out what he was doing Mana. Now I think it time to go join your cousins in the next room and play until it's time for the party." said Ino

"Do I have to Mommy Ino?" ask Mana

"You heard you mother Ino Mana. I think it will be a good idea to go play with the other until it's time for the party." said Yusei

"Yes Uncle Yusei." said Mana

With that Mana got off Yusei's back and went into the next room to play with the others.

"Well it looks like Mana knows better then to disobey you two." said Yusei

"Well you Mana Yusei. She knows when it's time to listen to us." said Akiza to her brother

"Well you two did a good job raising her since you both adopted her." said Sakura

"Well thanks a lot sis. We did our best to raise her right." said Ino

"So what do you two plan on doing after the party?" ask Tsunade

"Well I think after the party is over and Mana is in bed we will go to bed and relax as yu know tomorrow will be a big day since it's Christmas." replied Ino

"Well that sound like a good plan you two." said Alexis

"Well thanks Alexis and what will you be doing tonight?" ask Akiza

"Well me and Kushina plan on reading the girls a bedtime story before they go to bed tonight." replied Alexis

"So what story do you plan on reading them?" ask Yusei

"We plan on reading them It was the night before Christmas." replied Kushina

"Well that sounds like a good bedtime story Kushina since it is Christmas Eve." said Yukina

"So when will Jack and Hinata get here with Yugi and Hanabi?" ask Sakura

"They should be here any minute now." replied Yusei

At that moment the doorbell ring and Yusei went to the door and answer it and was tackle to the floor by a boy and a girl.

"Yugi Hanabi get off your Uncle Yusei right now." said Jack to a four year old girl with blue hair and blue eyes and a four old boy with blond hair and Hinata lavender eyes

"But we wanted to just hi to Uncle Yusei daddy." replied Yugi

"Yeah that all we wanted to do." added Hanabi

"Well you two heard your father. Got off your Uncle Yusei and let him up right now." said Hinata

With that they got off of Yusei and let him up.

"Sorry about making you fall Uncle Yusei." said Yugi

"Yeah we just wanted to say hi." said Hanabi

"Well it's okay you two. Now about you join the other's in the next room and play some games until it's time for the party." said Yusei

With that Yugi and Hanabi run off into the next room to play with the other kids until it was time for the party.

"Sorry about them tackling you to the floor Yusei." said Jack

"It's okay Jack. I don't mind at all." said Yusei

"Well you know Yugi he just wants to be a pro duelist like his father Jack here one day." said Hinata

"Well can I blame it if our son want to grow up to be a pro duelist like his old man. Besides I remember that Hanabi wanted to become a computer wiz like her mother." said Jack to his wife

"Well she is good with computers like me Jack and besides I think it is nice that she was to take off after me." said Hinata to her husband

"Well since you two here how about we go into the dinning room where the others are waiting for us." said Yusei

"Sure that sounds like a good idea Yusei." said Jack

"Yeah and I want to see how the others are doing." said Hinata

With that they all headed into the dining room where the others were getting ready to start the party.

"Jack Hinata it is good you two could make it." said Sakura

"Well we are glad we could come to the party Sakura." said Jack

"So is everything here?" ask Hinata

"Everything is good with us and the children." replied Tsunade

"So how is everything going at home with the two of you?" ask Akiza

"Well everything is going very good at home with us and Yugi and Hanabi." said Hinata

"Well I remember the day Hinata here gave birth to Yugi and Hanabi and you were so happy Jack." said Kushina

"Well I was of course and of course I felt it was only right that our son be name after the great Yugi Motou and our daughter be name after Hinata sister Hanabi." replied Jack

"Well I think those were perfect names for them you two." said Kushina

"Well thank you Kushina." said Hinata

"So what do you two plan on doing after the party?" ask Yukina

"Well we plan on going home and put Yugi and Hanabi to bed and get ready for tomorrow morning when it time for them to open their presents." replied Hinata

"And knowing those two they will wake us up early so they can open them up." said Jack

"Well they are kids Jack and they will be like that around this time of year." said Alexis

"So since you two are here already how about we get the party started." said Sakura

"I think that would be a good idea Sakura." said Hinata

With that they started the party and talk about everything that happen over the last five years to all of them and were looking forward to many more happy years together. Meanwhile outside looking into the window at the happy scene inside were two male figures that were transparent as ghost. One of the men had Tri color hair up in spikes with amethyst eyes and was wearing navy blue pants and jacket with a black t shirt and the the man had slightly spike blond hair with blues wearing a blue long sleeve shirt with a light tan jacket with flames on the bottom with black pants and blue ninja sandals with a hidden leaf headband on his forehead. These people were Yugi Motou and the fourth Hokage Arashi that had been given permission to come back as ghost for one night to check on Yusei and the others.

"So what do you think the way Yusei has turn out Arashi?" ask Yugi

"I think he has turn out great Yugi. Better then his old life back in the village as Naruto. So I thank you very much for you and your wife Alexis for taking me son in and raising as your own because he has turn out to be a better man then I could image." replied Arashi

"Well your welcome Arashi. Because if it wasn't for Kyuubi in the first place then me and Alexis would have the chance to have raise Yusei as our son and I am proud of the way he has turn out." said Yugi

"I am proud of the way Yusei has turn out to Yugi. So what do we do now?" ask Arashi

"We will continue to watch over Yusei and the others from heaven and be there for him in spirit for whatever happens to them." replied Yugi

"I think that is a good idea Yugi. From this point on we will watch over Yusei and the others until it is time for them to join us up in heaven." said Arashi

With that they walk away from the window and disappeared into golden sparks of light to watch over Yusei and the other's for all time.


That's it for the final chapter. So what did you think of Yugi and Arashi coming back as ghost for one night to check on Yusei and everyone else. The reason the final chapter takes place around Christmas time is because it is almost Christmas and I thought it would be the right thing to do it at that time. As always please review and leave comments as I want people's option's on this story. Thank you for reading this story and stay tune for more stories in the future.