Here's my next chapter. Hope it's a little funnier.


Hidan's bad day

Musha sat on the couch watching Itachi read. She was bored, she didn't even have Star to be bored with due to 'special training' with Lenna and Sheta.

~Down the hall~

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Star yelled as Lenna and Sheta dragged her down the dim hallway towards the training area.

~Back in the living room~

Musha sighed causing Itachi to look up from his book. Musha was currently sitting on her head with her legs over the back of the couch.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm bored!" she said.

"Why don't you go bug Diedara." He said looking back to his book.

Musha pouted slightly and tried to get up, but she somehow forgot she was up-side-down and fell on the floor. "Ooooow…" she groaned.

Itachi rolled his eyes as Musha jumped up and yelled, "I'M O.K!!!" then skipped off to the kitchen where Diedara was doing the dishes.

Musha just stood there with her hands behind her back staring at him.

Diedara could sense her stare. "What do you want, un?"

Musha thought for a moment. "WAFFLES!!!"

Diedara nearly dropped the plate he was washing. "DO YOU HONESTLY EXPECT ME TO MAKE YOU WAFFLES, UN!?!"

"No, I can cook them myself, I just need a waffle maker!" she said silently laughing at his outburst.

"No, un. I don't trust you" he said turning around and continuing with the dishes.

She shrugged and went back out into the living room. "I think Diedara's PMSing." She said.

"WHAT DID YOU SAID, UN!???!" Diedara yelled from the kitchen. Musha simply kept walking.

Musha walked through a doorway into a dimly lit hallway. She had an idea.

She went to one of the five bathrooms they shared and picked the lock with a hair pin she stole from Diedara. Inside Hidan was singing some weird song in a different language as he showered.

Musha quickly grabbed his Akatsuki robe, leaving the rest of his clothes there. Hidan always took long showers so she had plenty of time.

She ran down the hall to a door and picked its lock. She opened the door and gagged at the smell. "TO. MANY. SENTED. CANDLES!!!" she gasped for air then stood up holding her nose. Hidan's room was brightly colored with many pictures on the walls, incenses, scented candles, and small figures everywhere. It was kind of creepy. She went to a closet and grabbed all his Akatsuki robes.

She walked, out closed the door, mostly to keep the sent in, then ran down the hall to the laundry room. She put the robes in and started the wash. She added a bunch of bleach and sat down to read while she waited.

As soon as the washer stopped she grabbed the robe on the to and held it out in front of her. It was now light gray with pink clouds, perfect. She smiled and looked at her watch. One thirty, she had a half an hour. She started putting the clothes in the dryer as she thought about what Hidan did in the shower for an hour and a half.

`Wait` she thought, `I don't think I want to know,' she quickly started the dryer and continued reading.

~Fifteen minuets later~

The dryer buzzed when it was done and Musha took them out and ran to the bathroom. Hidan was still singing, the shower running. She picked the lock and put the grey and pink robe on the floor.

She went back to the bad smelling room and put the bleached robes on the hangers in the closet.

She then ran to the living room to wait. `This is perfect` she thought as she saw Kisame and Tobi had joined Itachi on the couch.

Kakuzu walked in. "Has anyone seen Hidan?" he asked just as there was an angry yell from the bath room.

"What did you do?" Itachi asked Musha.

"You'll find out soon enough." she said with a smile.

Just then Hidan walked in wearing the said grey and pink robe. "ALRIGHT! WHO DID THIS!?!?" he yelled. Musha, Kisame, Tobi, and Kakuzu all fell to the ground laughing as Itachi silently grinned behind his book.

Hidan stormed off to the kitchen hoping Diedara would be able to do something.

Pein walked in and raised his eye brow at the people rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably. "Itachi, you and Kisame will be going on a mission tomorrow, you will be taking Musha and… where's Star?" he asked

~Training area~

"WRONG!!!" Lenna yelled hitting Star in the head with a pan, sending her flying several feet before landing face fist in the dirt. "NOW GET YOUR LITTLE MIDGET ASS UP AND DO IT RIGHT THIS TIME!!!!!" Sheta simply watched from a tree as she sat on its branch sipping on a martini.

~In the living room~

"S-she's getting special t-training with Lenna and Sheta. She'll be t-training tomorrow too." She gasped between fits of laughter.

"O.k." he said about to give Itachi the paper containing the information on their mission when Hidan walked out. Pein fell to the ground laughing at the sight of Hidan in the girlish robe.

"FUCK YOU!!!" Hidan yelled, giving them the middle finger.

"H-here." Pein said holding out the paper to Itachi.

Well that's it for now, it was pretty long, hopefully now to long. PLEASE REVIEW!! ^-^

LOL! When I was typing this I forgot I was making ramen. The only reason it didn't burn is because I smelled it while typing. YAY FOR RAMENS YUMMY SMELL!