This is my first fan fic so go easy on me if it isn't that great. I got this idea after watching a 'bones' episode.

Regrettably I don't own NCIS or Bones. No infringment intended.

Chapter One

The bullpen was silent apart from the occasional excited outburst from Tony playing Tetris on his phone, the steely rasp of Ziva sharpening her knife, the clack of keys from McGee's keyboard and the low humming that emanated from Gibbs. The peace was broken by the sudden ringing of the phone; Gibbs answered before it had rung twice.

"Yeah, Gibbs." After a few brief words that equipped him with an address he hung up, he was about to say 'grab your gear' but Ziva and McGee were already moving, Tony on the other hand stayed where he was, engrossed in his game.

"DiNozzo!" barked Gibbs, indicating towards the elevator with his hand.

"Just a minute boss, I'm about to beat my high-score." He replied, distracted. Gibbs snatched the phone away and threw it in Tony's full coffee mug.

"Of what? Two?" asked Gibbs, Tony looked up at him pitifully like a child whose favorite toy had been taken away.

"That hurt boss." Gibbs began to walk after McGee and Ziva.

"You know what DiNozzo? I don't care, move your ass." Tony grabbed his gun, his badge and, after a second long debate with himself, his coffee drenched cell phone.

They had seen this kind of crime scene a lot; a deserted alley with a couple of dumpsters and forgotten trash, the odor of rotting food and unwashed bodies assaulted their noses as the climbed out of the van. Tony, of course, riding in back, middle hump.

"Boss, why did Ziva drive?" He asked wincing as his aching body parts stretched.

"Because she asked. Why, you got a problem with that?" It was a challenge and Gibbs knew Tony would back down.

"No boss, 'course not boss." Came the answer he expected. Gibbs walked away, his beloved coffee in hand, and went to see what Ducky had found.

"God this place stinks." Tony complained. Ziva, who was next to him, sniffed his arm pit.

"Oh, I thought it was you." She interjected, Tony laughed sarcastically.

"Not funny officer David." Tony was angry and tired and sore and didn't want crude jokes made at his already wounded ego, he laid the extra stress on 'officer' just to show he was above her to anger her so she would leave him alone. It worked too; she stalked away muttering something in Hebrew that he thought sounded like swearing and insults.

Gibbs voice shouted through the empty alley way.

"DiNozzo, photos. McGee, sketch. David, bag and tag."

Muttered replies of compliance could be heard from various corners.

Tony snapped photos of the body; twisted, mangled and bloody, he took shots of the brass that the murderer had forgotten to police, bloody hand prints against the dirty wall, blood spray across a dumpster and last but not least a picture of Ziva in a dumpster searching for the murder weapon; he could tease her with that later. Then, all of a sudden she stopped, "Gibbs!" she called.

"What? You found it?"

"No a baby." She held up a little girl with dark brown hair.

So... What do you think? Please reveiw, any fresh ideas would be great.