Sorry it took so long to get this up, but I was making a website, and wanted it to be all up to date on TDI:CS before this was up so that you can check it out... unfortunately, its not, but I really want to get this last chapter up. The site is at the bottom of the chapter.

To Infinity, and Beyond... Or the Five Final Flags

The sun was just rising on Camp Wawanakwa 2 and Chris appeared on the screen. "It's been a great eight weeks here at on Total Drama Island: Caribbean Summer, and man, was the drama poured on thick. But, now we're down to our two finalists, Brooke and Rufus. Brooke made it here on her sweet personality, lack of enemies, and the fact that she was a minimal threat. No one expected her to make it this far. Rufus, on the other hand, manipulated and just short of cheated his way here, stabbing everyone in the back, except for himself, of course. And now, it's time to wake them up to prepare them for today's final challenge. We want them to get a few words into the confessional before the losers arrive." Chris pulls out a blow horn, smiled, and a moment later, the air is ringing from the blast.

"Go away, Chris," Brooke yelled peeking her head out of her tent.

"No can do, bra," he replied. "Today is your final challenge."

Confession Cam:

(Brooke) "These past eight weeks have been the worst of my life."

(Rufus) "Eight weeks? Was that all? I could sworn I've been here for eight years!"

(Brooke) "The food generally sucked, until the end when Chef tried to poison Nessa and Rufus to give me an advantage."

(Chef) "A little niceness goes a long way in my book."

(Rufus) "I've sniffed dirty gym socks that smelled better than Chef Hatchet's 'food.'"

(Brooke) "And the challenges, I'm surprised that no one died."

(Rufus) "The challenges weren't so bad. Once the teams were disbanded they became a lot easier because I only had to watch my own butt, and not carry a whole team with me as well."

(Brooke) "And the people. Almost all of them were manipulative, deceitful, lying, pot smoking, loud, obnoxious, self-loathing, prank-pulling, jerks that cared more about how they looked for the camera than about other people or their own health."

(Rufus) "Yeah, I was the best looking guy on this show." He adjusts the way he's looking at the camera. "My hair's not mussed, is it?"

"Welcome, final campers, to this season's greatest challenge yet. You will notice behind you that there are stands, one for Brooke, and one for Rufus. When the other campers arrive, you can tell them what you plan to do with the money and try to convince them to cheer for you. And here they are."

The twenty losers arrived, all smiling. All twenty of them walked right past Rufus's stands and squeezed into Brooke's, already cheering the bookworm on.

"You have got to be kidding me," Rufus stared, slack-jawed for a moment. "Not one of you wants me to win."

"They paid for Mr, Muggles's grooming yesterday so that I would sit on Brooke's side," Russell said, motioning to his pristine looking dog.

"Madison!" Rufus looked at the Texan.

"They have cookies," Madison said. "Plus, Ah don't do well on mah own. Ah'd be lonely on ya'lls side."

"Do you two have anything to say?" Chris asked.

"Well, I guess thanks everyone for the support," Brooke said quietly, her cheeks blushing.

"Wouldn't want to cheer for anyone else," Todd said.

"I'm not actually supporting you, I'm just discouraging Rufus," Nessa said.

"Ditto," Russell said.

"Fine, I don't need you guys cheering for me because I have this in the bag!" Rufus snapped.

Confession Cam:

(Rufus) "Unless this is a speed-reading contest, there's no way I can lose to little Brookworm."

"Today's challenge might bring back some memories of earlier this summer," Chris said.

Confession Cam:

(Brooke) "I may have spoke too soon. He must figure that by bringing them up a second time, one of us is sure to die."

"As you can see, there are two flag poles. As you two were on different teams to start, your flags represent the teams. The yellow flag is for Rufus as he was a Toucan, while the blue flag is for Brooke, as she was an iguana. There are hooks for five more flags on each pole, and you will have to earn the flags, in any order. The first with all five other flags, wins the $250,000 cash prize.

"The first four challenges are dive to the bottom of the ocean and retrieve a key, then come back up, follow a map to the chest, dig it up, and open it for a flag. A full lap of the island will earn you a flag. Completing the obstacle course to Chef's satisfaction will earn you a flag. And as you zip-line, you can grab a flag." He stopped. "The other campers may help you in this, but they will not get scuba gear, cannot touch the key, or the flags."

"How are we supposed to help if we can't do that?" Walter asked.

"That's for you to decide," Chris said. "Anyway, the final flag will be the flag hidden where you hid it for Capture the Flag, which must be the last you collect. Grab your own flag. First to clip all five wins. Got that?"

They both nodded. "Then what are you waiting around here for?"

Confession Cam:

(Rufus) "I decided to start with the easiest flag first, so I started out by whistling for Misty."

(Madison) "Maybe Ah shouldn't have brought Misty with me to view this challenge..."

"Brooke, obstacle course first," Todd called to her as she looked lost. Rufus was climbing on Misty to start his lap around the island.

"Why?" She asked, but didn't argue.

"Trust us," Bex said.

Confession Cam:

(Bex) "There is no way we are letting Rufus win this!"

Brooke started through the obstacle course, Jamie, distracting Chef from playing close attention with another knife discussion.

"Knives from Japan are good, I guess," Jamie said. "But it's difficult to beat Swiss knives."

"Oh, Swiss knives," Chef nodded. "I once had this Swiss knife that cut through meat like it was butter." He looked up at Brooke who was on the monkey bars. "When did she get up there?" It looked like she was about to slip.

"What's your favorite brand?" Jamie asked.

"That's a difficult question," Chef said, closing his eyes. Alex and Manny scrambled under Brooke and kept her up until she crossed and was climbing down the net.


"This should be the spot," Phoebe said looking at the map. "Let's start digging, and Paige, you run back and tell them that they can send Brooke underwater when she finishes the obstacle course.

"Right," Paige nodded and began sprinting back toward the campgrounds while Phoebe, Autumn, and Genevieve began digging for the chest.

"I hope it's not too deep," Genevieve said, throwing a pile of dirt away from where they dug.

"Hey, this wouldn't happen to be where both chests are buried, would it?" Autumn asked.

"Don't know," Phoebe said. "Why?"

"Well, it wouldn't be cheating if we move a chest as long as we don't touch the flag inside, right?"

Rufus was riding along, Misty going at a canter when she suddenly stopped. For a moment Rufus was a little confused, until he heard a whistle.

"Come on, Misty, we've got carrots," Zak was saying. Vinson stood next to the smart kid holding out a carrot. He was whistling as Zak kept calling.

"Oh, no, Misty, keep on forward," Rufus said, attempting to steer the horse down the beach.

"Come this way, Misty," Zak was calling.

"Stop interfering," Rufus yelled at the two. "It's against the rules."

"No it's not," Zak said. "Chris did not say that we couldn't feed the horse. He said we couldn't touch the flags, which we're not."

Misty was chewing on the carrot, but Vinson produced a second one before Rufus could get the horse to move again. Instead, the two once Iguanas were leading the horse back the way they had come from. Rufus jumped off, and not wanting to get in a confrontation with the two, began running, glad that he was a little more than halfway around the island.

"They're digging it up," Paige said just as Brooke was hanging up her first flag.

"Ready to go deep sea diving?" Ashlynn asked, holding a tank of air.

"Now?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah," Ashlynn said. "Autumn, Phoebe, and Genevieve are digging up the chest right now."

Gail helped Brooke to get her mask on and air tank strapped on, while Ashlynn continued to organize. "Walter, wanna help? Go with Paige and help them dig up the chest. You can carry it back."

"What can I do?" Christie asked.

"Hijack a vehicle so that Brooke can get around the island quickly," Ashlynn said. She spotted Todd, Bex, and Jamie with a number of tools. "What are you three doing?"

"We're going to have fun with the high ropes course that Rufus needs to use," Bex said.

She rolled her eyes. "Actually, Jamie, I need you and Manny to go diving with Brooke and help sweep for the key." She raised her voice. "Alex, wanna have a job?"

Rufus came jogging up, looking tired. Madison immediately approached. "Where mah horse?"

"Ask..." he took a deep breath. "Vinson... and Zak," he replied. He reached Chris. "Flag."

"And our campers each have a flag each," Chris said as Rufus hung his flag on the pole. Rufus turned toward the obstacle course, but, just before he could start it, it began thundering and raining something that wasn't quite rain.

"What the heck!" Rufus yelled.

"Makes it more dramatic," Eddie said, holding the remote that Chef had used for the challenge.

"And if most of the rain happens to be slippery, left over cooking oil, then that just makes it more fun to watch," Gail added, laughing.

"Good touch," Chris said with a nod of approval.

Rufus growled and began pushing through, having a difficult time, as it was sticky and slimy, as well as difficult. The rock wall was the most difficult part, as all the rocks were slippery.

Underwater, Manny spotted the key for Brooke, and waved her over, before surfacing for air. She grabbed it and returned straight to shore, stripping her air tank and flippers as she crawled out of the water.

"That's pollution!" Paige yelled, running out and retrieving the items. "And wasteful. These can all be used again."

"What are you doing with the other air tank?" Brooke asked, spotting Autumn and Phoebe holding it and hearing a faint sound of air leaking.

"Nothing, really," Phoebe said. "Anyway, we dug up your chest, so go get your flag."

Confession Cam:

(Brooke) "For some reason, this doesn't exactly feel right..."

(Rufus) Covered in oil. "Well, at least Chef approved me after only the second time through."

(Manny) "I almost feel bad for Rufus. I mean, not only were we helping Brooke, but we were working against him..."

(Nessa) "He did bring it on himself."

Rufus grabbed his air tank, pulled on flippers, and dove into the water still wearing his pants. However, he quickly discovered he couldn't breath and had to surface. "I hate you all," he yelled, ditching the tank and just using big breaths while searching for his key.

"Why is Erik strapped to the high ropes course?" Brooke asked as she was led there next. Christie was having trouble hijacking a vehicle without her weapons.

"Because," Todd said as she was pulling on the harness, "he's been practicing getting up and across." Once Brooke was strapped into her harness, Todd used a belay to hook her to Erik securely. "You just have to hold on and grab the flag as you pass it."

She held on tight as Erik quickly pulled himself up the rope ladder, across the next ladder. "Ready?" he asked as he hooked up to the zip line.

"As I'll ever be," she said. She clutched to him with one arm, and held the other out to grab the flag. As she hit it, she grabbed and with a tug, it came with her and Erik to the platform.

She unhooked and climbed down quickly to Todd waiting below.

Rufus emerged from the ocean with a key and grabbed the map.

"That'll probably be useless," Chris warned him. He ignored Chris and followed it to find a really big hole. He could tell that one had been brought back to the shore. However, the other had been dragged off.

Confession Cam:

(Rufus) "At least it was dragged and not carried. Easy to follow the trail."

That trail led to the lake and he saw it at the bottom of the lake. He growled and dove in. Underwater, he used the key and unlocked the chest, pulling out his water-logged flag.

Brooke was jogging with Vinson beside her if she got tired and needed to be carried. She tried Misty for a bit, but the horse kept going too fast for her comfort and she would move faster just jogging. Christie would catch up in a vehicle when she possessed one.

Rufus looked at his high ropes course, which was in ruins. Cords disconnected, nothing to harness to, and the middle section was on the ground. However, he wasn't going to let that get him down. He climbed up the ladder without even strapping on a harness. The wire that had hung above the second part was still there, so he grabbed onto that, and despite the pain, crossed that hand over hand, until he got to what used to be a second platform, but now was just an empty square of wood. He figured if he crossed one wire hand over hand, he could do it again.

"Probably safer than using the zip line," he concluded to himself. When he was even with his flag, he reached out and grabbed it, but lost grip on the wire. At least he had the flag.

Just as he was hooking up his flag, Brooke was returning from her lap in a golf cart driven by Christie, receiving her flag. Rufus turned to his tent, for his last flag as Brooke hooked up the flag and turned into the woods. However, his tent was missing.

Confession Cam:

(Bex) "He was catching up, and we couldn't have that."

(Eddie) "Not once did we touch the flag."

(Rufus) "They're dead!"

Rufus ran into the forest, keeping his ears open for any sound that might be the losers that took his tent, and with it, his flag. He caught up with them as they were climbing up next to the waterfall, grabbed Eddie by the ankle. "Give me my tent."

"Come and get it," Bex said, pulling it up.

Rufus pulled Eddie down and pushed him into the lake with a loud splash and then bounded up the side after Bex. He did stop hearing splashing and sputtering, seeing Eddie thrashing in the middle of the lake.

"You're kidding me, right?" he yelled and jumped in next to the small actor, pulling him to shore.

Seeing this, Bex finally left the tent alone, in the hopes that Brooke had retrieved her flag and was on the way back.

Rufus grabbed his flag, and then turned around, running with all his might toward the camps.

He emerged ten seconds after Brooke. He bounded as Brooke was lining the hole with the flag. He threw his flag on the pale, and pulled it down, and the two released their flags in the exact same second.

There was a pause, only Mr. Muggles's barking in the air.

"So, who won?" Chef asked.

"Let's check the freeze frames," Chris said. They pulled out a television, and a moment later, they watched frame by frame. By the difference of one frame, Rufus's flag was hooked first.

"But, his flag has a hole from throwing it down on the hook, rather than using the hole," Todd argued.

"Never said that the holes needed to be used," Chris said. "So, this season of Total Drama Island, we'd like to congratulate Rufus!"

Rufus fell backwards and took a few deep breaths. "Good, now can I have my check so I can go home?"

"Unless, you'd like to go for the million in the briefcase," Chris said pulling out a silver case.

"No!" Rufus stated.

Eighteen of the twenty losing campers were staring on in shock. After all the work they had gone through to help Brooke and keep Rufus from winning, and he still won. Russell was so enthralled that Mr. Muggles had learned to roll over that he hadn't watched any of the game. Lastly, Madison, secretly hoping he would win, stood with a big smile.

"I'm sorry, Brooke," Todd said, scratching the back of his head.

Brooke smiled at him. "It's okay," she said, before standing on her toes and quickly pecking a kiss on his lips.

Confession Cam:

(Brooke) "Am I disappointed that I didn't win? Well, yeah. But, since he won with twenty people helping me while making everything twice as difficult for him... well, I guess that he deserves the prize. And for this last challenge, he won fair and square."

That night, all twenty-two campers sat around the campfire.

"This, a small, cylindrical-shaped fluffy piece of gooey goodness, here, is the ultimate symbol of survival," Chris said holding up a marshmallow. "And, now, after eight weeks, all but one of you have lost your chance to receive this final marshmallow. Rufus, please stand up."

"No thank you," he said. "I am perfectly content sitting down."

Chris rolled his eyes and tossed the marshmallow over the fire to Rufus, who caught it with one hand. "I dub thee, winner. So, I'm sure that the rest of us are wondering, what do you plan to do with your prize of $250,000?"

"It's a secret," Rufus said.

"So, no giant yacht party that you invite all of us to?" Chris asked.

"Whatever I do with it, it will not involve you," Rufus stated.

A few days later, after relaxing at Playa de los Losers, everyone began to board on their different modes of transportation home, making sure that they had addresses, screen names, and phone numbers that they needed to keep in touch. Suddenly, Brooke realized that she didn't have her book with her before she boarded her boat. She ran back to the resort area and found it lying on a side table by the pool chairs. She picked it up and noticed a corner of paper sticking out.

She found an envelope addressed to her.


The only thing I wanted was the fame and glory. The money, I don't want or need. Use it well.

R.W. the First

Brooke looked in the envelope and noticed the check for $250,000.

To see my site, copy and paste the address, and erase the spaces.

http:// justanotherfanatic. webs. com/

There is a page about the 22 campers, as well as will be updated with each chapter of TDW.