Broken Angels

Summary: Fate brought them together. A collection of one shots starring my two broken angels. Leon and Claire pairing in all stories. When I think of these two characters, I'm reminded of what Eureka's Jack Carter said to Allison Blake in the season 1 final just before he went back in time. "There's no time, no space, no way that we don't end up together." I know that in the games there isn't much of a relationship between the two of them but I believe that may in happen in Degeneration. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

"Broken Angels"

October 1st, 1999

Raccoon Memorial Cemetery

Was what the overhead sign read as Leon Kennedy drove thru and parked in an open space. Dozens of cars were parked there as well, more than usual. Leon unzipped his leather bomber jacket, picked up the bouquet of red roses and shut the car door. Leon whipped off his aviator sunglasses and looked up at the sky, it was raining today, it seemed like it always rained when he came here. Leon tucked the glasses into his coat pocket and went into the cemetery. He passed rows upon rows of headstones, some of them he knew and some of them he didn't. He finally found the one he was looking for, some weeds grew at the base which he promptly tore out. He laid the roses at the foot of the grave and stepped back. He sighed heavily. "Hey, it's Leon. I'm getting alittle better at this talking thing." Leon scratched the back of his head. He wasn't very good at this type of thing. He looked around and saw dozens of people standing infront of graves of their loved ones, their children, their husbands and their wives. And who did Leon have? "Ada Wong." The spy he loved.

Leon sighed again. "I don't know why I come here. I mean, you're gone. I should have taken better care of you. But I'm not sure what I should do." That's when Leon heard someone speaking close by. He turned around and saw a young woman with her back to him, a large red and white umbrella obscured the upper half of her body. Leon ducked behind a tree and listened to her, she was crying. "I'm sorry I haven't come around lately. Things with my brother and his friends have been crazy. I'm sorry I let you down Steve." 'Steve?' Leon wondered. 'Where have I heard that name before?' Leon leaned in closer and his foot landed on a stray branch causing a loud snap. Leon quickly hid behind the tree as the young woman spun around. "Who's there?" Leon silently cursed himself, he knew he was caught. He came out from behind the tree and was surprised to see who it was. "Claire?" "Leon?" "What are you doing here?" They both asked at the same time. Claire answered first. "My friend Steve passed away on Rockfort Island, I thought it would be fitting if he was buried here since the island was owned by Umbrella. You?" Leon pointed over to Ada's grave. "Ada Wong. She helped me escape Raccoon but she was killed by a Tyrant. Trying to save me." Leon turned away from Claire. "What's wrong?" Leon exhaled. "I froze. I could have helped her and I let her die."

Claire put a comforting hand on his shoulder, Leon slowly turned around. Claire had tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" Claire sniffled. "My friend Steve was turned into a Tyrant by an evil bitch. He tried to kill me!" Claire broke down into full sobs. Leon pulled her in close, into the warmth of his jacket; now they were both under the umbrella. Claire wiped her nose on her sleeve and looked up at Leon. "Sorry." Leon smirked alittle. "Don't be." Leon pushed a stray lock of hair away from her eyes and behind her ear. Leon leaned in alittle closer. Claire leaned back and turned her head away from him. "Leon, please." Leon sighed. "Sorry." Leon looked up from under the umbrella. "It's cold out." Claire nodded as she rubbed her arms, Leon took notice of this. He shrugged off his jacket and before Claire could utter a word of protest, he slipped the coat over her shoulders and slid her arms thru the sleeves. Leon was about to lean in again when Claire put a hand against his chest. "Leon, I can't. My heart is broken." Leon grasped the collar of his coat and pulled Claire in close. "So is mine." And he kissed her. Claire dropped her umbrella and wrapped her arms around his neck. The rain fell around them but they didn't care. People were mourning their loved ones but Leon and Claire didn't care. The ones they loved were dead and buried but they didn't care. Because right now, they had each other.


A/N: I know this first chapter wasn't very long but I assure you all that the next chapter, which has already been written, is going to be three times as long. I also feel that I rushed it, but I believe that the next chapter will be more of a slower pace.