Hey! See I kept my promise almost. But Friday was spent all day pickin up our gramma at the hospital. Then we spent most of the weekend at grammas house. I am disappointed in you guys. No reviews, not one. but anyway what did you guys think the surprise was? Tell me. Leave it in a review. Now on with the story!

"STEVE!" Carly yelled and we ran over to hug him.

"I cant believe you guys left Hawaii without saying bye to me." he said hugging us back

"wait, you came all the way here so we could say goodbye to you?" Freddie asked. "no. I came for my cousin Tyler's birthday. Then I asked Socko where Spencer lived when he was telling us stories about him and Spencer. Anyway, he told me where you guys lived so I decided to drop in on a surprise visit." he explained. We went over to the couch to sit and talk some more but there were no more seats open. I sat on Freddie. No one said anything about it but we got some strange looks, especially from Spencer.

"so this one time me and Socko were in his grandfathers backyard, we were camping, but it was getting dark out and we could here animals in the woods, we thought we heard one coming and when we went out of the tent to look when-"

"SAMANTHA! Get off Freddie's legs. You're probably crushing them" Mrs. Benson said the moment she opened the door. I got up and leaned to ask "does she have a key to your apartment?" he shook his head no. "I thought you locked the door" he looked up towards me "I did" since no seats are open I guess I'm stuck with the floor.

"mom, what are you doing here?" Freddie asked.

"I came to make sure you were ok. I heard a ruckus." she said

"I'm fine. You don't have to run over here every time you hear something loud." Mrs. Benson sighed and left. Good now I don't have to sit on the floor..

I must have fell asleep because the next thing I knew dinner was ready. mmmm food.

"whatcha makin?" I asked. "food" Spencer said

"I knew that much" Freddie came to my rescue. "we are making burgers. How many do you want?" I held up two fingers. Then went over to play with my lil man. We were playing animal wrestling when the food was done. After dinner when Steve left Spencer went to take a bath. The rest of us went up to Carly's awesome new room. It was my new favorite place.

"what should we do tomorrow?" Carly asked

"I vote swimming" Leah said. We agreed

"so is something going on with you two?" Leah asked pointing at us . I looked over at him. He looked at me. We turned back to her. "nope" he said

Leo went to sleep on the couch. And steph slept in the playpen we set up for her. The rest of us not including Spencer. He said he had to go somewhere. I really don't know with him. But the rest of us all crashed on Carly's bed. Yes all four of us. Very crowded. All in all it was good day.

I know short. No promises till school starts up cuz this last part of summer our cousin is coming back up and its mom's vacation and we are going camping with the family so it should be a fun end of the summer