"No way

"No way!" Angela sat up on her chair "No way!" she read it once more making sure she had seen it correctly. She stood up and practically ran to Brennan's office. "Bren have you seen this?" she said

"What Ange?" Temperance Brennan looked up from the case file she had been reading.

"Ok do you read 'Uncovered'?" she asked sitting down across from her at the desk. Brennan just looked at her, eyebrow raised. "It's a magazine Sweetie."

"Then no!"

"Well you better start Bren cause you're in it!" she grinned from ear to ear. At this Brennan put down the file altogether.

"What?" she reached out for the magazine but Angela pulled it back.

"No not yet!"

"What kind of magazine is it?"

"A gossip mag." Angela held back a laugh.

"Isn't that for celebrities and such?"

"Yes!" Angela was nearly jumping off her chair.

"Then why would I be in it?" she stood up and walked over to Angela's side of the desk.

"I don't know, maybe it's the worldwide best selling author thing, or the co-starring in the movie based on your first book and an offer of a part in your second… Oh the whole drop dead gorgeous thing helps as well Sweetie."

"Ange…" she shook her head.

"Don't deny it you know that annoys me."

"I'm not what the normal person would consider a celebrity."

"If your life features in this magazine you definitely are!"

"Will you tell me what it says Ange!"

"You're not going to like it!" she stood up.

"Show me!" Brennan reached for the magazine again, and this time she got it. She flew through magazine trying to find the page.

"Page seventeen hun." Angela said. Brennan looked at her. Opening the correct page she read the article quickly.

"NO! Where could they have gotten this?" she practically roared, throwing it down on the desk.

"It…" Angela started but was interrupted.

"And these photographs!"

"I…" she was cut off again.

"This is just…" But she was disrupted by Cam running in the door.

"What? What happened?"

"Have you read the new 'uncovered'" Angela asked her.

"I just picked it up there with my coffee, why?"

"There's an article on Bren in it this month!"

"What! Show me." Angela picked up the magazine and started reading it aloud.

"Kathy and Andy in the flesh?" she grinned at Brennan who sat down on the couch and bit her lip. "The best selling author and celebrated scientist Dr Temperance Brennan (who has always stressed that she is a scientist before an author) has always been one to keep her personal life away from the public but eyes will always be on the magnificent beauty which means that certain things can't help but draw attention. There has always been speculation that Dr Brennan, herself, and her work partner Special Agent Seeley Booth, were the true life inspiration for her characters Kathy Reichs and Andrew Lister. They are rarely seen apart and this has always drawn the suspicion of a romantic relationship, as the featured photographs support. But the theory seems to have been proved in recent weeks as Brennan has been seen out and about with a rather ornate ring. Neither have confirmed the engagement but it seems that wedding bells are in the near future of the talented genius. In turn this raises questions with the self named "Brennanites" as to wither or not art will imitate life? Are Kathy and Andy to tie the knot both on page and off?" Angela put down the tabloid grinning from ear to ear. Cam just stared wide-eyed at the top of Brennan's head and stuck her hand out to Angela.

"Show me those photos!" she gave it her. Brennan knew what the photos were. One of them at a book signing, with him smiling down at her handing her a cup of coffee, she was smiling back. Another was of them at the diner. It had been taken through the window. He was laughing and she was taking some of his chips. The last was of them leaving her apartment building. She was putting her hair behind her ear and the so called 'engagement ring' was clearly visible, it was her mothers ring. Booth had his hand on her back and was talking to her. There was an enlargement of her hand showing off the ring even more.

"You are wearing a ring Dr Brennan." she said smiling at her.

"It's my mothers" Brennan sighed.

"You must admit its fairly obvious where they got the idea!" she said.

"Bren why are you wearing it on that hand?" Angela asked.

"I… I don't know"

"But…" Angela started but Brenna cut in.

"This is such an evasion of privacy! It's so ridiculous!"

"This is…" Angela started,

"Intrusive! What gives them the right to say all this up about me!"

"I wonder if Booth has seen it?" Cam laughed.

"He'll never let this go." Angela grinned again.

"I…" Right at that moment they heard him.

"BONES!" he shouted. And strode into the office. Angela grabbed the magazine and sat on it. "Bones good you're here!" he said turning to face the three of them.

"What's up Booth?" Angela said still grinning.

"Oh I was just wondering if Brennan saw the article about us?" he grinned.

"You saw it?" Cam bit back a laugh.

"Well Rebecca bought the magazine and Parker flicked through it and found Daddy!" he said walking towards her. "Oh and my mother subscribes to the 'Weekly World" and was quite surprised to see her youngest son in it!"

"The 'Weekly Word'?" Brennan stood up. "I thought it was 'Uncovered'"

"No its definitely 'Weekly World'" he said. Angela noticed a silent conversation between the two of them. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Dr Brennan? Agent Booth?" Sweets walked in. "Guys I know your not exactly thrilled to have to attend therapy with me but it would really help me if you informed me that you were engaged!" he huffed childishly.

"There not Sweets." Angela said.

"But my secretary found an article in "The Enquirer"!" he said.

"That's three magazines!" Angela said. "Wow Bren you really are famous now."

"Maybe we spend a bit too much time together Bones." He laughed.

"Booth doesn't it worry you that someone took these photos of us without out knowledge?"

"Not really I mean I knew you had a few paparazzi!" he shrugged.

"You should be flattered Dr Brennan" Cam nodded. "They consider you interesting enough to make up stuff about you!"

"I really don't see why"

"Because you're an amazing person Bones!" Booth sat on the edge of her chair.

"Really?" She smiled.

"Of course! I mean why would I be marring you if you weren't!" He smiled. Cam looked at Angela in response to the fact that Brennan hadn't retorted. "Will we just tell them?" he asked. She smiled and nodded. "Ok we better tell you. the magazine got it right. Bones and I are engaged. We have been for about three weeks now." The room was silent. Sweets' jaw dropped, Cam squeaked and Angela fell to the couch. Brennan looked up at Booth.

"Is that a good reaction?"

"I expected Angela to make some noise."

"Three weeks!,,, Engaged!" Angela spoke.

"Yes Ange… I didn't want to tell anyone just yet because… because it's strange…" Brennan said as Booth took her hand.

"How long…?" Cam asked.

"About two months…" Booth said and then a smile spread across his face.

"You're messing!" Sweets roared. They both laughed.

"Russ' Amy sent me the article yesterday!" Brennan gasped still laughing, she turned to Booth "You're right that was fun."

"I told you! it's just some ridiculous gossip. But it is actually in three magazines. Bones and I just thought we'd have a little fun with you knowing that one of you would find the article."

"That was… awful! I was so excited!" Angela huffed.

"Ange it's not going to happen were just friends! Best friends." Brennan shook her head.

Angela got up and left the room with Cam and Sweets following soon after.

"That was great!" Booth smiled.

"Yeah… I'm still slightly unsettled though about the article…" Brennan said.

"Don't worry it'll die down." He got up and sat on her desk chair. "Now for a bit more fun we should figure out a way to make you look pregnant…"