AN: Just a little gift for a friend since I'm busy with school and have no time for Junjou Fluff for a while _ stupid job, stupid school… anyway, this one was a break for me, whereas Junjou Fluff is always more of a project XD so enjoy the Tero Porn, Tero fans. Beware of attempted plot.

Warnings: Spoilers up to vol. 9

Disclaimer: I do not own Junjou Romantica or anything else that may possibly be referenced in this fan work.

Test Subject: Adulthood

Chapter 1

True or False?

Adults Don't Break Down

Shinobu's sopping wet shoes made a splat-splat noise as he ascended the long staircase that led to his apartment. He reached into his pocket, once he reached his floor, dug around for his keys, pulled them out, and unlocked the door when he made it to his sanctuary.

His day had been long and tiresome, and not because of the multiple tests. The tests were easy, for him, like most else. No, the reason for his depressed and tired stupor was due to pure, good ol' fashion 'rotten luck.'

All day, he'd had the worst luck. He rarely experienced such things, but apparently he'd killed a million kittens in a former life and was being punished on this particular day. Or something like that.

Too exhausted to even think properly, he slipped off his ruined shoes- shoes he'd just bought two days prior, by the way, and pulled off his dripping socks, tossing them into a trash receptacle that occupied the corner of the room.

Of course, because of its location nearly twenty feet away, and regardless of how he had made the same throw with various papers and other miscellaneous garbage numerous times before, because of the unlucky day he was having, he missed completely.

The socks hit the wall with a splat and slowly slid down, landing behind the trash can.

His cheeks puffed up and he fumed, glowering at the trash receptacle as though it were the source of all of the evils that had befallen upon him on today of all days.

Stomping over to the trash receptacle, he lifted it, grabbed the socks, threw them inside, and slammed the damned object on the ground. He inhaled, trying to calm himself, before hurrying into his bathroom before he could trail anymore muddy water across the floor he had just cleaned the day before.

He considered taking a hot bath, but he opted, instead, to merely change his clothes. He would take a bath later, after he had mind-blowing sex with Miyagi that would, hopefully, erase all of the horrible memories that today had scarred his mind with.

He shivered, slightly as he undressed. Pulling his sweater over his head, he gazed at his reflection in the mirror. Annoyed, he turned, and raised his undershirt enough to see the bluish bruise that was forming on his upper left back muscles.

Annoyed at the physical proof of today's horrors, he simply turned away from the mirror, removed his shirt, stripped to his boxers, and dug through his drawers. Only he hadn't done laundry, yet.

This was trivial… so very, very trivial…

Yet somehow, this was the last straw. Something as trifling as having no clean, dry clothes to put on while he stood there, half-naked and shivering, seemed to bring him to his breaking point, all the sudden.

Maybe it wasn't just today… maybe it was all of the negative things that were happening in his life… either way, all of the bad things suddenly seeped into his consciousness. He had made a promise with himself last month that he would not, for any reason, cry unless the occasion absolutely called for it…

But somehow, right now, the whole world was dark and glum. What was it? What was the real reason for his sudden depression?

That's right…

He'd made a decision… one that would affect his life greatly- perhaps in a negative way…

Why hadn't he given it more thought?

Why hadn't he promised to think about it and then get back to the other party?

Instead, he did just what Miyagi always warned him not to. He thought with his emotions. He made a choice without thinking, and now he was feeling the effects of his own impatient thoughtlessness.

"Shinobu, did you leave the bathtub running, or something?" Miyagi poked his head into the bedroom, suddenly.

Shinobu turned, trembling, shocked at his lover's sudden appearance.

"…Shinobu… are you okay?" Miyagi blinked, entering the room. "Why are you naked? Were you going to-"

"Whatever you're going to say, please don't." Shinobu's shoulders sank. "…I can't take any teasing, right now, and if that's the only reason you came over, you can just go back to work and tease some of your students or something!"

". . . It's my day off." Miyagi decided to get serious. He had rarely, if ever, happened upon a depressed and moping Shinobu. He didn't want the other to think he was belittling his feelings in any way, and because Shinobu was, overall, a fairly emotional person, he tried to be as gentle as he could when it came to the boy's feelings… also… Shinobu was so dear to him. Not that the boy was fragile or delicate in any way, but the thought of making his lover unhappy or angry made him feel guilty and sad.

Shinobu sniffed, struggling, still, not to cry. "Wh-what're you doing here?"

"You gave me a key, so I thought I'd drop by to see you."

"…You wanted to see me?" Shinobu's mood changed, slightly, and he looked a bit happy, even if only a little.

"Yeah, well…" Miyagi rubbed the back of his head, annoyed, shutting his eyes. "…You kept me from my work all day, so I thought if I could see you for a bit, I'd be able to get back into my normal regime."

"…What do you mean?" Shinobu frowned before glaring. What an inconsiderate bastard! "I wasn't even home, all day!"

"But I couldn't get you off my mind." Miyagi muttered, and Shinobu fell silent, brows lifting, slightly as pink tinted his cheeks.

"…Um… mm… really? Err… is that so…?"

"Shinobu-chin, don't tell me you didn't think about me, all day?" Miyagi huffed, folding his arms, in a mock-pout. He still had to be careful about teasing the poor brat.

"…" Shinobu swallowed, hard. "…I'm sorry… my thoughts have been preoccupied…"

"I heard you had some tests today… I'm sure you did well, so I won't bother asking how they went. What's on your mind?"

"…" Shinobu lowered his saddening gaze to the floor. "…When I'm with you, I don't want to think about it."

"But then you'll seek me out when you're sad, and I'd rather see you happy." Miyagi smirked, ruffling the teen's hair. "Besides, you have to get to the root of the problem, eventually, and crying's not going to help, is it?"

"I wasn't going to cry!" Shinobu fumed.

"Nah, probably not. You would have made that weird choking sound you make when you're struggling not to cry… for about an hour… then I don't know what you would have done."

Oops. So much for laying off the poor guy.

"You… bastard…" Shinobu frowned. "Can't you take anything seriously?!"

"I take a lot more seriously than you'd think." Miyagi huffed. "I'm trying to be serious, now. Fighting off problems can be hard and exhausting… is there a problem you've been struggling with that you want help talking about, or addressing?"

"…" Shinobu sniffed again. "…Why would I talk about my problems with you? You'll just think I'm problematic."

Miyagi took off his jacket and draped it around Shinobu's shoulders before lighting up a smoke and rounding the boy, sitting on the bed and taking a drag. "…I have a problem. I'd be more than happy to share my problems with you. But I didn't know you felt that way about sharing problems with the one you love… Don't worry. I won't burden you with my trivial problems, if that's the case."

Shinobu gasped, eyes widening as he turned to face his lover. "That's different! If you want to talk to me about something- a legitimate problem, or something that's bothering you, you should tell me! I'll listen!"

"How is it different?" Miyagi smiled from around his cigarette, reaching up to pull the jacket tighter around his lover before running a hand down his chest and abdomen. "And why wouldn't I feel the same way as you?"

"…" Shinobu was silent for a moment before he leaned forward, climbing onto the bed and draping himself over Miyagi's lap. "…You first."

"My problem is… there's this guy I'm crazy about, and when he's happy, I'm really happy… unfortunately, the problem lies in that when he's sad, I, too, feel very sad… it's like his loneliness is contagious, and when he's lonely, it makes me feel like a bad lover. What do you think I should do?" Miyagi whispered, flicking his cigarette toward the ashtray on the night stand and landing it inside, perfectly.

His arms wound themselves around Shinobu's waist and Miyagi pulled him down into a tender, longing kiss.

Shinobu shuddered, involuntarily, as Miyagi's tongue ghosted along his own before the older man pulled back with an endearing smirk.

"…I guess you should ask him about why he's lonely, and then make sure he never feels lonely or sad." Shinobu whispered.

"…I think that's some good advice. Your turn." Miyagi smiled.

Shinobu sighed, seeming to contemplate on whether or no to divulge his information. Miyagi might become upset, after all.

"…I did something… something big… that's got me really worried and worked up… I feel anxious and nervous and even a little frightened…" Shinobu whispered. "…And I'm afraid of how my decision will affect my life and my relationship."

"What decision was that?" Miyagi asked, pressed his nose to Shinobu's bare shoulder as he let the coat drop to the floor and began working his hands along the boy's thighs and hips.

"I got a job…"

Miyagi froze, eyes widening.

"…A… job?"

Shinobu sensed his lover's hesitance and shock and he made eye contact, frowning. "…Miyagi…?"

"What kind of job?" Miyagi switched gears, quickly. "Are you excited?!"

But his initial and more sincere reaction didn't escape Shinobu, who frowned. "…Miyagi… should I not have done that? It's not too late-"

"Don't be ridiculous! If you're doing well in school, then why not take on a job?" Miyagi asked. "I mean, you have to pay your parents back, eventually, so you'd might as well take advantage of any opportunity that comes along, right?"

"…But what about us?" Shinobu asked.

"Nothing has to change… we'll… see each other a little less, but hey, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?!"

"…What you said, earlier…" Shinobu frowned. "Did you mean it? Did you really mean it when you said you thought of me all day, or did you just say that because you wanted to make me feel better?"

Miyagi smiled. "It wasn't the full truth, to be honest."

Shinobu frowned, eyes lowering to the bed.

"The full truth is, I think about you pretty much 95% of the day." Miyagi whispered. "Which makes it very difficult to stay focused, thank you very much."

Shinobu raised his hands to Miyagi's chest, still staring dejectedly at the mattress that separated the two. "…It sounds like you're feeding me lines."

"You're right, it does."

Shinobu let these words register before he glanced up at his lover's face. He saw no signs of hidden ulterior motives and the teasing tone he heard had seemed sincere.

He leaned forward, brushing his nose against Miyagi's as he stared at his eyes, searching for any hesitance what-so-ever. After seeing none, he closed his eyes, tilted his head, and nipped at Miyagi's bottom lip.

A smirk tugged at Miyagi's lips and he shut his eyes as well, reaching up behind Shinobu to grip, gently, but strongly at his hair, his other hand tugging at the boy's boxers as his tongue dueled with his lover's.

Shinobu breathed through his nose, letting a small, muffled moan escape as Miyagi pressed him into the bed and began tracing the boy's jaw line with his tongue.

"Shinobu, have you taken a bath, yet?" Miyagi whispered, pulling back.

"Not yet." Shinobu breathed.

"…Good." Was all Miyagi said as he tugged the boy's boxers down his legs and tossed them, carelessly, across the room.

"Miyagi…" Shinobu reached up and undid the buttons on his lover's shirt. "Why are you dressed up if you didn't work?"

"I had to go out, earlier…" Miyagi whispered, kissing Shinobu right under his ear before trailing kisses down his chest and licking a taut nipple. "Cold, are we?"

"You don't know the half of it." Shinobu whispered. "And no cliché comments about warming me up, please."

"I don't intend to warm you up- I intend to make you sweat."

Shinobu smiled. "Be gentle."

"What's this from Mr. I'm ready anytime, please take me?" Miyagi smirked. "Sore? Run a mile today, or something?"

"Three, actually, but I've got a bruise on my back that hurts."

"Well I said I'd make you sweat, didn't I? You can do all the work."

"As usual."

"Hey, now." Miyagi huffed as he turned Shinobu, gently, inspecting the bruise. "…What happened to you?"

"I got shoved into a locker. It's no big deal."

"Are you being picked on at school?"


"How come? Is it because your classmates are jealous?"

"I'm not being picked on!"

"Because you're smart?" Miyagi whispered, kissing the skin below the bruise.

"I-I said I'm not being picked on!"

"Or is it because you're so good looking?" Miyagi trailed another kiss down Shinobu's lower back as the boy turned from him.

"It wasn't like that!"

"Maybe because you're so adorable." Miyagi whispered, sliding his tongue lower.

"Aaah!" Shinobu cried out, softly, laying down. "Wh-what're you doing? Where are you-?!"

"Relax." Miyagi told his lover. "…I'm just going to spread these and lick this, here-"

"Aaaah!" Shinobu cried out again, gripping at the sheets beneath his clenched fingers. "Mi-Miyagi… aaah… aaaaah! What's-! AH!!! Aaah…" He started moaning, softly, lowering his head, eyes shut and brows furrowed with sexual frustration.

Miyagi pulled back with a smirk. "Shinobu, it doesn't matter where I put my tongue, you're delicious all over."

"Pervert…" Shinobu whispered, panting, still. "Come take me…"

"You sure you don't want me to lick you anywhere else?" Miyagi smirked.

"If you do, I'll just come without you, again… I want you inside… I want to come with you inside…"

"Why inside?" Miyagi whispered into his lover's ear as he pulled his cock out of his own pants.

"Because… don't make me say it!" Shinobu snapped, annoyed.

"But it's exciting when you become a pervert like me." Shinobu could feel his lover smirking against his ear.

"…I want to feel you come inside me…"

"Say, you've turned red hot, Shinobu." Miyagi snickered. "Even your ears are blushing."

"WHOSE FAULT IS THAT! Just take me already!"

"I can't fuck you on your back, you'll be in pain, so you'll have to ride me until we're both satisfied."

"…" Shinobu inhaled as his lover climbed onto the bed and pulled the teen close.

He hovered over Miyagi's lap, kneeling down, comfortably and reaching back, but wincing.

"I got it." Miyagi whispered, caressing Shinobu's cheek with his hand and kissing him gently before trailing that hand to his lover's lower back, reaching, with his other hand, down to steady his stiff cock. He poked it against Shinobu's hole and Shinobu inhaled, ready for the pain that was sure to come.

"…Shinobu-chin… tell me when." Miyagi whispered, and Shinobu's eyes shot open and he glared, adorably.

"I'm ready, anytime!"

Miyagi laughed at his lover's repeat of the same words he'd used before. Slowly, he slid roughly into his lover, grunting as his cock passed the relaxed, but still tight ring of muscle that seemed to lead to heaven.

"Aaah… you're relaxing, right?" Miyagi whispered, pressing his forehead to Shinobu's clavicle.

"Yes." Shinobu whispered, sliding his hands up Miyagi's chest and resting them on his shoulders. He raised his hips, kissing Miyagi, slipping his tongue over his lover's and dominating the kiss for once. Their lips parted, however, as he slammed back down onto his lover's cock, purposefully tightening his every muscle.

"Aaah…" Miyagi moaned, softly, groaning his lover's name as he grabbed his waist. "Shinobu…"

"Miyagi…" Shinobu breathed as he continued riding his lover.

Their labored breathing turned into desperate gasps and soft moans, whimpers of pleasure and longing.

Shinobu felt his climax coming, so he wrapped his arms tighter around Miyagi and buried his face in the crook of his lover's neck, muffling his own pleasured cries as he came, the feeling of his lover's seed filling him sent him over the edge.

He listened, happily, as his lover voiced his name passionately into his ear.

They both calmed down, holding tightly onto one another.

Shinobu knew that Miyagi would ask to see his face after such a pleasurable exertion, so he struggled to calm himself, both physically and mentally. The thought of flushing constantly in front of his lover embarrassed him; he wanted his lover to see all of his best faces.

Though to Miyagi… perhaps his flushed, pleasured face was his best face?

Who knew what went on in that pervert's mind anyway?

But Miyagi didn't ask to see his lover's face, instead, he simply loosened his hold on the teen, bringing one hand up the boy's back so he could weave his fingers into his hair, the other hand rubbed his lower back, gently.

"I love you, Shinobu."

So much for fighting off the blush.

"I love you, too, Miyagi." Shinobu rested his head on his lover's shoulder, tiredly.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Miyagi sighed, softly.

"Let's take a bath."

"…Okay." Shinobu replied, but he made no attempt at moving. He was perfectly content, if not thoroughly satisfied, and he had no intentions of moving unless forced.

Realizing this, Miyagi chuckled, softly. "Shinobu-chin… are you tired?"

"Not from that." Shinobu assured him with a small huff. "…I just want to stay with you… like this… for a little longer…" He raised his hips, letting his lover's limp cock slide out of him.

"Who's the real pervert?" Miyagi smirked.

"I'm not!" Shinobu huffed. "I'm a… romantic."

"A hopeless romantic." Miyagi smiled.

"…If you have any issues with me working… tell me, now." Shinobu whispered.

"I'll have issues if you over exert yourself outside of bed."

"…You're really a pervert." Shinobu sighed. "…Promise."

"I promise. You, too. But don't quit because you're not seeing your lover enough. There isn't a real man out there that would quit because of something so stupid."

"I think there're more than you think." Shinobu huffed. "But I won't. If school suffers, or if I feel overly bombarded, I'll cut back or quit… but you really have to mean it when you tell me you're okay with it."

"No I don't." Miyagi snapped. "It's not about what I want or how I feel about it, Shinobu. It's your life- have more self-confidence, especially when it comes to your own choices."

"…" Shinobu nodded, frowning.

Miyagi sighed, patting his head. "Hey. Let's take a shower. I'll wash your back, tenderly."

"You said a bath. You promised!"

"I didn't promised! I slipped up- I meant to say shower!"

"You said a bath!"

"FINE! We'll take a damn bath! But you have to wash my back, too!"

"I will…" Shinobu peeled away from his lover and headed into the bathroom. "…Then… can I borrow some clothes?"

"Yeah." Miyagi stretched.

"Thanks… I'll get it ready."


"Mm?" Shinobu glanced over his shoulder.

"…If anything ever gets to be too much… regardless of what I said just now about making your own decisions… know this: …I will ALWAYS be here for you. You can ask me about anything you want, talk to me, I'll listen."

"…" Shinobu didn't smile, but the change of color in his face and his eyes told Miyagi how happy he was to have heard that. "Baka." He huffed, heading into the bathroom.

Miyagi smirked before calling out: "Oh, and Shinobu~! I do expect you to do the same- I shall unravel the tale of my day, and, in fact, I shall reveal all of my lifelong woes unto you, as well!"

"Please don't."

"Startiiiiing…. NOW! Once upon a time-"

"You are such a dick."

"I want bubbles in the bath, okay?"

"Gugh… sometimes when I think of our age difference, I get confused on who's older…" Shinobu muttered from inside the bathroom.

"What was that?" Miyagi called as he grabbed some towels.

"…I said… clean my shoulders, too."

"Of course!"

Chapter 1--[END]

Adults Don't Break Down–False.

AN: So there you go. Next chapter, Miyagi confronts his own feelings on his lover's growing independence. May take a while to update- busy busy busy!