At a quarter to seven on a Saturday morning, a security camera spotted a lone figure darting through the few cars in the car park, on its way to the mall doors. When the automatic glass doors failed to open, the figure fished out a pair of limited edition diamond encrusted nail scissors from a small clutch bag, and began to file a hole in the glass, just big enough for its petite size six figure to squeeze through. When this was done, the figure rushed inside, forgetting the presence of security cameras, in her rush for that new Gucci coat.
Honestly, I knew I couldn't count on Jasper to understand. Sure, war, hunting general vampire things were important, but this, this is HUGE! I was just harmlessly googling Gok Wan's top fashion tips for November08, when my eyes fell upon, a GORGEOUS black jacket made by Gucci, which Gok declared to be a must-have buy for this season! I could just see it on me now, the soft fabric swishing round my hips as walked down the street on a Saturday night peering over my huge sunglasses at the jealous women pouring out of the clubs and bars on the high street. Yes, I HAD to have this jacket.
But it was impossible to know, if some horrendous, six-foot fashion conscious size six was going to make an impulse decision to walk past and buy the ONLY jacket left in my size??? I could NOT let that happen. Why couldn't Jasper see that? Honestly, even the usual threat of BarryM dazzle dust sprinkled all over his clothes didn't work. He just sat there rubbing his forehead, looking as if he'd heard this story waay to many times in the past. (Which was TOTALLY untrue, I've only forced him to break into stores before opening times about 18 times before, seriously, what's the big deal?)
"Alice, I just can't do this every season, for the new must have item. The cops in this town must think I'm some sort of cross dresser, the amount of times I've been arrested holding a little black dress, or the limited edition yellow thong from la senza. I am NOT going through that again!"
Some people simply don't know the necessity of a new jacket.
Which is why I'm tiptoeing through the mall, three hours before opening time by myself. For the first time, ever. Its quite exhilarating really, not to mention the great window shopping that an be done, without people permanently blocking my view. I should do this more often. I'm beginning to think Jasper's just holding me back. It was his 'war & waiting' skills that got us caught that time when I wanted those chandelier earrings from Bloomingdale's (I still get a tear in my eye when I see people wearing those).
I'm approaching the shop now, and if my heart still beat, it would be hammering away now….I can see the coat, pick out its exquisite embroidery, and shiny buttons, and it's size six label, and a hand reaching out and grabbing it. Wait, a hand?! NO WAY has someone sneaked in before me and got that! Damn, I knew I shouldn't have stopped to check out the new topshop collection, but seriously, If Bella wont take expensive gifts, I at least have to dress her nicely in high street fashion! I can see the silhouette of the person who stole MY coat. Wait, they are SO not a size six. God, size 18 would be generous with those shoulders. And that haircut, its practically shaved! You'd think, with a muscled figure like that, a woman would at least have decent hair! But it CAN'T be a man. I mean, sure they might be wearing a security guard's outfit, but I can see the pink lace thong poking out. And why on EARTH would you wear a terracotta ra-ra skirt over trousers? That's not even IN this season.
The figure turned round, and I reached my hand up to slap this, this THING who dared buy my jacket when I suddenly noticed…
"EMMET?!! What are you doing here?!"