Chapter 1

Stupid Network

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Megaman universe

"Lan...Lan...LAN!" A voice screamed in a child's room.

"AHHH!" Screamed a brown haired boy as he fell out of his bed.

"About damn time you woke up I've ben yelling for five minuets." said the voice coming from his room again.

"Well I was having a was awesome so leave me alone." The boy said

"Well good for you, by the way you are late...again" The voice said sounding a tad annoyed.

"Shit...that could be bad...I hope I don't get detention."Said the boy as he picked up a small device with a screen on it. The screen turned on and there was a boy about his size in the screen.

"Lan you always do, that is why we don't stay up all night on the net when everyone else goes to sleep." the boy on the screen said.

"Hey don't you...your mom!" Lan said feeling intelligent on that comeback.

"My mom is your mom...dumbass." Megaman said rolling his eyes, it had been the hundredth time he had heard that come back, it didn't accomplish it's goal on the first try and it made him die a little inside every time Lan tried it.

"Your just jealous you aren't as smart as me." Lan said feeling victory.

"Yeah...sure why not, just get dressed and get to school genius." Megaman said not wanting this to go the way it inevitable always does...yo' mama jokes.

Lan got dressed and tried his hardest to sneak past his mother who was bitching about the oven not working...and when mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy, so Lan made it to the door slipped his shoes on that also had wheels in case he needed to run. He walked outside and saw his next door neighbor waiting for him.

"So you slept late again eh?" a pink haired girl said.

"Mayl if you complain everyday about me waking up late why do you wait?" Lan asked.

"It's obvious isn't it?" Mayl said blushing.

" I can see if we were going out or something...but come on what are the chances of that happening!" Lan said laughing as Megaman just put his head in his hand and then shake his head.

"Yeah...that would be silly." Mayl said feeling a little upset...for obvious reasons.

"Well let's get walking." Lan said as they started walking down the sidewalk twords school.

Lan is in fifth grade he is a lazy bum who is late to school everyday and never does his homework. Megaman his net navi is almost the exact opposite he is active and tries to get Lan to do work, but as you have seen it never works. Lan's dad is never home he is always doing research on unspecified things involving programs and the net. Lan's mom stays home and does house work and cooks...pretty much all you need to know about her. Mayl, Lan's best friend has an obvious crush on him but him being a complete idiot is oblivious to it. She also has a net navi it is a girl wearing a pink outfit named roll who likes Megaman, but unlike Lan he realizes it and acknowledges it.

"Hey Mega how long do you think it will take for dodo up there to finally realize what Mayl is getting at?" Roll asked on a private link that the humans can't hear.

"Well...I've still got a bet on six years but hey it could be even longer." Megaman said frustrated at his operators idiocy.


"Hey moron you've got mail." Megaman said.

"Open it then." Lan said.

"It is from Yai. It says don't worry I covered for you during attendance." Megaman read out loud.

"O.K. then we had better hurry because despite our teacher being incompetent to a lot of things I'm pretty sure she can tell my voice apart from a toddler's" Lan said as Mayl and him rushed on.

When they arrived everybody was standing up and walking around.

"Good she hasn't showed up yet, guess I got lucky this morning." Lan thought.

He walked around and talked to random people who seem to say most of the same things their entire lives until he cam across Dex a rather large child wearing a green shirt and blue shorts.

"Hey punk I want to battle!" Dex yelled.

"Dex we go through this everyday, you want to battle, the battle starts, megaman beats Gutsman's ass silly, tell me why do you think today will be any different." Lan said annoyed at always being challenged by this challenge.

"Hey yo' what did that brown haired bitch say about me gettin' my ass beat!" Gut's man yelled from inside the device.

"Wow I can never get over the fact that despite how small the P.E.T. something that large can fit in there...but your not very smart so I guess it doesn't take up a lot of memory" Megaman said mocking Gutsman.

"Hey you little blue bitch say that to my face!" Gutsman yelled.

"I just did...and I pretty much do everyday and you have yet to shut me up." Megaman smirked.

"That's it netbattle time!" Dex yelled.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

"Damn, just wait till after class." Dex said as he got in his seat.

"Right" Lan said as he got in his seat as their teacher Mrs. Mari walked in.

"Lan you were late, do you really think I can't tell your voice apart from the tiniest girl in class?"She asked.

"I was hoping you couldn't but hey what can I say I tried." Lan said.

"I just hope we never have to rely on you to save the world or anything." She said.

"Yeah you guy's would be screwed, especially if I had to do it more than once." Lan said as the entire class laughed.

"You are right, was a silly thing to say...what was I talking about?" Mrs. Mari said clueless.

"You were talking about what a good student I am and how I turned in my homework yesterday and you gave mew an A on it." Lan said.

"Yeah...that seems right." She said as she turned to the board and started the lesson.

"How does that always work?" Megaman asked.

"I don't know but hey it does so why not abuse her kindness." Lan said.

"Alright everyone now for no real purpose I want you guys to say your name and something interesting about yourself." Mrs. Mari said.

"My name is Yai and I am the richest one here." said the girl the size of a five year old with an enormous forehead said.

"My name is Mayl and I would say to some people I am a loyal person who would never cheat on you or make you feel bad." Mayl said.

"My name is Dex and I am the strongest netbattler here." He said as the entire class laughed.

"My name is Lan and I AM the strongest netbattler here also I can never understand what the hell Mayl is talking about." Lan said.

"Well that is everyone who matters, the rest of fail because you aren't important enough to have names. Mrs. Mari said.

"Well does that mean we can leave now?" Lan said.

"After you take the test." She said.

"Damn it." Lan said.

"Now everyone jack into you desk." she said.

"Your just lucky no one from long ago is here or they would totally be freaked out by what you just said." Lan chuckled.

Inside the school network there was a large bulking navi hunched over, one sophisticated one with what looked like blades coming out of his shoulders, Roll, Megaman, and a lot of others who didn't have distinguishing features.

"O.K. class we test you virus busting skills." Mrs. Mari said.

"Why...I mean we now I'm the best so can I just leave?" Megaman asked.

"NO NOW FIGHT!" She screamed as Megaman was put in a place made of tiles where he saw a small creature with a hard hat on

"Mettaur" it said.

"What is this thing some sort of Pokemon with a pick axe?" Megaman asked.

"No that would be scarier than hell. But pick up you cannon A chip." She said.

"Can't I just pick all of my chips and unleash holy war on this thing?" Megaman asked.

"No only Officials can do that." she said.

"But those guys are the most incompetent morons on the planet, when there is a problem they show up to help but only make it worse and they only have generic navis." Lan screamed outside.

"Just do it you little bastard." Mrs. Mari screamed.

"Geeze what a bitch" Lan said putting in the Cannon A chip. Which Megaman used and killed the Mettaur in one shot.

"Good, now only 99 of those things left." Mrs. Mari said.

"DAMN!" Lan screamed.

8 hours later.

"Lan how did you finish so quickly?" Mayl said as they walked home.

"Because Mayl I kick ass" Lan said full of himself.

"Don't you mean I kick ass?" Megaman said.

"Ah, your just a program who never existed until dad created you" Lan said.

"Yeah...sure, I never existed...asshole." Megaman said.

"But that test got grueling, I mean when am I ever going to need to know how to fight an elemental virus, a giant wold like dog thing, the internet its self, a giant robot hell bent on blowing up earth with a meteor, a demon program, and some ancient cyber beasts. Really when am I ever going to need that?" Lan said.

"Who knows" Mayl said.

"Well here we are at my house...the only thing keeping me sane is that I know today can't get any worse...let alone change the course of my life forever." Lan said chuckling.

"Yeah that is a safe bet." Mayl said as she leaned in for a kiss.

"Well later." Lan said as he went inside and shut the door.

"Sigh out of all the boys that I could live next to, I get the dumbest." Mayl said as she walked into her own house.

Meanwhile in a darkened room.

"Finally I will have my vengeance on this world!" an old man yelled.

"How are you going to do that sir?" a man with a Jacket that has lights on it said.

"The only way I know how by committing seemingly petty random acts of cyber and real terrorism in order to get the four element programs in order to create my ultimate weapon." The old man said.

"Great plan Boss!" a lady with pink hair said.

"Yes and no man, woman, or child of my mortal enemy can stop me. MWUHAHAHAHAHA!" the old man laughed.

"Great!" said the girl with the pink hair.

"Coincidently the first program lies in my mortal enemies house so I sent Mr. Match to take care of them." He said.

"Oh is he going to kill them?" the glowing guy asked.

"Better." The old man said.

"Kidnap their child!" the girl with the pink hair said.

"Even better." the old man said.

"What could be better than kidnap and murder?" The glowing dude asked.

"He is going to go undercover and ack like he is going fix their oven, get the program and then light the oven on fire!" the old man finally burst with excitement.

"...Wow when you said random acts of terrorism you weren't joking" The glowing guy said again.

"And nothing could go wrong, it is flawless. Absolutely nothing anyone who lives there can do. Not even the child that lives there, he could never do anything to harm my operation. MWUHAHAHAHAHA!" The old man laughed.


Well after a few years of writing Silent Hill stuff I figured something different couldn't hurt, the first chapter isn't very good but it will get better as it goes. But will this oven fire really be enough to stop Lan and Megaman? No probably not but hey it is still rather suspenseful right...right. Point taken anyway please review and tell me what you thought.