Disclaimer: I Own A lot more stuff than I did when I started this fic. But still no Harry Potter. Or Cake. I wish I had a birthday cake, just once… a day. Mwahahaha!
A/N: Well. I was browsing some honks fiction, and came across a pretty funny, but raw story. As I read, It seemed AWFULLY familiar… OH! CAUSE I WROTE IT! Heh… I'm a bit embarrassed… So, after re-reading it 4 times, and, somehow, finding the plot synopsis I wrote years ago on an old 128mb flash drive, I decided to give it another shot. And, apparently Moody fell through a Plot hole, must have eaten an Albus' beard flavored lemon drop… (GROSS!) My writing style may have changed a bit, and, after reading some criticisms, both constructive and not, in the comments, (damn… last time I looked at this story there were like 12 reviews and 5 faves… there are now 80 reviews and 72 faves… damn. Sorry, that It took me 3 years… but at least I am writing again! (That and there are not many good honks parings… well, at least compared to the other ships, anyway.)) Nested Parentheses FTW. Anyway, back to the critics. I will fix the moody plot hole, without changing the previous chapters… enough padding my wordcount, onto the story!
Harry Potter and the Truth of Prophesy
Chapter 10: Gutterminds! And Bibles!
June 24, 1996, Caesar's Palace Hotel and Casino, Harry and Tonks Hotel Room
"Did anyone get the license plate of that lorry?" A slightly disgruntled voice sounded, muffled by many layers of blankets and various… body parts.
"I can't believe you were completely sloshed… for my first time! You passed out 15 minutes in! I'm in pain here, excruciating pain!"
Tonks finally lifts here own arm off of her face, and gives Harry a glare. "I had just lost $2000 bucks on that bet… then that nice bartender took pity on me…"
"First, What is a dollar,anyway, and how did you get drunker than a skunk in 15 minutes, and what do I do about… about… this," Harry asked gesturing to his… Dangly Bits.
With a snort, Tonks casts a sobriety charm on herself, and straddles Harry's waist. "This."
A/N: sorry for an A/N 5 lines in… but this is fanfiction dot net, and, as this is supposedly a "realistic" honks, how else would a harry/tonks sexy fun time scene start? Anyway, Use your imagination to imagine the sex scene, as this is still ff dot net… Also, After this point I will drop the dates and times, as they are no longer as important.
12 Grimauld Place, Headquarters of the order of the flaming… Phoenix.
"Ah, Moody… Lemon Drop?" Inquires Dumbledore, holding a plate of said confection out toward the grizzled auror in question
"No thanks, you know damn well I never eat anything I didn't make meself!"
"Of course. Now, I have a prudent question… where were you the last three times I attempted to contact you throught the medallion?" Asks Dumbledore, twinkle oddly absent from his eyes.
"Having meself a right nice vacation… What, Did the Homunculi I sent in my stead not show?"
Moody could only raise what was left of his eyebrow as Albus Dumbledore, Chief warlock, Headmaster, too many titles and letters to his name to list, fell bodily from his chair in utter surprise. "Homunculi? NO IT DIDN'T SHOW!" Dumbledore roared. "I have had order patrols discreetly combing Little Hangleton for your remains, after Severus reported you captured, yet here you are, right as rain…" At that moment, Moody realized what he thought was a slip up from surprise, was actually a ruse to draw his wand, as the most powerful wizard alive manifested a visible aura of power whilst pointing his wand directly at Alistor's, now pasty white, face. "You will explain. You will eat this lemon drop, as it contains Vertitasirum. And you will answer my questions, or I will cause you to simply cease to exist." At that declaration, Moody carefully claimed a drop from the newly proffered bowl, and ate it with a crunch.
Wand still trained, Dumbledore simply asks, "Are you Alistor, "Mad Eye" Moody?"
Wand slightly lowered, Albus looked at Moody with a bewildered expression. "But you failed the test… I was so sure…" Only to jump a moment later.
"CONSTANT VILIGENCE!" Screamed Moody. "I have been sending homunculi to most of the order meetings. I only show when it is something other than a waste of my time. That, and it's safer if the secret keeper keeps away from a place he is keeping secret."
"Why did you not tell me?" Dumbledore asked as he sat down.
"That would defeat the purpose."
Dumbledore simply placed his head in his hands. "All the preparation to change headquarters… Wasted. At least you are safe… and Voldemort believes you to be in the tender," Albus visibly shudders, "Care of Bellatrix… This could work to our advantage."
Riddle Manor, Not long after
"Bellatrix, Wormtail! BEFORE ME!"
"Damnit. I'm just getting started…" Bellatrix pouts, the expression out of place on her gaunt and sneer lined face. Wormtail is curled into a ball in the corner, sucking his thumb as he stares at the remains of what they believed to be Alistor Moody.
"Come on, you worm! The master Calls! Perhaps he will have a nice book, or a muggle for me to play with. OH! Perhaps he is… Displeased with me…" Bellatrix shudders with delight, while Wormtail, now standing and following Bella toward the center hall of the castle like manor, shudders for a completely different reason.
"Oh, I hope not. Although, Cruciatis induced insanity is looking more appealing all the time…" Sniveled Wormtail, looking about shiftily.
"Hmph. Some Griffindor you are."
"HA! I win! CRUCIO!"
With a start, Bellatrix releases the curse, and skips to the central chamber. Still shuddering, Wormtail smiles with glee as he hears the tearing of a book, and Bellatrix's screams of agony. Realizing he will likely be punished for tardiness, he makes his way into the chamber. Bowing before Voldemort, making sure to kneel on the pages of the Gutenberg Bible spread across the floor, Wormtail says, "You called, Master?"
"Yes, how goes… Oh stop your whining, Bella, I told you this would happen when you next angered me. Anyway," Voldemort rubs his face with his inhumanly long fingered hand. "Ah yes, the progress on Mad Eye." At this, He looks towards Wormtail, "Well?"
"M-Master, He did not know. He was not the secret keeper." Wormtail immediately groveled, to prepare himself for the incoming pain.
"Excellent. Another point to Severus… I had so hoped he was not lying about the secret keeper when he told me it was not Moody, but Dumbledore himself. Although, this does interfere with our plans." Voldemort stroked his chin in contemplation. "Wormtail, Take a group of Death Eaters and pay Potters relatives a visit. No sense in leaving loose ends, eh?"
As Wormtail crawled his way toward the door to the chamber, He screamed in agony immediately after a gleeful yell of "CRUCIO!"
Moments later, Wormtail looks back toward the throne in the center of the room, after Voldemort taps his fingers on the armrest to get Wormtail's attention. "Make it… Slow."
Wormtail clawed his way out of the chamber to Bellatrix's quiet sobs and Voldemort's cackling, evil laughter.
A/N: Well, not as long as i would have liked, but its something. I will try to do at least one chapter a week, but i night do more. no promises, this time, I don't want to further disappoint. I still need a soul, btw.