Yeah, the shinigami have their little 'cups,' but the HUECO MUNDO BOWL is so much better. After all, bowls are bigger than cups. Take that, shinigami! Hueco Mundo pwns Seireitei! Some drabbles/short stories about our favorite, lovable traitors.

{{Note: These short-stories take place in no particular order, so don't be surprised to find a dead character in this fanfict. Just a heads up: OOC!!}}

What's up everyone? Sorry for my half-a-week break; I was reading The Odyssey (UNABRIDGED! But an English Translation) and I was also a little sick. Anyways, hope you enjoy this!

Chapter One: The Blind Man Sees More Than the Fox (Or Does He?) (Nope)

Gin was not doing anything criminal or illegal. No, why would you say that? Honestly... Okay, fine. So he was rearranging the rooms of Las Noches, getting all of Szayel Aporro Granz's fraccion lost in the maze. But it wasn't bad or anything—it was just funny. Besides, Hueco Mundo kinda boring, if you stayed long enough. And Gin wasn't gonna get caught or anything... or was he?

"What are you doing, Ichimaru," Tosen said, sneaking up on Gin.

"What's up, Tosen?" Gin grinned, knowing full well that Tosen was blind—there was no way he could know about the torture of multiple fraccion, right? After all, Tosen never really cared for any arrancar besides Wonderwice.

Tosen stared at the computer screens in front of Gin. "I believe you are disobeying Aizen-sama's orders. Leave those pure and innocent arrancar alone and stop messing with the structure of Las Noches."

Gin's jaw dropped. "What the flip, Tosen?" he asked. First of all, HOW THE HELL DID HE KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING? Isn't this man supposed to be blind? Second, did he just call those arrancar 'pure and innocent?' WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? APRIL FOOLS DAY?

"Flip?" Tosen mused this over. "Pancakes flip."

"My gawd," Gin muttered. "Tosen, how can you see what I'm doing? You're blind, right? Or are you?" Gin hummed the 'Mission Impossible' theme song to himself. Bumbumbedun bumbumbedun be dun... Wait, why am I humming this stupid song? he thought.

"You are correct, Ichimaru. These eyes can see nothing except the path with the least bloodshed." Tosen struck a heroic pose and looked proud, despite the fact that his back was to Gin now.

Gin glanced at the screens. True, there wasn't any blood being shed.

"Oh, Toooosen-saaaan," Gin called in an annoyingly high voice.

"Yes?" he asked warily.

"Take these to Aizen-sama. We had to fill out forms, so I did yours as well." Gin bit back a snicker.

"That was kind of you, Gin. I had not heard anything about any 'forms.'"

"Lemme just put your name on it… then we'll be done."

Gin smirked. He had pulled out a sheet of paper from a drawer, but it was not a form he handed to Tosen—it was a photocopy of one of Rukia's Chappy drawings. Gin had folded it into a card, and on the inside, wrote "Aizen-sama, thank you for creating Wonderwice. I *heart* him. Oh, yeah. I love Justice too. Don't you?" He had also drawn an arrow, labeling one of the bunnies 'Tosen; I LOVE JUSTICE!' and the other 'Gin, my BFF FOR ALL OF ETERNITY.'

Thank goodness Tosen can't read... but wait. How can he do his paperwork then? Gin sighed. He didn't want to know.


Aizen tried not to laugh, but it wasn't working. "Thank you, Tosen. HAHAHA! I adore Wonderwice as well. OHMIGOSH THIS IS HILARIOUS! And I'm glad you and Gin are finally getting along. MY GOD! Where did you get these lovely drawings? I AM GOING TO PISS MY PANTS!"

Tosen was confused. "Excuse me, Aizen-sama?"

But Aizen couldn't answer—he really did piss his pants.

So, what did you think? Kinda short, but was the quality worth it? I'm looking for prompts, and if you review, you get a Chappy drawing that says: '*name* is my BFF for life! Love, Gin." And don't we all want that? You know you do!