A/n: Sorry if this take sooo long. I had really horrible writer's block. But I hope you like this one too. And btw Twilight isn't mine its Stephanie Meyers. Who here has seen New Moon?! Its soooo awesome and amazing! The soundtrack is what I'm obsessing over with…. Esp. the months changing… "there's a possibility…"
Chapter Six
First Sight…
Three weeks had past since Valentine's day, and now everyone at school now knows about Nahuel and I. Basically I have Freya to thanks for that.
After she left me at the studio, she felt bad and turned around to decide to sit and wait for my ride. That's when she saw Nahuel lean to kiss me. Then she decides the most annoying person and the biggest mouth in campus, Ashley.
Freya claimed Ashley should know that the guy that she likes is already taken. So she should back off.
Yes, I'm happy about that but its annoying to be ignored by her on purpose now; unless it has something to do with Edward then she's the nicest person ever.
On the corner of my eye, I saw Nahuel walk in with Mark, Freya's Boyfriend. He waived at me as he started to line up in the cafeteria to get our food. I smiled back at him and then turned around sighing.
I don't know what is wrong with me, I am happy to have someone but at the same time something is missing. I don't understand what it is… I always thought because I was alone—
"You are never alone." I heard a whisper in the loud cafeteria. It was loud enough for me to get annoyed at my telepathic father.
"Careful Edward…" I heard Jasper chuckle.
I turned to look at Jasper, to glare at him. Then I slowly cocked my head sideways to give my father the look of death while he pretends to drink his soda. I was about to say something when Freya purposely, I might add, sit beside me to block my view from him.
"You know sibling rivalry is sooo last season with the two of you. Its not funny anymore." She said.
If I didn't see Edward choke on his drink, which he totally deserves by the way, I would believe she doesn't find it entertaining anymore. Even though it amuses her by how much Edward is so overprotective as if he was my dad.
"Just ignore him, he's just jealous that you did better in your Biology exam." She looked at him then stuck her tongue out, since she and he had the same test result score.
"That could be it." I said though my teeth. Bother someone else and listen in on someone!
I noticed that Freya was still looking at dad, not gawking with admiration like all the girls at our table, but of curiosity. I saw his eyes look at Freya back with the same curiosity then looked away to start talking to Christina.
She shakes her head and then looks back at me, frustration written all over her face. "You're brother is weird."
I raised an eyebrow at her, "Aren't we all?" I giggled.
She frowned at me; she looked like she was thinking about something. She bit her bottom lip, smiled at me and started messing with her salad.
I've only known Freya for two months. But she is so easy to read. And I know that smile all to well, she bites her bottom lips to stop herself from saying anything that might be the truth or just something that your don't want to hear, "What is it?"
She looked up, glanced at Edward then back to me. "I don't know something about him. I mean sure we are only seventeen… but he has this weird vibe. That says he doesn't see girls at all." She frowns again trying to think of a better word to use, "He keeps to himself mostly."
I tried to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing, "Yeah he keeps to himself." I said calmly. But there was bit sadness to my voice; thank god Freya didn't catch it.
She then started babbling, that if I wasn't half immortal I wouldn't catch on it, "I mean there are a lot of girls and I mean a lot that'sinterested in him. But it seems like he's dense towards their gawking on him. But he treats them, like he's not interested at all. I'm thinking though, there is this girl in my advance journalism class that he might like." She paused, "For a seventeen year old he acts as if he found the love of his life, his soul mate, and his life… and then lost her."
I could feel my father's eyes were on Freya. I leaned in a little bit to look at his face. He didn't look mad but more like interested and a glimpse of disbelief…?
I was about to ask her what she was thinking when Mark squeezed between me and Freya gave her a big kiss on the cheek. "Hey Baby!" she whispered to him. And that same second I'm sure she had forgotten what she was thinking about.
And that same second I lost the train of my thoughts, which isn't normal for vampires, when Nahuel wrapped his arms around my shoulder and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Did Freya torture you?" he asked as he rested his forehead to mine.
"Ahem." Dad cleared his throat as I was about to lean to kiss Nahuel.
"Oh shut up Edward!" Christina hissed at him as she threw a plastic fork into his chest, while Freya threw a piece of brownie at him.
"Yep," he smiled as I showed him an image of me kissing him softly on his lips. He leaned away from me just enough so I wouldn't be able to kiss him. He ran his hands on my arm and then linked his fingers into mine.
I smiled back at him, before he started to go into deep conversation with Mark about their project for English. That's when I took a glimpse at my father; he was looking at Ashley pretending to pay attention to what ever she was saying. But I know him too well, he was looking right though her into the horizon. He's not listening on anyone, he's just drifting empty, hallow and eternal sadness written all over his façade. Just how he acts when he thinks I'm not looking.
But tonight, nothing mattered at all. All I wanted to do was dance. I will just dance all my worries about my lonely father, my confusion about my feelings for everything.
"Alright just give me a call when you're done…" Nahuel said as he pulled up to the curb in front of the building.
I rolled my eyes; I didn't really know why I need to be coffered all the time now. Ever since my car got fixed, I never got to drive it because Nahuel has been driving me everywhere. Or shall I say insisted to drive me everywhere, like it was necessary.
"Or I could have driven myself here, and then you won't have to go out of your way."
He flashed me a smile of guilt, and then it disappeared turning into one of his seductive smiles, "You are never out of my way." He tucked me hair that was stubborn to stay into a bun, into my ear.
I raised an eyebrow, testing him. "Or just tell Edward to leave me alone."
He shook his head as he sighed, "He's your dad."
I knew it! When I saw him smile, I knew he heard me. I knew it was all his doing. The overly protective security, I don't know what's wrong with him these days, like I don't know the fact that he keeps tabs on me by asking Alice to look around me. Sure, Alice can't keep tabs on me tabs on me when I'm with Nahuel since we both disappear. That means he trusts Nahuel at least.
"Why do I need this much protection? You're half-immortal too."
He grinned, "I lived in the forests for about a century. While you are a spoiled little princess…" he said sweetly.
I glowered at him. "Do you think I'll still kiss you after saying that?" I said, annoyed, when I saw him leaning towards me.
He smiled his beautiful smile, "A guy can only dream."
If I was really angry with him, they isn't anyway he can just lean in that easily without a fight. But when his hands touched my face, I felt comforted and as if I was longing for his warm touch and not his hands. If that makes any sense… with that I had another headache.
"Hey, this is a public place—eww!" Freya tapped on the passenger window, making gagging noises. She stuck he tongue out at us and then ran inside.
"Either way, still call me when your done." He said as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Sure, sure." I rolled my eyes at him, as I pulled his shirt to give him a quick kiss on the lip, before I jumped out of the car.
I'm going to have a small talk with Edward. And with that I saw myself yelling or just getting in the car with dad. Alice will tell him.
I went in the room that was in the far corner of the building. It was one of the smaller rooms I heard. But when I went in the room… I still found it huge.
I've joined ballet classes for the past decade, but since we never really stay in bigger cities like these… the only time that I had to go to a ballet studio as huge as this one was when I was rehearsing for Broadway two years ago. That's how my name came about in the society of ballet. After that show that I only did once, I have gotten a lot of letters from different academies in the US and as well in Europe. But for some odd reason Buffalo really attracted to me, plus the fact that the weather up here too can be good for vampires, so it's good.
I looked up and saw Freya waiving at me, there was three people with her. One guy was looking at me, the other guy sat on the floor talking to the other girl. Who was trying to put her hair into a bun, Freya told me that there are six of us, so I get to meet one more girl.
"Why Hello there," one of the guys said as he walked up to me with his hands up ready to shake my hand. He was tall, lean very bright blue eyes and short brown hair. He was smiling flirtatiously at me.
"She's not interested Derek. She probably has a soul mate now." The other guy said looking at his nails while sitting on the floor leaning on the mirror, clearly uninterested. When he looked at me, I was stunned to see almost the exact replica as Derek except he had blonde hair, "You're Nessie Cullen I assume. Don't mind my flirtatious twin there, I'm Drew."
"No shit you're her?" a girl with really shinny ebony hair, started gawking at me. Her big brown eyes were shinning with interest.
On the corner of my eye, I saw Freya mouth at me "He's gay…"
Drew sighs as he stands up to look at the other girl to block her view from gawking at me. "Watch your tongue Mandy, Be graceful." Then he glares at Freya, "The term more accepted in society is homosexual."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't have to twist your panties in a notch." Mandy laughed as she finally got her long hair into a bun.
"I'm sure they are prettier than yours." Drew said calmly as he stood beside me smiling.
Derek made a gagging noise and looked at Drew, "Look I may have accepted your girly ways, but I don't need to hear it—"
"Oh my god!" a girl all a sudden ran up beside me jumping as she held Drew's arm, giggling annoyingly.
Girls usually don't bother me when they turn into loud annoying giggling girls, but when they are that close…It actually bothers me. I actually moved a bit farther from her, Freya snickered when she saw me. And mouthed "Sorry"
"You—have—no—idea—." She said in between breaths.
"Spit it out quickly Freya." Mandy said, she seemed uninterested as If she knows what the girl was about to say.
"Well one of the Night boys said hi to me…" Laura squeaked as she squeezed Drew's arm. "Blake…" she breathed as if it was hard to say his name.
"Yum, yum. That boy is fine, well both of them are." Drew agreed as he leaned backwards to look at the fine boys. "The girls are gorgeous as well. I would definitely turn straight for them." Then he looked at his twin who was glaring at him, "Or I can ask them their beauty secrets so I can be as gorgeous as they are…"
Derek groaned and turned away from the group, gripped on the ballet rail. "God I need new friends…" he mumbled to himself as he started to do some leg warm ups.
Drew and Laura started mumbling to each other, but I was too preoccupied to watching the four people on the far corner of the room. I was too mesmerized by them that I couldn't even move. My heart started beating so fast that the noise of the room was muted that the only sound I can hear is my heart beating against my ears.
That's when I realized that I saw them before, they were the same people I saw three weeks ago… in front of the ballet dorms. The two girls were playfully dancing the salsa while their boyfriends were staring at them…but I was more nervous about the fact that they are too graceful for normal teenagers.
Their grace comes with their wisdom, time and the way they are made—vampires.
That's when it hit me; they are the reason why I've always been with someone. I'm sure, no positive that they are golden-eye vampires as well. But I'm sure these are the vampires Alice saw…
But for some odd reason, my eyes were still searching, and hoping. Then I found her, that same girl that completely put me in awe. She had her headphones on and her music was blasted so loudly in her ear that I could hear it myself. Claire de Lune…
She was dancing to the tune of her music gracefully, her arms moved beautifully, her long brown waives swayed with her movements perfectly.
I wasn't the only one who completely amazed by her, a few of the kids stared at her too. So when Freya stood beside me, I couldn't help but ask. "Who are they?"
Freya grinned, "They are the Nights… They are also the senior level kids… its pretty obvious." She said. "Those two, who have red hair, they are the actual Nights… Claire and Blake, they are twins." She pointed out.
I looked at them closely, I didn't know if they were actual twins… or kind of how Jasper and Rosalie were twins. But they actually do look a lot a like, so I might actually believe they are twins.
"The other two, that's Luke Kurt, and Alyssa Turner."
I didn't really look at them, I was still looking at that other girl who was now sitting on the ground leaning on the mirror.
"What about her?"
"That's Bella Swan…" Freya said
I turned to look at her too fast that it surprised Freya a bit. "Bella?" I couldn't breath her name… or even say it. Is it really true? If her name is right, that means… I could feel my heart stop beating and then beating faster than it had been a few seconds ago.
She shook her head laughing, "I said Ella, I mean sure she could be a Bella. Kinda like your Nessie instead of Renesmee… but I don't know. I know her name is Ella, since she's in my Journalism class."
My eyes widen, "Wait, she goes to our school?"
She just looked at me as if I was crazy, "Yeah, they do. The twins, Alyssa and Luke are a year a head of us… so they are graduating this year, which means they can immediately go in the company." She frowned, "But I'm sure they can go to the company if they wanted to. They just all by the rules."
I didn't listen to her, I was too preoccupied by the fact that they go to their school and I didn't even know about it. She started saying that she has one class with Luke and Alice as well. That even got me more mad… because Alice knows… she knows and she never told me.
"Are you alright?" Freya asked worriedly, that's when I realized that I was hyperventilating. Its not normal for us… but right now I needed to breath. I was too mad, confused too many emotions.
"Yeah, I am, I just need to sit." And with that I sat on the ground too quickly again. There was a thud. But the room was too loud for Freya to hear. That's when I saw Ella look at me. Her golden eyes locked into my brown eyes…
I wanted to get out of this small womb, I wanted to see her face… the face of the beautiful creature that could love someone like me. The beautiful voice that keeps talking to me… the one I love even though I didn't know what love means. I was about to claw my way out, until I felt really cold hands taking me out of the dark womb. That's when I saw her, she looks beautiful despite her state. Her big brown eyes looked exhausted, but at the same time to finally happy to see me. She smiled and uttered the words I would never forget… "Renesmee" she whispered, "So… beautiful."
I was still staring at her, while she was staring at me. She looked confused and then that same second she looked away to look at her friends.
I finally looked away, into Freya's worried gaze. I smiled at her, and she smiled back, relieved that I was alright. But I wasn't… I didn't know why all of a sudden I had the memory that I had been trying to keep out of my mind for years. But there was something about her… something that I couldn't talk to anyone about. Because… if he finds out. He will be shattered to know that there is someone out there that looks almost like her….
Who is she?!
A/n sorry guys if this took sooo long. But i hope you like it... :)