The punch was beautiful, as near perfect an attack as Sheppard could have hoped for. It was almost as if the tightly balled fist was mounted on a pneumatic piston as it snapped forward with speed, force, precision and rage he would never have thought possible, watching as the solid hammer of flesh and bone slammed into Kavanagh's face.

With his adrenaline running high, Sheppard's wide eyes drank in every last detail despite the blinding speed, seeing Kavanagh's eyes roll upwards almost instantly. His glasses dislodged as the amazing blow mashed into his bony cheek, forcing what little flesh there was to spread outwards. The feeling of elation and adrenaline fuelled triumph surging through his veins was fantastic. It was almost as if a new art form had been born before his eyes.

The unconscious scientist toppled backwards, his body completely limp. It was plainly obvious the scientist was out cold before his knees had even buckled, and the surprisingly loud thud of his skull meeting the metal plating of Daedalus' hangar deck suggested he wouldn't be waking up for a while.

"Oh my God!! Why the hell didn't you tell me punching people hurt so much?" McKay screamed, almost bent double as he clutched his throbbing hand, his face crimson with pain and shock.

"Rodney – that was incredible! I mean, Bruce Lee would have been proud of that punch, buddy!" Sheppard exclaimed. Behind him, Ronon was grinning inanely, amazed at what he'd seen and knowing he'd been privy to an astronomically rare event – but one vastly more interesting and enjoyable to him than an eclipse or a supernova.

"You know, I think it may be broken." McKay whimpered as Sheppard guided him away from the Puddle Jumper they'd occupied for over a week.

Behind them, Dr Lee stood and stared at Kavanagh's unconscious form, not knowing what to do. Seeing Ronon smile and walk off shaking his head, he shrugged, stepped over the body and followed the other Midway survivors to the medical bay. The longer they went without hearing Kavanagh's voice, the happier they would all be.