Crappy summary: on the night of her birthday Amu fids a dark blue kitten on her doorstep as a birthday present. Find out who gave it to her. AMUTO. Hey this is my first fanfic so go easy on me I don't know how long I' am going to make this so just wait and see. Also I do not own Shugo Chara! If I did Amu and Ikuto would have started going out in the first episode.
Location: Hinamori Residence
"Ah I'm so bored!" exclaimed Amu. It was her birthday and she had already opened her presents and was already visited by the guardians. Now she was laying on her bed barely listening to her chara's yell about her new gifts. She had gotten pink, blue, green, and yellow soccer ball from Kukai( in my story it's the original guardians;) ); a beautiful Japanese fan from Nadeshiko; a so called "years supply of candy" from Yaya; and very ironically, a pair of pink pompoms from Tadase (he told her he liked Amulet heart before but she thought he was joking 3) who she now for some strange reason that she does not know calls "kiddy king" but not to his face though. She felt like something was missing. Then the doorbell rang.
"Who would be here so late?" her parents had gone on a business trip a few hours ago and took Ami with them. When she opened the door there in a small basket was a sleeping dark blue kitten she picked up the card that was attached and it read: Happy Birthday Amu enjoy your present. His name is Aoi.
"I wonder who sent this?" as she took the sleeping kitten to her room Ran, Miki, Suu, and Dia stared in awe at the little blue ball.
"Ah Amu-chan where did you get it?" asked all four in unison.
"Someone left it at the door as a birthday present for me." She replied.
"Who left it Amu-chan desu?" asked Suu.
"I don't know the card didn't say." She said. She put the little kitten down and it woke up. Jumping to her and purring she then noticed that the kitten reminded her of someone but she couldn't put her finger on whom.
She then changed into her pajamas then went to sleep with the kitten lying right next to her. When she woke up she noticed that the little cat was still sleeping in her arms then she realized something what was she going to name the thing the card said Aoi she might as well call it that.
She had to run to school again she just couldn't wake up on time and ended up making it just on time to class without getting in trouble.
After School; Location: Royal Gardens
Later there was a guardian meeting and she was surprised when she saw the guardians gathering around the small blue/black kitten she had gotten for her birthday. When she got to the table she spoke to the guardians.
"He guys what's Aoi doing here?" she asked.
"Amu-chii this kitty is yours?!" asked Yaya.
"Yeah, I don't know how it got here, though maybe it followed me like how Ik-"she suddenly stopped when her mouth was covered by her charas who knew she was about to say something she didn't want the guardians to know.
"What was that Hinamori-san?" Tadase asked.
"Oh nothing Hotori-kun" she replied when she stated calling him that she didn't know, but every time she did he flinched a little.
"Ehh when did Amu-chii get a kitty?" she proclaimed.
"Someone left it for me on my birthday after you guys left," she said.
"Oo Amu-chii has an admirer."
"Y-Yaya what are you talking about! Heh heh." She really hoped now one would figure it out before she did.
"Amu-chan I think Yaya-chan is right I think it's Tsuk-"said Nadeshiko before she continued Amu gave her a sign form behind the others telling her not to continue and now Nadeshiko knew, but Amu wasn't totally convinced that it was him. No way Ikuto, the Ikuto would do something so nice for her I mean he was the enemy right and she didn't like him right. They must've noticed that she was spacing out because she noticed that the others were staring at her.
"Hinamori-san is everything alright?" the kiddy king asked (yes from now on Tadase will be known as kiddy king and I shall continue ranting later!!).
"Yah I was just thinking about something it's not important now," she a bit too quickly replied. She just couldn't comprehend why Ikuto would be so nice to her to give her a cat that looked just like him! Jez he is so full of himself, what was he trying to do get her to think of him more than usual. Wait then that means she actually thinks of him in the first place, I can't think of him he's the enemy! Just get all thoughts of him out of your head Amu no more thinking of him ok? No, not ok I can't get him out of my head! Uhh I didn't think I was so hard to forget about him! But I don't think I want to I mean he's so nice to me sometimes and always knows when I need to talk to someone and makes me laugh in the end. Oh god don't tell me I spaced out again!
She looked up and of course the kiddy king and the others were looking at her strangely. Great now for the questions.
"Amu-chan what were you thinking of now it must be important because you've spaced out twice now tell us what it is bothering you," asked Nadeshiko. 'Oh no now what?'
That's all folks now time for ranting. Ha ha you guys probably know where I got Kiddy King from and just to say he must DIE and maybe just maybe if you guys want me to I'll kill him in the end and have Amu and Ikuto make out on top of his dead body (lol hahaha I can't stop laughing tee hee) well please rate and review.