Hey Guys, twilight obsessed fans who read my story, the crazies who think this story "rocks", weridos, normals, boy and girls lolz

I'm the bringer of bad news


I've officially decided to delete this entire story, the not-even-fucking-there-plot, Bella's bitchness, the characters that weren't even supposed to be in here and everything else it just sucks made me decide to do htat

So I'm deleting it


Before u cry or trheathen to tie me to my chair or whatever else lolz

Please take the poll on my profile

Its about this story and what ur guys want'

Should or should not I delete Mason's Girl

(I think I should)


Lolz I'm not going to delete Mason's Girl until I get a couple of chapters on my new story which I have no idea what I'm going to do with it … yea and so to be nice and compensate for Bella's bitchness here is what I have so far of what was going to be Mason's Girl next chapter:

lolz i seriously love the fact tht u guys probably thought this was an acutal chppie lozl but it can be!!! (read at the A/N at the end)

Mason's Girl

Chapter Twenty One: Kissing Miss Bitch A Lot

Bella's POV

I woke up, finally at the time of my choice. It felt good after a whole week of waking up at 5, then getting plucked and other whatnot by Alice. I loved her but seriously I didn't need to be waked up at a God awful hour to get "hot-ified" Alice's words not mine, and then end up getting ugly again at the end of the day.

"Mhmm." I murmured, before flopping over like a pancake and burying my face in my pillow. After a few minutes I felt someone poke me. I ignored it until the hand that was poking me was shaking my shoulder. Then it began to hit my back. Then that person's hand went under my t-shirt and run both their hands over my naked back. Soon I felt someone's lips? Kissing my cheek and work their way down my neck, back up again and finally kiss my lips. My eyes shot open and I jumped up screaming and waving my arms around. I obviously smacked something because whoever was touching me yelled and my hand started to hurt.

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" I whined clutching my hand to my chest.

"Dear god Bella did you have to hit me so damn hard?!" I looked up from my hand and gasped as I saw Edward rubbing the side of his head.

"What are you doing in here?!" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and flopped down on my bed.

"Waking you up." He said as if he was talking to some stupid bimbo. I glared down at him.

"You look hot in those pj's by the way." I looked down and blushed, as I realized I was in a white tank top that had ridden up a bit, and I was wearing green short shorts. I hide myself away in my bed and tried to ignore Edward as best as possible, which was virtually impossible.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked him. He sat down on my bed, a little too close for comfort. "I'm here on a mission?" I arched an eyebrow.

"A mission? Like…?
"Waking you up." I rolled my eyes.

"Well congratulation, you've done that deed, now leave." He did nothing but lay down on my bed and rest his head on my lap and look up at me with those gorgeous and should be illegal eyes of his. I just wanted to bend down and kiss him, but I resisted that urge and pushed his head off my lap to get up to go to the bathroom.

An hour later I came out showered, combed and fresh. And Edward was still here. He got off the couch and stood in front of with his hand outstretched.

"What?" He smiled and my heart faltered. Blah, stupid heart.

"Come one lets go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room.

"Hey let me go! Go away you frekin kidnapper! Edward!!!" I yelled all the way to the parking lot. He forced me into his silver Volvo and then quickly got into the drivers seat and drove off.

"Edward where are we?" I asked him. He parked between two cars and got out and opened my door for me. I ignored his hand and looked around.

"Wow, the zoo?" He smiled.

Edward's POV

I stared at her from across the room. And all I could think about was boobs, ass, boobs, ass, boobs, ass…..well I think you've got the idea. That blonde today wasn't all that fulfilling, and now I already need another girl.

(A/N: remember how said I was going to do this in Eddie boy's POV well I was kinda going to but then I decided to have a small part instead oh and the Vince thing is this : they broke up it turned out he was going to tell her he was in love with some other bitch and the surcease (ha I used a vocab word!!!lolz) blah blah blah and then "today" is B's b-day and so Alice is throwing her a party obviously so tht's why Ed took her to the zoo to u knw make it a surprise and whatnot and so Bella's longtime besties were entering and so were ex boyfriends oh well and no tht was NOT going ot go anywhere……so sorry u guys


If I have a really like big intervention or whatever u call it for keeping the story I will finish it, and as fast as possible. Cuz to tell u ppls the truth I'm only like 80% sure I want to delete this story and no I refuse to have someone else take over cuz this story is my idea and the thought of someone that's not me writing ugh its like looking at a snake *UGH!!!!* (I absolutely hate snakes) anyway yea………………..


Lolz lets make a deal if u guys can make my #of reviews hit hmm lets say 600 then I swear I will continue MG and never ever say I don't want to or I'm deleting it . lolz