Okay Folks I have some bad news!

My laptop has decided that it no longer wants to charge. I bought a new charger and everything but it seems that the problems is within the laptop itself. That means that I am unable to post anything for you guys until I get it fixed. All my writing is on that stupid thing so I'm kind of stuck right now.

Its killing me not being able to write. Everything I get on here to read something I get sad cause I know that you guys are waiting to read the next chapter of these stories. I'm working on getting it fixed so hold tight! Thanks so much for reading! I'll get this all sorted out as soon as I can!



I might be starting another story on my moms computer just to let the creative juices flow. I have to write or all my brilliantness will go away! I just wanted to know if you guys think I should post this little story I might right? It can be like a filler until I get the laptop up and running. Please let me know if you want to read it! Thanks!