Hey everyone... This is my first attempted post at FanFiction.net but
I've been writing it and posting for over a year now, mostly SM(Sailor Moon)
stuff... But I'd like to branch out some so here's a quick peek at a story
I've started, among others. Please review, I love all kinds of feedback.
Thanks guys!


Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Despite fantasies in opposition to the obvious, I do not
own the universe of The Mummy or The Mummy Returns. I am also rather broke,
lets think carboard box with an internet connection, so suing me would get
you nowhere. Now I do happen to know of some rather rich fanfic writers
out there for your lawyers to investigate... *cough* Ahem, in other words,
standard disclaimers apply.

*Akayla Bay*
Chapter One

Akayla Bay shed few tears as the fire roared before her. She
and her father had said their good byes long ago. One, perhaps two
tears, leaked past her shields of self defense, no more though. In
the desert water was precious, too precious to waste, even on a man as
good as her father. Her tribe, HER tribe, ranged around her, and
around the pyre that sent Ardeth Bay heavenward, for few doubted that
heaven was his destination. Men who saved the world didn't go to
hell. Not that Akayla would have ever known of her father's deeds.
He would have never told her, but other men, just as great, greater,
had made it their business to educate Akayla about her family's
history. Not for pride, there was little pride among her desert
people and that little bit belonged to them all, but of necessity.

The monster had risen twice... He had lain, banished for the
decades that had passed, but should he rise, should any other evil
threaten the world, then it was Akayla's duty to stand in her father's
shoes, to protect the world. Her line, Ardeth's line, was marked by
Fate, for if not greatness, then great deeds. Many wished that she
had been born a man... Ardeth had never been one of those.

He had loved her since her first wailing breath, even if her
birth had killed her delicate mother he had loved her. Had raised her
as his shadow, his fierce untameable shadow. There was little
gentility in a girl who had killed a man when she was eight, a tomb
raider, but a man still. She had ridden before she could walk, run
before she had crawled, and fought before she learned to cry.

She was fierce, fierce as the desert wind, fiercer than the
sun baked sands. Akayla had been raised off of the Nile's waters and
cracked, parched earth. She had thrown her first knife at four, and
drawn her first sword at six. Her bow was her constant companion and
her arm held scars from letting her falcon Thor, a gift from her
father, land without a leather brace. Her cheeks were tattooed and
her hair was a wild mass of curling black that reached mid back. Her
eyes were a gentle brown that hardened and darkened with her rolling

She was not meek, humble, or subdued. There was little of her
people's women in her, there was much of her father. He had not
molded her into an intentional weapon. She had always been the first
to reach for all that she knew, all that made her different, all that
set her apart. Ardeth had never had the heart to deny her. That was
his only fault, his love for her. He knew it, and she had as well.

She had cherished that love, even as it destroyed her future
and ruined his hopes for her. As she grew tall and strong, a warrior
and not a woman, he had mourned the fact that his inability to deny
her had denied Akayla the chance of a family, or a happy life. She
had cherished it because it had made her father human, mortal, and now
he was dead.

She cursed herself for her foolishness as the pyre roared in
the cold night air of Egypt. Akayla Bay bowed her head and wished her
father well. No one comforted her as she turned and walked away, into
the desert, leaving the raging fires to gutter and die unattended even
as they consumed her father. No one dared.