Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this subcategory.


She really wasn't used to it. No – she didn't think she'll ever get used to it. Kira, who's usually the silent and contemplative one, who'd usually be left alone, was now given attention, both undue and not.

And it was partly because of her. Or…was it really…?

He had hidden his identity as the pilot of the legendary Freedom, but had they known so earlier, she knew very well of the positions in the military that would be offered to him. His skills are simply impeccable and his strength, immeasurable. Perhaps, some knew by then who he really was. Add to that that he's the brother of Orb's leader, Cagalli.

But do they know that he's also the one they so-called and feared "ultimate coordinator"? This title, among all that's been associated with him, she knew, was one he didn't approve of. It had caused him much heartache and tears shed at night. It had triggered all his nightmares – all for the sake of doing what is right, or what is taught to him as right. It wasn't long ago since he'd finally snapped out of his seemingly darkened world. It wasn't far from her memories when he'd cry almost silent tears.

His hands were stained with blood…and his heart was left void.

But…all these were of the past. What they had to focus their attentions to was the future. The one thing they tried direly to protect.

She took a deep breath, placing the small piece of paper she stared at on her desk. It was evening then, but outside, she could see by her window how the children and Kira wrestled about. It wasn't long when her eyes met his as he waved to her – a smile on his lips. She waved back and returned the same gesture. But as soon as he looked elsewhere, she felt the same feeling of doubt well up within.

Is he ready?

A thought dashed as her eyes continuously gazed on the man. "Is he ready?" she muttered, this time, voicing that same thought. She was hesitant. This was something…farfetched but she expected it to come. What worried her more was that it would mean one thing…and that was…

'Knock. Knock.'

A bit startled, she calmed herself before standing up and opening the door. And there, he stood, a shy smile plastered on his face. A while ago, he was outside, and now…how engulfed exactly was she on her thoughts not to notice his presence earlier?

"May I come in?" he asked to which he received a nod.

"It's almost time for dinner…" he informed as he went about her room. Lacus gave him the liberty to enter as he pleases but it was part of courtesy that he decided not to exploit it. This was still her room after all and meddling wasn't in his nature.

There wasn't anything striking about it, let alone the presence of something peaceful in its furniture. The room itself smelled of the perfume she wore and it was anything but too feminine in its aura. It was decorated simply, with only handful useful things in place. Perhaps, he thought, this was a far cry from what she was used to back in her home.

In all this, he tried to appear casual…but his eyes were too keen for any detail he didn't know of. One in particular was a piece of folded paper sitting idly by her table.

She was observing him, as what she usually does. And upon seeing his eyes focus on her desk, she knew what he was thinking. Closely behind, she reached for the said paper. His gaze followed as it was met by hers.

Delicately opening it and scanning its contents, she faced him properly and handed the same over to him. At first, he declined to accept as he thought his actions may have been only forcing her but with much assurance, he gave in to his curiosity and took the paper.

It was brief, but she saw his eyes widen a bit. However, he didn't show much of his surprise as his face went back to normal as though nothing was interesting about the letter. Deep down, she knew, like her, he was troubled.

Silence permeated the room as the sole occupants remained as they were. It was only broken by her footsteps…leading her figure towards the window. Leaning, she took another breath, her eyes gazing at the horizon.

"This will be missed." She spoke with a hint of sadness. He looked on at her, the pale moonlight highlighting her features. Taking a few steps towards the nearby table, he placed the paper on its surface.

"Am I…"

He then stared at her.

"…am I ready for this? Will I ever be ready for this? And…"

Glancing at him, she whispered the last lines, "…will we be ready?"

He then approached her still figure, standing right next to her side.

"If this is our destiny - your destiny - and if this is what must be done to ensure that everything we fought hard for will never come to waste…then perhaps, this should be done."

"Kira…" upon the mention of his name, she caressed his cheek, eyes on him. He should know, with all this, her thoughts were always on him. "…I think it's best that you stay here. What they offer is something we both are not sure of."

His features softened upon hearing her voice, though worry was clearly evident in her tone.

Placing an arm over her shoulders, he rested his head over hers.

"You should know what answer I'll give…"

If there was one thing that she was careless of forgetting, it was this: Kira –her Kira - had a mind of his own and was very capable of making his own decisions.

"…wherever you are, Lacus, that's where I'll be."

'An invitation to Plants'

A/N: So, I have been re-watching the episodes of both Seed and Destiny, and felt like I wanted to do something about it. However, I'm not sure whether I should continue this fic or not. I do hope you'll tell me what you feel…this is a little something out of the blue and a slight diversion from my other fic which I am still trying to finish. Regardless, thanks for reading this…and sharing your thoughts? I do hope you do.