A/N: What's this? Another chapter? Yep I've finally found time to continue this

Thank you all my readers and reviewers for encouraging this story along! This chapter is a follow up to the previous one. The next chapter will hopefully answer more of your questions regarding the plot. So stay tuned for that one!

Disclaimer: Don't own VK at all.

"Please," Haruo gestured towards the large bowl. " Eat to your fill and tell me how it tastes. It is my grandmother's old recipe." The dark haired man shifted slightly to get into a more comfortable position, an ounce of arrogance gleamed through his amber eyes as he waited for the compliment to his stew.

The warm savory scent of rabbit stew reached his stomach. For the first time in months since he had been locked away in Kuran's castle, Zero felt the type of hunger that he was appreciative of. He had thought his body had no more need for human food, but it seems that his body still retained some human characteristics. Without anymore hesitation, Zero began to spoon the hot stew into his mouth. It should have been delicious, with the many herbs enhancing the taste of the meat combined with the sweetness of the root vegetables. But somehow, it was lacking.

" It's very good," Zero raised his head to thank the man, only to realize that Haruo had been intently staring at him.

"I knew you would like it. Can you guess the ingredients?" Violet orbs rose to meet the amber ones.

Zero took another spoonful from his steaming bowl of stew, this time carefully sipping it to discern the ingredients. It didn't take but a few seconds for him to guess most of the ingredients as he was the regular in-house chef for Cross and Yuuki. Honestly, how are they feeding themselves at the moment? At the thought of the two people he had ever called family in his life, his throat closed up, unfortunately at the wrong moment.

He began to cough violently again, trying to get the scalding salty liquid out of his airways.

" Zero?" Haruo immediately began to pat him on the back. Zero barely made out the shape of the water pitcher as his eyes teared up.

" Hold on." Haruo reached for the water pitcher and poured Zero a cup. With shaking fingers, Zero drank the liquid, soothing his throat.

" I think this is about the third time you've choked since I've met you for a few hours," Haruo's eyes twinkled in amusement as Zero awkwardly cleared his throat.

" It's your suffocating aura that's what," Zero retorted. It was a feeling that he had thought disappeared along with his humanity. But for the first time in a long time, he felt relaxed enough joke around with strangers.

" My aura had always been comforting to others. Charming, as described by most I'd say," he winked, pushing back the bangs that had hovered over his eyes.

"Perhaps after a drink or so I believe?" Zero smirked. It wouldn't be surprising in the least that Haruo had women after him. The man was the farthest thing from what one would consider unattractive.

" Yes I suppose the coffee does seem to help keep them going throughout the night to keep up with me," Haruo tilted his head arrogantly, eyeing Zero through the corner of his eye.

" Funny that you should have the attitude of a prince, but the attire of a pauper," Zero replied jokingly as he took another sip of water, keeping his eyes on the man to watch his reaction.

For a split second, Zero though he saw the once mirthful amber eyes suddenly darken. It may have just been his imagination or the play of the shadows because Haruo immediately chuckled good naturedly.

" So wonderful to have a chat between us men! Once you're up, we'll go rile up the town bars," Haruo nonchalantly hooked an arm around Zero as if they were old pals.

Zero flinched as the rough cotton of the other male's shirt rubbed against his bare neck. The tattoo burned against his sensitive skin and he immediately dislodged the other man's arm around his neck.

" I don't like to be touched," Zero voiced out flatly, keeping his voice steady as possible even though the right side of his neck tingled.

" Alright my fair maiden," Haruo got up from the bed and stretched. " I suppose its only expected, with you stiff as a marble statue. Saving yourself for someone?"

Zero snorted. As if he were a regular man pining after a woman for whom he desired a future with.

" Perhaps in another life I suppose," Zero turned his attention back to the now cold stew.

" Don't worry, we'll get you a feisty blondie to stir up the fire in you. All hope's not lost now, old boy," Haruo chortled. Suddenly he stopped and turned serious. " Unless you know, something's not quite right with you," he lowered his gaze to Zero's lap.

" I'm as much of a man as you are!" Zero sputtered at the insinuation.

Haruo laughed out loud at Zero's reaction. " I'll hold that statement to you then!"

" I had someone," Zero suddenly blurted out. He didn't know why he did, but he felt as if he needed to expel some of the burdens that have been weighing down his conscious. Haruo, at the moment, seemed like a perfect source. Zero's eyes surveyed the man before him. A simple farmer's boy with no opinionated thoughts or biases.

" Hmm do tell, she must have been quite a woman," Haruo turned his back against Zero as he stirred the rest of the stew within the pot.

" She was indeed," Zero's mind wandered to a certain brunette girl smiling cheekily up at him with kind eyes.

" Where is she now?" Haruo still turned his back to Zero, now flipping some what looked like cookbooks.

" Dead." Strangely enough, Zero had no qualms in stating that now. She might as well have been so, rather than thinking she were in that vampire's arms. He growled at the thought, angry enough that he felt a headiness coming on to him. Since when did these feelings surface again?

" I'm quite sorry to hear that." Haruo turned back towards Zero, tucking the blankets near the man.

He wasn't able to comprehend anything anymore, but the sweet cloudy feeling crowding into his brain, lifting him off to nothingness. Before another thought could register through his mind, he had one thought.

"You…drugged me," Zero managed before darkness took over him. The offender only smiled at him.

" You must get your rest Zero. It's for your own good you know." And Haruo's voice faded away.

After the silver-haired man drifted off, Haruo took the unfinished bowl of stew from the bedside.

" Always incomplete," he muttered as he dumped the rest of the stew into the pot. From the shelf above the fireplace, he picked out a corked bottle he had filled just a moment ago. He uncorked it and proceeded to pour the crimson substance into the stew, stirring it into the stew so that it would melt into the stew. After it had been incorporated, Haruo brought the stirring spoon to his lips to taste the stew.

" Needs some sugar," he smacked his lips and rummaged the shelf, trying to find the small bowl of sugar he had reserved.

A sudden movement from the window sill caught the boy's attention. His sharp golden eagle eyes flickered to the fluttering leaves outside the windows. He did not write it off as his imagination, as the boy had always been wary his entire life。

Haruo poked his head out of the window, surveying the area finding nothing that would be suspicious to the naked eye. He chuckled to himself, deciding it would be better to just close the shutters from view. Who knew what strange happenings occurred during the mysterious night air in these woods?

He turned back to the silver-haired boy sleeping peacefully in his bed. Without another moment's hesitation, Haruo, let the heavy bed curtains fall, shielding both him and Zero.

Aido rubbed his tearing eyes as a yawn escaped his mouth. He had been in the Moon Dorm library for hours. He could almost see the glimpse of sunlight peaking over the horizon, signaling their night is up. He turned his tired eyes back to the miniature text, blurring before him. All for the sake of his beloved dorm leader.

For the past several days, Kaname had been visibly nervous and unsettled. Whether it was more for his sister's condition, or Kiryuu's escape, Aido had been adamant to help mitigate whatever matters troubled the pureblood. Aido himself, could not stand to see another night where Kaname's anxiety resurfaced from his thin mask of nonchalance. Needless to say, it had been painful to watch.

Kiryuu was a lost cause. He might have been picked alive by vultures for all Aido cared. It would have been better if the Level D had simply dissolved to dust. It was the least that he could do for repentance, for the insults he had piled on pureblood royalty.

Yuki on the other hand, was irreplaceable. And so, the pureblood princess must always take priority. From this, Aido deducted that the majority of Kaname's stress rested in his sister's health. Thus, he had been coming to the Moon Dorm library for three days now after class, attempting to find any instance in history similar to Yuki's conditionally.

Groaning, he piled another volume on the last one; the stack of books now at least a foot taller than his head. Yet another useless book. He had contemplated giving up. Turning a pureblood vampire into a human is unheard of. With the status of pureblood being so highly regarded and their numbers dwindling, it was absurd and unholy to turn such a pure being into something mortal and plain.

As impossible as it seemed, Aido was determined to find even an ounce of information that would at least help the poor girl regain her sanity.

" Aido."

Aido jerked around at the familiar voice. The once sculpted handsome visage of the pureblood prince now appeared gaunt in the candlelight. Several buttons of Kaname's shirt were undone at the base of his neck and his slim red tie hung casually around his shoulders. His normally wavy hair now looked scruffy and unkempt. It had seemed that Yuki's condition has taken a toll on the President's health. Aido tried his best to keep from scrunching his nose at the unfamiliar scent that now emanated from Kaname's person.

" Kaname-sama," Aido bowed respectfully below him, keeping his face hidden from the shadows, afraid his reaction would offend the prince.

Although, his appearance was messy, Kaname's eyes were sharp as ever. They scanned through the open pages Aido was reading. From the content, Kaname guessed that it had something related to Yuki's condition.

" Thank you Aido," Kaname rested a hand on the blonde noble's head, showing his appreciation.

Aido could barely contain his excitement. Kaname-sama was praising him! " Of course, Kaname-sama."

" I can see that you have been hard at work, finding a treatment for Yuki. Tell me," Kaname sat down in the chair next to the table. He signaled Aido to get up. "What exactly have you found?"

Flushed, Aido flipped through his notes, his eyes flying through the scribbles he had made from various sources.

" There were several anecdotes of high level vampires poisoned by certain blood transfusions-"

" We're not concerned about any blood exchange," Kaname cut him off. " Next."

" Lord Hayashi from the 6th century recounted an experience where his mother had mysteriously gone mad from-"

" Madam Hayashi was a pen-name referring to the woman who had cared for him as a child, not necessarily blood related. She was a human," Kaname stared at the candle's wax dripping from the staff. He smiled and gestured for Aido to continue.

Aido flipped through some more of his notes, scrambling to find any piece of information that would be useful to present to the Dorm Leader.

" The snakewood plant-" he began hesitantly.

" Is known to cause hallucinations in vampires," Kaname calmly finished.

" Emperor Jyunichi reportedly began feeding his favourite concubine his own blood to-"

" Blood bond," Kaname interrupted. " From your expression, it seems that you were not able to find any source related to the situation at hand, am I right Aido?"

Aido flustered under the calm gaze of the pureblood. He looked away towards the window, unable to meet Kaname's eyes.

" I think it is safe to say," Kaname continued " that this is the first time in history such an unusual case as occurred."

" Kaname-sama, if I could just have some more time-"

" Enough," Kaname held up a hand " I need you to take that time to do something else for me."

"Anything Kaname-sama!"

Kaname leaned forward, the candlelight caught the crimson glint from his eyes.

" Continue your research regarding Zero."

Aido stumbled back. " What why?"

" I have uses for it. Don't question me Hanabusa." With that, Kaname left as abruptly as he appeared, leaving the blonde noble confused.

Kaname stretched his arms over his head. His nightly research had drained him needless to say. But for now, he finally had time to check up on Yuuki.

" Yuki?"

Only the crumpled bed sheets and a motionless body on the ground greeted him.

A/N: I'm interested to see your reactions to the characterization. Your reviews will definitely be helpful in terms of the narration of the story ;)

Have a good day~