"Oh, she didn't tell you. And I thought you were so close…" Lamb smirked at the look on Keith's face. "Maybe you should spend less time trying to straighten out Neptune and more on straightening out your daughter."

Veronica hated you, that much you were sure of, probably Keith too. After all what kind of man used a daughters mistakes to attack a father? Truthfully though you aren't that cold hearted and aside from the satisfaction Keith's angry face gives you, you had more pure intentions. You were worried. Veronica was always running around, putting herself into dangerous situations, getting arrested. Soon something was going to happen that couldn't be solved with her head-tilt or Cliff's legal knowledge. So you throw Veronica's mistakes at her father in spite; it's the only way you know to ensure her safety, even if it doesn't always work.

You can no longer simply tell Keith that you were worried, can no longer sit Veronica down and tell her to be careful, so you do what everyone expected. You act like an ass, make the gorgeous blonde and her hilarious dad hate you even more. All to protect Veronica. You know that although Keith's usually blind to her legal indiscretions, if he knew he would do something about it, and she'd listen. Because for as long as you've known them Veronica has always admired her father.

You respond to a call of a break in, only to discover Veronica kneeling on the floor her eyes wide, staring at the man above her. You step between them and pull her to her feet while slapping handcuffs onto her thin wrists and hate that she no longer flinches from the cold metal. You drag her to the cruiser and duck her head in as she studiously avoids your eyes. You want to tell her off, tell her to be more careful but it's no longer you place.

You lock her up for the night if only to keep her safe. You looked into the guy whose house she'd broken in to. Turns out Johnny Walker has a rap sheet for assault, battery, armed robbery, and domestic disturbance. She glares at you as you walk past and you smirk in return, because she's safe and she can hate you all she wants so long as she's out of harm's way.

You think Sacks has worked it out, then again he probably always knew, after all Sacks is actually a smart and perceptive guy regardless of what the other cops say. You see the gratitude in his eyes when Keith walks out ready to confront his daughter, and when he discovers Veronica asleep in the cells past midnight; because he always had a spot soft for Veronica too, and he realizes what you're trying to do.

You're no longer allowed to hold her in your arms or whisper to Keith the latest trouble she's gotten into, so you settle for what you are allowed to do. You coat your words of worry in spite and spit them at Keith, knowing that he'll take care of things from there. It makes the closest thing to family you've ever had hate you more, but you really don't care because as long as Veronica's safe you'd trade anything.

Note: I am SORRY!! For my terrible lack of updates and stories. Please don't tase me! I hope you liked this. Please read and review. Sorry once again.