Okay, this gets rid of two firsts for me: first Yuffietine, and first Kingdom Hearts fic. It's also the first one I used this style of writing. Anyway, I guess this wouldn't make much sense if you only know Kingdom Hearts, because it has a ton to do with Final Fantasy 7, namely Vincent Valentine. But if you know Final Fantasy 7, it has to do with the fact that Vincent was taken away from the group in Kingdom Hearts.

I was sad he wasn't in Kingdom Hearts, he was one of my favorite characters, Yuffietine (YuffiexVincent) is one of my favorite pairings. So anyway...please read and review!!


Ansem was defeated, and the Hollow Bastion group was complete when Cloud returned. And while conversations were shared and jokes were made, the unusually quiet young ninja simply stared…..at the blood red tattered cape.

It was so familiar….so important…..or was it?

Yuffie really wasn't sure.

All she knew was how wrong it looked on Cloud. It wasn't right, it wasn't his. She wanted to scream and shout, and rip it off of him, because only one person was allowed to wear that cape.

But she didn't….because she wasn't quite sure who that person was, and maybe she was just crazy. And maybe, that person didn't even exist.

The young girl couldn't stop herself from keeping the insignificant (important) cape after Cloud discarded it. It was kept under her bed, and somehow just being near it made her feel so protected.

Somehow, it was important to her…….in some way, shape, or form…..it mattered to her. And somehow, the cape triggered a feeling in her….one only she felt.

The feeling that somehow things had been all twisted and scrambled, mixed and inverted and rearranged into a different order that was scrambled and messed-up and incorrect.

She remembered things.

But really, she didn't.

She had forgotten things.

But truthfully, she hadn't.

There was nothing to remember and nothing to forget.

Even if there was.

And then, without warning, Tifa Lockhart came into their lives. Someone they didn't know, someone they didn't remember, someone who hadn't been missed……

…..until she arrived.

And suddenly, they were crowding her. Oh how long it had been! Oh how they had missed her!

Even if they hadn't.

And somehow, Tifa knew Leon, and Leon knew Tifa.

Even though they didn't.

Their group was whole again.

Even if it wasn't.

With Tifa, came that awful, sickening feeling that made Yuffie question all she knew…..but maybe she was just feeling things.

A little while later, Sephiroth popped up, and memories returned to the group. Memories of fighting him together, of all of them defeating him.

Even though that group hadn't.

Yuffie knew they were missing people, forgetting people. And somehow, it all had to do with that stupid blood red cape.

But it didn't, because in all her memories there was no one else.

No one with that awful cape.

Even if there was.

She wasn't forgetting anyone.

Even though she was.

Their group was complete.

Even though it wasn't.

Everyone belonged.

Even though they all didn't.

Things were right again.

Even if they weren't.

Time passed, the feeling faded, and soon……the blood red cape was forgotten. Because it wasn't important…..

Even though it was.

…..and it didn't matter.

Even if it DID.

The End


So, how was it? PLEASE REVIEW!!