I Don't Own Naruto or any other things like Movies and such

"Goukakyuu no Jutsu" – jutsus being announced

"Brat" – demon/god speech

'What an idiot' – thoughts/Flashbacks

"Dobe" – speech

"Son of a -" back-round voice

Important Notice: I had changed Chapter 2 up some. Nagato is not his Uncle but another person. Now realized him being the uncle would mess up my plans for Naruto in the future.


"Winner is Uzumaki Naruto" said the Hokage as the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Now who is my next opponent" asked Naruto as the Hokage looked at the next opponent in shock

"Next match is Uzumaki Naruto vs. Namikaze Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Uzumaki Kari" said Sandaime as Naruto eyes went wide in shock.


"You got to be kidding me. Out of all people those two" said Naruto glaring at the people in the tower as the two stepped in front of him

"If we win you have to give us a chance to gain your forgiveness for are past mistakes" said Kari getting into a fighting stance

"And if I win" said Naruto stepping forward in front of the other realms

"What do you want" asked Kushina

"I want hm…..oh just a little information on Mizu if you have any" said Naruto confusing them

"OK deal" said Kushina

"Begin" said Sandaime as Kushina and Kari came at him with a Rasengan in their hands. Naruto ran to meet them up with a Rasengan in each of his hands. They smacked into each other battling for dominance until they exploded pushing them back. When the smoke cleared Oni Naruto and Nami Naruto were running at them. When they were right in front of them Tori Naruto and Yuki Naruto appeared from underground behind them and kicked them forward to the two. Nami Naruto used Shinra Tensei to send Kushina flying to the left while Oni Naruto kicked Kari in her stomach sending her to the left. Before they could even hit the floor their backs hit a muscular object.

Kari looking up saw that Kusa Naruto was looking down at her. From Kushina's spot she looked up to see Ishi Naruto looking down at her.

They both pick up their arms and were about to slam it down on them but they managed to move out of the way causing a small explosion. Kushina thinking she was out of the clear for a second didn't expect Nami Naruto to appear in front of her by grabbing her by the neck and slamming her down on the ground pinning her there.

"Kaa-san!" yelled Kari running towards her but Oni Naruto ran toward her catching her by the throat and slamming her into the wall causing another explosion. When it cleared it showed them both being pinned to the floor or wall held by their throats.

"You lose" said the Naruto's holding them their throats holding up a tanto to their throats before they let go of them

"Winner Uzumaki" Naruto said the protector

"Now what do you know about Mizu?" asked Naruto staring at them as Kushina reached into her pocket and pulled out a scroll before handing it to him

"That's everything I know that's going on" said Kushina

"Well I won all my matches. I'm leaving Minato" he said dismissing his paths

"No you still have a few more" he started as Naruto summoned the black dragon again which was angry at being summoned again

"Really. Well it's not my problem. I got all the info I need" he said jumping on the dragon as it took for the skies

"You may be powerful on the ground but you can't do anything if I'm in the skies" he said as the dragon toke off above the clouds and away from view why Minato cursed himself for pushing his luck

With Naruto

Naruto pulled out his scroll and read what's going on in Mizu and taking note of everything while comparing to everything he already learned and gain from other people. When he finished readying the scroll he thought it over to himself.

'So Mizu was once a great village but when the Sandaime Mizukage took over things seem to get a little strange and ruff around there. Not too soon after the Yondaime Mizukage took over named Yagura who like me was a host but he was the host for the Sanbi. He leaded a good reign until he did a complete 360 starting a bloodline purge. This started a civil war which is still ongoing. Due to the expenses of the war he had captured 5 bloodline clans killing all the males of them and is now attempting to use them for profit in some kind of tournament. Fight for the clan you want but the toll fee is high. This will be a perfect opportunity for me to get in Mizu getting the info I need' he thought as he made the dragon turned from its direction and head towards Mizu.

2 hours later

Naruto jumped off the dragon dismissing it before he jumped into the trees heading for the gate of Mizu. Once there he was approached by the guards.

"What is your business here?" the guard started

"I'm here for the tournament" he said as one of the guards walked up to me

"Alright follow me" he said as Naruto was now forced to follow him

'Well this puts a damper in my plans but not so much' he thought as they passed an alleyway he flicked his hand with amazing speed throwing a scroll down it that no one saw as he continued walking. The scroll unrolled showing summoning seals which activated summoning Nami, Yuki, and Tori Naruto. Once they were summoned they started racing through the village heading for the Mizukage tower.

With Naruto

They approached a stadium were a large people were a large were heading inside. Walking up to the counter the guard watched and waited for him to sign up and pay. Looking to the side he saw it happening to a few others.

'So they make sure we don't escape to cause havoc or anything' he thought as he was forced to sign and pay the amazing amount for it. 20 million Ryo. Once he finished paying he was lead to the entrance of the area. Walking through he saw a large crowd watching the fights going on along with Mizukage in his personal tower. At the other side of the arena was few large cages containing an enormous amount of females from the age 14 to maybe early 30. Looking at them with his Rinnegan he saw in shocked one group had the Uzumaki symbol.

'There are Uzumaki's besides me and them that are alive! Kushina knew of them but didn't rescue them too. Well then it's up to me then' he thought inspecting them all closely

He noticed with his Rinnegan as well there was a barrier over all the cages and seals on the back of their neck meant to kill them

'Those seals will be easy to take care of' he thought before he was forced to jump away as a few kunai landed in his last spot. Looking at who threw the mist nin having blades coming out his sleeves charged him.

"Day dreaming is not a good idea. This is a battle to the death with the last man living" he smirked coming closer

"Then die" responded putting up his hand 'Shinra Tensei' he said flinging the guy from him with force alone breaking all his bones including his neck killing him. Not even looking he dodged his head left avoiding a punch from behind as he turned and fought the nin in taijutsu when another nin came from the side with a dagger. Not even paying attention to him he blocked the nin's punch and as the nin with the dagger got closer he kicked him in the face sending him flying through the stadium wall most likely killing him. The nin fighting him saw this distracting him allowing Naruto to kick him in the face making him experienced what the other had. Turning around he saw only three nins left.

'There are not a lot of people participating in this tournament. It may be because the price is so high' he thought as he put his hand up

"Banshou Tenin"he said as the middle nin was pulled towards him. As he was approaching Naruto charged forward and passed him. When the nin was a certain distance away cuts appeared all over his body as he fell dead on the floor. Naruto threw a smoke bomb in front of him causing a black smoke screen. He then appeared out of it with his hand reared back to hit one nin but he managed to take out his sword and countered. As soon as his sword was approaching the nin next to him look at it in shock sensing the enormous built up chaotic charka.

"No!" he shouted as the sword touched and Naruto blew up with an enormous explosion taking the two out. When the dust cleared a hand erupted from the ground and out came Naruto perfectly unharmed.

"Winner" announced the jounin's as the crowd left the arena without any applause or anything

'It seems this war is taking a tow on them' thought Naruto as the Mizukage made a ram seal unlocking the cages

"They are yours now. Get them off my lands" he said walking to the back of the tower leaving out the exit. Naruto nodded and jumped towards the females. Slapping his hands together he focused a large amount of charka into his hands while closing his eyes. Opening them he pushed his hands out as seals appeared all over his hands and a wave of charka hit them destroying the seals on the back of their neck.

With the three Naruto's

The Naruto's had managed to get inside the mansion and into the kage's office. They started collecting loads of important files and scrolls as well as taking in the information on the status of Mizu. Nami Naruto was looking through the cabinets when he saw a secret seal on the side. Pushing charka into it summoned a humongous scroll with the Uchiha fan on it.

'What the hell is anything Uchiha doing in Mizu' he thought as he saw from the original Naruto's eyes the Mizukage leaving

'So he is on his way' he thought as he started to seal up all the scrolls as well as their forbidden scroll and the Uchiha clan scroll

Far outside Mizu

Waiting in the middle of the clearing was Ishi, Kusa, and Oni Naruto waiting. Oni Naruto had then formed hand seals slamming his hands on the ground summoning Nami, Yuki, and Tori Naruto holding on the scrolls. Walking a little bit away he formed more hand seals pushing almost every last bit of charka into it summoning Naruto and all the females from Mizu.

"Well I can assume the Mizukage is pissed off at me now" started Naruto walking up to the large group of females.

"Hello females my official name is Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto" he started as the Uzumaki's looked at him in shock

"Did you just say Uzumaki?" said a female from the Uzumaki's

"Yes I did"

"How are you alive? Are there more of you?" she asked

"Well I am alive because my 'mother' and her 'sisters' managed to get away. She gave birth to me and my sister" he said

"You still haven't answered my question. How are you alive?" she asked confusing him. "What do you mean?"

"An Uzumaki can only give a perfect birth to a child when they have an Uzumaki partner. If the child is a female she would be born half her true potential. If it is a boy the boy dies and yet you're living" she said as he thought on it for a minute before answering

"The only reason I could be alive is because I have the Kyuubi sealed in me. It unlocked my Rinnegan to its max potential, kept me alive, allowed me to pass it down, and get rid of those requirements of Uzumaki's for me and my future offspring" he said as they talked to each other for a while

"Well then this leaves us with no choice" said another Uzumaki "What do you mean?"

"We are now going to stick with you and you will be the father of our children. It is the only way for our clan to continue on and for us to survive. You do have the power of the Rinnegan and Kyuubi in your hands" she said as Naruto looked at her in shock before thinking it over

'Well it is after all me responsibility to continue the clan and take care of them' he thought as Oni toke a knee catching his breath and Ishi held him.

"Well if it's put that way I guess I have no choice but to accept my responsibility. This will be our home right here" he started walking towards the middle of the large field cracking his fingers and neck

"Time to put Operation Rinnegan Compound into to action" he said forming a massive amount of hand seals