This is sorta based off of Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. It's a crossover too, Kingdom Heart and Naruto.
Reviews would be nice…let's me know if I should continue or not…
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Kingdom Hearts, I am merely borrowing it's characters…They belong to their respective owners…
This will be slash. Riku/Sora, Axel/Roxas, Sasuke/Naruto plus others
Summary: Sora Strife was one of the unlucky ones. He had the Sight. He could see them. And the one thing he was always told was don't ever attract their attention; it was either that or death. But when he catches the attention of one of their Princes, his life will change forever and so will the lives of those closest to him…
Devastating Beautiful
By Twilight Soldier
"The Realm of Fairy is a strange shadow land, lying just beyond the fields we know." -Author Unknown
The Twilight Prince stood, overlooking the scene. His silver hair blew gently, his whole persona seemed to be illuminated like if there was some brilliant shine just under his skin but it also seemed so dark…so mysterious…so lonely…
She sincerely hoped she'd be able to fix that soon. Over these past few weeks she'd fallen very much in love with him. So when he came out with the truth she simply felt overjoyed at the fact that she might be able to spend an eternity with him, by his side, loving and being loved, being his queen.
"Do you understand what I'm asking of you?" his voice was so sincere, so loving that she might have melted had not she looked away from his piercing gaze. His brilliant turquoise eyes shone with a love…and such a sadness she almost wept. The color of his eyes was so beautiful, so majestic that no emerald, no gem in the world could compare.
She kept watching him, she could feel herself start to shake and she fought back the tears of exasperation and impatience, the need to suddenly let out a nervous laugh like if this all was some cruel joke.
"Yes. I know what I'm doing…what I'm risking…" she said at last. Her breath came out visible and she tightened the coat she had on. It was almost twilight but it was winter and despite all this… she would do anything for him.
"Do you understand that you will carry the Queen's Lament if you're not the one? You'll do this until the next mortal risks this?" She dared glance a peek into his eyes only to look away again. There was such a sadness…
She nodded trying to keep the uncertainness out of her face.
"If you're not the one…and if they refuse me, you'll warn the next mortal not to trust me…mortal, after mortal, after mortal—" besides him she saw his two 'brother's give a look of pity. They gave her a slight smile, the first indication she's ever had of them actually liking her and this lifted her spirits and courage slightly "—And until the next mortal accepts you won't be free of the Lament?"
It took everything she had to not let her voice waver. "I understand…I love you." She felt her cheeks flush but she looked him in the eye still. He gave a sad smile.
"Don't do this…" the voice was so slight that she might not have heard it had not her body changed thanks to him. She knew who it was and felt an awful feeling of sympathy. So she gave a reassuring smile to the dark haired girl standing a few feet away from the king's 'brothers'. She saw as they gave her a reprimanding look but the boy she'd fallen in love with; he didn't spare a glance.
Calling forth all of her courage she bravely stepped up to the pile of glowing crystals and black gems. She looked to the beautiful key in shape of a sword and took in its beauty for a second. She slowly bent down and wrapped her hand around the hilt. She felt the small indentations of where other girls and boys hands might have been placed other times, each where she was now, each risking everything they had, and each and every single one of them failing.
She quickly shook her head and tried to erase those thoughts and think on the positive side… An eternity spending it everyday with him.
She smiled and gripped the Queen's Keyblade harder. She stood bravely, assured, and quite confident. From her side she saw his two brothers move a few steps forward. And from her other side she saw him, his silver hair glowing brilliantly and his radiance almost making her want to close her eyes. He looked hopeful and scared.
"Please…let this one be her…let this one be the one…" his silent prayer was quietly repeated by the other three in attendance.
She stood straighter and waited. She hoped and believed and almost smiled when the Queen's Keyblade began to glow. Her happiness was short lived however as the glow died suddenly. She had been told what would happen if she was the one…she'd also been told of what would happen if she wasn't…
She screamed and crumbled to the ground as an intense pain filled her. It seemed to run like poison in her veins as it slowly and quite excruciatingly spread throughout her body. She had been told of what this was, what it did to you but she didn't think any of it. She was certain it was her destined to be with him. She was so sure she wouldn't need to be prepared to endure this torture...It was physical and emotional and she could only do but scream his name: "Riku!"
She tried to crawl and even clawed the ground to get to him but he wasn't smiling anymore. His face was devoid of emotion as he glanced at her before turning around. She began to cry as she tried again. She saw him walk away and out of sight.
Her tears hotly ran down her face as she was left utterly alone. She began to cry as she thought of what she had promised when she took this risk. She was now tied to him…and awaiting the next person to take the risk and warn them of what he had done, to not trust him…of how foolish it'd be to love him.
Yeah...Un-betaed or whatever.
So what did ya'll think? Should I continue and let the story unfold?
Review and please NO FLAMES.