Hey everyone, Sat

Hey everyone, Sat. back! I decided to do this to kill some time that I have and to avoid actual work. This is something I haven't tried yet: a Vampire Knight fic. Well, I've been mauling this idea for a while now and I'm just gonna put it out there. Personally, I don't like YuukiXKaname, but it works for my purpose. I own nothing familiar. In any case, read on my little readers! P.S: Check out my other story in Naruto. I just finished it.


Chapter one: Lasting Impressions

"Is this the smartest idea?" a blonde girl, with hair to her shoulders, asks in the back seat of a traveling car.

"No, but it's the safest right now," a tall, ebony girl with short hair colored dark purple says in the front seat, "The treaty and neutral territory will help us hide a bit better."

"Explain why you got the front seat again?" a long brown haired girl asks.

"Because she is taller than you and it's my car," the driving girl, that has mid-back blonde hair responds, not moving her vision from the road, "Plus, she's a bit older than you, so that means she gets the front."

The tall brunette grumbles about close friend being traitors in cars and being cramped in the back of an old little red car while fiddling with her dark blue streaks in her hair. The other brunette with short hair, who is the second shortest of the little group of five, smacks the taller girl's arm in a half sleep daze. These five have been traveling for a few days, now. Each girl is annoyed with the constant driving, but they will reach their destination today. The driving girl refuses to let anyone else drive her "old baby" as she calls it.

"We're here!" the blonde in the back seat yells, pointing at the school as best she could.

"Couldn't let me sleep a little longer, huh?" the sleepy brunette grumbles.

"Get your lazy butt up. We can sleep in beds tonight," the driving girl says with a grin, "'Sides, my old baby is tired of carrying your big ol' butt anyway."

"Shut it, I'm only like, one hundred and ten pounds or something."

"That's why we mess with you," the ebony girl says, twisting to grin at the skinny girl.

Suddenly, every girl stiffens. This motion is either from surprise or realization. These five ladies in this little car are certainly not average humans, but they are humans. A few of them mutter astonished sounds, while the two in the front mutter curses in different languages.

"So the rumors of this place were true," the driver, Ana says with a dark tone.

"As true as us, it seems," the other blonde, Rena says with a slight astonished sigh.

"Heh, let's see how they're doing with so many humans running around them," the ebony girl, Angelica, says with a semi-vicious grin.

"This is going to an interesting school year, huh Kaitlin?" the taller brunette, Sarah, asks with a smug smirk.

"It's not gonna be boring," Kaitlin says with a grin and crossed arms.

The five drive under the metal arch that says Cross Academy and up to the main building. Ana contacted the headmaster a week before about enrolling, even if it is during the middle of the second semester. She made up the usual sop stories of neglected childhood friends and parents too busy for their children and blah, blah, blah. Each girl did feel sorry for children in this position, but it could as be worse. It could always be worse.

"How many?" Angelica asks with a sudden serious attitude that shouldn't be in a sixteen year old.

"A lot. Good news is that there is only one pureblood, Level A. The rest are mostly Level B or C, at best. We shouldn't underestimate any of them," Ana responds in a slight mechanical voice.

"What's the emotional status of the place, Sarah?" Angelica asks, twisting in her seat again to look at the questioned girl. Rolling down the window some, Sarah sticks her hand out and concentrates for a minuet. Soon, she retracts her hand and rolls the window up.

"Happy, peaceful, excited, and only a little bit of tension here and there. All in all: good environment, which means the humans don't know about the vampires at the school. Go figure," she rattles off with a shrug.

"This'll be fun," Ana mutters, running her hand through her hair and ruffling the copper and black streaks peaking out from under her blonde hair. Turning off to the parked car, she gets out of her little vehicle.

The group exits Ana's car with stretching, cracking and happily exclamations of not having to be squished in a little space. After locking the doors, the girls head in to the main building and follow the instructions Headmaster Cross gave Ana over the phone when she called the first time. They thankfully made it on a Saturday afternoon, which means avoiding feature classmates a little longer. Ana raises her hand to knock on the door, but stops, frozen to the spot.

"Holy Mother. I didn't expect this," she shakily mutters.

"What's wrong?" Rena asks in a low voice.

"It's faint, but another Level A, pureblood is on the other side of this door. The energy seems to be hidden for some reason."

"Well, there is no feeling of hostility or tension for attack. Knock and see if we've run into another dead end," Sarah nearly whispers.

The eldest girl hesitates for a moment, and then knocks. She trusts these girls with her life and more. A cheery invitation sounds through the polished wooden door and Ana slowly twists the knob and opens the door. Walking over the threshold, she lets the others in. Inside the well decorated office are two cheerful people; a man with long blonde hair pulled in a ponytail, a green shawl wrapped over his shoulders and glasses. Standing next to him is a pale and skinny girl with short brown hair and reddish-brown eyes.

"Welcome, ladies," Headmaster Cross says standing up with his arms opened wide, "I'm so pleased that you have decided to come to our humble little school. This is my sweet daughter Yuuki. I'm sorry that my dear son, Zero, is a little preoccupied to not be here. Please have a seat."

"No thank you, Headmaster. We've been cramped in a car for three days straight," Kaitlin says for all of them. None of them wants to sit down.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves," she continues, "My name is Kaitlin Black."

"I'm Rena McLaughlin."

"I'm Sarah Wave."

"My name is Angelica Smith."

"Ana Rose."

"Well, I'll let my darling daughter show you ladies around and where your rooms are. Sadly, the uniforms will not be ready until Wednesday," Headmaster Cross informs them, taking his seat, "Just tell your teachers on Monday that they won't be ready until then."

"Thank you Headmaster, for everything," Kaitlin says with a bow and the others bow as well. They got used to Japanese customs after a few years of living in the country.

The group leaves, following Yuuki down the hallway. She rambles about some of the history of the buildings and the school, where the dorms are, the library, the cafeteria, the rules and the infamous Night Class. While she talks, Angelica slows down to walk with Ana at the back of the group. She grasps the shorter girl's hand and a question forms in Ana's mind. Angelica has slight telepathic abilities.

'Who is the other pureblood?'

Ana forms a picture of Yuuki's face in her mind, finding it easier to answer with pictures than with words. It puts strain on both her and Angelica. The taller girls nods in recognition and releases her hand. Walking up a few flights of stairs, Yuuki answers some questions about the uniform that Sarah had asked.

"Well, the Day Class uniforms are all black and the girls have to wear knee-high socks and skirts," she says with a finger on her chin in slight thought. Angelica, Ana, and Sarah all stop, ridged for a moment. No one said anything about knee-high socks and skirts.

"Can't we get pants or something?" Sarah whines in a pathetic voice.

"Nope, school dress code," Yuuki says with a smile and shake of her head.

"The world is trying to make us girly again," the three of them whine together. Yuuki laughs a little at the silly unison whine.

"Are all of you from America?" she asks while they idle on a stairwell.

"Hmmm, give of take. We're just from very separate parts of our country," Ana answers with practiced ease. Yuuki doesn't seem to notice the slightly twisted truth she received as she continues to say, "Well, the rooming situation hasn't been worked out all the way. With the five of you here, there is an uneven number with the rooms in general. But here are the numbers and keys for each."

"Dibs on the lone room!" Angelica says before taking keys packaged in a small rectangular envelop with a room number written on it.

"Fine," Ana says taking a key for her and Sarah. Ignoring the few grumbles of unfair picking, Yuuki hands Rena the last packaged keys.

With brief directions, Yuuki adds that she would like to help them move in. Rena waves off her help by using the fact that we already took up too much of her free weekend. After gently dismissing the young girl, the five trek what they have up to their assigned rooms. As soon as unpacking the basics and hiding what weapons they carried, such as Sarah's small collection of daggers, was done they decided to meet in Angelica's room. Each room was at least a hallway's length from another one. Ana and Sarah's room is on the third floor along with Angelica's, but Rena and Kaitlin's room is on the forth floor.

"Glad that's done with," Ana mutters from her space on the floor in Angelica's room.

"For the moment," Sarah says from the desk chair that is for Angelica's non-existent roommate, "We still have to deal with dinner time at the cafeteria."

Ana glares a little at her at the reminder and Rena interrupts from her seat on a bed by asking, "So, what's the plan for the moment?"

"Stay quiet, stay covered and be careful," Ana says in an automatic tone.

"This place seems to be more promising than most we've been to," Kaitlin says at a length and in a thoughtful voice.

"Let's see how long it'll last," Angelica mutters on her newly made up bed.

"Now, here's a question. Who would either be stupid or influential enough to have so many vampires here at one time, not eating the humans and create a neutral ground between vampires and humans?" Rena pipes in quickly before thoughts became too pessimistic.

"Who said the pureblood has to be smart? Doing something like this is near suicide in the vampire social world and to their secret. Either the pureblood that is doing this is desperate or knows how to really work the system and the art of negotiation," Ana says, leaning on the wall with crossed arms.

"Yeah, that's the whole question: who? Who do we know that would do something like this?" the other blonde presses, leaning on her legs. The eldest girl shrugs.

"There is a good deal of smart and/or desperate vamps out there. To narrow down the 'who' is to ask whose kid it is and if they're a major family," Angelica adds.

"We won't learn anything at the moment if we're to stay secret ourselves. We may find out on Monday since the Night Class has to leave their dorms. We can get a good look at them then. Yuuki was warning us about ragging fan girls and fan boys. We can see this person from a distance and Ana can tell us who the right one in the mess of students is. Until then, let's just take the next day and today to unpack and sleep," Kaitlin suggests and the other girls seem to agree with them.

"On Monday then," Ana says with a tired nod.


"Everyone is staring at us again," Sarah mutters to Ana as they walk outside towards the classrooms.

"We're American. What do you expect?" she answers.

"For them to not look so creepy and stocker-ish."

"Good luck with that."

"They're making you nervous too."

"I'm just hiding it on the outside."

The girls split to there different classes. Sarah is the youngest, but also one of the smartest in the group. Ana and she have the same class, which means that Sarah jumped a grade. The two girls enter the classroom that is buzzing with conversations. It's still a few minuets before the class will start. The buzz slightly hushes as they walk to the teacher's desk to wait for the teacher. Soon the buzz becomes a hum a slight whispers. Ana's eyes stop on Yuuki for a spilt second, noting her presence as a Level A, pureblood and lands on a sliver haired boy at the top of the class. Briefly she wonders why a Level E is allowed here in the class or allowed to be alive at all around all these defenseless humans. She notes that he seems to have very good control over himself, but is weary.

'Cross better have a good reason to let a Level E in here,' she thinks annoyed.

"I wonder if they know we can understand Japanese," Sarah mummers to Ana in English. Smirking a little to Sarah, the elder girl answers, "Probably not."

"Alright, everyone! Take your seat so class can begin," the teacher says coming through the door and to his desk, "You two must be some of the new students here. Introduce yourselves to the class."

Ana nudges Sarah some. The youngest girl hates to introduce herself to almost anyone, especially large groups of people. She glares at the shorter girl before shakily clearing her throat.

"My name is Sarah Wave and I am American before any of you ask. I love to read, write and swim all the time."

"The name's Ana Rose and I am an American too. I love to write, ride horseback, and to play soccer. That's about it."

"Why do you not have your uniforms?" the teacher asks.

"Well, Mr. —," Ana starts.


"Mr. Kaze, Headmaster Cross wanted us to inform you that the uniforms will not be ready until Wednesday and apologizes for the delay," she finishes with her hands in her jean pockets.

"Well, Ms. Rose, please come in something a little more appropriate for class tomorrow," Mr. Kaze says with a snipped tone.

Automatically, she looks down at her clothes. A pair of faded blue jeans with ripped knees and the back bottoms of the pant legs torn up a little and a red t-shirt that says, "Bite me, I'll bite you back,' in English. She also has ripped old white tennis shoes. Sarah snickers at the teacher's comment. Her clothes are okay because her jeans are still intact and her shirt is a plain dark blue tee with black heeled boots.

"Sorry, Mr. Kaze," Ana starts and walks towards and empty seat, "Next time I'll try not to look like an American teenager."

The class erupts in small snickers as the two girls take an empty seat in the middle of the elevated desks. Mr. Kaze glares at Ana while she just blankly stares back, unnerving the teacher somewhat. As soon as the teacher beings the class and his back is at the board, writing down important school things, Ana writes a note to Sarah.

Did you see the silver haired guy at the top?

Yeah, I did. What about him?

He's a lv. E. Why do you think he's here?

Not sure. He doesn't seem hostile. I think he's sleeping right now.

You're kidding me, right?

No, but he's not the only one asleep. I think Yuuki is too. I can feel how calm they are people are when they're sleeping silly, or did you forget?

Risking a glance behind the teacher's back, Ana quickly twists around to see the two said people are actually asleep. Ana shakes her head in slight disbelief and looks foreword to the back of the teacher. Mr. Kaze is teaching history of Japan and both Sarah and Ana feel like falling asleep. Ana can't blame them for dozing off.

"Mr. Kiryuu and Ms. Cross! You both may be prefects but that does not excuse you from sleeping in my class. Both of you have detention!" Mr. Kaze yells from his desk.

Yuuki snaps up with solemn apologies. The other boy lifts his head a little, glares, then lays his head back down and, no doubt, back to sleep. Ana and Sarah can't hold a few chocked laughs back at the comical scene. Sarah grabs the paper they were writing notes on and scribbles on it before sliding it to Ana.

Guess they had a long night or something. It may be something to look in to. They're the only ones that are exhausted besides you and the class didn't react the way we did, so this happens a lot.

Yeah, it might be worth looking in to some. Hey I can't help I'm exhausted all the time. You know I have sleeping problems.

Just saying girl. In any case, we could try the direct approach and just go ask why Yuuki why she's so tired.

Ana just shrugs at this and lets the class continue. Soon, the class is let out and everyone stretches after the long lecture. The two girls travel up to where Yuuki is now still sleeping. Another girl with brown hair is poking her murmuring her name and saying the class is over.

"Yuuki, wake up," Ana says with a slight commanding voice. She could be scarier. That's how she get's the other girls out of bed when they need to really get some place. Yuuki snaps up a little frightened and surprised.

"Man, you could sleep through a storm," Sarah says with a grin.

"Aw, I fell asleep again," she whines while the other brown haired girl shakes her head.

"I took notes, Yuuki-chan. You can look at them later. But you still have after class detention," the brown haired girl says.

"Thanks, Yori-chan. You're a like saver," Yuuki says with a sheepish smile.

"Why are you tired anyway, Yuuki?" Sarah asks in an innocent voice.

"Ah, well," the questioned girl starts, "The grounds are dangerous at night, so Zero and I have to patrol to make sure students stay inside after dark. Wild animals and stuff."

Sarah notes how fidgety Yuuki is and feels the nervousness rolling off of her is also hinted with fear. Not life threatening fear, but fear of being found out, which means that Yuuki is lying. Sarah does her best to calm her down with her slight ability to change moods and sees Yuuki visibly relax. Ana is looking at the still sleeping boy at the top of the elevated desks.

"That Zero?" she questions without moving her gaze. Twisting around, Yuuki answers yes. Ana just nods.

"We'll be seeing you, Yuuki. We hope you can get some sleep that isn't in a classroom," Sarah says, nudging Ana a bit.

They both walk out of the classroom with thoughtful faces. Ana made sure to grab the note they passed during class. It may be written in English, but that doesn't mean that other people can't read it. It's around lunch time, so the two girls go to meet up with the other three. After grabbing something that the cafeteria is serving, Sarah spots the other three sitting at a table near a window.

"Hey, you two. How's class go?" Angelica greets before biting into an apple.

"Odd," Sarah responds before taking a hesitant bite of her hamburger.

"That's a bit of an understatement," Ana says and grabs Angelica's. She imagines Zero Kiryuu and puts lv. E and prefect under it. "Pass it." Angelica grabs both Rena's and Kaitlin's hands, passing on the same image.

"Really?" Rena says with a surprised tone.

"That's a weird twist. Does Cross know what he's doing or that he has one of these running around here?" Kaitlin asks.

"Cross most likely knows that he's here. He may be weird, but he's not stupid. I think that happy-go-lucky attitude is faked to one point or another," Ana says, taking a bite of her own apple. She ran into Cross on Sunday and was a little scared by how happy and stupid he seemed. Ana and Kaitlin did research on Cross and all of them know that he's an ex-vampire hunter.

"So what do we do?" Angelica asks, leaning foreword on the table.

"We continue as planned and keep an eye on this weird twist," Ana says with a shrug.

"Well, on a normal note, have you guys been getting a lot of stares?" Rena asks, looking nervously around the room at the staring people.

"Duh, we're Americans," Sarah says with a slight uncaring tone.

"It's worse for me," Angelica mutters with crossed arms, "I'm a black American."

"We're just walking, talking American clichés," Ana says with a smile and pats her shoulder. The black girl snorts at the twisted truth her friend said. If anything, they only look cliché.

Lunch ends quickly and the girls go on to their separate classes. Kaitlin and Angelica go off to math class and they see Kiryuu walk into their classroom. Angelica brushes her hand on Kaitlin's, sending a quick question.

'Should we analyze him?'

Kaitlin nods slightly and the two girls take seats in the middle of the desks. They don't want to introduce themselves again. The shorter girl sunk low in her chair to try and hide herself. This won't really work, and Kaitlin knows it. Angelica is too tall and well, black in a room of Japanese kids.

"Afternoon, class. Take your seats," a cheerful woman says from her desk, "We have some new students today. There are five of them, but we only have two with us in this class. Would you ladies please come to the front and introduce yourselves."

"Do we have to," Angelica mutters quietly and flatly.

Both of them get up and walk down from the elevated row of desks. As they walk down, some people can't help but mummer at their American appearance. Some just stare with curiosity. Both girls glare at anyone who'd make eye contact.

"My name is Kaitlin Black."

"I'm Angelica Smith."

"Would you care to tell us about yourselves a little?" the teacher asks in more of a commanding tone.

"Not really. We've done this too many times today," Kaitlin answers with crossed arms.

"O-oh, then take your seats," she answers, a little taken back by Kaitlin's negative and commanding answer. Her tone was far more solid than the teacher's.

Before they do, Kaitlin makes eye contact with Kiryuu. This will help her analyze him if she can have a clear picture from her own memories. While class continues, Kaitlin scans over the silver haired boy in question with her ability. After coming to a steady conclusion, she rips out a clean sheet of notebook paper and begins to scribble a note to Angelica.

I don't feel anything very particular. He doesn't have any special abilities, unless you want to say that he has an incredibly strong will. He also seems to be very humane for a lv. E.

This is a bit strange. Maybe I can brush his skin for a second on the way out of class to glimpse at his mind.

By the way, what's the answer to number five?

Angelica smirks at this and writes the answer down for her friend. Soon, class is let out and Angelica creates a plan to make contact with Kiryuu. The girls leave right after he does, so that they are temporarily following.

"Oh, jeez! Ana's gonna kill us if we're late! We've only got five minuets to get to her room before her next class! C'mon!" Angelica yells and starts to run.

As she runs past him, she brushes her hand over his and gets four major things from him. First is Yuuki; whether protecting her or not and something about blood tablets. The second is some guy who is the pureblood; he really doesn't like him. The third is Headmaster Cross; he just seems to be there and the last is keeping the students safe by being a Guardian. The girls run to a fake location and stops in the courtyard.

"Huh, I wonder what those things are," Angelica says to herself.

"What do you mean?" Kaitlin asks.

"Seems there are some missing holes in the rumors about this place in the underground world of inhuman creatures. One thing that is interesting is that Kiryuu really hates the pureblood here. I didn't get a name or face, but I know the pureblood is a he," she explains to the shorter girl.

"Hmm, you haven't told me everything, but here isn't the place. Let's go to class," she says walking to where the next class is.

"Er, Kaitlin, wrong way."

"I knew that!" she snaps with a blush. After a second of silence and a smirk from Angelica she says, "Okay, so I don't know my way around here yet. Bite me."


Rena stands next to a tree, watching a hoard of screaming girls and some boys in front of the Night Classes dorms. She learned a little while ago that she and the girls live in the Sun Dorms while the vampires live in the Moon Dorms.

'Ironic that the girls and I are put in the Sun Dorms when we have such dark and bloody pasts.'

She extends her ability to the crowd. All the humans have low life meters, or life points. Kiryuu is a little higher than other Level Es and Yuuki's is a little distorted to her. She can only see the length of the human life points on Yuuki, and then it gets blurry so she can't tell how much her life points are.

"See anything good?" Ana asks behind her.

"Not really. Kiryuu's L.P. is a little higher than the norm of Level E's and I can't really see Yuuki's all the way," she says turning around to the elder girl, "How long were you there?"

"Just got here," she answers, coming up to stand next to her.

"That makes the rest of us, too," Sarah says with Angelica and Kaitlin behind her.

"I have something interesting about Kiryuu. It's a list of what is most important to him. First is Yuuki; whether protecting her or not and something about blood tablets. We need to look into this and see what they are. The second is some guy who is the pureblood; he really doesn't like him, to say the very least. The third is Headmaster Cross; he just seems to be there and the last is keeping the students safe by being a Guardian. The questions are: what are blood tablets, why does he hate the pureblood, and what are Guardians?" Angelica rattles off in her report.

"Well, it will keep us a bit busy," Rena says with slight excitement.

"This group of ignorant humans is really annoying," Ana mutters with a disgusted face.

"They don't know who or what they fawn over," Kaitlin says while shaking her head.

A whistle sounds and the five girls can hear Yuuki yelling as the two large doors opens and beautiful people begin to walk out. One blonde is waving and calling out to his fans. One boy caught Ana's radar made her stiffen and then became very angry. She knows him. She met him a few years ago and she really wants to hurt him now. The boy has dark brown hair and she knows that his eyes are a dark mahogany. He looks up at where the five are standing at. Ana and he make contact and keep it for a moment.

"Kaname Kuran," she growls out, her balled up fists shaking, "Level A, Pureblood, age 17, head of Kuran household."

"Specialty: Telepathic attacks, tactics, speed, and physical strength," Kaitlin says with raised eyebrows. Not many vampires have telepathic abilities.

"Life Points well over two hundred and fifty," Rena whispers with slight fear. No creature has over fifty or over a hundred, except for themselves.

"He's straight emotionless. He has slight surprise, but that's it!" Sarah exclaims.

The group of vampires continue to walk and Ana and Kuran break eye contact at the same time; when Yuuki comes up to greet him.

'This is a problem,' Ana thinks, 'This changes a lot. It'll be difficult to stay safe now.'