What can I say, I can't help myself. I still had some ideas in my head, so this is a companion piece to my first two stories (Quil's Guilt & Quil's Resolve). You don't have to read them, but I reference characters/situations from the first two stories so you might want to check them out.

Unlike the other two stories, the chapters in this one are short and sweet. I also don't have this whole story plotted out like the other two were, so updating might take longer.

I don't own Twilight nor it's fascinating characters. I'm just borrowing them.

I wouldn't mind if you took the time to review. Thanks!

All chapter titles taken from songs.

Chapter title taken from the song "Woken From A Dream" by Murasko off the album "Lost in Razzi Berry Field"

As usual I've blathered on and on, so read and I hope you enjoy!

Roses in May

Quil & Claire: October 30 6:42 AM

Quil's dream had been so vivid, so real. Every color, every touch, every scent permanently etched in his memory, that his first waking thought was maybe it hadn't been a dream at all. He lay, his eyes closed and inhaled deeply. He could still smell her. The scent that was so perfectly Claire. Her coconut shampoo, the light perfume she wore that he loved so much, it's citrus scent leaving a tang in his overly sensitive nose. He inhaled again and smiled. It was almost as if she were in the room with him right now.

He refused to open his eyes, hoping for sleep to reclaim him, to fall back into that beautiful dream. As he lay, convincing himself to drift away again, a sudden weight pounced on him. It was so unexpected that he bolted upright, an involuntary shriek forcing itself from his lips. His eyes flew open and he found himself face to face with Claire, who had planted herself on his lap. For a moment he wondered if he had in fact fallen asleep again, but then reasoned that if this were a dream, he most likely wouldn't have shrieked. Plus Dream Claire would probably be wearing something slightly more revealing than her sweatpants and hoodie.

Claire, trying to suppress her laughter, gave Quil an amused smile. "You just screamed like a little girl," She giggled.

Quil attempted some macho posturing, gave up, and leaned back on his elbows. "You surprised me," he muttered, utterly humiliated.

"It kind of reminded me of how Grace sounds when she and Sharon fight," Claire informed him.

Quil frowned. "Grace sounds like a freaking banshee woman when she yells. I did not sound like a banshee."

"I can't believe Seth and Embry haven't crashed through the door, looking for the girl in distress," Claire said with a smirk.

"Okay, okay I told you, you surprised me. What more do you want? Besides neither of them are home," Quil scowled.

"You would think that as a werewolf-"

Quil held up a finger. "Shape-shifter," he corrected her.

"Whatever, as a shape-shifter with, you know, heightened senses and all, that you would have heard me come in."

"I was deep in REM. I had a very late night for your information. It dulls the senses."

"Deep in REM huh. Well you weren't chattering away as you are wont to do….." Claire gave him a mischievous smile. "Were you dreaming?"

Quil nodded. "As a matter of fact, I was."

"Hmmm, about anyone I know?" She asked.

Quil gave her a nonchalant shrug. "Maybe," he said.

"Me?" Claire pressed.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Quil said coyly.

Claire gave him a knowing gaze and wiggled her hips. "Feels like it was about me," She smiled.

Quil gave her a prissy look. "Don't flatter yourself, I could have been dreaming about dirt and woken up with a hard on." He flopped back onto his pillows.

Claire gave Quil a placating smile. She lay forward, crossed her arms on his chest and gave him a smug look. "So, know what today is?"

Quil pretended to think for a moment. "Saturday?" He replied.

Claire shook her head, an amused smile playing on her lips.

"I know for a fact it's Saturday, because yesterday was Friday," Quil said primly.

Claire just looked at him.

Quil dropped the act and gave her a shy smile. "I know exactly what day it is," he whispered. "I've been counting the hours, the minutes, the seconds." He wrapped his arms around Claire and pulled her snug against him, his large hands resting on the small of her back. "It's your sixteenth birthday."

Claire nodded against his chest. "Yes, it is," she said softly.

Quil pushed his face into her hair and inhaled. "God it feels good to have you this close again. I've missed it."

"Me too. I think this has been the hardest year of my life."

"I know it's been the hardest of mine," Quil breathed. He sat up, guiding Claire with him and looked into her eyes. "I love you," he murmured. He pushed her long dark hair off her shoulders and buried his face in her neck. Lightly he let his lips trail a path up and down the side of her neck. Claire shuddered in his arms and ran her hands through his shortly cropped hair. Quil moved his kisses up her jaw and tried to capture her lips when suddenly there was a hand in his face. Quil whimpered and opened his eyes. "Why? Why would you be so mean?"

Claire smiled and leaned back, her hands using his knees for support. "Well, you see, this guy I know, he made all these awful rules that were horrible and pure torture for me. Then he went a whole year and barely touched me. It was so difficult to deal with-"

Quil tried to pull her closer again. "Let me make up for it," he begged.

Claire squirmed out of his grasp and climbed off Quil's bed. "It's not that simple," she smiled. "You're just going to have to be...patient." She sashayed across his room to the door.

"Claire," Quil whined. "Where are you going?"

"I have a party to get ready for," she said.

Quil glanced at his clock. "You have hours. Stay with me, please."

Claire turned and gave Quil an evil smile. "Oh I would stay, but Quil...it would be wrong." She winked and walked out of his room, closing the door behind her.

Quil stared at the door in disbelief for a moment, then groaned and dropped back onto his pillows. He glared at the ceiling. "What did I do to deserve this? I've been so good all year, a saint practically. Let me warn you now God. When I die, you and I are going to have some words. Serious words."

With a sigh, Quil buried himself under his covers. He tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, but annoyed and very frustrated, he wasn't able to fall asleep. He groaned again and rolled out of bed. He looked down at himself and sighed.

"Down boy," he muttered. He shook his head and shambled out of his room to take a nice cool shower.