"The Fourth Sand Sibling"

Summary: Sequel to 'Sand Parents'. Makoto, now 6 years of age, has just started the academy, and is living happily with his-adoptive-brothers and sister. He seemed to of had everything a boy could ask for, but recently weird things have been happening to the poor 6 year old. How will the older Sabaku siblings react when they figure out what's wrong with Makoto. Pairings: TemaXShika KankXOC

Disclaimer: I told you during 'Sand Parents', I'll tell you again, I don't own Naruto the Anime and/or the Manga. If I did there would be a hell of a lot more Sand Siblings.


"Bigger Nii-Chan?" a small boy; with short, messy white hair, big violet eyes, wearing a kaki caprice, and a dark shirt, said looking up at the brown haired male, whom was walking beside the short boy. The man looked down at the boy, awaiting for the 6year old to continue, "Ami weird bigger Nii-Chan?" he asked, his big violet eyes full of sadness and confusion.

Kankuro stopped walking, causing the young boy to come to a halt. The puppet master kneeled down on his knees, looking at the boy in the eyes, his dark ones meeting the boys violet ones, "Why do you think your weird?" He asked, and the boy looked down at his hands, "Makoto, is someone picking on you at the Academy? Cause if they are, you know I'll take care of them. No one picks on my little brother and gets away with it." he then allowed a strong smile to appear on his face, "Us Sabaku guys gotta stay strong…right."

Makoto's face lit up, and he smiled, nodding. "Right!" he then blinked a few times, "Bigger Nii-Chan, you didn't answer my question though…am I weird?"

"Of course you are Makoto" A female's voice smirked. Kankuro and Makoto turned around to see two figures standing. The female with golden blond hair, up in four ponytails, teal eyes, wearing a long black Kimono with a red Obi tied around her waist, and a large black iron fan behind her back. The male with dark hair, up in high spiky ponytail, brown-almost black-eyes, wearing the standard Kohona Shinobi attire. "Your just as weird as the rest of your siblings."

Makoto crossed his arms over his chest, trying his best to imitate his small Nii-Chan, "My Nii-Chan's aren't weird! Nee-Chan, your mean!" he pouted.

Temari knelt down on one knee, allowing the small boy to assault her with a hug. She then turned him around to face Kankuro, placing an arm over his shoulder, "Do you see your bigger Nii-Chan? Makoto, he wears make-up and plays with dolls. You and I both know boys aren't suppose to play with dolls, nor wear make-up."

The look on Makoto's face was priceless, he had an eyebrow raised, one eye half closed, his mouth partly open, as he stared at the puppeteer, "Bigger Nii-Chan does wear make-up, but…he said he doesn't play with dolls….he fights with them."

Kankuro mentally fell face down on the ground, but physically stood his grounds. His eye twitching slightly, "They are not dolls, they are puppets. And its not make-up, its face paint! And I'm not-Hey! Are you two even listening to me?" he asked, as he noticed Temari and Makoto whispering to each other. Kankuro looked up at the lazy male, whom had stayed quiet during the whole conversation, "Well are you even gonna do something Nara?" he snapped

Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders, "It'd be such a drag to get involved."

"Nee-Chan" Makoto whispered, looking at Temari. The young 6year old seemed to have a very serious look on his face, "Nee-Chan, why do I hear you talkin, but don't see your mouth move?" he asked.

Temari looked concerned at the boy, but hid it well from him, she didn't want to alarm the 6year old, "Makoto, what do you hear me saying to you?" she asked, also in a whispered tone.

"That your scared Nee-Chan. Why are you scared for me? Is something wrong with me? Am I sick?" he asked, his violet eyes starting to tear up, "Nee-Chan…I-I'm scared t-to. I hear things…a-and people say…say mean things to me.." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, "Do they hate me Nee-Chan?"

Temari shook her head, pulling the small boy into a hug. "No Makoto, they don't hate you. No one hates you, they just don't understand you." she looked the boy in the eyes, wiping a few tears from his face, "Are you gonna be okay to go to the Academy today, or would you like to stay home with Shikamaru and me?" she asked, in a soft, caring tone.

Makoto thought for a minute, did he really want to go back to the Academy? Sure he made a lot of friends, and enjoyed swinging, but did he think he could handle all he voices? Then he remembered what Kankuro had told him not long ago, "Us Sabaku guys gotta stay strong. Right." The white haired boy nodded to himself, wiping away the last few tears on his face, then looked Temari straight in the eyes, "I gotta go to the Academy, Nee-Chan. If I don't I'll miss a lot." He then allowed a weak smile to appear on his face, " 'sides, I'm a Sabaku, and we don't let things get us down…we gotta be strong."

Temari stood up straight, ruffling the boys hair, "You're a smart and strong kid, don't let anyone tell you different. Promise?"

Makoto nodded, hugging his-adoptive-sisters legs, "I love you Nee-Chan! Thanks for helping me"

"Any Time squirt." She laughed.

Kankuro, whom had only heard bits and pieces of their conversation, looked concerned, "Is everything okay?" he asked, extremely curios as to what his oldest and youngest siblings were talking about.

Temari nodded, "Just some siblings bonding." She replied looking at her brother, with a look saying, 'we'll talk later.'

"Right, well" He placed his hand on Makoto's shoulder, "Lets head to the academy. We wouldn't want you to miss to much, or be late. Baki-Sensei would kill us both, not to mention Gaara would probably help." With that said, the two Sabaku brothers walked towards the Academy.

Leaving Temari and Shikamaru behind. The lazy Nara looked at the violent Sabaku female, a smile on his face, "So you do have a soft side." he commented, soon regretting it when he felt Temari's fan make contact with the top of his head, "And there's the troublesome violent woman I know taking over again." he sighed, rubbing the top of his head, "What a drag"

Temari smirked, putting her fan back behind her, "Come on Crybaby, we've got things to take care of." she started as she began walking past the male.

Shikamaru shrugged again, then walked beside Temari, only to notice her face pale, he raised an eyebrow, "They're gonna figure it out Temari, why not just get it over with and tell them." He said, shoving his hands deep down in his pockets.

The sand Kunoichi rolled her eyes, "I'm feeling just fine. How nice of you to ask." She then took a deep breath, trying to get rid of her nausea for the moment, "I happen to like seeing you alive, which is why I haven't said anything. Plus, they've got too much going on with Makoto hearing peoples thoughts. Right now, telling my brothers is the last thing on my list at the moment."

Shikamaru sighed, as he looked up at the cloudless sky, "What a drag"

-End of Prologue. I'm SOO sorry that there is no Gaara in this chapter. This is just to kinda get those who haven't read "Sand Parents" to get an idea of what happened. If you haven't read "Sand Parents" I'd suggest it, just so you can kinda understand who Makoto is. Anyways, I'll try to update as soon as I can…which, I'm not sure when that'll be. Cause I still gotta figure out what I want to happen. So please be patient with me. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Anyways, please Review!-